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Theres a Common Myna around the exercise gear I use that will do the same thing, looks like a young bird, almost fully fledged and can fly.

Someone may have given it some food at some stage, possibly even fallen out of a nest and been without a parent to feed it or teach it fear.

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For the past 6 weeks or so we've had a Blue Winged Pitta hanging round or garden, collecting worms and taking them back to a nest. Then over the last few days there's been up to 5 at a time. Looks like it's her off spring.

To give you an idea of how close they are, this pic was taken from inside my house, at 400mm and hasn't been cropped.


I am full of envy. I've been trying for years to see one but still no luck. You must have some fairly decent habitat around for them to nest. As far as Pittas go, I've only ticked Mangrove and Blue.

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For the past 6 weeks or so we've had a Blue Winged Pitta hanging round or garden, collecting worms and taking them back to a nest. Then over the last few days there's been up to 5 at a time. Looks like it's her off spring.

To give you an idea of how close they are, this pic was taken from inside my house, at 400mm and hasn't been cropped.


I am full of envy. I've been trying for years to see one but still no luck. You must have some fairly decent habitat around for them to nest. As far as Pittas go, I've only ticked Mangrove and Blue.

We live near the southern border of KY national park, so lots of habitat. Our soil has lots of worms and no cats. Besides those in our garden, I've seen plenty around our area lately.

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As no answers as yet I will have a go:

Smithson, Never seen either, the Darter is restricted to wetland areas (lakes) around the country and appears to be uncommon.

The Sunbird looks to be restricted to the higher parts of the country in the north, west and down the central range, reasonably common within its range.

Ron, That would be a Greater Coucal, common throughout the country.

Edited by Robby nz
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Thanks Robby, I was just reading about the Darter and found this: Thailand (formerly widespread, now very rare and possibly no longer breeds, although sightings are increasing in frequency due perhaps to increased protection of breeding colonies in Cambodia). No wonder I hadn't seen it before.

Here's another couple of pics.



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Smithson, yours are a male Olive backed Sunbird, the most common sunbird and a Thick billed Green pigeon, female by the look of it.

That's a Common Myna Ron, as the name says common.

Here's one from me ;


Little Heron

Edited by Robby nz
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These like to hang around the house as well, anyone got a name for them please? Seen here on the car port roof.


Ok, no answers yet, but I did a quick search and reckon its one of these


Sorry missed that one.

Yes Zebra Dove, sometimes called Friendly Dove.

Sometimes see them in cities strutting around under food stalls looking for scraps.

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Greater painted Snipe.

attachicon.gifgreater painted snipe.JPG


attachicon.gifgreater painted snipe Female.JPG


One of the few birds where the female is more colorful than the male.

Fortunately that applies to us people as well, mostly anyway.

Great work. I have found a couple of these in Perth, West Australia where they are extremely rare. Very cryptic and flush with low flight to drop down some 30 meters away. Where may I ask did you see these? I have never got a clear "shot" of them.

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Greater painted Snipe.

attachicon.gifgreater painted snipe.JPG


attachicon.gifgreater painted snipe Female.JPG


One of the few birds where the female is more colorful than the male.

Fortunately that applies to us people as well, mostly anyway.

Great work. I have found a couple of these in Perth, West Australia where they are extremely rare. Very cryptic and flush with low flight to drop down some 30 meters away. Where may I ask did you see these? I have never got a clear "shot" of them.

There are a couple of pair of them hang round a swamp area surrounded by paddy where I live in Singburi, they like to feed in harvested or worked up wet paddy, got some new photos about a week back.

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