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Condo Delivery Policy Angers Pizza Deliveryman


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what is your condo/apartment delivery guy policy? I'm talking about the places that need a key card to come up to the room or use the elevator. Mine doesn't allow food deliveries to come up to the room as they have no key card and the security doesn't take them up to the room. The condo residents have to come down to get the food.

I like the pizza from a certain place but the delivery guy who is a foreigner and i think the owner got very upset at the staff of my condo because they wouldn't let him up and apparently just sat there while he waited for me. I worsened the situation as i missed his first two calls as my phone was on vibrate. they were 2 min apart. I called him back immediately after the second missed call, he didn't answer but i went down the elevator anyway as I knew the calls were from the pizza place. he had left but came back with the pizza. I apologized for missing the calls and listened to him while he complained about the security, pointing at them a bit rudely as they watched him talk to me. he said that he wouldn't deliver to my condo anymore because the staff were too much to deal with and left in a huff. i suspect he was having a bad day (understandable) worsened by me not answering the phone and the security refusing to take him upstairs, but the fact is this is the condos policy and all the residents have to come down to get their food.

The delivery guy had complained the previous time he delivered about the staff not taking him up the elevator, and now with this incident (and apparent blacklisting lol) im starting to wonder, don't most condos/apts have this policy? or is it just mine?

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I've lived, long-term in two Bkk condos, they had close to opposing rules on this point:

Building 1. Strictly nobody goes part the lobby other than owners (or tenants) and any quests. Owner (or tenant) must come downstairs to greet any visitors then take them to their unit and must accompany guests back to the lobby area. Delivery people (e.g. Pizza man etc.) not allowed to go upstairs, owner / teant must come down to the lobby. Workmen accompanied at all times by a member of staff from the office. Door to the lift area has keycard access and door is monitored by staff 24 hours. Any transgressions discussed seriously at monthly owners meeting and any owner who has 'broken' the rules gets a strong letter about lack of respect for the security of everybody in the building. All of the above strongly supported by almost every owner.

Building 2. Close to zero rules, door to lift area has magnetic lock and keycard access but owners / tenants continuously request guards to leave the door open. Delivery men / workmen do as they please. This situation at the request of majority of owners. And in this building, over perhaps 3 years, there were at least 6 or 7 break ins which were never resolved.

Edited by scorecard
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Delivery driver is a profession strictly prohibited for foreigners in Thailand. NO exceptions!!!

I'm sure a Thai driver would not have caused a fuss.

Tell him if he doesn't deliver to your condo you will turn him in......wait.....then you may not want to touch the foodrolleyes.gif

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Ask condo management to upgrade their security system. Back when I lived in a condo in Vancouver, someone could buzz your room from outside, and you press #9 on the phone. That's let them inside, plus allows the elevator to goto your floor# for a few mins. If they're too late getting to the elevator, they won't be able to get to your floor, and will have to go back outside and buzz you again.

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In my condos they have a "middle" policy, where the driver are welcomed in the lobby and have room to sit and wait "confortably" and I am rung in my room to go down.

I think it is a good way to do it as it stays secure but the delivery guy is well treated too :)

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My condo was a bit lax in this. Then, last month, a girl was stabbed to death and then raped (yes, in that order) in her room. The fact that the murderer owned the condo across the hall from her doesn't seem to register as now, no one other than owners and escorted guests get past the door.

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So the delivery guy is also the restaurant owner (hm...)?

sounds like someone dedicated to making their business work by doing what has to be done.

although getting lairy over a buildings security policy is a bit much

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There is a desk and nice lobby but never a security guy sitting at the desk, so the delivery guy just calls me and I go down pay him and take my food upstairs. It was kind of your fault for leaving your phone on vibrate when you are expecting a delivery, I hope you gave him a nice tip.

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In my condos they have a "middle" policy, where the driver are welcomed in the lobby and have room to sit and wait "confortably" and I am rung in my room to go down.

I think it is a good way to do it as it stays secure but the delivery guy is well treated too smile.png

Oooo a wealthy man in a fancy condo tongue.png

Smartass snideness aside, that's a good policy

In my building we have security, but the delivery guys are allowed up, no hassles. I think they just tell them they are coming to see me, and get waived by. I think I am one of the few that orders out anyway and am sort of embarrassed by some of the deliveries too. I have one friend that orders KFC so that it arrives before he gets here. I think he does that so I have to pay. I have friends that will be over and want cigarettes or beer and they order out for it. And I'm going, whoa, the quickie mart is just at the end of the soi. Get your scrawny ass down there. No, no, they reply, this is what we do , don't be cheap. And it's true they do that because I've been over to their place when they are wrapped up in some PS game and they'll order out for anything and everything, even dog food. I think you can get anything delivered in Patong, even a hooker. tongue.png

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In my condo no hot food is allowed in the elevator. The delivery boys are always reluctant to my order for the 29th floor.

That is one of the craziest policies I've ever heard of. What a horrible place to live

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