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The Best Place In The World ?


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Isn't Siam the closest to it? Great people ,weather,food,cost of living,ltd state taxes,interference.Ease of vias if you have minimal cash.

I must confess I was snapped up by the Lanna Flanag long range patrol group before theEsan damsels caught my eye and have never been East of Nan.But from Padang Besar to Mae Hong Song it is lovely for now.

I had a few years finding my feet.

For those planning to stay finding a suitable diet location and of course circle is the key

Assuming members are not poor Rohingya punters,Lao gfs or Khmer labourers isn't this the best place to be?

For those who could afford to leave where else would appeal?

I read today Ecaudor is No 1 with Americans.

I read good things about Uruguay and New Zealand but am sure this is my niche.

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Thailand is good, but if money was no object there are other places I would like to try like Sydney, Paris, south of France, Greek island, Spanish island, Japan and probably a lot more.

I see thailand as a very good place if you are limited financially, good if you have a nice income, but as personal wealth rises other places look more attractive. Just my view and I know many will disagree.

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Also depends on personal circumstances.

If you've had a lifetime of refusals and rejection from women in the west, Thailand can be very appealing. If you're a handsome (really good looking, not just "hansum"), silver tongued devil that can get laid anywhere, Thailand doesn't have the same draw...

If you're married to a western woman, (with or without western kids), Thailand may not be the cat's meow.

For me, it's not in my top 10, but it's where they mail my paycheck. Not a hardship posting, but not top of the list.

Edited by impulse
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Thailand has had its day.

Many people that moved years ago to Thailand are finding it more difficult to stay here.

Exchange rates being the number one factor.

Also have bought property,so can not easily recoup investment,to move,if they so wish,

Also age if you have been here many years its not easy just to upsticks and go somewhere else.

What is perfect.?

Everyone has a different dream.

Just my thought on the matter.

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Australia, I love it to much to leave.

thailands great for long holidays but the insanity sets in after a while.

its just to fake if you know what i mean.

Not really...

PS: if your post is any indication, perhaps the quality of education in Australia needs some improvement. Looks to be even worse than Thailand's.

Edited by NewlyMintedThai
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as soon as my wife is ready , we are going back to Australia where everything is clean and clean beaches and good weather and etc etc etc etc etc also lived in america for 3 years and paets of that was good , canada is a great place to live too.

dont know about the rest of the worls as i have not lived there , everyone has their own thinking ....

but when you get a gun pu;lled on you its time to leave ...

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Good reason to stay away from Ecuador.

Bali is best....Bali rules dudes..

Tell that to my buddy who had his face blown off at the Sari Club.

Hard to tell him then wouldn't it.

smart prick you should have been there and we wouldn't have to talk to a prick like you

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coffee1.gif Romania?coffee1.gif

Romania is one of the higher choices for me. many people take the p*** out of the country, but away from Buch, and the main Roma areas, there are some stunningly beautiful places.... Sibiu, for example. Property is available and relatively cheap: the people are friendly (dark-eyed, dark haired women are beautiful). I gave Romania a lot of thought for retirement, but decided to give Thailand and SE Asia a shot (for now).

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Australia, I love it to much to leave.

thailands great for long holidays but the insanity sets in after a while.

its just to fake if you know what i mean.

Not really...

PS: if your post is any indication, perhaps the quality of education in Australia needs some improvement. Looks to be even worse than Thailand's.

and you know this do you....

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Good reason to stay away from Ecuador.

Bali is best....Bali rules dudes..

Tell that to my buddy who had his face blown off at the Sari Club.

Hard to tell him then wouldn't it.

smart prick you should have been there and we wouldn't have to talk to a prick like you

You don't have to talk to me....its called writing...and if you choose to, you can decide for yourself not to do that also....that is if you have the self control to act upon such urges....

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Australia, I love it to much to leave.

thailands great for long holidays but the insanity sets in after a while.

its just to fake if you know what i mean.

Not really...

PS: if your post is any indication, perhaps the quality of education in Australia needs some improvement. Looks to be even worse than Thailand's.

and you know this do you....

It's becoming clearer and clear...

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Of course it depends what you are after in life.

About 15 years ago I lived for a while in the French Pyrenees, in an old barn that I bought in a small village that nestled just below the snowline.

Every day I would go walking and climbing in the mountains

Every evening I would drink a bottle of local red wine and eat the local French food.

For me - that was the nearest thing to heaven that I have experienced in all my life smile.png


That sounds like magic. I love the Pyrenees, especially the Basque side: Biarritz and San Sebastian.

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Australia, I love it to much to leave.

thailands great for long holidays but the insanity sets in after a while.

its just to fake if you know what i mean.

Not really...

PS: if your post is any indication, perhaps the quality of education in Australia needs some improvement. Looks to be even worse than Thailand's.

and you know this do you....

It's becoming clearer and clear...

maybe what is not so clear is i rush when i type, the reason is i am not on an ego trip and worrying about people picking out my mistakes for no real reason, why do it during a friendly chat.

you ever read your doctors writing, tell me are they educated.

the only thing clear is your attitude, no reason for it, we are are having a friendly chat and your going of on a rant about my spelling and education.

i almost pity you in a way.

Edited by muythai2013
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"Best place in the world" should have an education system that produces literate students.

Slow down if it means you won't look like such a bone head.

I'm fine, no one really cares about the spelling other then you I think.

so I don't think I will slow down but thanks anyway, best to look like a bone head then to be a bit of an ass for no real reason.

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"The Best Place in the World".......hmmmmmmm.......let me think.......

Well for starters, it's above the ground and being upright.

Location????.......it's wherever you feel at ease,relaxed, without a worry in the world and all your dreams come true.

...for me....it's right here and now. I'm tapping away to you guys....I have a nice warm ginger pussy in my lap (feline) and my beautiful wife is in bed watching telly, waiting for me to finish up here and go and snuggle up to her.

That's the best place in the world for me.


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"Best place in the world" should have an education system that produces literate students.

Slow down if it means you won't look like such a bone head.

I'm fine, no one really cares about the spelling other then you I think.

so I don't think I will slow down but thanks anyway, best to look like a bone head then to be a bit of an ass for no real reason.

A newly minted thai lecturing about being a bonehead...irony much.

Ginger pussies go off.

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