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No-Confidence Debate To Target Yingluck And Thaksin


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honestly, the guy resigned as dem leader and within around a month he's back in the driving seat and ye don't see this as going back on your word....

is it just the phrase 'going back on your word' that's the problem?

how about completely flipped flopped on his life changing intentions within around a month?

He resigned to see if the membership wanted to elect someone else. They didn't.

He didn't say that he wouldn't be leader, so I don't see that he went back on his word.

He said he would resign. He did.

He said he didn't have plans to be leader again. Those plans changed when the people decided that they wanted him.

You've never changed plans?

no whybother, i've never changed plans. rolleyes.gif

let's just accept he completely flipped flopped on his life changing intentions within around a month and move on.

He resigned to allow the membership to make a choice. They made a choice. He had no plans. He made plans.

ok let's not just accept he completely flipped flopped on his life changing intentions within around a month and move on.

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How many times, in how many different venues, has Thaksin said that he is through with politics? Is he through?, doesn't look like it to me. Mend your own fences first.

yeah and he was lying, flip flopping etc etc... i make no excuses.

but if i was someone else i'd put it to you like this

You've never changed plans?

but i don't defend thaksin in such fashions.

Edited by nurofiend
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it's pointless and time wasting, the dems know it themselves.

ye can all spin the bs that by me saying that, it must mean that i think governments shouldn't have to answer for themselves.

but spinning is all it is, and that's standard procedure with ye guys.

pointless and time wasting.

Funny, 'spin' is exactly what your trying to do right now. Then you acuse others of 'spin'.

Actually you haven't said anything meaningfull at all in this thread.

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Can a mod pelase open the sandpit a little early today, i think the children had too much sugar in their breakfast this morning and they are running amok... finger paint and toys everywhere - its chaos!

yeah let's talk about the topic shall we?

ok, you first.

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Didn't AV promise to resign as Dem leader if Dems got less seats in the election? He is the best thing that ever happened to PT

He did resign ... and got re-elected.

Meanwhile, the last Pheu Thai Party Leader resigned completely or attempted to resign a half dozen times... and was also re-elected.

oh.... and Big Banana...



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it's pointless and time wasting, the dems know it themselves.

ye can all spin the bs that by me saying that, it must mean that i think governments shouldn't have to answer for themselves.

but spinning is all it is, and that's standard procedure with ye guys.

pointless and time wasting.

Funny, 'spin' is exactly what your trying to do right now. Then you acuse others of 'spin'.

Actually you haven't said anything meaningfull at all in this thread.


the irony in your post will be lost on you i suppose.

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yeah let's talk about the topic shall we?

ok, you first.

Sure, i think anything that pulls YL into parliment and face questions about how she runs the country is a good thing. The No-Confidence vote wont go anywhere because PTP has the majority and her own party dare not vote against her, doesnt mean it shouldnt happen, however. Lets be honest here, all oppsoition parties (of all colours) level No Confidence votes at any given opportunity, so its SOP here in Thailand.

Checks and Balances, If this countries governments had something like a 'Prime Minsiters question time' then perhaps these questions could have been raised there, instead the opposition is falling back to this...

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Didn't AV promise to resign as Dem leader if Dems got less seats in the election? He is the best thing that ever happened to PT

he did but he went back on his word within about a month.

If he DID resign, how is it that he went back on his word?

"Abhisit insisted that when he announced his resignation he had no plans to return to the party leadership"

how bout them apples?


How can you like this, Triplet?

There's no link providing a direct source of a quote.

Double standards?

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The Democrats are fully aware that at this juncture, they have no chance of making a dent in either Yingluck's leadership or confidence in the government.

but let's waste some time anyway.... coffee1.gif

Is that somehow different to the amount of time Pheu Thai have wasted attempting to bring back their criminal leader, or different to the amount of money these Pheu Thai thievies and criminals are prepared to waste?

It's different in the amount of wasted time expended and money wasted by the government in power is much less.


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The Democrats are fully aware that at this juncture, they have no chance of making a dent in either Yingluck's leadership or confidence in the government.

but let's waste some time anyway.... coffee1.gif

A parliamentary system with checks and balances is indeed a bit of a bother. There should be a law against it whistling.gif

Agreed. Very inefficient. Much better to rule by Executive Decree.


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no whybother, i've never changed plans. rolleyes.gif

let's just accept he completely flipped flopped on his life changing intentions within around a month and move on.

He resigned to allow the membership to make a choice. They made a choice. He had no plans. He made plans.

Outgoing Thai PM resigns as party leader

BANGKOK, July 4, 2011 (AFP) - Outgoing Thai premier Abhisit Vejjajiva resigned as leader of his party on Monday after heavily losing an election to the opposition allied to fugitive former leader Thaksin Shinawatra.

"As the Democrat Party leader during the election, we won fewer seats than in the previous election, so I think as a good leader I should take responsibility by resigning," he told a press conference in Bangkok.

"The Democrat Party will hold a general meeting within 90 days to elect a new leader," he added.

The Democrats won just 159 seats out of 500, against the opposition Puea Thai's 265 seats, the Election Commission said.

The results pave the way for Thaksin's sister Yingluck Shinawatra to become the first Thai female premier.

Abhisit, who took office in a 2008 parliamentary vote after a court threw out the previous administration, conceded late Sunday, saying: "The outcome is clear -- Puea Thai has won the election and the Democrats are defeated."

His party, with traditional support in Bangkok and the south, has not won a general election in nearly two decades.


Personally speaking, I think he got the quote about being a good leader wrong - if he was any good he would have led them to victory. Accepting to run as leader of the party again is either a show of desperation by the members (his party has not won a general election in nearly two decades) or the desperation of a man lured by power (he showed how desperate he was to cling to power in 2010) or most probably both.

Perhaps he is the messiah people on this forum think he is. Perhaps he is just another politician power hungry enough to be able to turn the armies guns on his citizens.

For all that has happened, the PM cannot deny his responsibility, either by negligence or intention.

What is even worse than laying the blame on the authorities is vilifying the people.

I have never thought that we would have a state which has the people killed and seriously injured, and then accuses the people of the crimes. This is unacceptable.


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look, he resigned as the dem leader (everyone took this to mean for good)... i took him at his word.

he reclaimed the leadership around a month later.... guess we shouldn't have took him at his word.

unless you're suggesting his intention was to resign for a month, otherwise i see it as going back on his word... but of course ye don't why would ye, it is abhisit afterall

YOU took it as meaning for good. Now you're pissed off because he didn't do what you misunderstood him to mean.

pissed off!! haha, not likely

"misunderstood him to mean"... did you really forget already the part where he "insisted that when he announced his resignation he had no plans to return to the party leadership"

HE took it as meaning for good too.


OK. Nuro So you are so up in the air about whether he resigned and went back to work at the request of his party.

Explain, why you are not outraged about Thaksin's resignation and clearly stating numerous times over the course years that he is through with Politics, but no, now it is Thaksin thinks then PTP do.

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yeah let's talk about the topic shall we?

ok, you first.

Sure, i think anything that pulls YL into parliment and face questions about how she runs the country is a good thing. The No-Confidence vote wont go anywhere because PTP has the majority and her own party dare not vote against her, doesnt mean it shouldnt happen, however. Lets be honest here, all oppsoition parties (of all colours) level No Confidence votes at any given opportunity, so its SOP here in Thailand.

Checks and Balances, If this countries governments had something like a 'Prime Minsiters question time' then perhaps these questions could have been raised there, instead the opposition is falling back to this...

so do you see it more of an intention to get yingluck in to answer for herself, or just because the dems feel they don't get heard unless they put a no confidence vote in place?

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and what's parliament for then?

The opposition uses a lawful method called 'no confidence debate' to gain some more attention to aspects the current government with it's majority tends/tries/succeeds to ignore. Just like the opposition to the previous government did, and the one before, and the one before, etc., etc.

Apart from the legal aspects these debates also tend to be fun, some speakers can be really sarcastic, funny, to the point. Some like to come with dozens of colourful spreadsheets, some as so dull as to put everyone to sleep.

Now if you really need to know more on what parliament is for ask the House Speaker who's a bit deaf so he might not hear you. Wiki also has items on democracies and normally more pointers to other websites than any casual reader would really like. So hop along, do some homework wai.gif

Hop, indeed.

Getting the fundamentals is fundamental.


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How can you like this, Triplet?

There's no link providing a direct source of a quote.

Double standards?

You shifted the goalposts - remember "good luck with tracking down all posters without links" or words to that effect and I'm 100% sure there are no rules ruling against liking posts that have no links.

See, that's what you do in posts, just twisting words, kindergarden debate really.
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look, he resigned as the dem leader (everyone took this to mean for good)... i took him at his word.

he reclaimed the leadership around a month later.... guess we shouldn't have took him at his word.

unless you're suggesting his intention was to resign for a month, otherwise i see it as going back on his word... but of course ye don't why would ye, it is abhisit afterall

YOU took it as meaning for good. Now you're pissed off because he didn't do what you misunderstood him to mean.

pissed off!! haha, not likely

"misunderstood him to mean"... did you really forget already the part where he "insisted that when he announced his resignation he had no plans to return to the party leadership"

HE took it as meaning for good too.


OK. Nuro So you are so up in the air about whether he resigned and went back to work at the request of his party.

Explain, why you are not outraged about Thaksin's resignation and clearly stating numerous times over the course years that he is through with Politics, but no, now it is Thaksin thinks then PTP do.

i'm not up in the air about it at all, i just want some members to acknowledge his massive flip flop of his intentions, that's all.

well, i'm not 'outraged' about either, life's too short.

i think they are both politicans who of course will and have lied and go back on their word.

i know some people find it difficult to comprehend but not everyone who has a bad word to say about the dems or a nice word to say about the reds is a thaksin fanatic.

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honestly, the guy resigned as dem leader and within around a month he's back in the driving seat and ye don't see this as going back on your word....

is it just the phrase 'going back on your word' that's the problem?

how about completely flipped flopped on his life changing intentions within around a month?

He resigned to see if the membership wanted to elect someone else. They didn't.

He didn't say that he wouldn't be leader, so I don't see that he went back on his word.

He said he would resign. He did.

He said he didn't have plans to be leader again. Those plans changed when the people decided that they wanted him.

You've never changed plans?

no whybother, i've never changed plans. rolleyes.gif

let's just accept he completely flipped flopped on his life changing intentions within around a month and move on.

Personally I have no intention of accepting.

You really have never changed any plan anytime in your life. Strange person.

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i couldn't give two donkeys <deleted> "whenever the PTP/Thaksin government is put to scrutiny."

the forum software statistics reveal the reality of your # 1 positioning ermm.gifdry.png

Who posted in: No-Confidence Debate To Target Yingluck and Thaksin

Member name nurofiend Posts 31

What would your post count be here if you did give two donkeys <deleted>?



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honestly, the guy resigned as dem leader and within around a month he's back in the driving seat and ye don't see this as going back on your word....

is it just the phrase 'going back on your word' that's the problem?

how about completely flipped flopped on his life changing intentions within around a month?

He resigned to see if the membership wanted to elect someone else. They didn't.

He didn't say that he wouldn't be leader, so I don't see that he went back on his word.

He said he would resign. He did.

He said he didn't have plans to be leader again. Those plans changed when the people decided that they wanted him.

You've never changed plans?

no whybother, i've never changed plans. rolleyes.gif

let's just accept he completely flipped flopped on his life changing intentions within around a month and move on.

Personally I have no intention of accepting.

You really have never changed any plan anytime in your life. Strange person.

ok, well done you.

yes, strange person hohohoho.

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How can you like this, Triplet?

There's no link providing a direct source of a quote.

Double standards?

You shifted the goalposts - remember "good luck with tracking down all posters without links" or words to that effect and I'm 100% sure there are no rules ruling against liking posts that have no links.

See, that's what you do in posts, just twisting words, kindergarden debate really.

It's your familiar hypocrisy that detracts.

My point was just to highlight it.

I've posted more links than just about anyone. The last thing I need to be reminded about is linking.

Incessantly demanding links of someone that you don't demand of all and all due to some childish vendetta.

but carry on, point made.


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"Abhisit insisted that when he announced his resignation he had no plans to return to the party leadership"

how bout them apples?

It wasn't his plan to return, but he got re-elected.

He didn't say that he wouldn't return.

How about them oranges?

It wasn't his plan to return, but he got re-elected.

hahaha!!!! by force was it?

if you insist.

anyway, resignation must mean something different to you than it does to me, and that's my final word on the matter.

Abhisit resignation promise means the same as Taksin (circa 2010) promising not to be involved in politics anymore - Apples and Oranges all around it seems.

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i couldn't give two donkeys <deleted> "whenever the PTP/Thaksin government is put to scrutiny."

the forum software statistics reveal the reality of your # 1 positioning ermm.gifdry.png

Who posted in: No-Confidence Debate To Target Yingluck and Thaksin

Member name nurofiend Posts 31

What would your post count be here if you did give two donkeys <deleted>?



Thats just spooky bucholz. You appear to have an unhealthy knowledge and interest in this forum and its members.


Oh, by the way,would it possible for you to reply to someone who doesn't agree with your doctrine, to do so
being offensive and adversarial?
Edited by TheKrayTriplet
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i couldn't give two donkeys <deleted> "whenever the PTP/Thaksin government is put to scrutiny."

the forum software statistics reveal the reality of your # 1 positioning ermm.gifdry.png

Who posted in: No-Confidence Debate To Target Yingluck and Thaksin

Member name nurofiend Posts 31

What would your post count be here if you did give two donkeys <deleted>?



Thats just spooky bucholz. You appear to have an unhealthy knowledge and interest in this forum and its members.


It's just the normal forum software.

Available with a single click on the main index page.

I do concede that a single mouse click might be misinterpreted by someone without even the most basic of computer knowledge as something other than knowing how to operate a mouse.

Read up on politics, read up on basic computing..... you got your work cut out.

Rather than desperately trying to spare someone else of their hypocrisy.... work on your own.


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the forum software statistics reveal the reality of your # 1 positioning ermm.gifdry.png

Who posted in: No-Confidence Debate To Target Yingluck and Thaksin

Member name nurofiend Posts 31

What would your post count be here if you did give two donkeys <deleted>?



Thats just spooky bucholz. You appear to have an unhealthy knowledge and interest in this forum and its members.


It's just the normal forum software.

Available with a single click on the main index page.

I do concede that a single mouse click might be misinterpreted by someone without even the most basic of computer knowledge as something other knowing how to operate a mouse.

Read up on politics, read up on basic computing..... you got your work cut out.

I am fully aware that the software may exist, it just bothers me that a member would use it to somehow prove a point.

I'm fairly well read on politics thank you, but I'm sure we all could improve with further reading. I'm never afraid to open

my mind to new (and old) ideas, but that's just me.
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In addition to grilling the prime minister, the upcoming censure will cover other Cabinet members, such as Finance Minister Kittiratt Na-Ranong, Commerce Minister Boonsong Teriyaphirom and Foreign Minister Surapong Towichuk-chaikul.

In other words, the Democrats will zero in on ministers seen as close to former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

There's no shortage of those.

Since the Prime Minister, the Foreign Minister, and the De Facto Prime Minister are all related, it's a good place to start.


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I am fully aware that the software may exist, it just bothers me that a member would use it to somehow prove a point.

If you were truly "fully aware", you would know it's just a quick and simple method to highlight the reality of someone's misleading statement.

In that regard, it is a very easy way to prove a point.


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