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Chiang Mai Woman Was Brutally Tortured, Raped, Murdered At Home. Police Were Left Traumatised


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...Many expats in CM seem to think there is no crime here.

How many? Hands up everyone who thinks this themselves, or has heard of or read anyone saying there is no crime here.

Anyone? I'm not seeing any hands yet.

Most of the expats I talk to in real life. There is life beyond a computer.

You must talk to different expats than I do. They all realize there is crime here but feel it is safer than where they came from. Well most of them feel that way.

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The neighbours should be feel terrible. The Thai news said they admitted hearing her screening for help but did nothing because after a while it went quiet. Idiots.

That's what the society is turning into in develped and developing countries. We call it progress! Really?

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Some of the details as to the extent of brutality and cruelty the murderer put this girl through will never be published in the public domain. She was also a close relative to one of the police officers working on the case.

I have a daughter almost the same age and my kids are a constant worry to me, but that is what being a parent is all about. I think about that girl which makes me think about my daughter and pray to luck that I will never be in the same situation as the loving, caring devastated parents of that precious girl who became a victim of a monster.

After the legal issues and formalities have been completed, and filed under F for finished and forgotten, this guy is going to curse the day that he was born. Trust me on this one.

The BiB done a grand job in apprehending and taking this creep out of society so swiftly. In doing so probably save lives of other innocent girls in Chiang Mai.

Very well said.

My condolences to the parents.

I lost a son through drowning and can only guess at the pain and agony they are going through. We all know it happens but when you here of the brutality you want to do some very unnice things to them. In fact uncivilized things come to mind.

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CityNews – Police arrested Natakorn Thipanya (34) on November 7th, just a day after Prachayakorn Kawikul (28), a master’s degree student from Payap University was brutally killed and belongings went missing from her house.


Natakorn Thipanya waiiing to the photograph of his victim - in Thailand a murderer will be asked to pay respect and ask forgiveness from the victim after arrest

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The BiB done a grand job in apprehending and taking this creep out of society so swiftly. In doing so probably save lives of other innocent girls in Chiang Mai.

i dont know about the facts but it seems this incident could be prevented based on your first post that you mentioned the man is well known to police as a undies thief and suffering from severe mental problems. if this is true, obviously the man need some serious help and his illness is a threat to the public. perhaps being more proactive instead of reactive would be a far better job, imo of course.

Edited by barefoot1988
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...Many expats in CM seem to think there is no crime here.

How many? Hands up everyone who thinks this themselves, or has heard of or read anyone saying there is no crime here.

Anyone? I'm not seeing any hands yet.

Most of the expats I talk to in real life. There is life beyond a computer.

Methinks you must be using language in a different way than what the words mean. There is zero chance that anyone in Chiang Mai thinks there is "no crime here". There's never been a drunk driver here, never an assault, no bikes have ever been stolen, no robberies, no homes broken into, not one murder, never a rape, no shoplifting, etc. etc. I stand with my certainty that nobody in Chiang Mai has ever believed or said this, including "most of the expats" you talk to. I think you must be using "no crime" as a short-hand way of saying "less crime here than in many other cities". That's possibly true, and I think it's a widely held perception.

But quibbling over this point is hardly the essential concern of this thread. If it is true that neighbours heard the screams and did nothing, then this is a truly a disturbing aspect of this whole sordid event, and takes the practice of keeping your nose out of other people's business far too far.

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At least the Thai prisons will give a degree more justice than the holiday camp of European human rights inspired insult to the victims.


Although not at all C.M. related, perhaps they will listen to his complaint and let Anders Behring Breivik out into the general population so he can suffer the same fate that Jeffrey Dahmer did.

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...Many expats in CM seem to think there is no crime here.

How many? Hands up everyone who thinks this themselves, or has heard of or read anyone saying there is no crime here.

Anyone? I'm not seeing any hands yet.

Most of the expats I talk to in real life. There is life beyond a computer.

Methinks you must be using language in a different way than what the words mean. There is zero chance that anyone in Chiang Mai thinks there is "no crime here". There's never been a drunk driver here, never an assault, no bikes have ever been stolen, no robberies, no homes broken into, not one murder, never a rape, no shoplifting, etc. etc. I stand with my certainty that nobody in Chiang Mai has ever believed or said this, including "most of the expats" you talk to. I think you must be using "no crime" as a short-hand way of saying "less crime here than in many other cities". That's possibly true, and I think it's a widely held perception.

But quibbling over this point is hardly the essential concern of this thread. If it is true that neighbours heard the screams and did nothing, then this is a truly a disturbing aspect of this whole sordid event, and takes the practice of keeping your nose out of other people's business far too far.

This girl put up a fierce struggle for survival, she fought for her life. The fight between her and the attacker turned extremely violent to the extent of furniture and household items being turned over and smashed during her terrifying ordeal.

It is known that the commotion and her cries for help with intense screaming, which according to some neighbour statements went on and off for several hours, must have been way beyond that of an ordinary domestic argument, yet the neighbors decided to turn a deaf ear. This is one aspect of the case that has appalled the police and others involved during this investigation.

This guy will not be placed into any mental institution and as I understand it, remains in police custody. Once the formalities of this case are over and out of the public eye, he won’t last long.

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I just dont understand why, if something is suspected as "domestic violence", it is then considered a private affair.

If this is really the case, this girls life could have likely been saved.

Neighbours reporting hours of on and off intense screaming and smashing about...who could just let that go..really????!!

If i was her neighbour, and had ignored that, i would be feeling sick to my stomach with the weight of her death upon me.

Even in my condo, if i hear screams outside or in, i prick up to listen and look to see if it sounds like its turning violent.

There is no way in hell i would ignore the sounds of someone obviously in acute distress...!!!!!!!

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CityNews – Police arrested Natakorn Thipanya (34) on November 7th, just a day after Prachayakorn Kawikul (28), a master’s degree student from Payap University was brutally killed and belongings went missing from her house.


Natakorn Thipanya waiiing to the photograph of his victim - in Thailand a murderer will be asked to pay respect and ask forgiveness from the victim after arrest

If he was capable of such a brutal act, i would wonder if he is even capable of regret.

Uhh this is truly so horrible.

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Why do people complain about reading a post like this?

It is easy NOT to read the post. The title makes the content very clear.

Yes, but the tittle is indicative of the details, and those details are depressive for some people, as a result they rather not like to know about it, hence their request not to OP it.

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  • 10 months later...

Has anyone here been keeping up with this story? I am wondering if the accused is still in jail for the following reason: last week a notice was put up on the door of my apartment building (in Chiang Mai). It said there was a man in the area who was mentally ill and liked to steal women's underwear. It warned tenents to lock their doors to protect themselves and their belongings. I am REALLY hoping this is not the same guy (apparently he was well known), and that this person who was outside my apartment building is significantly less dangerous. I am pretty freaked out right now, so I would SO appreciate it if someone could reply. THANKS in advance!

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Thanks so much for replying so quickly! I guess this is just the newest thief then... This story could be considered a caveat that behaviour that seems fairly harmless can sometimes escalate into something terrible. I actually chuckled to myself when I first saw the notice, so this is pretty sobering for me. I don't watch/read the news, not sure if I should start or not :S.

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Happy he was caught,

Seems you know too much information

and I for 1 would be happier if you had never said anything in the first place

Let the police do their jobs and keep out of it

It is no good sweeping these horrific matters under the carpet. This post is a timely warning that people are not necessarily safe and secure in their own homes.

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Female friend of ours who lives alone had a stranger open her gate and front door last week and walked right in asking if he could help her with her garden. She said no and asked him to leave so he went outside and sat at the garden table; she then locked the door from inside and he started going on about no sex with his wife for 5 years and as she was single perhaps they could have a good time together and he would take care of the garden and paint the walls, yada yada. He eventually left half an hour later and she called the Police who said they would come later...too busy. It's been a week now and still no sign of Police so she's given up and just locks the gate behind her and locks herself in the house.

I would add that this woman is 54 and no dolly bird by any means but this guy; whoever he is, obviously knows she lives alone so has been taking mental notes for a while. Very sad that people have to become prisoners in their own homes and the local armed mafia law enforcement are not interested in protecting vulnerable women.

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Is there any place on this planet that is safe from these kind of crimes?? or worse??

Actually I feel safer here than I did in many places I've lived in the US.

No place and the states can tell a few stories that would make this look like child play.

Never the less it is a horrific crime but I am sure not the worst that has happened here in Chiang Mai.

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