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Anyone Interested In Going By Bicycle To Scandinavia?


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I am pondering a trip by bicycle to scandinavia,but I realise it would be tricky to go alone for various reasons.If beeing a small group of cyclists,lets say 4-6 people,there would be some margin for pitfalls and also some security.It would also be possible to split up now and then,if people have different views of something.

I will not provide any details;I do not have any at this stage.Those have to be worked out together,if there are anyone interested.

For my own part,I think about 100km/day,5 times/week could be ok.Little more,little less,depending on roadconditions,weather and so on.

For now,I just checking if there is any interest for this.

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It's uphill all the way - good luck with that.

Seriously, I recall seeing a news item recently about a couple of guys who cycled all the way from London to Sydney. It took them about 18 months. The route must have come through Thailand as they came down through Malaysia and embarked from Singapore. They had some trouble getting through one of the '-istans' bordering the Middle East and had to change their route, but they made it. Anyway, good luck.

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I've been considering lots of similar trips, for me it's always time....

I want to ride a bike from San Francisco to New York. I want to ride a bike completely around Australia. I want to ride a bike from Brazil to Alaska. Biking from Thailand to Europe sounds fun too!

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Hey everybody! I don`t know who did win the first round,me or my wife.I won,because she didn`t think I would get any answers,she won,because if I got any,they would all tell me how crazy I am!! Lol ! Here some more fun for you; I am 69 years old....(giving room for laughter here..).Also,the most I have gone in one day is 180 km and that is here in Thailand,not to compare to all the "uphills all the way" of course.

Ok,seriously,I am aware of how extremely difficult i might be,in many ways actually!That is why I don`t just hop on the bicycle and get on the way alone.Talking about that,perhaps it could be arranged to have a little trolly after my bike for the 18 year old blond.Big enough,of course,to harbour her brest..Perhaps big enough to room even you,"Kennedy",in which case I think you would quickly recover... "krisb",I do not want to be part of a chiting team..."MrRealDeal" careful now,I might take you up on ypur offer,he,he!And I have news for you,"Mosha",the guy who went to Norway got lost in the final stage,in the mountains in Norway!! Akspace: Serious or joking?? "Eff1n2ret";thanks for the wellwishes,I will need them....

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He,he,Puyai!Yepp,what challenges can a guy not take on,just to get away for some time...Well,just joking.My wife understands me very well;she is even desperatly trying to put a team together for me,so I can be on my way."The sooner,the better",she says.I am not convinced that she refers to the weather.."It will take a long time to do this trip" I says. "It takes what it takes",she replies." But perhaps you will forget me" I says,a bit concerned."Nah,no way;how can anyone ever forget you" she answers.Somehow,it doesn´t sound reasuring to me;perhaps she has some "ulterior motiv" as they say.?

On a more serious note;nope,no sponsers.Exept for "MrRealDeal",though I am not sure,that it is the real deal..Let`s wait and see,perhaps there will crop up somebody,who like me want to have an adventure,even if it turns out to be the last one.At my age,not so much to lose,so perhaps i go alone if I have to.Maybe bring along "cooked",if there are no hairs on her breasts,he,he!

Just read balo.I do enjoy life here,very much.Actually,I have got most everything in life,that I could ask for and more.That`s why I can relax and if my life comes to an end,so be it.As I said,not so much left of it and by that I mean,to be able to live the way I think is worth living.But thanks for your input!

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Hmm... Bosse, if you're 69 years old your kit on the bike should include a fold-up coffin. Forget about the big-breasted blonde - if you need one of those, buy her a ticket from Copenhagen to Bangkok and put your bike in the garage. It will probably be cheaper and you'll live longer.

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A lot of (good) advise to take to heart.Thankyou all for your concern! But it seems,that many people would like to make their ladies to accompany me,something I am a bit undecided about how to view: is it tempting or is it frightening??!Anyway,perhaps I should start with something more achievable,where I don`t need a fold-up coffin,like Pattaya-Jomtien.A wellcome party,sponsered by the blond,would be ok!

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cycling along with experienced long distance cyclist would be good.

i "cycled" from singapore to hatyai without any experience. i cheated, kind of gave up and loaded up bus after my penang stop.. before that i rested in ipoh for nearly a week after getting 2nd degree sunburns and nasty ankle abrasion from the cameron trip.

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I often daydream about doing something like this... just never "got around to doing it". It sounds like the adventure of a life time.

Good luck to you if you do in fact try it.

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There was a TV member walking to Norway, about 2 to 3 years ago. I'm not sure how far he got though.

He's almost home biggrin.png

Are you trolling or are you for real?

If you're for real ............ links, proof, detailed accounts, photos, etc etc?

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There was a TV member walking to Norway, about 2 to 3 years ago. I'm not sure how far he got though.

He's almost home biggrin.png

Are you trolling or are you for real?

If you're for real ............ links, proof, detailed accounts, photos, etc etc?

I think the "smiley face" is enough to indicate that I am not serious..

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There was a TV member walking to Norway, about 2 to 3 years ago. I'm not sure how far he got though.

He's almost home biggrin.png

Are you trolling or are you for real?

If you're for real ............ links, proof, detailed accounts, photos, etc etc?

I think the "smiley face" is enough to indicate that I am not serious..

Oh well. It was worth a try.

Hope the guy made it back to Norway, though.

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There was a TV member walking to Norway, about 2 to 3 years ago. I'm not sure how far he got though.

He's almost home biggrin.png

Are you trolling or are you for real?

If you're for real ............ links, proof, detailed accounts, photos, etc etc?

What a strange comment, Andrew, why do you think he is trolling? Admittedly, there are many devious trolls in this forum.

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Okey,okey,get it ! My "pondering" is over.(See my OP). I realise that I am up over my head with this,especially if going alone.Furthermore,what finally put me off,is the thought of beeing a "guest" with the Talibans,when attempting to cross north of Afghanistan...Didn`t think of that before.

Back to my daily 20 km trips,and perhaps one longer to Chiang Mai.Anyone can advise on best roadalternativ,going from Lom Sak/Chumpae to said city?

Feel a bit stupid about the U-turn,but I have to let the facts speak...

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