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Scared Of Customs, First Visit, Please Help

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Hello, I am thinking about visiting Thailand (flight via Kuala Lumpur to Phuket) for 4 weeks for a holiday.

I have been given a hard time recently in other countries with customs trying to charge me duty on my personal belongings, despite being a tourist with a return ticket etc, this does not make sense to me and it's extremely shocking to be somewhere where they say "Give us xxxx amount in cash now or you are leaving your laptop here with me, no other choice".

Please can someone who frequently enters via Phuket with a non-Thai passport as a tourist tell me what their experience is?

I can only go on holiday with a lot of computer stuff, laptop and accessories since I always need to do work in the hotel to some extent (own online business).

I also carry what many people carry, camera, ipod, various electronics and gadgets in my suitcase as well as many cables and electronics in carry on luggage.

I would be devastated to be stopped and questioned again about my hardware, I have even been hassled about my very own personal clothes, sneakers and jackets just a few weeks ago in South Africa, where they tried everything possible to get me to say something that allows them to charge me duty on my clothes! Most of my clothes look new and I buy known brands and expensive stuff, I don't usually wear clothes that look old.

Apart from computer equipement and clothes, I am worried about the following things, and I have not received a reply from the Thai embassy yet regarding this question:

I need to take a huge tub (2.3 kg , 5 lb) of Protein powder, a small tub of L-Glutamine powder, CLA capsules, Green Tea extract capsules and maybe some other sports supplements like carbohydrate sachets, nothing prohibited, but I am completely scared in case they question me, or they make an allegation that I carry drugs, because of the powders, that they might just arrest me or even try to say I smuggled drugs without even analyzing what is in it.

However if I can not take these supplements for the 4 weeks I am planning to stay I do require them, then I would not go to Thailand, I already confirmed that I can not get exactly what I need in Phuket, if anyone knows better, please let me know.

Also I would like to take a supply of rolled oats, almonds and green tea for the first 1 - 2 days until I found a health store in Phulet selling these items, are they asking you to throw all food stuff in the bin in Thailand (like they do in Australia or South Africa)?

Please no pointless comments or speculations as in "I would risk it, I would not", only people who have experience or funded knowledge, thank you!


Listen I don't know a lot about the stuff you need to buy when you get there. What I do know is that if you need to take this stuff and it is not illigal then do not worry.

Do you have any medical statements/documents that you could bring along with you if that will calm you down. Not all Thai's and border staff are after a quick dollar.

As with most things in Los, that involve the authorities. You must stay calm. As I said if you have nothing illigal. Breaking out into cold sweats will only serve to make all concerned more un-nerved.

Chill out and just think about the cool time you're going to have....., Enjoy and all the best.


Do you have any medical statements/documents that you could bring along with you if that will calm you down. Not all Thai's and border staff are after a quick dollar.

I have my diet plans printed out from my nutritionist. That's all, none of these items require prescriptions at all, they are not even medication, just basically food supplements. You know for sports, bodybuilding etc.

Protein is in chicken, fish and so on, whey protein powder is just the protein.

In some other forum someone said Whey Protein is illegal in Thailand, I don't know about this.


Do you have any medical statements/documents that you could bring along with you if that will calm you down. Not all Thai's and border staff are after a quick dollar.

I have my diet plans printed out from my nutritionist. That's all, none of these items require prescriptions at all, they are not even medication, just basically food supplements. You know for sports, bodybuilding etc.

Protein is in chicken, fish and so on, whey protein powder is just the protein.

In some other forum someone said Whey Protein is illegal in Thailand, I don't know about this.

Can anyone confirm this....? It would seem strange if it is even for Thailand.....,

....and if any customs for any reason think any of it is anything sinister, just dip your finger in it and take what would be a fatal dose of anything stronger. Should convince anyone, especially if you need to take a blast from all of them.


In some other forum someone said Whey Protein is illegal in Thailand, I don't know about this.

Well they were wrong. I was at a health food outlet in Chiangmai and Whey protein was on my list, they had it (not cheap though). Also found this article:

"The top five export markets for U.S. whey products (whey powder and WPC) in 1998 were Japan, Mexico, Canada, China/Hong Kong, and Korea. Together, these five countries represented three-fourths of the 1998 whey export market. Taiwan, Thailand, and the Philippines are also important markets for U.S. whey. South America is growing in importance as well."

Source: usda.gov

Also can see a Thai site with supplements here (GNC has outlets in Thailand).



tywais, thanks very helpful link on the protein, I contacted the company and a few gyms that stock it about it, to ask if they also have other stuff like Glutamine, CLA, flax oil, etc etc ..

Please no pointless comments or speculations as in "I would risk it, I would not", only people who have experience or funded knowledge, thank you!
In the past five years I have travelled to Thailand once or twice a year with a computer bag on wheels containing laptop, scanner, external hard disk, accessories and cables, and in my suitcase 10 kg of chocolates, vitamin pills and other health foods. Not once have I been asked to open my bags.

Of course, customs officers have to do something to show that they earn their salary but I have no idea how they select somebody for a spot check.

It is different when I return to Switzerland. I was questioned once about a new suit I had made in Thailand but talked my way out of it. Later, I read that Swiss customs sometimes even search a person for receipts to see if anything was bought abroad and since then I always mail my receipts, do not carry them with me. Another time, I was delayed by Swiss customs because my wife had packed two small plastic bags of vitamin C pills and in Thailand the pharmacy had put no label on the bags. Customs tested it and let me go.

True, some countries can be difficult, as you have recounted, and even corrupt, looking for a bribe. In my experience, Thailand is not among them. If ever I should get questioned about that relatively large quantity of chocolate I usually bring to Thailand I would explain, truthfully, that I have many friends in Thailand who like Swiss chocolate and I would offer the customs official a bar of chocolate and that would be the end of it, I’m sure.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



maestro, thanks, extremely helpful, do you dress smart usually when you go to Thailand or more comfortable, sneakers, jeans etc ? I read a lot about how important it is in Asia to be polite and dress well, might also be a factor that you haven't been picked, no idea :o

Surprising with Switzerland, I come to Germany a lot with a German passport, no one ever checks anything there :D


I don't think you will have any problems with customs in Phuket, I have been coming to Phuket for the last 14 years, 4-5 times a year and not once have I been stopped by costums, just walk through the green and you should have no problem, have a nice stay. :o

maestro, thanks, extremely helpful, do you dress smart usually when you go to Thailand or more comfortable, sneakers, jeans etc ? I read a lot about how important it is in Asia to be polite and dress well, might also be a factor that you haven't been picked, no idea :o
I dress smart, and you’re right, that may be part of the reason for not being picked our for customs inspection, but not necessarily. Usually, it is a well-dressed Thai I see having to open his bag.

Your observation about being polite and dressing well is probably valid the world over, but certainly more so in Asia.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



I travel a lot through Bangkok, sometimes casually (T-shirt, jeans, trainers), and never been questioned by customs. I am not sure, but probably they look for general attitudes or body language to decide upon stopping somebody :o As others have already said, as long as you are on the legal side you shouldn't worry about it :D

Enjoy your trip to Thailand :D


Clothing, computer gear, camera, iPOD etc. are all fine.

I'd be prepared to explain the copius amounts of diet supplements in a calm, rational and simple way, as it might look like you are importing something? Maybe just say the single word, "sport", while pumping your arms up and down twice like a weight-lifter. (A Thai female athlete won a gold medal in weightlifting in the 2004 Olympics so everyone will understand the gesture.)


You will be right, just when your at customs dont start shaking and sweating or anything that makes you look nervous.

When you look nervous thats when they will give you a hard time


Do the customs officers usually not understand much English? Then I would prepare some phrases in advance to explain the supplements just in case, I am planning on getting private Thai lessons 1 hr per day anyway so may as well start to learn something now :o


I have made well over 40 trips to LOS and have never had my bags checked upon arrival at the airport.

I have often wondered what is to stop anyone picking up a nice looking case off the luggage conveyer belt and walking straight out of the terminal. :D

Anyway Goodgirl, with all your protein powders, vitamin tablets and other food supplements, I'm sure you have a wonderful, sculptured figure. With a healthy flash of clevage and a flex of your biceps, you should be able to dazzle the Thai guy at the Customs desk. :o

His attention to his duties could be diverted towards what you are flashing rather than what you might be carrying. :D

Enjoy your holiday.


Mighty Mouse, haha ok I was planning to dress conservatively. Do Thai men actually like Caucasian women at all? I mean in other countries you do get hassled a lot with blonde hair and so on, is that actually the case in Thailand as well, or are they also more into their own Asian girls there?

Thanks for the experience of 40 flights and no check.


I've made 25-30 entries into Thailand and also never been checked. Even one time when I brought something (notebook) that was listed on the manifest of declarable items I tried to go through the declaration exit and they would have nothing to do with it and waved me to the non-declared exit. :o So I just go to the non-declared exit straight away.

Mighty Mouse, Do Thai men actually like Caucasian women at all? I mean in other countries you do get hassled a lot with blonde hair and so on, is that actually the case in Thailand as well, or are they also more into their own Asian girls there?

If you have blonde hair you will get more than your fair share of Thai men perving at you.

You shouldn't get hassled though, unless you act provocatively in sleazy areas.

With regard to walking out of the terminal building with your suitcases, do as Tywais suggested and use the "non-declared" exit.

The Thai official at his customs post is more interested in getting people out of the terminal rather than checking through suitcases.

It's a different story when you are leaving Thailand. I have been chosen randomly to have my bags searched prior to checking them in for the flight.

Just be careful not to be overweight too. Excess baggage charges are quite hefty. :o


Thanks Mighty Mouse, by the time I'm going back, the food items will be used up and I no longer need to worry :o Especially since I also need to clear Kuala Lumpur customs on the flight back due to an 11 hour stopover.

By the way, the Thai embassy never answered my question until now. They might not answer e-mails even though they list the address on the website.


g00dgirl, a final word of warning from me: Thailand can be addictive. You will like it so much that you will want to go there again, and again, and again... sometimes for the beaches, other times to go to the mountainous north, and to so the many other exiting places there are to enjoy in this country. And with every visit you will love it even more.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Thanks for the warning maestro, I will find out. I am lucky enough to decide where I spend my time, so should it be the case then I will just spend some more time there :o


g00dgirl, I have frequently carried a laptop into Thailand with all the cables and stuff that seem as big as the computer, never once been questioned.

I have also carried an entire suitcase full of electrical fittings for my house, and was ok, but would not recommend it - YMMV.

I HAVE been given a mildly hard time in South Africa for carrying a laptop, where they told me they can charge me duty on exit as I didn't declare it on the way in. I said don't be ridiculous, everyone carries a laptop, what about camera, watch, etc. etc. and they let it go.


Since you're going through in Phuket instead of Bangkok, it's going to have to be speculation on my part. But try to have everything in regular luggage if you can. In Bankgok at least, boxes and other non-luggage things seem to get more stares by the agents even if the folks aren't stopped. And I've rarely seen anyone stopped. Probably under 1% as a whole planeload of people will leave baggage claim before me and I won't see them talking to customs as I walk through.

Also, in the very unlikely event you are stopped, if you can buy full, sealed packages of the questionable looking supplements before, it might help out. But maybe not all of them since it could look like you're going to sell them. Try to leave everything in the original container either way. I'd bet the agents generally speak English fairly well since there's a high percentage of tourists landing there.

They don't have a food quarantine like the US, or I guess Australia. So no problems with the oats and things.

Be careful what you say about the equipment being for work. Hopefully someone here can chime in on whether working on a foreign online business will get you in trouble or not, but you don't want government agents thinking you're going to be working while in Thailand. My laptop is for e-mail and playing DVD's if anyone were to ask, and that's it's main use. Although it's really in case I have to do some unexpected work while I'm traveling.

Above all, like everyone else says, look like the tourist you are. Don't be nervous, be relaxed and look forward to your stay.

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