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Poll: Obama Leading Romney 49% To 46% Ahead Of Second Debate


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When you run a cynical petty campaign centered around not being the other guy in lieu of any achievements to point out or policies to go forward with the end game will always be ugly. Let's hope we see an end to Chicago politics.


Excellent post. (Not sure whose campaign you were describing but it was an excellent description and arguably applies to both, though to my mind one more than the other).

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Thanks for the compliment, I too can be obtuse. wink.png Hypothetically accepting your premise, what does strike me as ironic is the rancor involved fighting for what amounts to a poisoned chalice. True Obama inherited a bad situation, but he has done nothing to arrest it, but has actually made matters worse to the tune of trillions of dollars, and at a faster rate than anyone has managed before. Obama promised to halve the deficit, he not only failed but increased it. You can play the equivalence game and argue all politicians lie, but this multi-trillion lie is of far more substance than binders, 47% or any other lie or P.R blunder made by Romney. Obama should be booted out on this issue alone, though there are plenty more epic blunders and broken promises to add to the ledger.

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Romney is projected to lose in his home state of Massachussets, where he is governor. That should tell you something.

It should tell you that Massachussets almost always votes for democrats. Guess what, Obama is going to lose in Texas. laugh.png

Well we certainly did in 1972. ;)

Hence the "Don't blame me, I'm from Massachusetts" cry after we were the only state that didn't go for Nixon, and he was forced to resign.

We have obviously had some Republican Governors, Congressmen and Senators.

And we went for Reagan in both 1980 and 1984

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I agree that women should pay $10 per month for birth control rather than have taxpayers pay for it. I can see their point about taxpayers paying for abortion too. I do not want to see abortion made illegal, but I do not think that most Republicans do either.

In plain language, you support the poor having children that they cannot afford and who will most likely grow up in poverty etc.

You do realize that from a cost benefit perspective, prevention / contraception wins hands down, right? Mr. Romney wishes to transfer more of the oversight of family planning and access to abortion to the states. Mr. Ryan the fervent Catholic doesn't support access of the poor to contraception or abortion. The states that have passed the most restrictive laws to limit access to contraception and abortion have been states where there was a Republican majority. Republican governments are elected by Republican supporters. Interesting that hard core Republicans also do not support artifical insemination and yet, Mr. Romney's sons have used it to impregnated their breeding partners. The research and methods were developed at government funded facilities supported by taxpayers.

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I agree that women should pay $10 per month for birth control rather than have taxpayers pay for it. I can see their point about taxpayers paying for abortion too. I do not want to see abortion made illegal, but I do not think that most Republicans do either.

In plain language, you support the poor having children that they cannot afford and that will most likely grow up in poverty etc.

No I don't. I support having them take responsibility for their own birth control. $10 per month is next to nothing.

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A good article on what seems to be the turning point in the election:

Oh yeah, Peggy Noonan is so believable? Which way is the wind blowing today? I'm actually amazed she's on the Romney train now, she has said some incredibly negative things about him personally.

She was vigorously trying to sink his (Romney's yacht) ship just in September. And wasn't she somewhat enthralled with Obama back in October, 2008?

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No I don't. I support having them take responsibility for their own birth control. $10 per month is next to nothing.

Them? Men and women?

And it's OK for Sildenafil Citrate to be fully reimbursable?

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And wasn't she somewhat enthralled with Obama back in October, 2008?

Wasn't everybody? He did not have a record then.

Sure he did, "Barrack Obama sings songs that scares ignorant white folks", I'm sure you know that one. You know, that's the one where he speaks intelligently about the problems our country faces, and offers solutions. OK, maybe you don't?

I guess your implying Mitt Romney doesn't have a record, yet?

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The liberals are beating the "racism" drum to death.

I would venture there will be more citizens voting FOR Obama because he is black than will be voting AGAINST him for the very same reason.

Remember this saying spoken partly in jest...

People that voted for Obama to prove they are not racists will now have to vote against him to prove they are not idiots

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Romney is projected to lose in his home state of Massachussets, where he is governor. That should tell you something.

It should tell you that Massachussets almost always votes for democrats. Guess what, Obama is going to lose in Texas. laugh.png

a majority of Mass' voters voted for Romney for governor. They now know him well, and see that he's not a good leader, so they're now voting against him.

Yes, Texas is Bush country, and there's a majority there for Romney. That's his only big population state. I bet'ya dollars to donuts he wished he had California and NY wrapped up, like Obama does.

....True Obama inherited a bad situation, but he has done nothing to arrest it, but has actually made matters worse to the tune of trillions of dollars, and at a faster rate than anyone has managed before. Obama promised to halve the deficit, he not only failed but increased it. You can play the equivalence game and argue all politicians lie, but this multi-trillion lie is of far more substance than binders, 47% or any other lie or P.R blunder made by Romney. Obama should be booted out on this issue alone, though there are plenty more epic blunders and broken promises to add to the ledger.

If you substitue Reagan for Obama, in the above paragraph, it makes sense.

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'Don't follow leaders, watch your parking meter'

But the pump don't work cos the vandals took the handle....

Well, I started out on burgandy, but soon I hit the harder stuff.

Everybody said they'd stick by me, when the going got tough.

But when the shit hit the fan, there was no one around to even bluff.

I'm going back to New York City, man, I do believe I've had enough.

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"I would venture there will be more citizens voting FOR Obama because he is black than will be voting AGAINST him for the very same reason."

That's probably true. Just as inevitable and nothing to be done about either.

"People that voted for Obama to prove they are not racists will now have to vote against him to prove they are not idiots"

Only one problem: if they voted a certain way to prove they aren't racists? They ARE idiots.

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Bill Clinton, as the FIRST African American president also enjoyed massive support from the African American demographic. coffee1.gif


Romney, on the other hand is going for the Paris Hilton get spray tanned in your hotel room before entertaining Latinos vote ...


Some more serious comments about the issue of race and the opposition to Obama:

When Republicans vow to “take back our country,” they never say from whom. But we can guess.

Issues of race, power and privilege are less explicit this year than they were in 2008, but in some ways they are even stronger.


Some of Obama’s opponents have tried to delegitimize his presidency because he doesn’t embody the America they once knew. He embodies the America of now.


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Morgan Freeman, the actor, when he was being interviewed on NPR: The moderator mentioned 'America's first black president' and Freeman explained emphatically, that Obama is not 'black.' He's the product of a black man and a white mother, so he's just as much white as he is black. (end of excerpt)

maidu muses; In other words, 'mixed race.' To most of us, it's not an issue either way. Look closely at anyone, and you'll see we're all 'mixed race' to some degree. Even Thais, who think they're so pure, are a mix of all sorts of types/tribes of people. No one is 'purebreed' any more, except maybe Nanuk the Eskimo.

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I guess your implying Mitt Romney doesn't have a record, yet?

Not like this one:


All this chart says to me is that the legacy of an incredibly incompetent president guided by a bankrupt economic philosophy championed by the Republicans was handed to Obama.

Those numbers at the end of the Bush presidency are nothing to be proud of, and you are essentially asking Americans to return power to a party which produced them in the first place?

And you can tell the chart was put together by an economic illiterate. Unemployment is 7.8% at present and for the life of me, how the author of the chart thinks oil prices are somehow controlled by a president, it beyond me (unless they count a collapse in the oil price due to totally screwing economic confidence of a way to bring down gas prices).

I mean, guys, really...if you are trying to make an argument, at least use some decent statistics. At the moment most of the arguments made by the right on economic policy wouldn't past muster in a 9th grade economics class.

And it isn't as if there isn't some good arguments to be made - just don't source them from the cranks.

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You sound like a defence attorney splitting hairs to defend a guilty client. One statistic has changed since the chart was put out and unempoyment is still terrible. Obama had 4 years to fix the economy as he promised to do to get elected and he failed. Time to go.

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You sound like a defence attorney splitting hairs and defending a guilty client. Obama had 4 years to fix the economy as he promised and he failed. Time to go.

Your argument would be stronger the U.G if it didn't imply returning power to the folks which created the mess in the first place.

I also think you should re-read the last line of my previous post.

ed...I don't know why, but somehow I think even if Obama had gotten rid of the deficit, wiped out unemployment, got a man to mars and guaranteed everyone a free blowjob before bed, most of the characters here arguing against him would still find something to moan about.

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I read your line. It does not take a crank to come up with those statistics. They are facts. Obama has been president for four years and the buck stops at his desk. George Bush is long gone.

The mess was caused by the policies of democrats as well as Republicans. They had control of both houses of congress for two years before and two years after the beginning of the crisis. Maybe spend a little less time on the Huffington Post for political information if you want to avoid cranks.

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Obama up 4 percentage points over Romney in Ohio

According to a CNN/ORC International survey released Friday, President Barack Obama holds a four point advantage over Republican nominee Mitt Romney in the contest for Ohio's much-fought-over 18 electoral votes.

The three most recent Ohio polls (CNN, Time, and CBS/Quinnipiac) show President Obama with a lead of 4-5 points. Meanwhile, the latestABC/Washington Post national tracking poll has the race a dead heat, with Romney at 49 percent and Obama at 48 percent.

Before the poll's release, Romney's Ohio state chairman, Sen. Rob Portman, had stopped just short of saying Ohio would be a must-win for the Republican challenger.

"If we don't win Ohio, it's tough to see us winning the election nationally," Portman had told NBC News.

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I read your line. It does not take a crank to come up with those statistics. They are facts. Obama has been president for four years and the buck stops at his desk. George Bush is long gone.

The mess was caused by the policies of democrats as well as Republicans. They had control of both houses of congress for two years before and two years after the beginning of the crisis. Maybe spend a little less time on the Huffington Post for political information if you want to avoid cranks.

This week was the first week I went to Huffington. Give me a bit more credit for reading widely than that.

I've generally been following Real Clear Politics (heck - even Fox news likes to quote it...)

Even their no-toss up map has Obama over the line.


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