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Did Clint Eastwood Lose The Plot At Romney's Convention?


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Poor guy, it certainly was bizarre. He is 82 years old though. "Go ahead, make my, um, oh". Senility hits us all at some point.

At one point, Eastwood said he "never thought it was a good idea for attorneys to be president," apparently unaware that Romney holds a law degree.

Apparently you are unaware that holding a law degree does not make one a lawyer.

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Of course his speech and most of the other speakers during the three day love/hate fest for the irrational, climate change denialist, anti health care for poor people, anti-science, pro creationist poppycock, anti-civil rights party were mostly more substantial than their actual nominee -- Romney.

The topic of this thread is whether or not Eastwood has lost the plot not whether or not you have as your reply above would strongly suggest. ;)

Edited by koheesti
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As anyone can easily glean from this list, most of the greatest U.S. presidents including the most legendary iconic republican one, Abraham Lincoln, were ... lawyers.



Of course there have also been poor presidents who have been lawyers.

So basically, it's an irrelevant detail.

Edited by Jingthing
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Clint is a very old guy that put on a lousy performance, but his heart is in the right place and the speeches by Condo Rice, Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney were excellent. thumbsup.gif

As was Marco Rubio's.

Didn't need the Clint Eastwood thing, unless they feel threatened in middle America.

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As anyone can easily glean from this list, most of the greatest U.S. presidents including the most legendary iconic republican one, Abraham Lincoln, were ... lawyers.

Obama ain't no Lincoln.

from Clint's speech..

But I just think that there is so much to be done, and I think that Mr. Romney and Mr. Ryan are two guys that can come along. See, I never thought it was a good idea for attorneys to the president, anyway.


I think attorneys are so busy -- you know they’re always taught to argue everything, and always weight everything -- weigh both sides...

EASTWOOD: They are always devil’s advocating this and bifurcating this and bifurcating that. You know all that stuff. But, I think it is maybe time -- what do you think -- for maybe a businessman. How about that?


A stellar businessman. Quote, unquote, “a stellar businessman.”

And I think it’s that time. And I think if you just step aside and Mr. Romney can kind of take over. You can maybe still use a plane.

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Poor guy, it certainly was bizarre. He is 82 years old though. "Go ahead, make my, um, oh". Senility hits us all at some point.

At one point, Eastwood said he "never thought it was a good idea for attorneys to be president," apparently unaware that Romney holds a law degree.

Apparently you are unaware that holding a law degree does not make one a lawyer.

Agreed. Gov. Romney did pass the bar exam in Michigan after getting, along with an MBA from HBS, a JD from Harvard Law.

Perhaps Clint meant to say that he thinks it is a bad idea for practicing attorneys to become president? Who knows what he was thinking, or meant?

Quite a few U.S Presidents, a majority I believe, were lawyers including John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Bill Clinton among others.

"But backstage, stern-faced Romney aides winced at times as Eastwood's remarks stretched on."

Talking to an empty chair, rambling actually, was just weird. Am looking forward to a better performance in "Trouble with the Curve".

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Wouldn't this be better in a U.S news forum rather than world news? The U.S Election is soley about the U.S and the world actually couldn't care less, we are not voting in it only the Americans.

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He's an old man. I think Clint Eastwood is beloved by all political persuasions in the USA for his show business career. I don't think he swayed many swing voters with his convention speech though. Which was the point. Of course his speech and most of the other speakers during the three day love/hate fest for the irrational, climate change denialist, anti health care for poor people, anti-science, pro creationist poppycock, anti-civil rights party were mostly more substantial than their actual nominee -- Romney.

You ever see his wife? She sizzzzzles.

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Wouldn't this be better in a U.S news forum rather than world news? The U.S Election is soley about the U.S and the world actually couldn't care less, we are not voting in it only the Americans.

There are a good number of non-Americans posting about the U.S. election on here that prove you wrong.

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He's an old man. I think Clint Eastwood is beloved by all political persuasions in the USA for his show business career. I don't think he swayed many swing voters with his convention speech though.

I don't know. He made a few good points and most networks are just playing these two soundbites:

"Whether you are a Democrat or Republican or whether you’re libertarian or whatever, you are the best. And we should not ever forget that. And when somebody does not do the job, we got to let them go."

"Of course we all know Biden is the intellect of the Democratic party. Kind of a grin with a body behind it."

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Wouldn't this be better in a U.S news forum rather than world news? The U.S Election is soley about the U.S and the world actually couldn't care less, we are not voting in it only the Americans.

Then this thread is one you can give a miss to. There is no obligation to read or post on threads that do not interest you.

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My thought, why is the actor so easily confused with the role he or she plays? I am thinking of Arnie here. I recall so many conservatives stating idiotically that Arnie was going to roll into town and fix things in Calif. Two terms and not much changed. Clint? A dozen or so entertaining movies. Great, but does that make him a political expert, no.

He was also mayor of a small California city. Does that make him an expert? Well, it's more executive experience at a governmental position than Obama had in 2008 or just about all of the numerous Hollywood liberals giving their "expert" advice. Martin Sheen is one exception. I believe he was mayor of Malibu.

That said, I don't think Clint was speaking as a political expert. We have enough of them and they have spent decades running the country into the ground.

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Wouldn't this be better in a U.S news forum rather than world news? The U.S Election is soley about the U.S and the world actually couldn't care less, we are not voting in it only the Americans.


Another one that might need to be reminded that he is neither obligated nor required to read or respond to threads.

Further trolling will result in suspension.

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All talking about President Obama. What did Romney do as Governor of Mass and at Bain? He doesnt want to talk about that or what he did believe in on a host of issues. Its just attacking the President and alot of it he agreed with , Stimulus package being a prime example, Bunch of Hypocrites . And of course The Cons always hate Hollywood , except when they can drag up an old actor /director, Hypocrites

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American politics have a meaness to them, now. The fanatical right wing Republicans party is by far the worst. They have a news cable channel with the mission of tearing down the US President. The Republican platform is "Let Us Do What We Did Before!" The party of coorporate international business. It's the rich man's party. I have mine, f u.

Clint was a respected actor/director. He's a Republican. They threw him out there, because who else do they have? Put a fork in the former Carmel, California mayor, Clint Eastwood. This Republican convention has been a train wreck.

Edited by Pinot
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All talking about President Obama. What did Romney do as Governor of Mass and at Bain?

As governor, Romney presided over a series of spending cuts and increases in fees that eliminated an up to $1.5 billion deficit.The state unemployment rate was at 5.6 percent when Romney took office in January 2003.and ended at 4.6 percent for January 2007 during Romney's last month in office.

Bain capital was highly profitable and one of the largest such firms in the nation. He was a successful Govenor and a very successful businessman and has given millions to charity. He has plenty to brag about, but that is not his style.

You keep trying dont you with the image you want to portray of Romney. He introduced a state health insurance scheme witch was partly used in Affordable care act, But he condemns that now, And of course Bain outsources more Jobs from the USA by the week. And of course it was "government" that helped Romney when times were tough Hypocrite!!.Back to the drawing board , You failed this one General G.


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You keep trying dont you with the image you want to portray of Romney. He introduced a state health insurance scheme witch was partly used in Affordable care act, But he condemns that now,

Incorrect once again. He says he is proud of his plan in Massachusetts. He did not have to raise taxes or take money out of Medicare to fund it. He condemns Obamacare which does both.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Anyway, getting back to the story . . . . this is Politics guys ! Dont' expect an intellectual confrontation.

All about show business and PR. This is about Razzamatazz. The conjuror's smoke and mirrors.

For us cynics, this is time for a laugh at the Politician's expense !

Relax, Sit back and enjoy the Show.

Whoever is the next incumbent of the White House, there wont be much change of overall policy.

. . . .

But, please dont laugh at dear Mr Clinton Eastwood.

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