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Calls For U.S. Rep. Akin To Drop Out Of Senate Race Over Rape Comments


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Actually, the amendment does not clarify its stand on cases of rape or incest , but Romney is the one running for president and he supports the legality of abortion in those cases.

Easy, there, UG. Don't confuse some of these liberals with facts, their minds are made up.thumbsup.gif

So between them they have both choices of the electorate covered. I don't much like Obama, but faced with the alternative, a religious nut job and a member of a cult this year it will be a tough outcome whatever. I suppose it doesn't really matter anyway as whoever wins will simply have to do the bidding of the corporations anyway and their decisions are already made.

Have you ever considered it is more important to look at their record than their religion?

Obama now has a record to run on...or run away from, which is what he is doing.

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You don't get it. They want to make ALL abortion illegal. ALL. Through the supreme court by making an additional pick or two to the supreme court. This is no secret. This is against what Americans want.

Politically this is a nightmare for the republicans. thumbsup.gif

Exceptions to abortion restrictions, which carve out different rules for rape victims, force the politics and principles into a head-on collision. While about half of American voters identify as pro-life, a full 75 percent thought abortion should be legal in cases of rape or incest, according to a Gallup poll in 2011. Only 20 percent of Americans believe abortion should be illegal in all situations.




GOP platform draft at odds with Romney on abortion

By TAMARA LUSH and THOMAS BEAUMONT | Associated Press – 5 hrs ago

TAMPA, Fla. (AP) — A GOP committee outlined a party platform Tuesday with positions on key social and entitlement issues far more strict than the presidential candidate they plan to nominate next week.

The platform panel of the Republican National Committee voted to propose a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion without specific exceptions for rape or incest, a position at odds with presumptive nominee Mitt Romney.

Later in the article....

Romney opposes abortion, but he supports allowing exceptions in cases of rape. He also supports allowing seniors to opt to buy private insurance, but he has not fully embraced Ryan's more aggressive approach.

Read more here: http://news.yahoo.co...-015921311.html

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Not fooling anyone. If Romney is president he is on board to overturn Roe vs. Wade and that is a fact.

Please provide links to your so called fact.

PS: An opinion piece is NOT a fact.

Edit in: Never mind, I found some. But since he has no vote on the Supreme Court, what does this have to do with anything?

Edited by chuckd
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Not fooling anyone. If Romney is president he is on board to overturn Roe vs. Wade and that is a fact.

Please provide links to your so called fact.

PS: An opinion piece is NOT a fact.

Are you seriously asserting you didn't KNOW this already? How could a hard core Romney supporter not know this BASIC thing about Romney? Scary really. Or maybe you thought it was going to be hard to prove it. Hilarious. Source: Romney Campaign Official Website.


But while the nation remains so divided, he believes that the right next step is for the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade – a case of blatant judicial activism that took a decision that should be left to the people and placed it in the hands of unelected judges
http://www.mittromne...m/issues/values Edited by Jingthing
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Are you seriously asserting you didn't KNOW this already? How could a hard core Romney supporter not know this BASIC thing about Romney? Scary really. Or maybe you thought it was going to be hard to prove it. Hilarious. Source: Romney Campaign Official Website.

See my edited post above.My edit and your post crossed in the mail.

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Please don't be silly or feign ignorance. Presidents have the power to SELECT supreme court justices. If Romney is president, any picks he will have will be 100 percent certain to vote to overturn Roe vs. Wade. The trouble is Americans don't want that. Just get the facts out. Political poison for Romney and his war on women and poor people. Yes the wealthier can just travel to civilized countries. We don't need to no back alley abortions! This isn't scare tactics. This is real.

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Please don't be silly or feign ignorance. Presidents have the power to SELECT supreme court justices. If Romney is president, any picks he will have will be 100 percent certain to vote to overturn Roe vs. Wade. The trouble is Americans don't want that. Just get the facts out. Political poison for Romney and his war on women and poor people. Yes the wealthier can just travel to civilized countries. We don't need to no back alley abortions! This isn't scare tactics. This is real.

They have the power to select IF there are vacancies and IF the Senate approves the nomination.

This confirmation process falls under filibuster rules and requires 60 Senators to vote in favor of ending debate. The Reconciliation process does not apply to SCOTUS nominees.

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Please don't be silly or feign ignorance. Presidents have the power to SELECT supreme court justices. If Romney is president, any picks he will have will be 100 percent certain to vote to overturn Roe vs. Wade. The trouble is Americans don't want that. Just get the facts out. Political poison for Romney and his war on women and poor people. Yes the wealthier can just travel to civilized countries. We don't need to no back alley abortions! This isn't scare tactics. This is real.

This certainly should be political poison for Romney. It is difficult to believe that any woman with an ounce of self respect could bring herself to vote Republican after this. Last year Todd Akin sponsored the "No taxpayer funding for abortion act", a bill which, among other things, introduced America to the bizarre term "Forcible rape". And who was his co sponsor of this bill? Step forward Rep Paul Ryan.

A 'Gentleman' named Foster Friess who was a supporter and large donor to Rick Santorum, and has now moved on to be a supporter and large donor to Mitt Romney in his contribution to the debate says, " This contraceptive thing, my gosh,it's so inexpensive, back in my days we used bayer aspirin, the gals put it between their knees and it wasn't that costly". He said this in a TV interview. Quite astonishing in this day and age.

When this sort of garbage emanates from Tehran, or previously Kabul, most Americans seem to want to invade that country and impose their view of democracy. Perhaps they would be better invading the mid west of their own country.

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Are you actually trying to blame Romney for a lame joke made by some guy who supported Rick Santorum. You might be able to get a job writing senseless slurs for the Obama campaign. laugh.png

This incident points the political spotlight on the Ryan-Romney war on women (abortion rights in this case) and without more support from women voters, they are totally toasted. Edited by Jingthing
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What an idiot. Hopefully, he will drop out immediately.

Why? He represents the views of a large number of Republicans? Shouldn't they be allowed to voice their views? The man is but the the edge of the wedge that distinguishes so many who want the GOP to win the election in November so that they can further impose their views on the rest of the USA. I hope he stays in so that the public can see what the GOP represents.

yes and he is a good man he may have said the wrong thing, But so does vice president Biden and no one dares say a word about him. Edited by Ban Sao
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Please don't be silly or feign ignorance. Presidents have the power to SELECT supreme court justices. If Romney is president, any picks he will have will be 100 percent certain to vote to overturn Roe vs. Wade. The trouble is Americans don't want that. Just get the facts out. Political poison for Romney and his war on women and poor people. Yes the wealthier can just travel to civilized countries. We don't need to no back alley abortions! This isn't scare tactics. This is real.

This certainly should be political poison for Romney. It is difficult to believe that any woman with an ounce of self respect could bring herself to vote Republican after this. Last year Todd Akin sponsored the "No taxpayer funding for abortion act", a bill which, among other things, introduced America to the bizarre term "Forcible rape". And who was his co sponsor of this bill? Step forward Rep Paul Ryan.

A 'Gentleman' named Foster Friess who was a supporter and large donor to Rick Santorum, and has now moved on to be a supporter and large donor to Mitt Romney in his contribution to the debate says, " This contraceptive thing, my gosh,it's so inexpensive, back in my days we used bayer aspirin, the gals put it between their knees and it wasn't that costly". He said this in a TV interview. Quite astonishing in this day and age.

When this sort of garbage emanates from Tehran, or previously Kabul, most Americans seem to want to invade that country and impose their view of democracy. Perhaps they would be better invading the mid west of their own country.

Indeed, sounds like some sort of Middle Eastern theocracy, where "flat earthers" ride roughshod over womens rights.

Quite ironic really when we consider many of the original settlers were fleeing religious persecution in their homeland, hence the seperation of church and state.

Wonder how many of the founding fathers are turning in their grave?

For the record I am pro abortion.

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What a disaster for Republicans in this Senate race and in the November election generally. What the party platform says and what the candidate is saying is that if your wife or daughter was raped by Willie Horton she couldn't have an abortion. To so would be a criminal act. It's a PR disaster. An absolute disaster.

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What a disaster for Republicans in this Senate race and in the November election generally. What the party platform says and what the candidate is saying is that if your wife or daughter was raped by Willie Horton she couldn't have an abortion. To so would be a criminal act. It's a PR disaster. An absolute disaster.

You are right. The truth of the matter is, if this crazy misogyny was coming from the Ayatollahs in Iran, or the Taliban in Afghanistan the usual suspects on here, ie Ulysses g and Chuck d would be screaming from the rooftops. But they are strangely silent when it is coming from their heros in the Republican party! Double standards? Hypocrisy? You tell me.
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What a disaster for Republicans in this Senate race and in the November election generally. What the party platform says and what the candidate is saying is that if your wife or daughter was raped by Willie Horton she couldn't have an abortion. To so would be a criminal act. It's a PR disaster. An absolute disaster.

You are right. The truth of the matter is, if this crazy misogyny was coming from the Ayatollahs in Iran, or the Taliban in Afghanistan the usual suspects on here, ie Ulysses g and Chuck d would be screaming from the rooftops. But they are strangely silent when it is coming from their heros in the Republican party! Double standards? Hypocrisy? You tell me.

More dishonesty and nonsense from the usual suspects. rolleyes.gif The Republican party has always had exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother. This proposed change to the platform hasn’t been approved and it is very unlikely that it will be. It has been suggested by a few members and that is all. Romney is against the change and he is the head of the party.

The Republican party is against abortion, but it has has always had exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother and there is no reason to think that will change.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The Republican party is against abortion, but it has has always had exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother and there is no reason to think that will change.

But all the indications are that they DO want to change it!

Romney is NOT declaring his true stance, he is saying what he believes (or rather his PR team believes) will secure him a slice of the vote. The kind of good guy bad guy duo where each will try and appeal to a different segment of the electorate.

By the time this has all played out, every republican (and American) will be left wondering why they never took the chance of Ron Paul (lucky for Ron Paul that you didn't though as he can now continue being a grandfather and not worry about the real threat of assassination) .

The decision to undertake an abortion is an intensely private and serious one, and many women have to carry the burden of such decisions for the rest of their days, it is not the decision of the Government. The next step in the process after making abortion illegal will be to make contraception illegal (and the bible belt would love that), soon after that many of you should be worried as masturbation will be outlawed after that (in the words of Monty Python "Every sperm is sacred...every sperm is great...if a sperm gets wasted...God gets quite irate !" . The truth is their is no stopping it, just like radical islam the reason the religions say contraception is against Gods law is to ensure that the population continues to boom within their Churches. Eventually there will be enough Bible bashers from the Mid West spread out over the country to skew the vote. I don't think Eisenhower and the like had to harp on as much about God to get votes as current politicians do. Wake up America, you people should be screaming about taxation , economics and jobs but nope, you are all screaming about abortion and religion.

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The Republican party is against abortion, but it has has always had exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother and there is no reason to think that will change.

But all the indications are that they DO want to change it!

Romney is NOT declaring his true stance, he is saying what he believes (or rather his PR team believes) will secure him a slice of the vote. The kind of good guy bad guy duo where each will try and appeal to a different segment of the electorate.

That sounds like a lot of speculation, spin and wishful thinking from those that will claim anything to discredit Republicans. rolleyes.gif

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Paul Ryan and Mr. Akin sponsored a bill banning all abortion with no exception for rape. Some of these conservatives ( not saying all) have developed their on interpertation of science hence the statement in the case of a legtimate rape the womans body will stop the event of pregnancy. I often wonder about these people and how these ideas get such traction and do they really believe this stuff are is it just being used on small conservative population who are ill informed and lack proper education.

The republicans controlled the White house, Senate, and House of Represenatives for a number of years during bthe Bush presidency and not one bill was presented to ban abortion purely a political football that they keep kicking around.

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The Republican party is against abortion, but it has has always had exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother and there is no reason to think that will change.

But all the indications are that they DO want to change it!

Romney is NOT declaring his true stance, he is saying what he believes (or rather his PR team believes) will secure him a slice of the vote. The kind of good guy bad guy duo where each will try and appeal to a different segment of the electorate.

That sounds like a lot of speculation, spin and wishful thinking from those that will claim anything to discredit Republicans. rolleyes.gif

They seem to discredit themselves without the need of help. Paul Ryan I didn't ask for stimulus money, then the letter comes out that he did.
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Paul Ryan and Mr. Akin sponsored a bill banning all abortion with no exception for rape.

More spin. It was TAX PAYER FUNDED abortion, not "all" abortion and you seem to be forgetting the Hyde amendent which contains exeptions for cases of rape, incest and life-threatening circumstances for the mother which would still be permitted under the law and still funded by taxes.

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I feel that Rep. Aikin should resist the clamor, even from close friends like Rep. Paul Ryan, for him to step aside - presume this means remain as a Congressional Rep. - and stay in the Senate race. He didn't do anything wrong, or illegal, he was simply exercising his right to free speech to talk about his views on, essentially, abortion. What's so wrong about that?

Since I assume he is a delegate - I could be wrong - I also feel that he should go to the Republican Convention, but some articles I've read seem to indicate that he will not go.

Edited by lomatopo
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