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I have just been asked by Mrs. Chrisinth if I can post the following You Tube link. This is one of her favourite songs, one she can relate to and dedicated to M.


Gawd, its getting smoky in here………………..sad.png

Edit: Great song, give yourself 5 and listen to the words...............wink.png


Do you mind?........let Chris wallow in his sadness for a few days and in a few weeks time he'll be bursting with pride when he goes to the passing out parade.

I'll tell you what Chris, you gave someone the greatest gift you could give them.........a chance, and he repaid you by taking it.

Well done Sir, and to your loving wife too. wai.gif

I second everything you say.

Definately an archivement to proud of and I am sure this young man will do the OP proud as well.

So nice to hear something positive for a change.


'we lost him' may be a poor choice of words for the occupation he is entering.

What an idiotic post, but at least it is in character.

Chrisinth, congratulations. You have every right to feel proud. The world needs people with your attitude. wai.gif


I have to say that the OP's post made me ever so slightly weepy. Every now and then you see something somewhere that makes you realise just how wonderful people can be. Thank you for making the effort to raise a splendid young man. Let's hope he's as big a credit to you as you are to him.


Guys, thanks for all the positive posts & the PM's(even from jacktrip, I understand that), really don't know what to say as I wasn't expecting such a reaction.

The message in the OP was really that a little warmth and caring in the right place goes a long way. It was not meant as a boast if anyone is thinking that, it is something that simply happened.

We are obviously sad in that we will certainly miss M's company, but we are more proud of the young guy that he has made it through the bad times he has endured in his adolesent life and has the courage to do what he is doing (he enlisted instead of taking the draw).

Anyway, the flip side of this is that I now have to take the dogs for their 5km walk/run every day. Another thing that I didn't mention was his bond with our two siberian huskies; he really did become the alpha there! They are confused as hell at the moment as to where he is!

And last line to Williaminbkk, post your PM, I think people would be touched by that as well............thumbsup.gif


Sounds like you and your wife saved his life. And he is paying you back by living it well. Nice.


The OP and his wife certainly do have something to be proud of.

Not only have you helped this young man onto the strait and narrow but, in turn,

this young man could quite well do the same for someone less fortunate and, who is to say, when it will stop.


Sounds like you and your wife saved his life. And he is paying you back by living it well. Nice.

+1, well done Mr Chris & wife, you gave the young man a push in the right direction and that was all it takes to turn his life aroundsmile.png


Thanks Chris, it is good to know that there are still very decent people out there.

Congratulations to you and your wife, as you have done what most people would not bother to give a moments thought to help someone in need.

.......and ditto to all the posts above.


Heartwarming story.

All the best to M with his service and his journey from there on.

You, OP and family, are an inspiration to others in these modern times.

As anyone with grown kids will tell you, THE single greatest thing a parent can experience in life is knowing that their efforts and sacrifices over the years have put their kids on the right path. Good people like you however, will never see it as 'sacrifice'.

(btw, you don't lose them .... they keep coming back! lol)

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