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Brace Yourselves....20% Inflation!

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Things are so cheap here it's hard to notice any price rises.I can't think of anything that's risen in price, apart from season stuff that goes up and down in price over the year. In general I haven't noticed any real change in almost 3 years.

Alcohol - Up.

Cigarettes - Up.

Diesel - Up.

Electric - Up.

Food - Up.

Rent - Up.

Etc Etc.

Just a couple I noticed off the top of my head.

Edited by Spoonman
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Things are so cheap here it's hard to notice any price rises.I can't think of anything that's risen in price, apart from season stuff that goes up and down in price over the year. In general I haven't noticed any real change in almost 3 years.

Alcohol - Up.

Cigarettes - Up.

Diesel - Up.

Electric - Up.

Food - Up.

Rent - Up.

Etc Etc.

Just a couple I noticed off the top of my head.

Everyone on Thai Visa can post their own impressions of how much consumer prices go up or down or From the monthly price survey of 417 items of goods and services across Thailand, the Ministry of Commerce reported Consumer Price Indexes of Thailand in March 2012 as the followings:

3. Headline CPIs in March 2012, compared with February 2012 increased by +0.59 percent (February 2012 accelerated by +0.37 percent), largely resulted from the index of food and beverage group by +0.66 percent and index of non-food and beverage group by +0.55 percent. The ongoing rise of the world oil price and fee collection to oil fund implemented by the government have mainly driven domestic commodity prices in this month through cost of production i.e. transportation cost. The commodities whose price increased are eggs and dairy products, non-alcoholic beverage, prepared food, shelter, construction materials, water supply, cleaning supplies, personal care items, vehicles and vehicle operation etc. while prices of rice, flour and cereal products, meats, seasoning decreased.

3.1. The index for food and beverage group increased by 0.66 percent, due to the increase in followings

3.1.1 Eggs and dairy products

3.1.2 Fruits such as orange, watermelon, apple, and durian due to hot weather which damages and reduces product in the market.

3.1.3 Fresh vegetables such as lemon, coriander, Chinese cabbage, tomato, shallot plant, and celery.

3.1.4 Prepared food such as ready-made curry, fried rice, noodles, curry with rice, and congee due to a cost of production and transportation cost

3.1.5 Non-alcoholic drink such as instant coffee, carbonate soft drink, drinking water, and ready to drink coffee and tea due to a cost of production and transportation cost.

However, prices of dried shallot, dried garlic, and dried chilli decreased because of higher supply in the market.

3.2 The index for non-food and beverage group increase by +0.55 percent (February 2012 increased +0.53 percent). Illustration of price movements is shown below:

3.2.1 Domestic retailed motor fuel, on average, increased by +3.83 percent compared to previous month

3.2.2 Also, prices in some groups increased such as shelter (+0.17 percent), cloth and clothing (+0.44 percent), construction materials (by +0.06 percent), water supply (by +0.61 percent), cleaning supplies (+0.16 percent), drugs and medical care commodities (by +0.17 percent), personal care items (by +0.09 percent), and alcoholic beverages (by +0.13 percent)

You can read the rest at,


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My major costs (nappies and cornflakes) have significantly reduced in the last two years.

MomyPoko Happy Pants have gone down from 225bht/pack to 179bht/pack.

Nestle Jumbo Cornflakes have gone down from 105bht to 85bht a box.

Alcohol and cigarettes, same, we grow our own rice and tobacco (Auntie runs the village still).

Food, more or less the same.

Petrol and diesel, 10% rise, but not a significant part of our monthly outgoings.

Electric, that went up, what was it 5%, on our 1,000bht a month bill, almost nothing.

Rent, none, my wife owns the farm.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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Bloody Luxury, when I was a lad me mam used t' send us down t' butcher shop wi' a slice o'bread to rub on the butchers counter.

You young uns got it easy nowadays

You had bread? You were lucky. When I was a lad, my mum gave me a sheet of glass dipped in rat poison to gnaw on every morning for breakfast & I was glad to have it.

not to forget walking daily barefoot through 25cm snow to school laugh.png

We only went once a week as we only had one pair of shoes between 5 of us.sad.png

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The origional poster said a 20% rise is coming not here already and this could be correct for I understand the price of cooking gas will go up soon and that will make a big difference.

There is also all the new utes and cars around, when payments start to come due there is a chance that the owners who are in a position to do so could raise the prices of whatever they sell to help with the payments.

I live on comparatively little and therefore do notice price rises such as coconuts in the market which have recently risen from 15b to 18b and now 20b.

I notice the price of squid has also risen considerably and a feed at a little roadside place I eat from time to time has in the last couple of weeks gone from 25 to 30b a plate. Not complaining just noting for I know these people got to make a baht.

Although only a few Baht these are big percentages, both more than the 20% mentioned and a couple of Baht added to other small (Made in Thailand) things will boost the additional percentage ordinary people have to pay.

And CMK thats what counts not Govt numbers.

I also see that bank interest rates on term deposits have dropped sharply in the last couple of months whether that makes a difference to inflation I dont know.

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The origional poster said a 20% rise is coming not here already and this could be correct for I understand the price of cooking gas will go up soon and that will make a big difference.

There is also all the new utes and cars around, when payments start to come due there is a chance that the owners who are in a position to do so could raise the prices of whatever they sell to help with the payments.

I live on comparatively little and therefore do notice price rises such as coconuts in the market which have recently risen from 15b to 18b and now 20b.

I notice the price of squid has also risen considerably and a feed at a little roadside place I eat from time to time has in the last couple of weeks gone from 25 to 30b a plate. Not complaining just noting for I know these people got to make a baht.

Although only a few Baht these are big percentages, both more than the 20% mentioned and a couple of Baht added to other small (Made in Thailand) things will boost the additional percentage ordinary people have to pay.

And CMK thats what counts not Govt numbers.

I also see that bank interest rates on term deposits have dropped sharply in the last couple of months whether that makes a difference to inflation I dont know.

People go to college for a reason. If we all could listen to the farmer next door like you we would not need to pay all that big money to listen to economists. The economists of the world read and write those government numbers. The world relies on modern science. The inflation rate in Thailand is around 4%. Check any of the rating agencies like S&P or Moodys. It is like a debate between a brain surgeon and a witch doctor. I can't do it any more. Go to college. Then come back and talk.

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The origional poster said a 20% rise is coming not here already and this could be correct for I understand the price of cooking gas will go up soon and that will make a big difference.

There is also all the new utes and cars around, when payments start to come due there is a chance that the owners who are in a position to do so could raise the prices of whatever they sell to help with the payments.

I live on comparatively little and therefore do notice price rises such as coconuts in the market which have recently risen from 15b to 18b and now 20b.

I notice the price of squid has also risen considerably and a feed at a little roadside place I eat from time to time has in the last couple of weeks gone from 25 to 30b a plate. Not complaining just noting for I know these people got to make a baht.

Although only a few Baht these are big percentages, both more than the 20% mentioned and a couple of Baht added to other small (Made in Thailand) things will boost the additional percentage ordinary people have to pay.

And CMK thats what counts not Govt numbers.

I also see that bank interest rates on term deposits have dropped sharply in the last couple of months whether that makes a difference to inflation I dont know.

People go to college for a reason. If we all could listen to the farmer next door like you we would not need to pay all that big money to listen to economists. The economists of the world read and write those government numbers. The world relies on modern science. The inflation rate in Thailand is around 4%. Check any of the rating agencies like S&P or Moodys. It is like a debate between a brain surgeon and a witch doctor. I can't do it any more. Go to college. Then come back and talk.

You should educate yourself about how inflation statistics are compiled. Governments across the world are compiling them in such a way to give low % increases by including items such as consumer electronics and airline tickets and such to offset the rises in actual essentials such as energy, food etc. If compiling data of essentials inflation, then since the government does not do this, this thread sounding out actual noticed price increases is entirely relevant and a more realistic inflation picture of essentials can be gained. Many everyday items are 15-25% up , how essential is a new TV or plane ticket to the average lower income person? Modern inflation statistics are a nonsense as is your insistence that "economists" are the only qualified ones to comment.

Quick google brings up a fine illustration of my point:


The fact you don't know this already, and stated what you did, clearly shows you have not even a basic knowledge of what your talking about. Maybe you just prefer to believe the propaganda and pass off all responsibility of such things to those experts in high places, believing all will be taken care of- ignorance is bliss; until you find one day your spending power has been inflated away.

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The old Lady comes in the Village 2x week with her hand cart from the Farm up the road

The big long Bananas normally 20 - 25 baht a bunch, most in season Veg is 5 baht or 5 baht a bunch........

Yesterday Bananas 50 baht........... all Veg 12 baht !! ...... I bought bananas at a Village market for 25 baht in the evening, most veg had gone up but only by 1 baht..

Different Lady tray of largest eggs were down by 3 baht to 96 baht for 30........

Pickup Truck come in the Village every day BBQ chicken on the go in the back, last year went from 20 baht a piece to 25 baht , 2 weeks later went back to 20 baht.......... Very few bought them for 25 baht, so they had no option but lower the price again..

Yesterday the old Lady with her hand cart left the Village not sure she had sold anything, normally cart is empty...........

So People power will not see 20% inflation not around the Villages anyway.

Edited by ignis
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The origional poster said a 20% rise is coming not here already and this could be correct for I understand the price of cooking gas will go up soon and that will make a big difference.

There is also all the new utes and cars around, when payments start to come due there is a chance that the owners who are in a position to do so could raise the prices of whatever they sell to help with the payments.

I live on comparatively little and therefore do notice price rises such as coconuts in the market which have recently risen from 15b to 18b and now 20b.

I notice the price of squid has also risen considerably and a feed at a little roadside place I eat from time to time has in the last couple of weeks gone from 25 to 30b a plate. Not complaining just noting for I know these people got to make a baht.

Although only a few Baht these are big percentages, both more than the 20% mentioned and a couple of Baht added to other small (Made in Thailand) things will boost the additional percentage ordinary people have to pay.

And CMK thats what counts not Govt numbers.

I also see that bank interest rates on term deposits have dropped sharply in the last couple of months whether that makes a difference to inflation I dont know.

People go to college for a reason. If we all could listen to the farmer next door like you we would not need to pay all that big money to listen to economists. The economists of the world read and write those government numbers. The world relies on modern science. The inflation rate in Thailand is around 4%. Check any of the rating agencies like S&P or Moodys. It is like a debate between a brain surgeon and a witch doctor. I can't do it any more. Go to college. Then come back and talk.

You should educate yourself about how inflation statistics are compiled. Governments across the world are compiling them in such a way to give low % increases by including items such as consumer electronics and airline tickets and such to offset the rises in actual essentials such as energy, food etc. If compiling data of essentials inflation, then since the government does not do this, this thread sounding out actual noticed price increases is entirely relevant and a more realistic inflation picture of essentials can be gained. Many everyday items are 15-25% up , how essential is a new TV or plane ticket to the average lower income person? Modern inflation statistics are a nonsense as is your insistence that "economists" are the only qualified ones to comment.

Quick google brings up a fine illustration of my point:


The fact you don't know this already, and stated what you did, clearly shows you have not even a basic knowledge of what your talking about. Maybe you just prefer to believe the propaganda and pass off all responsibility of such things to those experts in high places, believing all will be taken care of- ignorance is bliss; until you find one day your spending power has been inflated away.

Sorry, sorry sorry. Let me amend my previous post. Change witch doctor to witch doctor into conspiracy theories.

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The origional poster said a 20% rise is coming not here already and this could be correct for I understand the price of cooking gas will go up soon and that will make a big difference.

There is also all the new utes and cars around, when payments start to come due there is a chance that the owners who are in a position to do so could raise the prices of whatever they sell to help with the payments.

I live on comparatively little and therefore do notice price rises such as coconuts in the market which have recently risen from 15b to 18b and now 20b.

I notice the price of squid has also risen considerably and a feed at a little roadside place I eat from time to time has in the last couple of weeks gone from 25 to 30b a plate. Not complaining just noting for I know these people got to make a baht.

Although only a few Baht these are big percentages, both more than the 20% mentioned and a couple of Baht added to other small (Made in Thailand) things will boost the additional percentage ordinary people have to pay.

And CMK thats what counts not Govt numbers.

I also see that bank interest rates on term deposits have dropped sharply in the last couple of months whether that makes a difference to inflation I dont know.

People go to college for a reason. If we all could listen to the farmer next door like you we would not need to pay all that big money to listen to economists. The economists of the world read and write those government numbers. The world relies on modern science. The inflation rate in Thailand is around 4%. Check any of the rating agencies like S&P or Moodys. It is like a debate between a brain surgeon and a witch doctor. I can't do it any more. Go to college. Then come back and talk.

I will ignore your insults for the time being but will say that it is indeed what we all have to pay that impacts on our spending power.

What S&P have to say matters not a jot to me or anyone else when we have to pay more for something today than we had to yesterday.

It may of course not matter to someone with a spare 400kb in their pocket.

Consider also that the Thai Minister of Finance thinks it is OK to lie about the economy.

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The origional poster said a 20% rise is coming not here already and this could be correct for I understand the price of cooking gas will go up soon and that will make a big difference.

There is also all the new utes and cars around, when payments start to come due there is a chance that the owners who are in a position to do so could raise the prices of whatever they sell to help with the payments.

I live on comparatively little and therefore do notice price rises such as coconuts in the market which have recently risen from 15b to 18b and now 20b.

I notice the price of squid has also risen considerably and a feed at a little roadside place I eat from time to time has in the last couple of weeks gone from 25 to 30b a plate. Not complaining just noting for I know these people got to make a baht.

Although only a few Baht these are big percentages, both more than the 20% mentioned and a couple of Baht added to other small (Made in Thailand) things will boost the additional percentage ordinary people have to pay.

And CMK thats what counts not Govt numbers.

I also see that bank interest rates on term deposits have dropped sharply in the last couple of months whether that makes a difference to inflation I dont know.

People go to college for a reason. If we all could listen to the farmer next door like you we would not need to pay all that big money to listen to economists. The economists of the world read and write those government numbers. The world relies on modern science. The inflation rate in Thailand is around 4%. Check any of the rating agencies like S&P or Moodys. It is like a debate between a brain surgeon and a witch doctor. I can't do it any more. Go to college. Then come back and talk.

I will ignore your insults for the time being but will say that it is indeed what we all have to pay that impacts on our spending power.

What S&P have to say matters not a jot to me or anyone else when we have to pay more for something today than we had to yesterday.

It may of course not matter to someone with a spare 400kb in their pocket.

Consider also that the Thai Minister of Finance thinks it is OK to lie about the economy.

Perhaps you don't know it but all your cash is based on S&P and Moodys rating system. I don't know what currency you use at home but it's value is based on estimates of it's value by Moody's and S&P. So if you or anyone else puts money in the bank or uses cash or a check to buy anything the value of that cash and check is determined by Moodys and S&P. So I guess you do give a jot eh?

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Perhaps you don't know it but all your cash is based on S&P and Moodys rating system. I don't know what currency you use at home but it's value is based on estimates of it's value by Moody's and S&P. So if you or anyone else puts money in the bank or uses cash or a check to buy anything the value of that cash and check is determined by Moodys and S&P. So I guess you do give a jot eh?

is this stuff you ingest legal CMK? i have strong doubts! laugh.png

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The origional poster said a 20% rise is coming not here already and this could be correct for I understand the price of cooking gas will go up soon and that will make a big difference.

There is also all the new utes and cars around, when payments start to come due there is a chance that the owners who are in a position to do so could raise the prices of whatever they sell to help with the payments.

I live on comparatively little and therefore do notice price rises such as coconuts in the market which have recently risen from 15b to 18b and now 20b.

I notice the price of squid has also risen considerably and a feed at a little roadside place I eat from time to time has in the last couple of weeks gone from 25 to 30b a plate. Not complaining just noting for I know these people got to make a baht.

Although only a few Baht these are big percentages, both more than the 20% mentioned and a couple of Baht added to other small (Made in Thailand) things will boost the additional percentage ordinary people have to pay.

And CMK thats what counts not Govt numbers.

I also see that bank interest rates on term deposits have dropped sharply in the last couple of months whether that makes a difference to inflation I dont know.

People go to college for a reason. If we all could listen to the farmer next door like you we would not need to pay all that big money to listen to economists. The economists of the world read and write those government numbers. The world relies on modern science. The inflation rate in Thailand is around 4%. Check any of the rating agencies like S&P or Moodys. It is like a debate between a brain surgeon and a witch doctor. I can't do it any more. Go to college. Then come back and talk.

You should educate yourself about how inflation statistics are compiled. Governments across the world are compiling them in such a way to give low % increases by including items such as consumer electronics and airline tickets and such to offset the rises in actual essentials such as energy, food etc. If compiling data of essentials inflation, then since the government does not do this, this thread sounding out actual noticed price increases is entirely relevant and a more realistic inflation picture of essentials can be gained. Many everyday items are 15-25% up , how essential is a new TV or plane ticket to the average lower income person? Modern inflation statistics are a nonsense as is your insistence that "economists" are the only qualified ones to comment.

Quick google brings up a fine illustration of my point:


The fact you don't know this already, and stated what you did, clearly shows you have not even a basic knowledge of what your talking about. Maybe you just prefer to believe the propaganda and pass off all responsibility of such things to those experts in high places, believing all will be taken care of- ignorance is bliss; until you find one day your spending power has been inflated away.

Sorry, sorry sorry. Let me amend my previous post. Change witch doctor to witch doctor into conspiracy theories.

Not theories, FACTS. Do some reading. The different methods and products used over the years are there for all to see. Did you not read the article? CNBC is hardly conspiricy central. Your beloved economists would all confirm the facts I have stated; that the % result is dependant upon the method and basket of goods chosen.

You do know economists do not compile the data - government appointed statisians do - fact , look it up.

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People go to college for a reason. If we all could listen to the farmer next door like you we would not need to pay all that big money to listen to economists. The economists of the world read and write those government numbers. The world relies on modern science. The inflation rate in Thailand is around 4%. Check any of the rating agencies like S&P or Moodys. It is like a debate between a brain surgeon and a witch doctor. I can't do it any more. Go to college. Then come back and talk.

You should educate yourself about how inflation statistics are compiled. Governments across the world are compiling them in such a way to give low % increases by including items such as consumer electronics and airline tickets and such to offset the rises in actual essentials such as energy, food etc. If compiling data of essentials inflation, then since the government does not do this, this thread sounding out actual noticed price increases is entirely relevant and a more realistic inflation picture of essentials can be gained. Many everyday items are 15-25% up , how essential is a new TV or plane ticket to the average lower income person? Modern inflation statistics are a nonsense as is your insistence that "economists" are the only qualified ones to comment.

Quick google brings up a fine illustration of my point:


The fact you don't know this already, and stated what you did, clearly shows you have not even a basic knowledge of what your talking about. Maybe you just prefer to believe the propaganda and pass off all responsibility of such things to those experts in high places, believing all will be taken care of- ignorance is bliss; until you find one day your spending power has been inflated away.

Sorry, sorry sorry. Let me amend my previous post. Change witch doctor to witch doctor into conspiracy theories.

Not theories, FACTS. Do some reading. The different methods and products used over the years are there for all to see. Did you not read the article? CNBC is hardly conspiricy central. Your beloved economists would all confirm the facts I have stated; that the % result is dependant upon the method and basket of goods chosen.

You do know economists do not compile the data - government appointed statisians do - fact , look it up.

What rating agencies does your bank and/or government use to set values on a day to day basis? Tell them your cash is worth more than what they want to give you because you have the real scoop on the economy. Tell us what happens.

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Perhaps you don't know it but all your cash is based on S&P and Moodys rating system. I don't know what currency you use at home but it's value is based on estimates of it's value by Moody's and S&P. So if you or anyone else puts money in the bank or uses cash or a check to buy anything the value of that cash and check is determined by Moodys and S&P. So I guess you do give a jot eh?

is this stuff you ingest legal CMK? i have strong doubts! laugh.png

The finest brains in the land tell him there are no side effects at all, ergo it must be true

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Perhaps you don't know it but all your cash is based on S&P and Moodys rating system. I don't know what currency you use at home but it's value is based on estimates of it's value by Moody's and S&P. So if you or anyone else puts money in the bank or uses cash or a check to buy anything the value of that cash and check is determined by Moodys and S&P. So I guess you do give a jot eh?

is this stuff you ingest legal CMK? i have strong doubts! laugh.png

This Thai Visa ad hominem is just too much. Someone should stop it. If you have a problem with something I said spit it out.

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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The origional poster said a 20% rise is coming not here already and this could be correct for I understand the price of cooking gas will go up soon and that will make a big difference.

There is also all the new utes and cars around, when payments start to come due there is a chance that the owners who are in a position to do so could raise the prices of whatever they sell to help with the payments.

I live on comparatively little and therefore do notice price rises such as coconuts in the market which have recently risen from 15b to 18b and now 20b.

I notice the price of squid has also risen considerably and a feed at a little roadside place I eat from time to time has in the last couple of weeks gone from 25 to 30b a plate. Not complaining just noting for I know these people got to make a baht.

Although only a few Baht these are big percentages, both more than the 20% mentioned and a couple of Baht added to other small (Made in Thailand) things will boost the additional percentage ordinary people have to pay.

And CMK thats what counts not Govt numbers.

I also see that bank interest rates on term deposits have dropped sharply in the last couple of months whether that makes a difference to inflation I dont know.

People go to college for a reason. If we all could listen to the farmer next door like you we would not need to pay all that big money to listen to economists. The economists of the world read and write those government numbers. The world relies on modern science. The inflation rate in Thailand is around 4%. Check any of the rating agencies like S&P or Moodys. It is like a debate between a brain surgeon and a witch doctor. I can't do it any more. Go to college. Then come back and talk.

I will ignore your insults for the time being but will say that it is indeed what we all have to pay that impacts on our spending power.

What S&P have to say matters not a jot to me or anyone else when we have to pay more for something today than we had to yesterday.

It may of course not matter to someone with a spare 400kb in their pocket.

Consider also that the Thai Minister of Finance thinks it is OK to lie about the economy.

Perhaps you don't know it but all your cash is based on S&P and Moodys rating system. I don't know what currency you use at home but it's value is based on estimates of it's value by Moody's and S&P. So if you or anyone else puts money in the bank or uses cash or a check to buy anything the value of that cash and check is determined by Moodys and S&P. So I guess you do give a jot eh?

I give you the benefit of the doubt that we are talking about different things.

I am talking about the real world where real people do real work and pay real cash for what they have to buy to live.

They are the ones who will see and feel the effects of price rises = inflation.

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Perhaps you don't know it but all your cash is based on S&P and Moodys rating system. I don't know what currency you use at home but it's value is based on estimates of it's value by Moody's and S&P. So if you or anyone else puts money in the bank or uses cash or a check to buy anything the value of that cash and check is determined by Moodys and S&P. So I guess you do give a jot eh?

is this stuff you ingest legal CMK? i have strong doubts! laugh.png

The finest brains in the land tell him there are no side effects at all, ergo it must be true

This Thai Visa ad hominem is just too much. Someone should stop it. If you have a problem with something I said spit it out.

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What on earth are you on about Kelly?

Interest rates? I fear your terribly confused.

I relation to this to be clear:

"""Perhaps you don't know it but all your cash is based on S&P and Moodys rating system. I don't know what currency you use at home but it's value is based on estimates of it's value by Moody's and S&P. So if you or anyone else puts money in the bank or uses cash or a check to buy anything the value of that cash and check is determined by Moodys and S&P. So I guess you do give a jot eh?""""""

(The too many quotes TV message got in my way)

Edited by mccw
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People go to college for a reason. If we all could listen to the farmer next door like you we would not need to pay all that big money to listen to economists. The economists of the world read and write those government numbers. The world relies on modern science. The inflation rate in Thailand is around 4%. Check any of the rating agencies like S&P or Moodys. It is like a debate between a brain surgeon and a witch doctor. I can't do it any more. Go to college. Then come back and talk.

I will ignore your insults for the time being but will say that it is indeed what we all have to pay that impacts on our spending power.

What S&P have to say matters not a jot to me or anyone else when we have to pay more for something today than we had to yesterday.

It may of course not matter to someone with a spare 400kb in their pocket.

Consider also that the Thai Minister of Finance thinks it is OK to lie about the economy.

Perhaps you don't know it but all your cash is based on S&P and Moodys rating system. I don't know what currency you use at home but it's value is based on estimates of it's value by Moody's and S&P. So if you or anyone else puts money in the bank or uses cash or a check to buy anything the value of that cash and check is determined by Moodys and S&P. So I guess you do give a jot eh?

I give you the benefit of the doubt that we are talking about different things.

I am talking about the real world where real people do real work and pay real cash for what they have to buy to live.

They are the ones who will see and feel the effects of price rises = inflation.

I get a check from outside of Thailand every month. The value is determined by the value of the Thai Baht. That value is determined by the international market which is determined by investors that use information provided by economists and rating agencies and or the consumer price index. We all feel the same effects.

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The origional poster said a 20% rise is coming not here already and this could be correct for I understand the price of cooking gas will go up soon and that will make a big difference.

There is also all the new utes and cars around, when payments start to come due there is a chance that the owners who are in a position to do so could raise the prices of whatever they sell to help with the payments.

I live on comparatively little and therefore do notice price rises such as coconuts in the market which have recently risen from 15b to 18b and now 20b.

I notice the price of squid has also risen considerably and a feed at a little roadside place I eat from time to time has in the last couple of weeks gone from 25 to 30b a plate. Not complaining just noting for I know these people got to make a baht.

Although only a few Baht these are big percentages, both more than the 20% mentioned and a couple of Baht added to other small (Made in Thailand) things will boost the additional percentage ordinary people have to pay.

And CMK thats what counts not Govt numbers.

I also see that bank interest rates on term deposits have dropped sharply in the last couple of months whether that makes a difference to inflation I dont know.

people who constantly claim there is no food price inflation are

not paying attention to the " other side " of the equation ph34r.png

Shoppers are paying the same for ever smaller products

Manufacturers say they're responding to rising commodity prices



Edited by midas
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