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Obama Likely To Win Another Presidential Term: Gallup Poll


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I think he was probably too busy trying to stop the country collapsing, maybe. You do know it's still a mess out there, don't you?

That's not really correct. He came with an agenda that is obvious from his record, but because the media loved him it was never publicised. Part of his agenda requires the dismantling of the existing system ie tearing it down.

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Romney doesnt believe in the best health support and choice for Women and he doesnt believe in Equal pay for same jobs women do, a total regressive liar.

Please provide some facts that support your statement re "choice for women" and "equal pay".

Anyone can spout a lot of inaccuracies like that, and as far as lying goes, Obama is right up there.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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Here's one more historical curiosity to observe this election cycle. Since election day was standardized in 1845 there have been 6 presidential elections held on November 6th and Republicans have won all six. That means next Tuesday, the 7th Presidential election held on this date, will either break or uphold a streak that began in 1860 with the election of Abraham Lincoln.

Edited by metisdead
: Bold removed.
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One should never take into account single issues when voting. Of course Andrea Pratt is going to vote for whichever candidate she thinks will give her the best cover for her child, but it doesn't mean that Obama has the best economic policies ( does he actually have any at all? ).

Perhaps but I find it unacceptable that Romney lied about his support for Obamacare's preexisting coverage when he is clearly in actual reality in favor of totally trashing that.

Compared with Obama's administration ( the buck stops with HIM ) lying about the terrorist attack in Benghazi, and blaming it on a stupid VDO???????

To me that is a fake issue invented at Fox News. I don't believe the right wing propaganda about it. Go ahead and try to impeach Obama about during his second term when the people actually want the government to actually DO something. Health care for millions of Americans who will just die without it is as real as it gets.

So you don't believe that they knew Benghazi was a preplanned attack by terrorists within 24 hours? That's been proven, yet the ambassador to the UN was still claiming it to be the VDO days later.

Either the White House was left ignorant of the facts by the State Department, or they were lying. Can't have it both ways.

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Romney doesnt believe in the best health support and choice for Women and he doesnt believe in Equal pay for same jobs women do, a total regressive liar.

Please provide some facts that support your statement re "choice for women" and "equal pay".

Anyone can spout a lot of inaccuracies like that, and as far as lying goes, Obama is right up there.

You must have been locked in a cellar or on a desert island to believe anything different , Romney would win an olympic gold medal for his lies

Edited by KKvampire
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Romney doesnt believe in the best health support and choice for Women and he doesnt believe in Equal pay for same jobs women do, a total regressive liar.

Please provide some facts that support your statement re "choice for women" and "equal pay".

Anyone can spout a lot of inaccuracies like that, and as far as lying goes, Obama is right up there.

This is getting kind of silly.

Romney is on record supporting abolishing Roe vs. Wade (protecting women's abortion rights).

He picked for his VP, Ryan, a man with a radical right wing position on abortion rights.

When given the opportunity to show support of the Lilly Ledbetter fair pay act, he has provided NO COMMENT.


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Here's one more historical curiosity to observe this election cycle. Since election day was standardized in 1845 there have been 6 presidential elections held on November 6th and Republicans have won all six. That means next Tuesday, the 7th Presidential election held on this date, will either break or uphold a streak that began in 1860 with the election of Abraham Lincoln.

That's a bold assertion mania.

The thing is, there is the rational world and the silly coincidence, forcing irrational meanings out of patterns world.

Welcome to the second inauguration of President Obama!

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That's a bold assertion mania.

The thing is, there is the rational world and the silly coincidence, forcing irrational meanings out of patterns world.

Welcome to the second inauguration of President Obama!

smile.png yes sorry about that bold but,

No just a trivia thing & will be just another interesting thing to watch.

These were the previous Nov 6th elections

  • 1860 - Abraham Lincoln over Stephen Douglas
  • 1888 - Benjamin Harrison over incumbent Grover Cleveland
  • 1900 - William McKinley over William Jennings Bryan
  • 1928 - Herbert Hoover over Al Smith
  • 1956 - Dwight Eisenhower over Adlai Stevenson
  • 1984 - Ronald Reagan over Walter Mondale

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just remind any women thinking of voting Romney because they are more concerned about economic issues than their health. Just remind them Romney doesnt believe Women should have equal pay for equal jobs. He will be a trojan horse to a backward step and the end of a recovery

I agree somewhat. I believe the recovery has started and even a President Romney can't kill it. But there's the rub. If Romney wins, he will get UNDESERVED credit for the recovery and be assured a second term. In eight years the right wingers will have massive opportunity to unravel decades of progress with their radical Ayn Randian ideology.

Hope so. <Rand advocated reason as the only means of acquiring knowledge> Seems pretty reasonable to me.

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And they are off!!!

Obama comes out of the gates and takes the lead.

There's going to be a lot of red faces if Mitt wins. Pity we won't be able to see them.

That is a mighty big IF.

Polls are starting to pull away for Obama where it counts.

Good grief. Polls can be made to prove anything. The ONLY POLL that counts is the one on Tuesday, US time.

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And they are off!!!

Obama comes out of the gates and takes the lead.

There's going to be a lot of red faces if Mitt wins. Pity we won't be able to see them.

That is a mighty big IF.

Polls are starting to pull away for Obama where it counts.

Good grief. Polls can be made to prove anything. The ONLY POLL that counts is the one on Tuesday, US time.

I can't speak for Samran, but I will publicly eat crow on this forum if Romney wins. Will you do the same if Obama wins?

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just remind any women thinking of voting Romney because they are more concerned about economic issues than their health. Just remind them Romney doesnt believe Women should have equal pay for equal jobs. He will be a trojan horse to a backward step and the end of a recovery

I agree somewhat. I believe the recovery has started and even a President Romney can't kill it. But there's the rub. If Romney wins, he will get UNDESERVED credit for the recovery and be assured a second term. In eight years the right wingers will have massive opportunity to unravel decades of progress with their radical Ayn Randian ideology.

Hope so. <Rand advocated reason as the only means of acquiring knowledge> Seems pretty reasonable to me.

Most of the American right wingers who love Rand also happen to be anti-science. I think y'all know what I mean, the types that insist to teach "creationism" on the same level as evolution. Yes, bizarre.


Whether modern libertarians and conservatives choose to acknowledge Rand or not, she has greatly influenced the most romantic and shallow type of libertarianism, and has - through her novels and the work of the Ayn Rand Institute - served as its foremost recruiter in our nation's high schools. In her insistence that she owed nothing to the state, nothing to any human being other than herself, Rand epitomized the kind of childishness shown by libertarians who insist that they have every legal and moral right to own as many guns as they please, pay no taxes, educate their children at home, and live free of any law except those governing, in the most direct manner, their own security and that of their neighbors. A watered-down form of this nonsense today exists in the platform of presidential candidate Ron Paul, and in the political agendae of people like the late Helen Chenoweth, the congresswoman who befriended the "militia movement" and spoke grimly of government black helicopters. Opportunists like Newt Gingrich and Ronald Reagan capture it, with dreary predictability, every election cycle, when they present government as the enemy.
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At any point in the future, if it is suspected that a candidate does not qualify to be President under the Constitutional rules, you can guarantee that the opposition will be all over it like a rash, irrespective of their skin tone.

I mantain it was a poor analogy.

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And they are off!!!

Obama comes out of the gates and takes the lead.

There's going to be a lot of red faces if Mitt wins. Pity we won't be able to see them.

That is a mighty big IF.

Polls are starting to pull away for Obama where it counts.

Good grief. Polls can be made to prove anything. The ONLY POLL that counts is the one on Tuesday, US time.


I know there are about 300 pages of posts on this, but I've put on my economist hat on this thread, and i think I've been pretty dispassionate.

My information source of choice has been Real Clear Politics - a website with conservative lean if anything. And, when I look at them there is an awful lot of Democrat Blue on the polls, with Romney peaking probably 10 days ago. Scroll down and take a look yourself.


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At any point in the future, if it is suspected that a candidate does not qualify to be President under the Constitutional rules, you can guarantee that the opposition will be all over it like a rash, irrespective of their skin tone.

I mantain it was a poor analogy.

Obama was always qualified. There was NEVER any credible reason to suspect that he wasn't.

Let's get LOGICAL on this issue. Obama had challenged Hillary Clinton to be nominated by the democrats. It is simply behind belief that the CLINTONS and the democratic party machine would have allowed an Obama campaign that ended up winning, win their party nomination if there was even one tiny sliver of evidence that Obama wouldn't be qualified to be president constitutionally. I say that as someone who strongly wished Hillary Clinton had won.

Go ahead and "maintain" whatever you want, that is your privilege.

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I think he was probably too busy trying to stop the country collapsing, maybe. You do know it's still a mess out there, don't you?

That's not really correct. He came with an agenda that is obvious from his record, but because the media loved him it was never publicised. Part of his agenda requires the dismantling of the existing system ie tearing it down.

Romney doesnt believe in the best health support and choice for Women and he doesnt believe in Equal pay for same jobs women do, a total regressive liar.

Please provide some facts that support your statement re "choice for women" and "equal pay".

Anyone can spout a lot of inaccuracies like that, and as far as lying goes, Obama is right up there.

Oh please, reread the thread and stop with us having to repeat everything. Some people seem to have the attention span of a mosquito.

Romney does not support Lilly Leadbetter, which brings equal pay into law. Well the last I heard he did, he might have flipped or flopped again, as he has on "choice for women", which he was in favour of, but I think now he wants to repeal Roe vs Wade. But it's hard to tell, because he lies to everyone he speaks to depending on what he thinks they want to hear. So he might have flipped, flopped and flipped back again.

One things for sure. A lot of people who thought he was trustworthy have every right to be extremely disappointed.

Who's winning?

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There's going to be a lot of red faces if Mitt wins. Pity we won't be able to see them.

That is a mighty big IF.

Polls are starting to pull away for Obama where it counts.

Good grief. Polls can be made to prove anything. The ONLY POLL that counts is the one on Tuesday, US time.

I can't speak for Samran, but I will publicly eat crow on this forum if Romney wins. Will you do the same if Obama wins?

No, because I have never said ( that I can remember, and if I did it was tongue in cheek ) that Romney WOULD win, just that I HOPE Romney wins, ergo Obama loses.

Actually, I'd vote for an empty chair over Obama if I had a vote, which I don't.

No one can say at this stage who WILL win, and I am certainly not psychic.

Post modified to allow posting.

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So you don't believe that they knew Benghazi was a preplanned attack by terrorists within 24 hours? That's been proven, yet the ambassador to the UN was still claiming it to be the VDO days later.

Either the White House was left ignorant of the facts by the State Department, or they were lying. Can't have it both ways.

Look, really, you can turn off Fox now. There is a Senate Hearing on Benghazi on Nov 15th, I'm sure we'll have quite a thread about it. Well, what comes out of it, obviously.

Now go and vote and do it on something that matters and that you know about. Like how Romney is going to find Six Trillion dollars from closing imaginary loopholes.

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So for non US folks (like me) who have some / strong curiosity interest in the result but don't realy understand the process, can one of you yanks please give the data so far.

Please no opinions, just the data.

Have the polls all closed?

When will we see whether it's obama or romney, with some basic idea of the final numbers?


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Post #588

Whether modern libertarians and conservatives choose to acknowledge Rand or not, she has greatly influenced the most romantic and shallow type of libertarianism, and has - through her novels and the work of the Ayn Rand Institute - served as its foremost recruiter in our nation's high schools. In her insistence that she owed nothing to the state, nothing to any human being other than herself, Rand epitomized the kind of childishness shown by libertarians who insist that they have every legal and moral right to own as many guns as they please, pay no taxes, educate their children at home, and live free of any law except those governing, in the most direct manner, their own security and that of their neighbors. A watered-down form of this nonsense today exists in the platform of presidential candidate Ron Paul, and in the political agendae of people like the late Helen Chenoweth, the congresswoman who befriended the "militia movement" and spoke grimly of government black helicopters. Opportunists like Newt Gingrich and Ronald Reagan capture it, with dreary predictability, every election cycle, when they present government as the enemy.

I think Paul was the only decent candidate to stand.

The more I read about Rand, the more I like her philosophy.

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So for non US folks (like me) who have some / strong curiosity interest in the result, can one of you yanks please give the data so far.

Please no opinions, just the data.

Have the polls all closed?

When will we see whether it's obama or romney?


Today is election day early morning now in the USA. There are different time zones. There has been EARLY voting at the polls for days now in some states. There are no actual results in except for those New Hampshire tiny towns. The media will likely wait to release EXIT POLLING data until all the polls are closed. In other words, you need to wait several hours for real results. Edited by Jingthing
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So for non US folks (like me) who have some / strong curiosity interest in the result but don't realy understand the process, can one of you yanks please give the data so far.

Please no opinions, just the data.

Have the polls all closed?

When will we see whether it's obama or romney, with some basic idea of the final numbers?


I'm not a Yank, but the ELECTION DAY polls don't open till Tuesday morning US time, with the exception of two small states that have already opened. Provided the electoral college doesn't come up 50 50, we should know the results on Wednesday, assuming it's not a Bush/ Gore type election.

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I think he was probably too busy trying to stop the country collapsing, maybe. You do know it's still a mess out there, don't you?

That's not really correct. He came with an agenda that is obvious from his record, but because the media loved him it was never publicised. Part of his agenda requires the dismantling of the existing system ie tearing it down.

[Please provide some facts that support your statement re "choice for women" and "equal pay".

Anyone can spout a lot of inaccuracies like that, and as far as lying goes, Obama is right up there.

Oh please, reread the thread and stop with us having to repeat everything. Some people seem to have the attention span of a mosquito.

Romney does not support Lilly Leadbetter, which brings equal pay into law. Well the last I heard he did, he might have flipped or flopped again, as he has on "choice for women", which he was in favour of, but I think now he wants to repeal Roe vs Wade. But it's hard to tell, because he lies to everyone he speaks to depending on what he thinks they want to hear. So he might have flipped, flopped and flipped back again.

One things for sure. A lot of people who thought he was trustworthy have every right to be extremely disappointed.

Who's winning?

IMO you are wrong.

Who's winning? no one knows yet.

Post modified to allow posting.

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In some states, the polls have already been open for days now, and there have been long queues as well. Obviously results don't start to come in until the polls on ELECTION DAY are closed.

Jingthing, can you please give a quick non technical explanation of what the 'electoral collge' is and how it contibutes to the result. Thanks.

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