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Red Bull Heir Did 'coke' Before Bangkok Accident


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Strike 1: Kills a motorcyclist while allegedly speeding

Strike 2: Motorcyclist is a policeman

Strike 3: Leaves scene of accident without stopping

Strike 4: Tries to put blame on family staff member

Strike 5: Over the alcohol limit

Strike 6: Cocaine in bloodstream

Strike 7: Doesn't feel like turning up to Police station again to hear charges.

But will it be enough strikes for someone from such a rich and powerful family to serve jail time?

Nope and he will probably still drive in the celebrity race at the 2014 grand prix.

Is he scheduled to drive in that?

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Strike 1: Kills a motorcyclist while allegedly speeding

Strike 2: Motorcyclist is a policeman

Strike 3: Leaves scene of accident without stopping

Strike 4: Tries to put blame on family staff member

Strike 5: Over the alcohol limit

Strike 6: Cocaine in bloodstream

Strike 7: Doesn't feel like turning up to Police station again to hear charges.

But will it be enough strikes for someone from such a rich and powerful family to serve jail time?

Nope and he will probably still drive in the celebrity race at the 2014 grand prix.

The Safety Car?

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Strike 1: Kills a motorcyclist while allegedly speeding

Strike 2: Motorcyclist is a policeman

Strike 3: Leaves scene of accident without stopping

Strike 4: Tries to put blame on family staff member

Strike 5: Over the alcohol limit

Strike 6: Cocaine in bloodstream

Strike 7: Doesn't feel like turning up to Police station again to hear charges.

But will it be enough strikes for someone from such a rich and powerful family to serve jail time?

Nope and he will probably still drive in the celebrity race at the 2014 grand prix.

Is he scheduled to drive in that?

Just a bit of sacasism on my part, but don't be suprised if he does. In Australia during the grand prix car manufacturers provide vehicles (promotional campaign) and celebrities and high profile people have a novelty race. Now this guy's family is a majority shareholder in redbull a MAJOR sponser of the event and they also own the farari dealership in Thailand. I can see this guy partaking in the celebrity race as the Red Bull, Farari and Thailand poster boy with the full backing of the Red Bull family.

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so many on this forum have no idea how Thailands cast system works ...this guy will walk after paying around 10 million baht

The Coke line (pun intended) is Nothing as the forensic chain of testing will be proven that his blood sample was contaminated in the handleing, they found no drugs on his person and just because they found a trace means very little here

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Would this story have been so high-hitting if he was still the heir to Red-Bull but; Red- Bull was a Citroen sponsor, and he'd been driving a 2CV?

I do wonder!


Seriously? The make of the car has nothing to do with the story . . . it's all about the actions and attitude of the driver and his family, i.e. no remorse, think they are above the law, know they can pretty much get away with murder etc etc. . . .fairly typical attitudes to be honest with respect to the "hi-so" here.

If the story was about the 'actions and attitude of the driver and his family', as you put it succinctly, then there would be a lot more hit and run reports in the weekly news, surely?

I believe the fact that he is heir to billions of US$ and was driving a Ferrari all point to him, and not necessarily actions of his 'family', as they were all probably fast asleep in bed, and not high on coke or alcohol.

I don't believe the HI-SO family he comes from condones his actions, and I further that he is solely responsible for 'using' his own finances to curtail his own actions.

There has been little, or no, reported words from the elders in his established family purporting to hide his actions.

For that, I don't or wouldn't knock all Hi-So families in believing they are above the law. It is generally the Hi-So government elected who believe they are above the law, is it not? So saying, "They believe they can get away with murder", I don't think is applicable in this domain. I think the young asshol_e himself is tantamount to his beliefs, as a spoiled little brat. I do hold the parents responsible, however, for convening his immaturity and neglect of others. That's a different agenda, though.


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If they would make Kratom legal, maybe this rich speed/cocaine freak would use more relaxing drugs. Actually, Coke came from cocaine leaves (the "secret" ingredient at the turn of the century when cocaine was legal in the US). If Red Bull would only make some drink with Kratom leaves, it would be a big sensational hit worldwide. As for the crime committed, who knows, maybe this cop sanctioned the human trafficking widespread in Thailand, or took bribes, or something horrible, and maybe it's his Karma. If that sounds cold and horrible, I can't have much pity for police here in Thailand, but I have none also for a wealthy heir who openly and brazenly defies the law in such an arrogant matter.

Edited by me313
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It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see where this case is going? just the word " consider " says it all! like should I consider wearing a helmet knowing it is the law?

This case smells of everyone grandstanding to look like they are doing something but in reality they are doing nothing! Clearly just another spoil rotten brat who one day will be the heir to red bull. Certainly the only bull I see is the Bullsh-t that is happening.

Whatever happen to the rich brat kid last year who drove down a Soi, with his 10 million baht car cut a 16 year girl in half? Is he picking up the soap or is he soaking in a hot tub in daddy house drinking and doing coke too, maybe these kids know each other and hangout together killing and lying?

I have a solution, give me 10 minutes with these kids!

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Does anyone know if the suspects passport was confiscated so he couldn't disappear?

Sent from my GT-I9003

Or will we find out that he's actually already outside Thailand?

Also, I'd really like to hear a reasonable explanation why a suspect out on bail is not arrested immediately at the first sign of not cooperating with the investigation (i.e. not showing up when summoned by the police).

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The Police(red shirts) are actually going to do their job and stick this kid(yellow shirt) in the slammer.

This family can't keep their kid out of jail? That will be a serious loss of face.

They won't be able to show their face again at the country club.

Why has this got to be turned into a political matter, the political views of Master Yoovidhya are of no relevance to this case..

The fact is that the case involves a hi-so who hit a policeman (killing him) and then fled the scene.

Master. Yoovidhya was drunk and high on cocaine while driving a very fast sports car, he did not see a policeman and decide that he would run him over because the police are red shirts.

Likewise, the officers prosecuting him may well throw the book at him but that is because of what he did to one of their comrades (and also the way he is brushing the matter off as if it is insignificant) and not because he is hi-so and therefore a yellow shirt.

I have personally had enough of the red/yellow shirt malarkey and I presumed all Westerners who live in Thailand have had negative effects from the riots but some people drag the political situation back up at the first possible chance.

Please if you have ANYTHING sensible to contribute to this thread, then please feel free to do so, otherwise please vent your political frustrations on one of the other threads that deal with the red/yellow shirt farce.

Words are cheap. The realty is we are still in a polarized political situation here in Thailand. It makes no difference if we like it or not it is a fact. Denying it does nothing to help stop it. All you are doing when you deny it is putting your OK on it.

Leaving the political side out of it the kid should do some serious time. He killed a cop. But history tells us that here in Thailand it does make a difference if you are red or yellow shirt.

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My wife had worked for the Red Bull corp. prior to the founders death. Spoke highly of him yet very poorly of his kids and grand children being greedy brats. Soon after his death, many of the benefits and perks of working at Red Bull were removed to increase profits and save money for the company. many of the workers who have been there for10 years and more are leaving in droves. And the Children and grand children are running the company into the ground in no time.

It is not common for the children and grand children of entrepreneurs to continue legacy.....sad but true.
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It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see where this case is going? just the word " consider " says it all! like should I consider wearing a helmet knowing it is the law?

This case smells of everyone grandstanding to look like they are doing something but in reality they are doing nothing! Clearly just another spoil rotten brat who one day will be the heir to red bull. Certainly the only bull I see is the Bullsh-t that is happening.

Whatever happen to the rich brat kid last year who drove down a Soi, with his 10 million baht car cut a 16 year girl in half? Is he picking up the soap or is he soaking in a hot tub in daddy house drinking and doing coke too, maybe these kids know each other and hangout together killing and lying?

I have a solution, give me 10 minutes with these kids!

Do you have a weapon. If not you might get hurt.tongue.png

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It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see where this case is going? just the word " consider " says it all! like should I consider wearing a helmet knowing it is the law?

This case smells of everyone grandstanding to look like they are doing something but in reality they are doing nothing! Clearly just another spoil rotten brat who one day will be the heir to red bull. Certainly the only bull I see is the Bullsh-t that is happening.

Whatever happen to the rich brat kid last year who drove down a Soi, with his 10 million baht car cut a 16 year girl in half? Is he picking up the soap or is he soaking in a hot tub in daddy house drinking and doing coke too, maybe these kids know each other and hangout together killing and lying?

I have a solution, give me 10 minutes with these kids!

I am with you Thailand 49.

in 10 minutes we could do a lot of damage to these little smart asses.


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By the looks of it we may all get a shock and he will be convicted and jailed. The more the police are saying about the case the more difficult they are making it for themselves to allow him to get off the hook.

I said weeks ago that this would be a test case, the Police v Hi-So,

I have a hunch that the police are seriously p*ssed off and this guy is gonna get it. I hope so.

You seem to put a lot of store into what the police can or will do for justice in this country. The institution that decides on justice is not the police - they can pnly collect evidence. This case has still to proceed past a court of law, involving judges, lawyers, witnesses, forensics and then the higher powers who may have a different idea of what justice is all about. There are many hurdles to cross - the police in this case are not the final arbiters.

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The Police(red shirts) are actually going to do their job and stick this kid(yellow shirt) in the slammer.

This family can't keep their kid out of jail? That will be a serious loss of face.

They won't be able to show their face again at the country club.

Why has this got to be turned into a political matter, the political views of Master Yoovidhya are of no relevance to this case..

The fact is that the case involves a hi-so who hit a policeman (killing him) and then fled the scene.

Master. Yoovidhya was drunk and high on cocaine while driving a very fast sports car, he did not see a policeman and decide that he would run him over because the police are red shirts.

Likewise, the officers prosecuting him may well throw the book at him but that is because of what he did to one of their comrades (and also the way he is brushing the matter off as if it is insignificant) and not because he is hi-so and therefore a yellow shirt.

I have personally had enough of the red/yellow shirt malarkey and I presumed all Westerners who live in Thailand have had negative effects from the riots but some people drag the political situation back up at the first possible chance.

Please if you have ANYTHING sensible to contribute to this thread, then please feel free to do so, otherwise please vent your political frustrations on one of the other threads that deal with the red/yellow shirt farce.

I just wonder whether you appreciate to what extent the underlying power struggle that has ensued in this country for decades defines eveything that happens. The whole of Thai society is controlled by just a few very powerful people/families, and It is high profile cases such as this that simply reflect that turmoil and bring it to the surface. Politics is what defines this country and unfortunately there is no escaping reality however corrupt it may be.

I am sure the outcome of this case will all depned on which faction of society holds the upper hand. I dont believe for one minute that indisputable evidence will have much bearing on the matter.

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By the looks of it we may all get a shock and he will be convicted and jailed. The more the police are saying about the case the more difficult they are making it for themselves to allow him to get off the hook.

I said weeks ago that this would be a test case, the Police v Hi-So,

I have a hunch that the police are seriously p*ssed off and this guy is gonna get it. I hope so.

You seem to put a lot of store into what the police can or will do for justice in this country. The institution that decides on justice is not the police - they can pnly collect evidence. This case has still to proceed past a court of law, involving judges, lawyers, witnesses, forensics and then the higher powers who may have a different idea of what justice is all about. There are many hurdles to cross - the police in this case are not the final arbiters.

Strike 1: Kills a motorcyclist while allegedly speeding

Strike 2: Motorcyclist is a policeman

Strike 3: Leaves scene of accident without stopping

Strike 4: Tries to put blame on family staff member

Strike 5: Over the alcohol limit

Strike 6: Cocaine in bloodstream

Strike 7: Doesn't feel like turning up to Police station again to hear charges.

But will it be enough strikes for someone from such a rich and powerful family to serve jail time?

Lucky he is not in Saudi as he would have already been beheaded.

NOT if he was a hi- so over there - they do this kind of thing and much worse all the time and it never sees the light of day - except in rumours.

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Bizarre that medical specialists need to confirm if a combination of being pissed and having used cocaine affects his ability to drive. If the police and the courts were only so careful before sentencing a teenager to jail with three party pills. The Thai system is obviously rotten.

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Of course. But the real question is, when was the last time he did not do coke? How do you grow up as the son of one of the richest and most powerful men in the country, and become a normal, respectful, well intentioned human being? Which of course he is not. A Rockefeller, Kennedy, or Vanderbilt he is not. What kind of moral, and ethical system are the sons of billionaires taught in Thailand?

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