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On my first ever trip to BKK, I ate something something wrong, and spent the next two days in my Khaosarn Road hotel room with severe gastro.

On the third day, I felt better, and went for a stroll to Sanam Luang, when THAT feeling hit. It was about a five minute walk back to my hotel, and I didn't know where else to go. Huffing and puffing and sweating like a pig, I managed to control my plumbing all the way back to my room.

I ran into the bathroom, dropped my shorts, but relaxed a moment too early. SPLAT!! and I spraypainted the toilet and wall.

I was very lucky that all I had to worry about was wiping up the mess in my own privacy.

I would enjoy hearing any funny/horror stories from other TV members who have been 'caught short'.


Quite a few times over the years. One time in the car I HAD to go and found a PTT gas station. I ran as fast as I could with the cheeks of my bum held tightly together.

The first bog was a squatter but who cares except that a I turned round I slipped and my hand with the toilet roll disappeared into the water and I couldn't get my shorts down quich enough.

I also spray painted everything in sight including me. I cleaned up the best I could and went back to the car to get some clean clothes, and another bog roll and finished off then cleaned up.

Never been back there since


Scatological fetish, eh? Does that really need to be indulged here?

Keep antacids, Imodium, and Norflaxin available at all times. Frequent known-good restaurants only. Stay away from shellfish, street food, and beach food. Never eat *som tam with crab. (This doesn't apply to you cast-iron stomachs. You know who you are.)


Thanks for sharing Radar.

The visual sound effects were an especially nice touch to go along with the vivid description.

As to your request, you have a strange way of enjoying yourself.

Next time, I find massive doses of activated charcoal at the first sign does the job.


To the OP, Nice 100th Post!

Been there, done that.

Spent much of a weekend last month on all 4's in the bathtub because I wasn't sure which end was going to let go next.

It was pretty close to a tie...


I am 68 and am looking at bulk buying in the future.

Let me know if you find a good deal...

Only mid-50's here, but you never know when things will be going south.


This is the very reason I carry a bog roll in the ruck sack I keep with me.

There is nothing like that feeling that the volcano is gonna blow and you have a 10 second countdown. You strain and struggle to clinch your sphincter muscle to prevent the inevitable, but you know you have to find a crapper fast to minimize the impact of your poor choice of having a bowl of colon-blow for lunch. Some times you make it, some times you don't.


You really appreciate the bum guns in those times of trouble.

Kind of embarrassing, but I haven't figured out how to use those things without getting wet down to my socks....


You really appreciate the bum guns in those times of trouble.

Kind of embarrassing, but I haven't figured out how to use those things without getting wet down to my socks....

Post some photos for the TV crew and we will figure it out for you.

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