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Coping With Sexism In Thailand


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Hello fellow female expats. I moved to Thailand last year and have been working in Bangkok for the past several months. Over that time I've become increasingly frustrated with the expat work culture here. I want to vent, but I also need the perspectives of other women who have been here longer than me. I'd also love to hear from men who don't think that I should leave because I'm not fine with being treated like a object. I'm getting career value out of Thailand, I like living here, and I'm not leaving.

Some things I've encountered in the last year:

- Networking often occurs in male-only spaces such as hooker bars, Soi Cowboy, Nana Plaza, golf trips, poker games, etc. I am not invited, cutting me off from the benefits of this networking. Networking that I am allowed to attend is mostly binge drinking and talking shit about women. I'm mainly talking about informal, after hours networking, not formal networking venues like Chamber of Commerce events.

- Managers (male expats) are free from gender discrimination laws and routinely objectify female employees, Thai women on the street, etc. They get in the personal space of female employees. This would be considered sexual harassment in the West. They talk so much shit about Thai women it's amazing.

- I moved here with my long term male partner. Everyone likes to tell me how I can't compete with a Thai woman and it is only a matter of time before he leaves me for one. Or alternatively, they tell me that women professionals don't last long in Asia and I should leave.

It's these constant efforts to devalue me that I need to address.

If you're a woman who's living in Thailand (or has lived here) what do you do to mitigate the sexism here? How do you experience Thailand as a foreign woman?

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No.1 Its great here with no PC overkill,(speak free)

No.2 Do you actually play golf ?

No.3 Would you want to be invited on a stag night,to Nana,Cowboy,etc.

No.4 Blokes are blokes.

No.5 sexual harassment, goes both ways.

No.6 you have a long term partner that you go home to (what's the problem.

No.7 you left all what you have mentioned behind you in the west,

Also you have only been in country a few months,relax,or you will be going home,soon.

Yes I am a man this thread was floating about in general forum.

Good luck.

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THIS is the society in which you have chosen to work (click link to another TV post).


Sorry, I'm a male too, but couldn't resist posting this link here after sympathetically reading your OP.

Unfortunately, the cultural environment gives free reign to the less-PC inclinations of a lot of expats who live and work here--especially when many Thai women accept or even encourage it.

It's a tough go if you are fresh from a PC country.

Edited by Fookhaht
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And it took under half an hour, but Hedghog is a common example of men brushing off sexism as an issue. Hedghog, you aren't effected by sexism here, you don't have to deal with it, and if you have nothing else to do than defend it, you're part of the problem.

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THIS is the society in which you have chosen to work (click link to another TV post).


Sorry, I'm a male too, but couldn't resist posting this link here after sympathetically reading your OP.

Unfortunately, the cultural environment gives free reign to the less-PC inclinations of a lot of expats who live and work here--especially when many Thai women accept or even encourage it.

It's a tough go if you are fresh from a PC country.

I agree, and I'd like to note that "less-PC inclinations" is a very PC way of saying sexist, racist and prone to harassment. My Thai female coworkers tolerate it, and given the cultural context of Thailand I understand why. Also, in environments where women have considerably less power (like here), it's common to see women try to gain that power back through sexual attraction. That's why you don't find ambitious, intelligent women with power allowing balding middle managers to make loud comments about their ass in the office.

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Well.., Hedgehog did not put it well, but on the major point, he's pretty right. The major point being - it is what it is. Unfortunately, that is the way of things here, and there is basically nothing you can do to change the big picture. You either need to find a way to live with it, or I imagine you will find yourself very unhappy.

I think you should concentrate on looking for tips on how to improve your own personal situation, rather than trying to affect overall change. What ways can you work within the current culture to try to rise above it. I know that's a crappy, impersonal answer, but maybe it might lead you in a better direction. If you are trying to change the culture here, no matter how unfair it may be, you're going to find yourself banging your head against a brick wall. Perhaps by finding a better path for yourself, you might inspire other ladies to do the same? I think that is the best case you can hope for.

And yes, I'm a guy, just trying to give you a reasonable reply.

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Well.., Hedgehog did not put it well, but on the major point, he's pretty right. The major point being - it is what it is. Unfortunately, that is the way of things here, and there is basically nothing you can do to change the big picture. You either need to find a way to live with it, or I imagine you will find yourself very unhappy.

I think you should concentrate on looking for tips on how to improve your own personal situation, rather than trying to affect overall change. What ways can you work within the current culture to try to rise above it. I know that's a crappy, impersonal answer, but maybe it might lead you in a better direction. If you are trying to change the culture here, no matter how unfair it may be, you're going to find yourself banging your head against a brick wall. Perhaps by finding a better path for yourself, you might inspire other ladies to do the same? I think that is the best case you can hope for.

I said nothing in my original post about changing the culture, just that I wanted advice and perspective on navigating/coping with the environment here. I'm not going to change Thailand, that's up to Thai people and Thai feminism. Given the environment, I want to mitigate the sexism as best I can so I'm not at a constant disadvantage. And thank you for giving a reasonable reply.

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I would just always ask yourself one simple question: what is the path of least resistance. Or, as Bruce Lee would put it, "be like water my friend". The way I see the world, for every difficulty you face, there must also be an advantage, or equal and opposite reaction. You are in a unique position if you think about it; the people in unique spots are usually more successful. Try to find the positive aspect of all these situations.

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Networking often occurs in male-only spaces such as hooker bars, Soi Cowboy, Nana Plaza, golf trips, poker games, etc. I am not invited, cutting me off from the benefits of this networking. Networking that I am allowed to attend is mostly binge drinking and talking shit about women. I'm mainly talking about informal, after hours networking, not formal networking venues like Chamber of Commerce events.

- Managers (male expats) are free from gender discrimination laws and routinely objectify female employees, Thai women on the street, etc. They get in the personal space of female employees. This would be considered sexual harassment in the West. They talk so much shit about Thai women it's amazing.


It sounds like you don't like the place where you work.

If it was me, I would be looking elsewhere. Life is too short to be miserable.

I would just move on. Yes, I know, it's easy to say, but remember

it's not impossible to do.

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I've tried hunting out a definition of "twattism" but can't find one anywhere. I am sure posting in a language other than English is against forum rules. Can I request a mod to remove Boo's foreign Language comments please.

Boo, please read forum rules carefully, and try to adhere to them closely...


Twattism: twah'-tizm; being in the state of exhibiting the behavior of a jerk.

Edited by Fookhaht
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All of Thailand is not like this ..... I can assure you the men at our company don't network at hooker bars or nana plaza !

I can't offer much help except to tell you that not every place is like that to that extent , where my wife works would be pretty much the complete opposite of that.

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This here is not the place to air YOUR issues with women having the right to live free from aggression, harassment & discrimination so either contribute in a civil manner or stay away.

I was under the impression that western women in Thailand suffered very little from aggression and harassment aimed at them, not sure about discrimination. In Thailand I think we suffer much more discrimination as non-Asian people than in any gender specific way. However, when I worked for a firm in the city of London, we often had blokes nights out, and we didn't think to invite the female employees. The female employees also had girls nights out where they never though to invite us.

I think we have to just accept some activities, arranged at work (but not by work) are not suitable for everyone.

Those activities arranged (and paid for) by management as a works jolly, everyone was welcome and the venues were suitable for all.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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Networking often occurs in male-only spaces such as hooker bars, Soi Cowboy, Nana Plaza, golf trips, poker games, etc. I am not invited, cutting me off from the benefits of this networking. Networking that I am allowed to attend is mostly binge drinking and talking shit about women. I'm mainly talking about informal, after hours networking, not formal networking venues like Chamber of Commerce events.

- Managers (male expats) are free from gender discrimination laws and routinely objectify female employees, Thai women on the street, etc. They get in the personal space of female employees. This would be considered sexual harassment in the West. They talk so much shit about Thai women it's amazing.


It sounds like you don't like the place where you work.

If it was me, I would be looking elsewhere. Life is too short to be miserable.

I would just move on. Yes, I know, it's easy to say, but remember

it's not impossible to do.

I think that it would be hard to employ male employees as most of them are doing male orientated jobs like driving trucks and working in the construction industries. Its just life here. There isnt so many men working in offices. They probably wouldnt do that type of job anyway
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Just as an FYI this thread is in Ladies now and we do follow the rules here rather strictly.

Secondly, it would seem to me OP is talking about Western expat colleagues yes? Not Thai? If not then its got nothing to do with Thai culture does it? But rather the good old boys reasserting their outdated attitudes simply because Thai women are too polite to tell them to take a hike.

You're stating what should be obvious, but clearly, many of the TV membership don't read too well. Or perhaps their reading comprehension is severely lacking.

I feel for the OP and would say that the unseemly behavior of your colleagues is extremely unprofessional. I work with professionals both Thai and western and we would never "network" or socialize in hooker bars. The problem with some of your farang colleagues, especially those that park themselves frequently in girly bars, is that they've become convinced that they're God's gift to womenhood. Unfortunately, they then seem to have this difficulty in separating normal women (Thai and farang) from those in the business. And yes, Thai women are usually too polite to tell them what they really think. You (and like-minded western men--surely there must be one or two) should do that deed, and right soon.

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- Networking often occurs in male-only spaces such as hooker bars, Soi Cowboy, Nana Plaza, golf trips, poker games, etc. I am not invited, cutting me off from the benefits of this networking. Networking that I am allowed to attend is mostly binge drinking and talking shit about women. I'm mainly talking about informal, after hours networking, not formal networking venues like Chamber of Commerce events.

Thanks for sharing this. This sounds exactly like the situation at corporate executive level in the UK and US. It tends to be extremely difficult to get to meet at more neutral places and times and have events structured around less offending activities. Persistent pushing for reasonable alternatives, coupled with some tolerance might be the way forward.

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Hello ... Cheer up (A guy too whistling.gif but want to tell you these)

1. Be strong not all the people here are like that

2. Go to the park (anywhere) morning or evening that is the best place in this city. (trust me I'm Thai :-)

3. Try to find some Thai girl friends so you can find a difference society

4. About your partner think it this way " you are more value than to have to concern about thing like that if he really go with someone else what different Thai or non-Thai girl, It just he just not good enough for you :-)

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And yes, Thai women are usually too polite to tell them what they really think. You (and like-minded western men--surely there must be one or two) should do that deed, and right soon.

This is the worst advice in the thread, IMO. Fighting fire with fire in your work place is never going to help you, and will often hurt you. It is also extremely unprofessional.

Anyways op:

1. The networking thing is not really a valid complaint. It is inevitable that not all networking opportunities will be available to you. Realize that a big part of why many guys move out here (not all) is that they do like things like the girly bars. So trying to convince them to stop doing the thing they love out here is going to be a fruitless endeavor.

Instead of focusing on the opportunities that you *don't* have you should put more effort into the ones you do have. You shouldn't be excluded from poker games or golfing, just based on the activity alone. I've done both in Thailand and it is almost always both men and women present. It sounds like your coworkers might not have thought to invite you or perhaps there is some bad blood already that you're not mentioning. Perhaps they really do just hate western women and you're screwed... but a charismatic enough woman would be able to overcome that. It certainly might not be fair, but you could treat this whole thing as an opportunity to improve yourself.

Also you could try to come up with your own networking options. Entice the people that you think will help advance your career to come do things that are an option for everyone.

2. Gender discrimination laws are a two way street. I am an attractive fit "body builder" type guy and I've had women grope my muscles many times, not even just in a night life setting. I don't cause any sort of fuss over it, simply try to deflect their advances with a smile. And please don't say something as stupid as, "But it is different you are a man," because that is real discrimination. I am actually totally okay with it and don't see the problem with it, as long as it is fair both ways. So I won't go off on some anti PC tirade here, just pointing out an obvious culture difference. For comparison, this type of thing only happened to me in clubs and whatnot in the USA (a setting where it goes both ways too).

3. Their generalization is not true for all western women, but it is just stating a simple truth. I know of very few long term western female professionals out here. Yes they do exist, but if we are looking at numbers and being honest for a moment, it is clear which gender actually sees their life out here as an improvement. As for the part of competing with Thai women that is just a bunch of nonsense and your race has nothing to do with that. Many guys miss smart, motivated, independent women out here and I bet you're one of those. Not only that but western women are considering a real prize for Thai men and are considering highly attractive (as long as they are fit just like their Thai counterpart). So you can safely ignore those idiotic claims. Also from a professional standpoint I would argue that learning to ignore or joke off these types of comments will do you a lot better in the long run than complaining to HR, even if you were in the west where they'd clearly side with you. This is a way to alienate other coworkers when word gets around. Again, yes, it is not fair... but it still might be what is best for your career.

Edited by drnkurmlkshk
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2. Gender discrimination laws are a two way street. I am an attractive fit "body builder" type guy and I've had women grope my muscles many times, not even just in a night life setting. I don't cause any sort of fuss over it, simply try to deflect their advances with a smile. And please don't say something as stupid as, "But it is different you are a man," because that is real discrimination.

Surely, you can't believe what you're shoveling. There is a HUGE difference between a man and a woman's perception of a great many things, such as groping and physical touching, cat-calling, and the like. This is not a PC thing, but a factual thing. Unless I'm misreading you, you sound like you're from the dark ages. This makes your credibility suspect if you can't grasp this basic concept.

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