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Did Clint Eastwood Lose The Plot At Romney's Convention?


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People nit picking the unscripted, non-teleprompter speech of an 82-yr old for "lies" is pretty stupid.

Which is why he should never have been allowed to make his speech.

A serious error of judgement on both his part and the campaign hierarchy.

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People nit picking the unscripted, non-teleprompter speech of an 82-yr old for "lies" is pretty stupid.

Which is why he should never have been allowed to make his speech.

A serious error of judgement on both his part and the campaign hierarchy.

Yeah, we wouldn't want the people, the voters, listen to what an American icon for the past 50 years has to say in an unscripted moment. ALL speeches at these conventions should be written by professional speech writers from inside the Washington DC Beltway and only read from a teleprompter. We need these events to run as smoothly - and boringly - as possible.

Clint's speech wasn't eloquent (to say the least). Yes,it was wacky at times. But he spoke to how a lot of people feel and that's important. He also didn't sound like a 110% gung-ho Romney/Republican supporter, did he? That's refreshing. It came across more genuine and that's something we don't usually get from any politician.

In the end, the Left should be pleased to get another distraction issue. Not much is being said about Romney's speech or the direction of the economy with this Eastwood story dominating the news.

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People nit picking the unscripted, non-teleprompter speech of an 82-yr old for "lies" is pretty stupid.

The OP made the challenge no less than 3 times for someone to point out any untruths in what Clint had to say in his, "Unscripted, non-teleprompter speech." The OP didn't seem to mind that Clint is 82. Why should you be bothered?

If this seems like nit picking just wait a while. You won't be able to read a news paper, watch the news or go outside once the DNC gets going. And I'd be willing to bet that if anyone brings a chair on stage and starts talking to it, it will go over like gangbusters.

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The GOP has done nothing but stand in the way of progress for the entire time that Obama has been in office. Anyone not looking at America through Romney colored glasses knows this to be a fact.

When an 82-yr old Eastwood says something that may not be accurate, he is called "lying". So my question to you is, are you blatantly lying right now, or are you unaware that for the first two years of the Obama admin the Republicans could not "stand in the way" of anything Obama wanted to do because the Democrats had super majorities in both the House of Representatives and the Senate giving Obama and his party complete and total control over the Executive and Legislative branches of government?

Edited by koheesti
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Might suggest that he really supports Obama.

Anyone talking to an empty chair at a political convention must be up to something or going mad...and dont forget he was the "ramrod" all those years ago in Rawhide...yes Mr Favour.....move em out....the cattle

I am obviously not a yank ...although discovered a couple of years ago that my grandad.."ol gran papy" was buried in Calvery,New York in 1925....??

Anyway recon Oba is gonna win.....that Romey is just a too WEIRD dude..

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No, he did not lose it. But, with 82, he is sure not in his Hay days.

What surprises me, I sit far away in TH, but where is that part with, "Yes, we can! Yes, we will change." under Obama?

At least in the Foreign policy, contact with other supposed "enemy" countries, more visits, more open contact with these countries, more talks at a high political level with those I miss, more dialog was promised, no?

Where's the change?

Clint spoke about that question also, from the tears in the eyes, the first colored president, young, who will bring drastic changes on every level!

Eastwood, was in the parts I believe, I can have an opinion -Foreign policy- with my knowledge, not wrong!whistling.gif

I would have thought, Obama will sit with the new leader -KIM YONG UN- in North Korea at his inauguration at the table

and dance with Kims just official appeared spouse.wink.png

I don't fully comprehend what you are trying to say here but I don't think Clint said anything about a first "colored president". Maybe I missed that though. I'll go back and check and if I find it I'll retract that statement.

I wanted to say, Clint did not lose it, he is just a bit old.

I wanted to say, at least, in the Foreign policy of Obama, no big changes that I expected, after all that -YES WE CAN, YES WE WILL!- Rumbles.

Eastwood did nothing say from first colored president, but its not wrong and its special. I waited for something of a new kind, of, -inventing the wheel new!

After all that Tam, tam! 4 years ago.

Masterson, you should be on the gun slinging side, no?rolleyes.gif


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Might suggest that he really supports Obama.

Anyone talking to an empty chair at a political convention must be up to something or going mad...and dont forget he was the "ramrod" all those years ago in Rawhide...yes Mr Favour.....move em out....the cattle

I am obviously not a yank ...although discovered a couple of years ago that my grandad.."ol gran papy" was buried in Calvery,New York in 1925....??

Anyway recon Oba is gonna win.....that Romey is just a too WEIRD dude..

Hey now, the magical underwear Romney wears is part of his faith. The underwear keeps away the evil spirits and such. I bet that Clint's undies were a might bit snug the night of his performance and restricted the flow of blood to his noggin.

Edited by geriatrickid
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A liberal defends Dirty Harry:

For the record, I didn’t think Clint Eastwood’s chair dialogue was “sad and pathetic” as Roger Ebert put it, or the weird mutterings of a senescent citizen, as Rachel Maddow and other liberal commentators thought, or quite as incoherent

as Amy Davidson said. John Cassidy admitted that the speech was “refreshing,” which was closer to my response. It’s amusing that so many commentators complain about the wooden or pre-fabricated nature of convention speeches and then carry on as if some unspeakable disaster had taken place when someone tries something off-beat and a little strange.

Read more http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/newsdesk/2012/08/in-defense-of-clint-eastwood.html#ixzz25Gt9lBBM

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In a strange way Clint has served a useful purpose here......he has become the story and deflected true analysis of Mitt Romneys performance at the Convention.

Nobody is going to vote Obama because Clint was a little bit off the wall, but plenty could have been switched off if candidate Romney had a bad or uninspiring conference.

Sometimes the story NOT being about you is a good result smile.png

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Might suggest that he really supports Obama.

Anyone talking to an empty chair at a political convention must be up to something or going mad...and dont forget he was the "ramrod" all those years ago in Rawhide...yes Mr Favour.....move em out....the cattle

I am obviously not a yank ...although discovered a couple of years ago that my grandad.."ol gran papy" was buried in Calvery,New York in 1925....??

Anyway recon Oba is gonna win.....that Romey is just a too WEIRD dude..

Hey now, the magical underwear Romney wears is part of his faith. The underwear keeps away the evil spirits and such. I bet that Clint's undies were a might bit snug the night of his performance and restricted the flow of blood to his noggin.

The magic undies reportedly have prayers written in Reformed Egyptian. blink.png

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I enjoyed Harry's speech. thumbsup.gif ...........smile.png

Me, too. Especially liked the 'politicians are employees of ours'. Guy's a hero. Just a shame more yanks aren't like him (you know who you are) and make the country come across as an arrogant tool.

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Hey now, the magical underwear Romney wears is part of his faith. The underwear keeps away the evil spirits and such.

It is sad that the democrats, their followers and the media that support them are trying to use Romney's religion as a wedge issue. The party of "hope and change" strikes again. Maybe even in his old age, Clint Eastwood got it right after all:

What I’m saying, we do not have to be masochists and vote for somebody that we don’t really even want in office just because they seem to be nice guys or maybe not so nice guys, if you look at some of the recent ads going out there.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Hey now, the magical underwear Romney wears is part of his faith. The underwear keeps away the evil spirits and such.

It is sad that the democrats, their followers and the media that support them are trying to use Romney's religion as a wedge issue. The party of "hope and change" strikes again. Maybe even in his old age, Clint Eastwood got it right after all:

What I’m saying, we do not have to be masochists and vote for somebody that we don’t really even want in office just because they seem to be nice guys or maybe not so nice guys, if you look at some of the recent ads going out there.

I don't think the democrats are actually doing that. I think you are imagining that actually. His religion is off limits to the Obama campaign and it should be. The right wing party, on the other hand (you know which I mean) has been demonizing gay people for many decades now, and using hatred of gay people and opposition to their basic civil rights, which SHOULD be a birthright of ALL American citizens, as a wedge issue for them. They continue with that. BTW, your Eastwood quote had NOTHING to do with your untrue accusation of Mormonism being used by a wedge issue by the Obama campaign. Edited by Jingthing
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The topic is CLINT EASTWOOD. Many off-topic posts deleted as well as replies. There are other threads which have a broader scope for discussion of politics.

Please stay on topic.

More posts deleted.

There are some mighty slow posters on Thaivisa, so I'll post the same reminder again.

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Hey now, the magical underwear Romney wears is part of his faith. The underwear keeps away the evil spirits and such.

It is sad that the democrats, their followers and the media that support them are trying to use Romney's religion as a wedge issue. The party of "hope and change" strikes again. Maybe even in his old age, Clint Eastwood got it right after all:

What I’m saying, we do not have to be masochists and vote for somebody that we don’t really even want in office just because they seem to be nice guys or maybe not so nice guys, if you look at some of the recent ads going out there.

I don't think the democrats are actually doing that. I think you are imagining that actually. His religion is off limits to the Obama campaign and it should be. The right wing party, on the other hand (you know which I mean) has been demonizing gay people for many decades now, and using hatred of gay people and opposition to their basic civil rights, which SHOULD be a birthright of ALL American citizens, as a wedge issue for them. They continue with that. BTW, your Eastwood quote had NOTHING to do with your untrue accusation of Mormonism being used by a wedge issue by the Obama campaign.

I don't know why I'm replying to an off-topic post that won't be around long. This thread is about Eastwood's speech, not Romney's religion/magic underwear or some perceived slight against gays over history by Republicans.


Edited by koheesti
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