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Thai Drivers Driving Slowly & Lane Hogging On The Right Side (Outskirt Highway)

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Have any of you guys encountered this? This really pissed me off to the core. Imagine you have to embark on a long distance road trip. You have to keep over taking on the left all the way from say Changlun to Bangkok. Some of these drivers drive at a constant low speed of 40km-50km/h !!!

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It's Sunday so there's even more drunk drunker drivers on the road than normal.

Had one last night nearly take the front wing of the car off on a virtually empty Bang Na- Tradt. Pulling across us for no reason from outside to middle lane then across to the inside ,then across the hard shoulder and almost hitting the wall before swerving all across the road to the other side and nearly hitting the wall in the middle, before he had to slam his brakes on to avoid hitting the car in the outside lane from behind. There was no other cars on the road in sight so he had 2 empty lanes to use, but still nearly hit both of us.


Its normal, sometimes just for laugh I will follow them for miles flashing my lights, then after about 15 minutes undertake, boy they sure didnt lose face by moving over...............is the look I get when I pass them.

Also remember many times they want to u turn and as no one will let you pull out here they often stay in that land for ages but for sure some just think they own the road and wont move, those are the 15 minuters


I hope there will be a new law that that states = Slow drivers who cruise merrily at the right lane without giving way, will be shot to death on sight.

Ok i am just joking a little. LOL...


I hope there will be a new law that that states = Slow drivers who cruise merrily at the right lane without giving way, will be shot to death on sight.

Ok i am just joking a little. LOL...

A lot of the time its done because of the perceived potholes in the inner lane. Its a pain in the ass indeed. Thing is to stay far enough back and falsh full beam constantly until they get the message and as you're passing point impatiently to the inner lane to they get the message !!

Of course sooner or later you'll get a nutter with a shooter in the glove department that doesn't like losing face..........

Same with these morons who wont switch on their lights because they believe it wears the car out.......

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I hope there will be a new law that that states = Slow drivers who cruise merrily at the right lane without giving way, will be shot to death on sight.

Ok i am just joking a little. LOL...

A lot of the time its done because of the perceived potholes in the inner lane. Its a pain in the ass indeed. Thing is to stay far enough back and falsh full beam constantly until they get the message and as you're passing point impatiently to the inner lane to they get the message !!

Of course sooner or later you'll get a nutter with a shooter in the glove department that doesn't like losing face..........

Same with these morons who wont switch on their lights because they believe it wears the car out.......

Hahahaha. lol i agree .

Thing is to stay far enough back and falsh full beam constantly until they get the message

Chivas, do you think they're using their rear view mirrors?

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most of the time i just undertake them, though it does drive me nuts. If I am in a bad mood I will undertake them, then drive in front of them 20KMH SLOWER than they are driving. I appreciate thats the behaviour of a nutter though and have only done so a few times....


I asked my Thai friends about this and they were unaware that the right line is the"speed" lane and slower cars are suppose to be in the left.

What they did told me is they were so proud that Thais are excellent drivers. They boasted that Americans had lead feet and were bad drivers. I were told Thais really know how to drive compared to others.

What a laugh.


Thai roads, 3 lane do not have inners middle and outer, (commonly known as; slow, middle and fast)

Ooooooo no, in Thailand there is Lo-So…….Mid-So…..And Hi-So. Here it’s all in the mind, not what they are driving!


I used to run into these pickups pack twice as high as wide with pineapples, they refuse to move over and always stay in the right lane. If you make it know you want to pass they will turn on right signal but never turn or u-turn.


These guys are almost as bad as those idiots that come up from behind speeding when your in the right lane behind a few other cars. Then they start flashing their lights wanting you to move. To the hell with them as i move the car in front of me will block them. (sides usually also blocked then else im not on the right lane)


I used to run into these pickups pack twice as high as wide with pineapples, they refuse to move over and always stay in the right lane. If you make it know you want to pass they will turn on right signal but never turn or u-turn.

Those pick-ups can't alter course or they would topple over.sad.png


I asked my Thai friends about this and they were unaware that the right line is the"speed" lane and slower cars are suppose to be in the left. What they did told me is they were so proud that Thais are excellent drivers. They boasted that Americans had lead feet and were bad drivers. I were told Thais really know how to drive compared to others.

What a laugh.

In Thailand it is legal to overtake on the inside lane on dual carriageways, that's why.

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I've come to the conclusion that solid yellow lines, pedestrian crossings etc. are just there for decoration.

Although I have been stuck behind some decent truck drivers that put their left indicator on to let me know it's safe to overtake them.

My way of letting them know that I appreciate their selfless act is when I get in front is to flash my hazard lights twice.........

...........probably confuses the f*@#k out of them. biggrin.png


I've come to the conclusion that solid yellow lines, pedestrian crossings etc. are just there for decoration.

Although I have been stuck behind some decent truck drivers that put their left indicator on to let me know it's safe to overtake them.

My way of letting them know that I appreciate their selfless act is when I get in front is to flash my hazard lights twice.........

...........probably confuses the f*@#k out of them. biggrin.png

I wouldn't put too much faith in that left indicator. I've seen it as they approach a blind corner, or the brow of a hill.


My way of letting them know that I appreciate their selfless act is when I get in front is to flash my hazard lights twice.........

...........probably confuses the f*@#k out of them. biggrin.png

Why not use the Inernational way then!

When they let you go, thank you is

Turn the left one on and then the right one on. That always works for me to say wai.gif

Win coffee1.gif


Thai Police flagged my wife down for driving slow in the fast lane, it was outside the city so it only cost 100 baht if I remember correctly.

So it is possible to get ticketed for that.

She'll be calling all the drivers zipping by her idiots. I'd like to mention that Hey! if you didn't drive slow in the fast line maybe there wouldn't be so many idiots on the road. But I just keep quiet, don't want to get her mad you know. I'd rather get the finger from a passing farang then get the dragon lady pissed.


In my many year of experience the left lane is always un-repaired, potholed, bumpy, and typical of the great ability of the road commission to build roads that sink below ground level in the left lane or be bent by heavy trucks. This of course is on purpose as it gives the BB the platform to make money by those who do not like driving on extensive road damage.


Not a exclusively Thai driving trait, I see this type of driving behavior in the US where I live a large part of the time. and a lot less in Europe where drivers seem to take their driving a lot more seriously.

I was visiting in Greece a few months ago and while we were driving to the country side I was surprised when we would approach a slower vehicle on a two lane road, we would flash our lights and both sides of the highway would pull over to the shoulder a little bit, providing space in the middle of the road for as to pass.

Yesterday I drove from NY to Florida, a 16 hr drive on I 95 sad.png , and at places like South Carolina where the high way is only two lanes, there would always be some idiot driving slowly on the passing lane, traffic backed up for miles behind him, totally oblivious to the flashing lights behind him.

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I've come to the conclusion that solid yellow lines, pedestrian crossings etc. are just there for decoration.

Although I have been stuck behind some decent truck drivers that put their left indicator on to let me know it's safe to overtake them.

My way of letting them know that I appreciate their selfless act is when I get in front is to flash my hazard lights twice.........

...........probably confuses the f*@#k out of them. biggrin.png

LOL. I suddenly bursted out laughing loud ! My missus thought i was mad. Lol..


get over it guys and live with it

Yes but you make the point "live with it" but thats very much what I and other "normal sane" drivers would be happy to do......Live !!

These people are so seriously dangerous but are totally oblivious in their little world of Buddha when die today because of crazy driving and reborn tomorrow makes them a very dangerous Beast......

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