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If My Partner Has Died How Do I Sell Her Car?


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its next of kins pick-up now

(not yours -even if you paid for it )

i cant understand the logic of guys putting everything in their wife or gf name

and then going through a world of shit when it comes time to sell it thinking they still

own it because they paid for it

all my vehicles and assets are in my name ,its realy not that difficult guys ,in fact ,its

the exact same paperwork a thai fills in + proof of address to register any vehicle to

a farang

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its next of kins pick-up now

(not yours -even if you paid for it )

i cant understand the logic of guys putting everything in their wife or gf name

and then going through a world of shit when it comes time to sell it thinking they still

own it because they paid for it

all my vehicles and assets are in my name ,its realy not that difficult guys ,in fact ,its

the exact same paperwork a thai fills in + proof of address to register any vehicle to

a farang

Have some compassion, the man's partner has passed away, and all you can say is how you are so much smarter than him???

Tonybuak, I am sorry for your loss, My deepest condolences.

unfortunately in the absence of a will, the vehicle will go the next of kin.

From the use of the word Partner " I will assume that you were not legally married and that the vehicle was not

part of community property.

IMO now it all depends on your relationship with the next of kin, if your relationship is good, maybe they will do the right thing and transfer title to you. The next of kin need to be there since you do not own the title.

Beast of Luck to you

if hes not a troll ,and most people in "general" are thesedays ..........i do feel sorry for him

and im not smarter than anyone ,its just a question of filling in the form myself rather than

leting a thai person fill it in on my behalf

its just when you hear the same story a million times what are you supposed to say ?

i sold recently my car to an american ,fresh off the boat

he hadnt got his paperwork in order yet so i told him its ok,we can wait until the work permit arrives

anyway ,she suggested it'd be faster to put it in her name (new thai gf )........and he agreed

every piece of advice is ignored ,until it goes wrong an they hit the forums

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its next of kins pick-up now

(not yours -even if you paid for it )

i cant understand the logic of guys putting everything in their wife or gf name

and then going through a world of shit when it comes time to sell it thinking they still

own it because they paid for it

all my vehicles and assets are in my name ,its realy not that difficult guys ,in fact ,its

the exact same paperwork a thai fills in + proof of address to register any vehicle to

a farang

Have some compassion, the man's partner has passed away, and all you can say is how you are so much smarter than him???

Tonybuak, I am sorry for your loss, My deepest condolences.

unfortunately in the absence of a will, the vehicle will go the next of kin.

From the use of the word Partner " I will assume that you were not legally married and that the vehicle was not

part of community property.

IMO now it all depends on your relationship with the next of kin, if your relationship is good, maybe they will do the right thing and transfer title to you. The next of kin need to be there since you do not own the title.

Beast of Luck to you

Yeap all correct

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its next of kins pick-up now

(not yours -even if you paid for it )

i cant understand the logic of guys putting everything in their wife or gf name

and then going through a world of shit when it comes time to sell it thinking they still

own it because they paid for it

all my vehicles and assets are in my name ,its realy not that difficult guys ,in fact ,its

the exact same paperwork a thai fills in + proof of address to register any vehicle to

a farang

I agree. A house or land I can understand but why would you need to put a car in her name?

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So let's say the op is legally married. What is the procedure then?

So let's say the op is legally married. What is the procedure then?

Relatives of a deceased person have statutory rights to receive their assets pursuant to the Thai process even in the absence of a will.

In the case of two individuals legally married all property acquired while married is community property and shall go to the remaining spouse and or children. The first step in the process would be to get a probate lawyer.

Heirs are classified by class, Husband or wife being class 7, remaining heirs class 1-6

only if heirs class 1-6 do not exist will a class 7 heir receive 100% of the estate, otherwise the estate is distributed proportionally.

http://www.isaanlawy...te Planning.pdf

Edited by sirineou
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So let's say the op is legally married. What is the procedure then?

Does Thailand not have a 'common law' situation also when partners have lived together for a length of time?

Nope...even the esteemed pm is not legally married

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its next of kins pick-up now

(not yours -even if you paid for it )

i cant understand the logic of guys putting everything in their wife or gf name

and then going through a world of shit when it comes time to sell it thinking they still

own it because they paid for it

all my vehicles and assets are in my name ,its realy not that difficult guys ,in fact ,its

the exact same paperwork a thai fills in + proof of address to register any vehicle to

a farang

Have some compassion, the man's partner has passed away, and all you can say is how you are so much smarter than him???

Tonybuak, I am sorry for your loss, My deepest condolences.

unfortunately in the absence of a will, the vehicle will go the next of kin.

From the use of the word Partner " I will assume that you were not legally married and that the vehicle was not

part of community property.

IMO now it all depends on your relationship with the next of kin, if your relationship is good, maybe they will do the right thing and transfer title to you. The next of kin need to be there since you do not own the title.

Beast of Luck to you

He didin't ask for your condolences and when his wife died the only thing he can think about is selling the car, so I guess it is ok to tell him that it was not smart to put the car in anybody's else name !

Edited by vtjforyou
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So let's say the op is legally married. What is the procedure then?

Does Thailand not have a 'common law' situation also when partners have lived together for a length of time?

Nope...even the esteemed pm is not legally married

Well i did not ask if she was married as I already know, and I fail to see what relevance that has to my question, but well done you for winning the most innocuous use of the PM in a post.

Anyone have a sensible and on topic answer to the question to help this guy or am I to assume the 'nope' is genuine and just followed by a few words of tripe?

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So let's say the op is legally married. What is the procedure then?

Does Thailand not have a 'common law' situation also when partners have lived together for a length of time?

Nope...even the esteemed pm is not legally married

Well i did not ask if she was married as I already know, and I fail to see what relevance that has to my question, but well done you for winning the most innocuous use of the PM in a post.

Anyone have a sensible and on topic answer to the question to help this guy or am I to assume the 'nope' is genuine and just followed by a few words of tripe?

and which other way would you like it answered ?....is a common law relationship legally recognised in Thailand ?...No.. it isnt.... I could I use the legal latin terms if you wish ?....but would suspect you would need a dictonary.

The UK recognises a commom law relationship and gives parnters certain rights under the law, but Thailand does not

good enough for you now ?

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Anyone have a sensible and on topic answer to the question to help this guy or am I to assume the 'nope' is genuine and just followed by a few words of tripe?

Ok, to the OP , sorry for your loss, assuming you were not married (legally at Amphur) then unless she made a will leaving the car to you it belongs to her estate and items will be shared as per Thai law , and that does not include you.

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its next of kins pick-up now

(not yours -even if you paid for it )

i cant understand the logic of guys putting everything in their wife or gf name

and then going through a world of shit when it comes time to sell it thinking they still

own it because they paid for it

all my vehicles and assets are in my name ,its realy not that difficult guys ,in fact ,its

the exact same paperwork a thai fills in + proof of address to register any vehicle to

a farang

Have some compassion, the man's partner has passed away, and all you can say is how you are so much smarter than him???

Tonybuak, I am sorry for your loss, My deepest condolences.

unfortunately in the absence of a will, the vehicle will go the next of kin.

From the use of the word Partner " I will assume that you were not legally married and that the vehicle was not

part of community property.

IMO now it all depends on your relationship with the next of kin, if your relationship is good, maybe they will do the right thing and transfer title to you. The next of kin need to be there since you do not own the title.

Beast of Luck to you

He didin't ask for your condolences and when his wife died the only thing he can think about is selling the car, so I guess it is ok to tell him that it was not smart to put the car in anybody's else name !

How do you know what, he thought about, all you know is the question he placed in his OP.

No one ask for condolences,

I am at loss of words, what can I say? I am serious, I am at a loss...

How about good manners and social grace

Edited by sirineou
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its next of kins pick-up now

(not yours -even if you paid for it )

i cant understand the logic of guys putting everything in their wife or gf name

and then going through a world of shit when it comes time to sell it thinking they still

own it because they paid for it

all my vehicles and assets are in my name ,its realy not that difficult guys ,in fact ,its

the exact same paperwork a thai fills in + proof of address to register any vehicle to

a farang

Have some compassion, the man's partner has passed away, and all you can say is how you are so much smarter than him???

Tonybuak, I am sorry for your loss, My deepest condolences.

unfortunately in the absence of a will, the vehicle will go the next of kin.

From the use of the word Partner " I will assume that you were not legally married and that the vehicle was not

part of community property.

IMO now it all depends on your relationship with the next of kin, if your relationship is good, maybe they will do the right thing and transfer title to you. The next of kin need to be there since you do not own the title.

Beast of Luck to you

He didin't ask for your condolences and when his wife died the only thing he can think about is selling the car, so I guess it is ok to tell him that it was not smart to put the car in anybody's else name !

How do you know what, he thought about, all you know is the question he placed in his OP.

No one ask for condolences,

I am at loss of words, what can I say? I am serious, I am at a loss...

How about good manners and social grace

Social grace,good manners?

half the ex pats i have come across in 23 years of living and having a buisness here and that post here have the social graces and manners of an orang utang.

And as for putting things in your wife"s name ,many of us are married to decent women ,have fammilys and have no worries whatsoever of having things in their names.

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Anyone have a sensible and on topic answer to the question to help this guy or am I to assume the 'nope' is genuine and just followed by a few words of tripe?

Ok, to the OP , sorry for your loss, assuming you were not married (legally at Amphur) then unless she made a will leaving the car to you it belongs to her estate and items will be shared as per Thai law , and that does not include you.

The OP also mentions talking to the dealer, is the car still being paid for ?

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half the ex pats i have come across in 23 years of living and having a buisness here and that post here have the social graces and manners of an orang utang.

Only half ?.....I have come some who have the manners and social graces of a dinner plate, very rude, full of self entitlement and behaving like old colonial's with their "natives"

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half the ex pats i have come across in 23 years of living and having a buisness here and that post here have the social graces and manners of an orang utang.

Only half ?.....I have come some who have the manners and social graces of a dinner plate, very rude, full of self entitlement and behaving like old colonial's with their "natives"

Sad state of affairs isn't it. There certainly seems to be a lot of expats here in Thailand with deeply embittered stances and views. I'm not sure if they are carrying baggage from their past's or are just plain old Victor Meldrew like miserable gits. Either way; they need to chill out and try enjoying life a lot more, because after all, a lot of them (us) don't have that many years left on the planet !

OP; I am sorry for your loss because you loved this Woman and it doesn't matter who's name the car was in. It's just a lump of metal with four rubber tyres and if you could afford to buy it then the cash has already been accounted for. Good luck; go with the flow and see how it works out.

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its next of kins pick-up now

(not yours -even if you paid for it )

i cant understand the logic of guys putting everything in their wife or gf name

and then going through a world of shit when it comes time to sell it thinking they still

own it because they paid for it

all my vehicles and assets are in my name ,its realy not that difficult guys ,in fact ,its

the exact same paperwork a thai fills in + proof of address to register any vehicle to

a farang

I agree. A house or land I can understand but why would you need to put a car in her name?

Here is a reason for you. It's a lot less of a hassle just registering the vehicles in her name. My (Thai) wife and I have been married for over 20 years and I'm not worried about our marrige falling apart or her selling either of the two cars or the house and land. But I think for someone who has not selected a stable partner/girlfriend then I would agree they should consider registering any vehicle in their own name.

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every vehicle I own is in my name it is so easy to do

1, Go to immigration to get a letter of address confirmation cost 500 bht

2, If buying used vehicle go with owner to transport office and do exchange Book in your name

3, Once completed hand over money as once book is transfered to you you know that there is no finance on it

4, If purchasing new vehicle outright then you still need the letter from immigration ( I have done this 4 times and never had a problem) I am on a retired /extension to stay visa.

My condolences sir but I think that unless the partners family are nice people it may well be that you have lost the vehicle of course you could continue to pay the insurance and have it tested just leave it in her name although I am not sure if that would be breaking the law but I do know of farangs where I live who have purchased bikes and have never had the details changed but they still manage to get them taxed and insured !!!!!

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its next of kins pick-up now

(not yours -even if you paid for it )

i cant understand the logic of guys putting everything in their wife or gf name

and then going through a world of shit when it comes time to sell it thinking they still

own it because they paid for it

all my vehicles and assets are in my name ,its realy not that difficult guys ,in fact ,its

the exact same paperwork a thai fills in + proof of address to register any vehicle to

a farang

I agree. A house or land I can understand but why would you need to put a car in her name?

Here is a reason for you. It's a lot less of a hassle just registering the vehicles in her name. My (Thai) wife and I have been married for over 20 years and I'm not worried about our marrige falling apart or her selling either of the two cars or the house and land. But I think for someone who has not selected a stable partner/girlfriend then I would agree they should consider registering any vehicle in their own name.

I think you are one of the very few who have had a good long term relationship in the 6/7 years of living here I have seen so many broken relationships how does one know who the perfect partner is I was married for over 20 years in the UK and then one day out of the blue I got a letter from a lawyer I was lucky enough to find a new person to share my life with a couple of years later and now in our 17th year of bliss we tied the knot some 3 years ago we are extemely happy but nothing in life is guaranteed !!!!

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I wonder if some people put their car in the name of their wife/girlfriend if they are substantially older than their partner and may have an expectation that they would be the first to pass away in normal events.

Maybe they are thinking ahead and trying to save their partner some problem in the future.

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As others have posted, its extremely easy to register vehicles in ones' own name.

If you are married and your spouse dies, you need to get a Court Inheritance Order (or something of the sort) to establish ownership of everything. Or at least that was my experience when my husband died.

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Who is the default next of kin in Thai law, if there is no will in place?

From memory - spouse 50%, siblings/parents etc. share the other 50%. But there were no children involved in my case, so I've no idea how this would affect things.

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As others have posted, its extremely easy to register vehicles in ones' own name.

If you are married and your spouse dies, you need to get a Court Inheritance Order (or something of the sort) to establish ownership of everything. Or at least that was my experience when my husband died.

True, but it`s gone passed that in the OPs case, so that advice is of no use to him.

I am very interested in the Court Inheritance Order to establish ownership of everything, which you mention, as I’ve never heard of this before.

Please could you tell us the procedure and how this is done? Maybe extremely helpful and useful for anyone after the death of a spouse.

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