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Why Was Your Lady Attracted To You ?


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She wasnt attracted to me at first ,but eventually she started to when i made her laugh and offered her a job in our office ,the job didnt last long as she came for a holiday in the UK and we just sort of fell in love .

No she isnt a hi so half chinese ,but she is funny and careing and we still fool around like a pair of kids 18 years later.

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Pheromone spray wink.png

Not being personal but don't they spray that on red tartan chair covers ?

Pheromone spray wink.png

Not being personal but don't they spray that on red tartan chair covers ?

So how did you win over your cushion?

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My main squeeze says it was the fact that she never saw me charging around the club/bar desperately looking for tail like so many guys do.

The cream always rises to the top, boys biggrin.png

Like the cream you get on the top of ponds?

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She was impressed with the baldge in my pants. The back where my valet was

sent from-would like to know

Do you often get a baldge in your pants when your valet's on your back? shock1.gif

A badge in the pants seems extreme. Surely a ferret in the trousers would suffice

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Awrite, here wi go, see 10 bevvies an the truth comes oot.

Ah wis sttin is this bar, honest, way ma kilt oan so ah wis, an this burd comes up an sais, haw yoo, dis yoos wear onythin unner that.

Naw ah says, honest.

Away she sais. yoor bevvied.

Ah sais , if yeez waant tae no pit yer haun up an see, she dis an awe

At's gruesome she sais, honest.

Ah sais, wait fur it, wait fur it.

Pit yur haun up again, it's gruesom mair. Git it dae ye.

Oh awrite, awrite back tae the bevvie, see yoos!

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She was impressed with the baldge in my pants. The back where my valet was

sent from-would like to know

Do you often get a baldge in your pants when your valet's on your back? shock1.gif

A badge in the pants seems extreme. Surely a ferret in the trousers would suffice

Or some meat and two veg!
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Awrite, here wi go, see 10 bevvies an the truth comes oot.

Ah wis sttin is this bar, honest, way ma kilt oan so ah wis, an this burd comes up an sais, haw yoo, dis yoos wear onythin unner that.

Naw ah says, honest.

Away she sais. yoor bevvied.

Ah sais , if yeez waant tae no pit yer haun up an see, she dis an awe

At's gruesome she sais, honest.

Ah sais, wait fur it, wait fur it.

Pit yur haun up again, it's gruesom mair. Git it dae ye.

Oh awrite, awrite back tae the bevvie, see yoos!

Was ye once gainfully employed as a "Viz" proof reader?

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Awrite, here wi go, see 10 bevvies an the truth comes oot.

Ah wis sttin is this bar, honest, way ma kilt oan so ah wis, an this burd comes up an sais, haw yoo, dis yoos wear onythin unner that.

Naw ah says, honest.

Away she sais. yoor bevvied.

Ah sais , if yeez waant tae no pit yer haun up an see, she dis an awe

At's gruesome she sais, honest.

Ah sais, wait fur it, wait fur it.

Pit yur haun up again, it's gruesom mair. Git it dae ye.

Oh awrite, awrite back tae the bevvie, see yoos!

Was ye once gainfully employed as a "Viz" proof reader?

Goodness , I've never met the Fat Slags,

Nities chaps, going to partake of a "Rind of Taste" then beddie byes

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You have to chuckle at ThaVisa members, they have cornered the market in MBA girls, how do they do it, seems like young Thai women are attracted to old men.


I met my wife of 18 years in a bar in Phuket - both got drunk on Tequila shots and had a good laugh. After a while I asked her to visit my country - I knew she had a few other offers at the time. She said yes, so I asked her why, said you don't BS as much as other farang, but their again I was a professional sales guysmile.png

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