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Why Is It....?


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Right, lets get to the nitty gtitty of it...

Why do farang men ask on forums like this questions that their wives.gf's etc. probably know the answers to?

As an example:-

How do I renew my wifes Thai passport?

Where can my wife buy so and so?

etc. etc.

I would say chaps, before asking on here, ask your wife/gf 1st, I am sure they are not stupid and probably know a lot more then you give them credit for.

It really winds me up!!!!!!

Go on chaps, give it a try before posting here, ask them.

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if a Thai person has a passport then the odds are she know how to get another!

If a Thai woman wants something, the odds are she knows exactly what it is and where it can be purchased, all that she needs said farang for is to pay!

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why don't you pm those threadstarters and ask them instead of creating a thread here where majority of us are clueless about it?

i would say before asking on here, pm and ask them first, im pretty sure they can give a better answer than we do.

i would also say go on chap, give it a try before posting here, ask them

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if a Thai person has a passport then the odds are she know how to get another!

If a Thai woman wants something, the odds are she knows exactly what it is and where it can be purchased, all that she needs said farang for is to pay!

Getting a passport and renewing one are completely different processes. Knowing the former does not aid you in the latter.

The Thai wife will probably have asked a friend or Poo Yai who may have given them completely erroneous information that they will, because of the source, implicitly believe. Because of the way information is disseminated here that information is often wrong leading to lengthy unnecessary trips and expenses.

For example, recently I needed to extend my visa in Bangkok. I knew from reading TV that the old immigration office was no longer servicing westerners, though they still do apparently service Thais and surrounding countries.

I said we had to go to the new office which is quite a ride.

She said no and asked a friend who is a dual national Thai. Her friend told her that "She" did it in the old office and we should go there.

So she is now determined that we can go to the old office.

I said no and showed her the immigration website which clearly states that office is not for me.

She then asked a Poo Yai friend who "knows" the immigration general. He said go the old office, no problems.

So taking a good book and a lot of small change I sigh and get in the cab for the long trip to the old office only to be told, as predicted, that we had to now take an even longer cab ride to the new office.

This happens all the time with almost every subject.

Get used to it.

Either get used to it or do things your way (usually the correct way) and stop wasting time going round and round in ever decreasing circles.

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Right, lets get to the nitty gtitty of it...

Maybe they have already asked ?

Maybe it's their wives or GFs actually posting here via the husband's or BF's TVF account, as they are incapable or unwilling to help with the nitty gritty. w00t.gif

Edited by Morakot
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The women do not know everything. Depends where they come from.

Went to Mc. D's one night and this lass had never had one before and she was totally clueless about what to do there until I showed her the ropes.

Many have little or no idea of where to go and what to do when they are beyond what might be termed their boundaries and limitations, be it shops, materials, restaurants and numerous other situations.

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The women do not know everything. Depends where they come from.

Went to Mc. D's one night and this lass had never had one before and she was totally clueless about what to do there until I showed her the ropes.

You big spender you!

Sorry PD ... just couldn't resist the shot ... goof.gif

Now, please wander up to my thread on what legacy you will leave in Thailand and state same (or different)!

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My wife wants as little to do with officialdom as possible. I don't blame her because in the past we have been given the typical government office runaround. Go here, get that, stamp this, kiss that persons arse, etc. before you finally get what you need. As a result, I have had the most contact with gov't offices getting info etc. and only bring my wife along when needed to sign something. Luckily my Thai is reasonable enough to communicate with officials. I am also much more patient than my wife in such situations. So, if I did not know something and could not get the information from the source I would not ask my wife. I would probably ask here because I am sure that there are more than a few who have the knowledge and information that I need. Certainly a better source than my wife.

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not if the wife went direct from the rice field into the gogo bar and than been sold to the farang....

No it is really because the posters are totally clueless as the person above. Has anyone besides me ever been to a go go? Go go girls work in a rice field? Has anyone ever felt the hands of a go go girl? Are they rough? No. Never happen. 0% of Thai go go dancers have ever worked in a rice field.

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not if the wife went direct from the rice field into the gogo bar and than been sold to the farang....

No it is really because the posters are totally clueless as the person above. Has anyone besides me ever been to a go go? Go go girls work in a rice field? Has anyone ever felt the hands of a go go girl? Are they rough? No. Never happen. 0% of Thai go go dancers have ever worked in a rice field.

Have you ever worked out with weights ? You get rough hands from that, but if you don't work out for a while they go back to being soft. So unless you meet her in the first 2 months you will never know if she has worked on rice fields.

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What is it with guys in Thailand. Why is there such an ongoing discussion about where "the wife" came from ? cannot think of any time back in UK where people (guys) talked about their wife's background at social gatherings or at parties with friends.

If you can't sit down and have a discussion with your wife about the things that you feel strongly about and the things that she feels strongly about then why the xxxx are you married to her.

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Ask the wife good god man you never get a sensible straight answer from them, she will say i phone my sister /friend /friends friends so on and so on, afterwards you are more confused then when you started.sad.png

for Thais it's about relating, not getting an answer or solving a problem. you can ask someone what time it is and it requires a five minute discussion.

ever notice how slowly you get change? they are waiting for you to say something so it's not so simple.

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What is it with guys in Thailand. Why is there such an ongoing discussion about where "the wife" came from ? cannot think of any time back in UK where people (guys) talked about their wife's background at social gatherings or at parties with friends.

If you can't sit down and have a discussion with your wife about the things that you feel strongly about and the things that she feels strongly about then why the xxxx are you married to her.

Because its the safest way to be rude, offensive, obtuse, vulgar or downright nasty to people without the fear of getting a smack in the mouth, I would imagine.

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My Thai lady knows too much already....sad.png

That's alright Smokie... She doesn't need to wear you down now when you are on a leash biggrin.png

Usually I'm having a massage or being soothed with a cold beer or two in fact....its a wonderful life! smile.png

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