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French Tourist Dies Snorkeling In Phi Phi Speedboat Accident


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Another tourist die in Phuket?

No, not on Phuket.

Regarding the suggested roped of snorkeling areas: I'm afraid that won't work at these sites. The people go snorkeling of the boats, so that would mean the tourists would have to make their way from the roped of area from the boat and back. These roped of areas would work at the beaches where there is far less boat traffic, but at the Phi Phi beaches with many boats arriving and departing all day long and many sightseeers this will not work.

Find a way to make it work. A previous post confirms it does in Oz.

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Another tourist die in Phuket?

No, not on Phuket.

Regarding the suggested roped of snorkeling areas: I'm afraid that won't work at these sites. The people go snorkeling of the boats, so that would mean the tourists would have to make their way from the roped of area from the boat and back. These roped of areas would work at the beaches where there is far less boat traffic, but at the Phi Phi beaches with many boats arriving and departing all day long and many sightseeers this will not work.

Find a way to make it work. A previous post confirms it does in Oz.

So? Because it works there it must work at Phi Phi as well? As I said, but that would have you required to read, it does work here on Phuket, but won't work at Phi Phi, for reasons mentioned. So maybe you can find a different way.

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I went to Phuket and PhiPhi a few times.

The water is very claer an nice to snorkle.

But the last time I went there,

the speedboats had that speed,

we stayed on the beach.

Not safe at all, and that was 2 years ago.

The drivers made a competition, just some meters from de snorklers.

RIP frenchman

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been diving a lot in phuket area , speed boats driver have no respect for snorkelers or divers ....and of course one more time he fled the scene ... are they all like this ? a bunch of cowards ? RIP Mr french ..... nobody deserve to die like this .

Dont get me wrong here, I am appalled that this has happened and may he rest in peace.

I send my heartfelt condolences to his family and friends.

However the position of the driver of these speedboats may have something to do with these types of accidents.

From where he is sitting, he cant see what is directly in front of him.

At least 10-15 meter in front of the boat is a blind angle.

Theoretically he could have thought he was now well out of any danger zone and then sped up.

The roar of the 750 hp engines on the back would have drowned out any cries.

Should he have someone in the front of the boat watching the blind angle - yes by all means.

I dont know if its required by any law, but certainly the companies operating these speedboats should enforce having a lookout when maneuvering in shallow water.

Or maybe the design of these boat need to change slightly, to allow better overall vision for the driver.

"The roar of the 750 hp engines on the back would have drowned out any cries." - well, I suppose the sound of all that Thai Baht rolling in "drowns out the cries" from the thousands of families that have lost loved ones in Thailand. Yes, thousands. What about their cries???? :(

It's on a daily basis now that posters on the Phuket forum are offering condolences to the families of the many deaceased, not to mention the victims of bashings, stabbings, theft etc.

When you allow criminals to control the tourism industry, I suppose this is what you get.

You just can't have soooooooo many people dying here and keep putting it down to "bad luck" or a "coincidence."

Putting money before human life has got out of control here.

Just so sad to see the "influential people" run the place this way.

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The "infamous hit and run", is so common in Thailand. Why will the Thai men not take responsibility for their actions? Many Thai women tell me stories, after stories of how incredibly weak Thai men are. They sire children, then leave, without any willingness to pay any support to their children. They cause accidents, and then flee from the scene of the crime. They steal, and then when caught they no nothing of the crime. They kill, and then they flee the scene. The cause traffic accidents, due to their lack of driving skills, and flee the scene, instead of taking responsibility. Where is the sense of accountability in this nation? The women seem far more willing to take responsibility for their actions, and in general, seem to be far superior to their male counterparts, in terms of social responsibility, ethics, morality, etc. Am I wrong on this one, or am I seeing things clearly?

Easy to answer this one...it is a learned behavioural response.

A long while ago now, Macdonalds cottoned on the the fact that if you program a certain behavioural response into a child it usually sticks with them for life. Thus the birth of Ronald Macdonald, grimmace, the hamburglar and the Macdonalds kids birthday party. For many western adults now, when they pop in to a Macdonalds, whether they realise it or not, their decision may not just be based on hunger, but also some deeply programmed childhood memories of fun time spent with their family (and Ronald Mc and his mates) at the local golden arches.

Have a look how at how a thai boy is raised. He is doted over by his mother, and by any other matriarchs in the extended family unit. Never cooks, or does his own laundry, or ironing, or bed making... If he is from a hi so family he will go into the family business where the blame for any problem will automatically be delegated onto the Lao, Cambodian or Isaan workers...ZERO accountability and everything handed to him on platter....

The quintessential momma's boy.

Even if the boy is from a low so family, his parents will still (in relative financial terms) bestow the son of the family with all of the priviliges, and often send the daughter(s) of the family off to BKK or Pattaya to service the debt created by the demands of the son.

I know of one village in Isaan where the bulk of the family units (households) do not have any men. Seven women (Aunties) have all mortgaged the farm to put one boy though medical school to become a dentist. To service the debt four daughters have been sent down south to work in the bars.

The boy failed out in the third year of his study and then was given a second chance by the college, he started working as an intern in the local hospital. After a required period he qualified for a government loan of 400KTHB through an arrangement with the hospital. The agreement with the Aunties was that once the loan was approved he would use the money to pay out the mortgages for all of the families that had "put up the farm".

Here is what he did after the loan was approved. Moved out of the village and in with a girfriend (she appeared out of thin air, and much to the surprise of the Aunties, two days after the loan was approved), bought her a car and himself a pick up truck and a motorbike (all three vehicles on hire purchase). Then spent most of his days driving around shopping and eating out with the girlfriend...lost the intern job at the hospital...and then shortly thereafter failed out of med school (apparently it is two strikes and you're out when testing for your dental licence).

As a result of this young man's lack of accountability, the village daughters are now stuck in the bar jobs trying to make enough money to service the debt on their mother's farms.

Why do Thai men act the way they do: It is a learned behaviour response that is programmed into them from the day they are born.

What a ridiculous generalisation.

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Another tourist die in Phuket?

No, not on Phuket.

Regarding the suggested roped of snorkeling areas: I'm afraid that won't work at these sites. The people go snorkeling of the boats, so that would mean the tourists would have to make their way from the roped of area from the boat and back. These roped of areas would work at the beaches where there is far less boat traffic, but at the Phi Phi beaches with many boats arriving and departing all day long and many sightseeers this will not work.

Find a way to make it work. A previous post confirms it does in Oz.

So? Because it works there it must work at Phi Phi as well? As I said, but that would have you required to read, it does work here on Phuket, but won't work at Phi Phi, for reasons mentioned. So maybe you can find a different way.

Thanks, but I am quite capable at reading and have read your comment. So, a few thoughts. For the shore,designated areas for snorkellers marked with buoys linked with nets , ban snorkellers from the area, a channel for incoming and outgoing boats marked with buoys linked with nets, limit boat speeds, patrols on the beach with on the spot fines (maybe commission based) for both boats and snorkellers for non compliance, floating decks (red sea style) to drop snorkellers off- surrounded by linked buoys, licence all boats and drivers, etc etc. Any other suggestions welcome.

The alternative is to accept unnecessary deaths, shrug shoulders and say that Phi Phi is the only unmanageable location worldwide for snorkellers/divers.

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My girl and I did the exact snorkling trip down by Phi Phi. But what we did was went on a chartered boat along with other tourists, I would say it was safe because our guide took us to secluded areas and monitored who was in the water. Awesome time!

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been diving a lot in phuket area , speed boats driver have no respect for snorkelers or divers ....and of course one more time he fled the scene ... are they all like this ? a bunch of cowards ? RIP Mr french ..... nobody deserve to die like this .

Dont get me wrong here, I am appalled that this has happened and may he rest in peace.

I send my heartfelt condolences to his family and friends.

However the position of the driver of these speedboats may have something to do with these types of accidents.

From where he is sitting, he cant see what is directly in front of him.

At least 10-15 meter in front of the boat is a blind angle.

Theoretically he could have thought he was now well out of any danger zone and then sped up.

The roar of the 750 hp engines on the back would have drowned out any cries.

Should he have someone in the front of the boat watching the blind angle - yes by all means.

I dont know if its required by any law, but certainly the companies operating these speedboats should enforce having a lookout when maneuvering in shallow water.

Or maybe the design of these boat need to change slightly, to allow better overall vision for the driver.

SPEED LIMITS, SPEED LIMITS, WITHIN ANY SWIM OR DIVE AREA...When your not speeding, the bow of the boat is flat, making viability easy.

Stiff fines, for speeding in these areas, 5 knots is the usual law, to many hot-dog-ers, inexperienced, hungover, in a hurry going nowhere, I used to swim, snorkel or dive, everyday on Maui Hawaii, I don't at all here, due to lack of safety or care.

Another sad shame, due to a big lacking of enforced rules.

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been diving a lot in phuket area , speed boats driver have no respect for snorkelers or divers ....and of course one more time he fled the scene ... are they all like this ? a bunch of cowards ? RIP Mr french ..... nobody deserve to die like this .

+1 RIP

Surprise Surprise,boat left scene of accident.

Keep up the good work Phuket,u will run out of tourists at this rate.

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Having had my own sea going boat, it is impossible to see swimmers or snorkelers in front of you, especially when the sun is reflecting on the water. There should be buoyed areas/channels for boats to pass through and swimmers forbidden from those channels. Out at sea really is a different situation. sad.png

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The "infamous hit and run", is so common in Thailand. Why will the Thai men not take responsibility for their actions? Many Thai women tell me stories, after stories of how incredibly weak Thai men are. They sire children, then leave, without any willingness to pay any support to their children. They cause accidents, and then flee from the scene of the crime. They steal, and then when caught they no nothing of the crime. They kill, and then they flee the scene. The cause traffic accidents, due to their lack of driving skills, and flee the scene, instead of taking responsibility. Where is the sense of accountability in this nation? The women seem far more willing to take responsibility for their actions, and in general, seem to be far superior to their male counterparts, in terms of social responsibility, ethics, morality, etc. Am I wrong on this one, or am I seeing things clearly?

You're dead on. I work with a number of Thai Chinese families and I have worked for the family that owns Central and the family that owns True Corp. In nearly every case, the women of the family are the primary drivers of nearly everything. They are the glue that holds the family together. They often inherit great de facto responsibility within the companies their grandfathers built and they place their husbands in senior positions to keep everyone loaded with face. They work from morning to night to make sure that their staff have everything taken care of and that their husbands are happy, their children educated, and their finances in order. This is why, if you keep a casual eye on job advertisements on the web and in newspapers, you see conspicuously common job ads that say "Female Applicants Only". It's also why when you go to your embassy, the Thai staff are nearly exclusively female (the men are allowed to be security guards).

It was once explained to my wife when she went to interview for an assistant manager position at a popular restaurant that they only hire women because "Thai men can't take criticism". Scores of Thai men are literally worthless: they don't work, they can't cook, they don't clean, they don't do anything except gamble and drink. If you've ever worked in a Thai school, it's not difficult to understand why, at least in part. Thai boys are favored and coddled to an extent that it's almost sickening. By the time they are adults, they believe they are god's gift to this earth. Why should THEY have to work?

If you want a glimpse into the Thai mindset, just watch the Thai soap operas. They nearly always feature Thai male protagonists who are inexplicably wealthy (as they never have a job but they have the nicest houses), verbally and physically abusive, philandering nincompoops. And for whatever reason, they are always forgiven by their girlfriends/wives/mothers for every transgression.

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been diving a lot in phuket area , speed boats driver have no respect for snorkelers or divers ....and of course one more time he fled the scene ... are they all like this ? a bunch of cowards ? RIP Mr french ..... nobody deserve to die like this .

+1 RIP

Surprise Surprise,boat left scene of accident.

Keep up the good work Phuket,u will run out of tourists at this rate.

Where is the connection to Phuket?

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The "infamous hit and run", is so common in Thailand. Why will the Thai men not take responsibility for their actions? Many Thai women tell me stories, after stories of how incredibly weak Thai men are. They sire children, then leave, without any willingness to pay any support to their children. They cause accidents, and then flee from the scene of the crime. They steal, and then when caught they no nothing of the crime. They kill, and then they flee the scene. The cause traffic accidents, due to their lack of driving skills, and flee the scene, instead of taking responsibility. Where is the sense of accountability in this nation? The women seem far more willing to take responsibility for their actions, and in general, seem to be far superior to their male counterparts, in terms of social responsibility, ethics, morality, etc. Am I wrong on this one, or am I seeing things clearly?

You're dead on. I work with a number of Thai Chinese families and I have worked for the family that owns Central and the family that owns True Corp. In nearly every case, the women of the family are the primary drivers of nearly everything. They are the glue that holds the family together. They often inherit great de facto responsibility within the companies their grandfathers built and they place their husbands in senior positions to keep everyone loaded with face. They work from morning to night to make sure that their staff have everything taken care of and that their husbands are happy, their children educated, and their finances in order. This is why, if you keep a casual eye on job advertisements on the web and in newspapers, you see conspicuously common job ads that say "Female Applicants Only". It's also why when you go to your embassy, the Thai staff are nearly exclusively female (the men are allowed to be security guards).

It was once explained to my wife when she went to interview for an assistant manager position at a popular restaurant that they only hire women because "Thai men can't take criticism". Scores of Thai men are literally worthless: they don't work, they can't cook, they don't clean, they don't do anything except gamble and drink. If you've ever worked in a Thai school, it's not difficult to understand why, at least in part. Thai boys are favored and coddled to an extent that it's almost sickening. By the time they are adults, they believe they are god's gift to this earth. Why should THEY have to work?

If you want a glimpse into the Thai mindset, just watch the Thai soap operas. They nearly always feature Thai male protagonists who are inexplicably wealthy (as they never have a job but they have the nicest houses), verbally and physically abusive, philandering nincompoops. And for whatever reason, they are always forgiven by their girlfriends/wives/mothers for every transgression.

Thailand; a male dominated society run by women.

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The "infamous hit and run", is so common in Thailand. Why will the Thai men not take responsibility for their actions? Many Thai women tell me stories, after stories of how incredibly weak Thai men are. They sire children, then leave, without any willingness to pay any support to their children. They cause accidents, and then flee from the scene of the crime. They steal, and then when caught they no nothing of the crime. They kill, and then they flee the scene. The cause traffic accidents, due to their lack of driving skills, and flee the scene, instead of taking responsibility. Where is the sense of accountability in this nation? The women seem far more willing to take responsibility for their actions, and in general, seem to be far superior to their male counterparts, in terms of social responsibility, ethics, morality, etc. Am I wrong on this one, or am I seeing things clearly?

I was hit by a car two weeks ago, the driver also just F**KED off.

Its a common way for thais to deal with problems. As soon as there is any problem or emergency/difficulty they either run away or stick their heads in the sand. A bit of generalization i know, but unfortunately too common not to mention.

I have also been on the rough end of those jet ski buggers while breaking in Ko Samui. Utter shits, thats also a huge problem.

A big sorry to the french chaps family. I hope the guy finally got to paradise.

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The "infamous hit and run", is so common in Thailand. Why will the Thai men not take responsibility for their actions? Many Thai women tell me stories, after stories of how incredibly weak Thai men are. They sire children, then leave, without any willingness to pay any support to their children. They cause accidents, and then flee from the scene of the crime. They steal, and then when caught they no nothing of the crime. They kill, and then they flee the scene. The cause traffic accidents, due to their lack of driving skills, and flee the scene, instead of taking responsibility. Where is the sense of accountability in this nation? The women seem far more willing to take responsibility for their actions, and in general, seem to be far superior to their male counterparts, in terms of social responsibility, ethics, morality, etc. Am I wrong on this one, or am I seeing things clearly?

You see things very clearly.

The lack of responsibility in most men is deeply embedded in thai culture.

I read some 2 years ago a question in the Phuket Gazette, those questions raised in Issues and Answers. The question was about responsibility, particularly about children.

The answer was provided by a FEMALE THAI LAWYER, who answered that a proposed law in Bangkok would impose responsibilty to the fathers as well. Probably will never be enacted.

And the lawyer went on to say that as a reminder, "it is the responsibility of women to raise the children". Priceless.

And thai men know that very well, and expand this lack of responsibilty to just about all facets of their life.

Welcome to Thailand, as it is said....

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The "infamous hit and run", is so common in Thailand. Why will the Thai men not take responsibility for their actions? Many Thai women tell me stories, after stories of how incredibly weak Thai men are. They sire children, then leave, without any willingness to pay any support to their children. They cause accidents, and then flee from the scene of the crime. They steal, and then when caught they no nothing of the crime. They kill, and then they flee the scene. The cause traffic accidents, due to their lack of driving skills, and flee the scene, instead of taking responsibility. Where is the sense of accountability in this nation? The women seem far more willing to take responsibility for their actions, and in general, seem to be far superior to their male counterparts, in terms of social responsibility, ethics, morality, etc. Am I wrong on this one, or am I seeing things clearly?

Easy to answer this one...it is a learned behavioural response.

A long while ago now, Macdonalds cottoned on the the fact that if you program a certain behavioural response into a child it usually sticks with them for life. Thus the birth of Ronald Macdonald, grimmace, the hamburglar and the Macdonalds kids birthday party. For many western adults now, when they pop in to a Macdonalds, whether they realise it or not, their decision may not just be based on hunger, but also some deeply programmed childhood memories of fun time spent with their family (and Ronald Mc and his mates) at the local golden arches.

Have a look how at how a thai boy is raised. He is doted over by his mother, and by any other matriarchs in the extended family unit. Never cooks, or does his own laundry, or ironing, or bed making... If he is from a hi so family he will go into the family business where the blame for any problem will automatically be delegated onto the Lao, Cambodian or Isaan workers...ZERO accountability and everything handed to him on platter....

The quintessential momma's boy.

Even if the boy is from a low so family, his parents will still (in relative financial terms) bestow the son of the family with all of the priviliges, and often send the daughter(s) of the family off to BKK or Pattaya to service the debt created by the demands of the son.

I know of one village in Isaan where the bulk of the family units (households) do not have any men. Seven women (Aunties) have all mortgaged the farm to put one boy though medical school to become a dentist. To service the debt four daughters have been sent down south to work in the bars.

The boy failed out in the third year of his study and then was given a second chance by the college, he started working as an intern in the local hospital. After a required period he qualified for a government loan of 400KTHB through an arrangement with the hospital. The agreement with the Aunties was that once the loan was approved he would use the money to pay out the mortgages for all of the families that had "put up the farm".

Here is what he did after the loan was approved. Moved out of the village and in with a girfriend (she appeared out of thin air, and much to the surprise of the Aunties, two days after the loan was approved), bought her a car and himself a pick up truck and a motorbike (all three vehicles on hire purchase). Then spent most of his days driving around shopping and eating out with the girlfriend...lost the intern job at the hospital...and then shortly thereafter failed out of med school (apparently it is two strikes and you're out when testing for your dental licence).

As a result of this young man's lack of accountability, the village daughters are now stuck in the bar jobs trying to make enough money to service the debt on their mother's farms.

Why do Thai men act the way they do: It is a learned behaviour response that is programmed into them from the day they are born.

What a ridiculous generalisation.

Appears that you possess the naivety of a newcomer in Thailand.

It IS a general behaviour of thai men not to take responsibility.

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Whilst I agree with the general sentiment and comments on this sad topic especially regarding the mentality of Thais and their lack of forethought - Richard Smith 237 hit the nail on the head! Don't you find it quite amazing (Given that Asians in general are pretty smart) that it appears OK to have a good "Bitch" about Thais or Chinese, or Indians etc, (Asians in general) and no one bats an eyelid - but by God if I was to say the same thing about an African, or an African American (whatever that is - you are either African or you are american - I don't hear people from Scotland living in Wales saying they are Scottish Welshmen, or people from France living in London as French English) We would be classed as racists!!!

Seems to be some sort of double standards applied when the colour suits some people!

Sad about the French guy, and good that people here feel free to criticize a culture and the behaviour of that culture - it is a bloody NO NO in so many western countries, but if the cap fits..................

There never seems to be any teaching that actions have consequences here. For example, overtaking on a blind bend in a car or on a motorbike....they do it all the time, yet if you question them about it, they do NOT want to discuss it as they seem to think that talking about it will make the accident happen!

I have a friend who had a Thai guy come around and prune some rather large trees.

The Thai was high up in the branches, and my mate made a joke about hoping that he had a good insurance policy - next thing, the Thai is lying on the ground with his brains splattered everywhere - the locals got in the cavalry - the local monks, and my mate was almost made to feel he had brought about this blokes death by simply talking about it.

I think a lot of this is due to Thai history, a lot (especially the Northern Thais come from generations of slaves brought here from Northern India, Burma and China, they have spent hundreds of years being treat like shit by their "Masters" and given the education system here and the Thai heirachy structure, many of them will forever expect to just be subserviant. Education is the key, sadly all I see from Thai schools is a pecking order as to who has enough money to bribe for grades, who has a "good" family name to progress, Never question authority, don't rock the boat as if you do you may well die, along with your family.

I get the same here when I am going out cutting trees etc. on our land, I make a joke about hoping their are no snakes in the grass, and they frown at me as if I am willing myself bad luck!

Edited by kingbilly
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Our hindsight is 20/20. It is easily to apportion blame to the vessel captain, the design of the boat, the lack of a marker bouy and flag, etc.

The truth of the matter is that this is simply a tragic accident. It is one of those sad "if only" occasions. Hopefully some good will come of it, although I don't know what or how.

I'm reminded in Australia several years ago a diver perished when the group he was with simply returned without him.

My condolences to all who have been involved or touched by this terrible accident. R.I.P.

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I hate the speed boats around phi-phi. When I go snorkelling out there I am terrified - they don't seem to give a toss about anyone in the sea. I always carry lots of brightly coloured objects to show where I am, but still they don't look nor care. It's dangerous and I try to avoid going there as much as possible. I guess things won't change though, just check out how many speed boats are there every day in Maya Bay. It only takes one.

RIP, a sad story.

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I hate the speed boats around phi-phi. When I go snorkelling out there I am terrified - they don't seem to give a toss about anyone in the sea. I always carry lots of brightly coloured objects to show where I am, but still they don't look nor care. It's dangerous and I try to avoid going there as much as possible. I guess things won't change though, just check out how many speed boats are there every day in Maya Bay. It only takes one.

RIP, a sad story.

You must remember if the sun is reflecting on the water in their direction, they may not see you. sad.png
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Here in Florida we use what is called a "Diving Flag". It is probably unheard of in Thailand and never enforced but we enforce it daily here to prevent tragedies like these. Florida law and maritime law in most countries except perhaps Thailand, the driver of the boat is supposed to stay at least 300 feet away when he or she spots the flag. If the snorkelers did not put up the flag they can be equally at fault. If I were diving or snorkeling in Thailand, I would put up maybe 3 giant dive flags and pray these morons will get the idea.

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Here in Florida we use what is called a "Diving Flag". It is probably unheard of in Thailand and never enforced but we enforce it daily here to prevent tragedies like these. Florida law and maritime law in most countries except perhaps Thailand, the driver of the boat is supposed to stay at least 300 feet away when he or she spots the flag. If the snorkelers did not put up the flag they can be equally at fault. If I were diving or snorkeling in Thailand, I would put up maybe 3 giant dive flags and pray these morons will get the idea.

They would think it was a parking area. Better here to have a Puffin or Seagull trained with a whistle. thumbsup.gif
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