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Phuket Tourist Killing: Two Men Get Life For Michelle Smith Murder


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Court jailed two Thai men for life for killing an Australian

The Nation


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PHUKET: -- Phuket Court on Wednesday sentenced two Thai men to life in jail for the killing of Michelle Smith, an Australian travel agent in June.

They initially faced death sentence but the verdicts were commuted to life in prison because they pleaded guilty.

Surasak Suwannachot, 26, wielded the knife that killed Smith, 60, a mother of three, and Surin Taptong, 37, drove the getaway motorcycle, Phuketwan online reported Wednesday.

The pair committed the killing on June 20. The online said the verdicts bring to a conclusion a murder case that made headlines all around the world, but especially in Australia. Concern among travel agents who support Phuket as a destination for 400,000 visitors a year led to alarm in Canberra and Bangkok.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra sent two of Thailand’s top policemen to Phuket to oversee the pursuit of the killing suspects, and to plan how best to make Phuket a more secure place - not just for Australians but for tourists from all over the world.


-- The Nation 2012-08-08

Why there at it why not fine the bloke on the right for wearing a fake billabong shirt.

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Yeeeehaaaa !!!!!

Finally some justice done! Much better than death - so now they can meditate about what they have done for another 50 to 60 years while getting a$$-raped on a daily basis in a stinking dorm cell without the privacy and comfort western so-called "prisons" provide, where the stay comes close to living in a 3-star hotel.

Not sure however if it will make Phuket a better place to live, since such lowlifes and potential future murderers seldomly read the news...

Hope it will help Michelle's family and friends to find closure. R.I.P. Michelle

I agree. Better to know they'll be in a shit hole for decades instead of getting a quick death.

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Finally some justice done! Much better than death - so now they can meditate about what they have done for another 50 to 60 years while getting a$$-raped on a daily basis in a stinking dorm cell without the privacy and comfort western so-called "prisons" provide, where the stay comes close to living in a 3-star hotel.

Another clown who thinks prisons are like five star hotels and rape is funny.

What other forms of sexual abuse have amused you today?

Perhaps you may have misinterpreted what he said. I think he was saying that Western Prisons are like a 3 star hotel, however Thai ones arent. As for being over a barrel........no comment!
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Larry Cunningham, Australia's honorary consul in Phuket, praised Thai police for quickly bringing the men to justice.

But he said many of the criminals targeting tens of thousands of Australian tourists are never brought to justice and some have official protection.

"The major problem has always been the application of the law in Phuket where assaults continue unabated virtually every night and there are little or no arrests of the guilty parties, mainly because they have patronage protection," Mr Cunningam told The Age.

Very telling comments, one thing that strikes me is how quick the wheels of justice can work here when its about tourism etc, save the tourist industry etc. yet at other times things juts drag on and on until they just go away quietly.

surely it's because they admitted to the crime?

If they had to prepare the case space for trial I'm sure it would have taken many months but all they had to do in this instance was sentence them.

Edited by Asiantravel
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What does a life sentence mean in Thailand? From what I recall, in some countries, it seems that a life sentence can be done in as little as 7 years.

And what does it mean in Thailand?

If they got eternal life, they will not get parole. Just life they may, but I'm told the guy making the decision takes a dim view on murder,

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Were they let out on bail for a few years to appeal their sentences like the five policemen, including a colonel and a lieutenant colonel convicted and (3 of them sentenced to death) of murdering the 17 year Thai boy in Kalasin in 2004 or is there a double standard?

Oh, sorry, I forgot that the policemen deserved special treatment due to their "exemplary police records" and their need to intimidate witnesses. None of this applies in the case of these two extremely low status Thais and with the tourist dollars at stake.

Did this special treatment not also occur for Somchai Khunplome, AKA "Kamnan Poh", from Chonburi Province? Convicted of murder and sentenced to 25 years in prison in June 2004. Pending appeal, he was set free on a ten million baht bail. The Appeals Court confirmed the verdict in 2005 but "Kamnan Poh" has not been seen since and nobody seems to have the slightest idea where he now resides.

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It's so weird, but a few days ago a Swede killed his Thai girlfriend's Facebook friend simply because she had wanted to meet him. People responded that it was essentially the Thai girl's fault. Stupid things like, "you can take the girl out of Thailand, but you can't take Thailand out of the girl." But if a Western person is murdered, it's like the culprits are slime of the earth. These responses are legitimate, to hate those who murder, but to have such obvious racist responses to who gets killed and who gets blamed is just part of this very bigoted Thailand experience. Not to diminish what has happened to Michele Smith.

Going off topic 'diminishes what has happened to Michele Smith'...

No, actually he is very much on topic, and drawing a parallel to another related story. Sorry his true words make you uncomfortable.
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The Thaivisa Way:

  • Initial news story about something awful that's happened in Thailand (usually Phuket);

  • Weary and slightly flippant response from someone who's seen it all before;

  • Try-hard armchair authoritarian suggests preposterously harsh and sweeping measures to combat the problem;

  • Angry post misunderstanding the first response;

  • Attempt to clarify, a further misunderstanding;

  • Passive-agressive post blaming everyone and no-one;

  • Long chain of flames;

  • Descent into weary apathy.

Never change, TV smile.png

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  • Thread locked


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Rot in hell scumbags. RIP Michelle Smith

I agree, and the poor lady Ms Smith should be given some respect instead of referring to her by her second name.


Did you not read the opening piece of this topic?
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I understand the sentence for the guy who knifed her, but don't understand it for the guy who drove the motorcycle. But, I guess it is better than most "justice" we see - or don't see in Thailand.

look up accomplace!

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BREAKING NEWS: Michelle Smith killers get life in prison

Phuket Gazette


Surasak Suwannachote (left) and Surin Tadthong: sentenced to life in prison for the brutal murder of Australian tourist Michelle Smith in Phuket on June 20. Photo: Gazette file

PHUKET: The two men charged with killing 60-year-old Australian tourist Michelle Smith in a bungled bag snatch in Phuket on June 20 have been sentenced to life in prison.

The sentences were handed down at Phuket Provincial Court this afternoon. The judge presiding over the three-day trial commuted death sentences to lifetime imprisonment after both men pleaded guilty.

Surasak Suwannachote had confessed to stabbing Mrs Smith during a gang robbery, hence causing her death.

Surin Tadthong had confessed to operating the motorbike used in the attack and to disposing of the knife used to stab Mrs Smith.

The Phuket Gazette will release more details as they become available.

Source: http://www.phuketgaz...ticle16614.html


-- Phuket Gazette 2012-08-08

No bail for them? That must just be for cops.

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What does a life sentence mean in Thailand? From what I recall, in some countries, it seems that a life sentence can be done in as little as 7 years.

And what does it mean in Thailand?

If they got eternal life, they will not get parole. Just life they may, but I'm told the guy making the decision takes a dim view on murder,

"they will not get parole" -- Although it's illegal to gamble in Thailand I wouldn't bet me little cotton sox on it. These two will be pardoned within a relatively short time or even less if the tea money flow in the right direction.
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What does a life sentence mean in Thailand? From what I recall, in some countries, it seems that a life sentence can be done in as little as 7 years.

.....This is not Canada, I believe 'life' in a Thai-prison may just be that.

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I understand the sentence for the guy who knifed her, but don't understand it for the guy who drove the motorcycle. But, I guess it is better than most "justice" we see - or don't see in Thailand.

Perhaps, the sentece is not for murder so much as for causing LOFS to lose face.

Exactly. The Thai system does not care one bit about a farang losing her life. They do, however, care about their face - and more importantly, about those tourist dollars.

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Is this really a fair sentence? Why is the driver of the bike sentenced to life ? He did'nt kill anyone.

Something is not right here , even in Thailand .

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It should have been the death sentence these guys will be out before long whilst the children of this poor woman have to suffer this terrible loss for the rest of their lives since the abolishment of death in the Western world crime has got out of hand. The americans are spot on Life means life you die in prison and death means death by whatever means that state has.

Too bad that isn't true, USA releases criminals early to make room for more scum, death row inmates wait 25 or more years of appeals, the bleeding hearts club lets the criminals have more rights then the victims, besides the criminal illegal aliens they will legitimatize,good behavior shaves 3-7 years of a 10 year sentence, and if you had a tough minority upbringing a jury will give you a slap on the wrist! Justice-America, oxymoron!
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Is this really a fair sentence? Why is the driver of the bike sentenced to life ? He did'nt kill anyone.

Something is not right here , even in Thailand .

The purpose of punishments is primarily as a deterrent against those with future criminal intent, guilt by association,affiliation, whatever, is a way of showing non-leniency, and a MASTER of deterrent, even an idiot will think about riding along when severe repercussion's are involved .Everyone is accountable for their actions and non actions. Whether you pull the trigger, or hide and help the criminal, you are guilty of perpetuating that crime,and that makes you a criminal too. For the driver was a crucial factor to enable the murder during the crime. Please don't shed too many tears for him..
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I am most impressed with the Judge, who proclaimed he would have given them Death if they didn't confess. The money and time saved for the people of Thailand by a short trial and non-circumvention by lawyers is beautiful. The time and money saved can be used to pursue and prosecute future crimes. And when the punishment is clear and consistent and severe, it will serve as a deterrent. In the old days, only the innocent claimed not-guilty, now it is standard practice for every accused to plead not-guilty. My old friend, a retired federal prison guard told me that only 2 guys in 50 years admitted their guilt, everyone else denied it to the end.

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