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For a few days now any download or streaming I make from Europe is very slow.

Could someone using 3BB test the 10-Mio-file link below to know if it's only me or a 3BB problem ?

I made my tests with the 1st web hosting company in Europe : OVH

On OVH speedtest page I get a 12 Mbits dowload speed, good smile.png

But on the OVH dowload test page I can by example download

this 10 Mio file at about 30 kB/s only (~ 250 kbits/s) sad.png

I used to download from a server at OVH at 700-800 kB/s...



Just tried the OVH speedtest my results below.


Note that for me the ping is 51msec, which means test to a local server (ie Bangkok)Downloading the 10Mio file took 26 sec, , around 3.2Mb/sec or 400KB/sec.I'm on True DOCSIS 10/1 plan ( increased speed in speed test due to 'Surge', which has previously been reported.)

Edit to add.. Changed to True Proxy to get 'real' speed test results below Much higher ping.



10Mio file took 26 sec, , around 3.2Mb/sec or 400KB/sec.

Thanks ThaidDown.

At least I know now it's not a problem at OVH or between OVH and the Thailand as you can get 400 KB/s.

I will call 3BB...


I'm on a True DOCSIS 14Mb/1.4Mb plan. With the True proxy turned off and on, below are my results. With the proxy turned off, I get bogus ping and download results...just like the European server is across the soi...a case of the Flash-based OOKLA speedtester being easily fooled by in-Thailand cache servers (probably a cache server in Bangkok). With the proxy turned on which somehow prevents the speedtester from getting fooled I get valid ping and download results....but it was a high ping time of over 600ms...must have some real zig-zag routing or slow relay hops on the way to this European server. I both cases I also used the NetWorx program to monitor the download speed and it basically matched up to what Speedtest.net said.

As mentioned by ThaidDown, us True DOCSIS folks are apparently experiencing the benefit of bursting now which greatly speeds up downloads, especially for small files used with speedtesters, browsing, etc., bursting speeds around two times our advertised plan speeds to in-Thailand/regional servers...great speed when content is also hosted/mirrored on in-Thailand/regional servers.

With True Proxy Turn Off (bogus results)


With True Proxy Turn On (valid results)



I get 850 - 900 kB/s for the above mentioned file download on 3BB Chiang Mai 13Mbps line. Above speedtest, 13.11 Mbps/down 1.01 Mbps/up and 40ms ping so obvious false data due to ISP caching. VPN to US turned on and drops to around 790 mS ping 4.86Mbps/down .54Mpbs/up.


10Mio file took 26 sec, , around 3.2Mb/sec or 400KB/sec.

Thanks ThaidDown.

At least I know now it's not a problem at OVH or between OVH and the Thailand as you can get 400 KB/s.

I will call 3BB...

Please report how you get on calling 3BB in the Pattaya call center, they speak virtually no English, I waited 3 days for an engineer last time, who said he fixed it but did not, then another 3 days before a re-visit


I continue to suffer from TOT in Chiang Rai. On a 6 meg line my down load speeds vary from 2 to 1500 kbs. The connection is broken frequently. I have 2 ADSL lines and they are both the same. I would like to know if this comes from TOT not buying enough international down load capability or what people think it might be. I have called TOT many and sometimes they send a technician to the office. He plays with things for about 1/2 hour and leaves. When I go to the office in town TOT always gives me the run around. My Thai language skills are good but they simply won't give you an answer or help. I am located 6 km from town and no other service is available here so I am stuck with this bad situation.


Its the same here in Chiang Mai, went to office and complained (water of a ducks back)

but they did upgrade me to 10MBs (just a number I think) it was a bit better the first day,

then downhill,so now its just same as the 7MBs I had before, somtimes its only 6 10 12 BYTES !!

then goes up to what seems to be maximum 150kbs,on overseas conections, Now it even goes

down when it rains,thought only TrueVision did that.

Now dont know what to do, change to 3BBB, get TOTs 10Mbs/1Mbs bht890 or 12Mbs/1Mbs bht 1290,

dont mind paying more money if the service is at least decent,learnt never to expect,whats promised.

So if anyone has those services from TOT in Chiang Mai, please advise good or bad?,most important

is been able to stream video to tv, in the evening,after 18.30 hrs its not possible,at moment

regards Worgeordie


Visit to the office is in order I think

Good luck, doing that ,first of all they will put the blame on your computer,

or tell you to unplug your router for 10 mins, they will never accept that is their fault

and that the service they provide,for good money,IS CRAP!!!!

regards Worgeordie


When you go and complain all you ever get is the same old BS. I suspect that they are to cheap to pay for international gateway bandwidth. TOT in Chiang Rai SUCKS! For streaming video it is next to nothing.

Rai away from town have success in streaming?Anyone else in Chiang r


Visit to the office is in order I think

Good luck, doing that ,first of all they will put the blame on your computer,

or tell you to unplug your router for 10 mins, they will never accept that is their fault

and that the service they provide,for good money,IS CRAP!!!!

regards Worgeordie

So I called 1530 last night (early this morning) and it now just goes to voicemail but I didn't leave a message. Woken up by a call some 30 minutes ago from a Samui engineer asking what was wrong so I told him my speed was rubbish. He said he would call me back so I grabbed an ice tea and set my torrents running because they ae a better indicaton of general speed due to various overseas locations. Before I'd evn finished my tea the router reset and my speed went back to the usual 15 DL - 1 UL (14.75 - 0.95) and got a call back a few minutes later. Job done.

I have had the 'it's your router' comment a few years back so I just plugged in one of my spares while they were on the phone.

  • 1 month later...

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