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Why Do People Feel The Need To Be Rude On Thaivisa


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I am fairly new to forums and the internet in general,and only started bothering when i moved to Thailand and feeling isolated from my own type of people when in the village, i thought it was good way to meet like minded people in similar circumstances than me and have a good laugh at some of the strange things that happen in this part of the world.

What i have subsequently found out is that certain people use this forum to pull other people down and name call from the safety of cyberspace, i have never been scared of a row, and i find it so frustrating that people will be so rude to people( my self included} from the safety of their favourite armchair, i thought the idea was to try and help each other out and give advice and share our experiences.

I have read many threads now and there is always a negative element that will not only disagree (which can be a good thing) but also resort to petty name calling and in some cases bullying..WHY . Most end up ruining threads and making a complete prick out of themselves, i can only imagine half of these tossers have never put a pair of gloves on and done a couple of rounds to get this anger out of them.

THINK ABOUT WHO YOU ARE UPSETTING (they may be tough they may be week) it does not matter,,its boring and childish,,ile probably provoke a couple of internet warriors to this thread,,,,,,zzzzzzzzzzzz.


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I would imagine a number of members who are quite derogatory about everything the Thais seem to do are simply trying to make themselves feel better about their own <deleted> life/failed relationship/jealous of anyone who seems more successful etc.

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Yes that really amazes me the amount of people that seem to hate the Thai way of life and the people,,,Why are they here?,,,,,i love to get home to Thailand after my rotation in work is done, ive only been here 6 years, but i dont expect this place to have the same rules as my native country, THATS WHY I HAVE SETTLED HERE ha ha ,,,,,

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Those negative people are easy to identify and ignore.

There is a lot of useful information and helpful people when you are looking for something specific. If just looking around, it often is fun when you get past those negative characters. Not too hard to get used to it and enjoy :)

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IMO: People become impolite on the internet because they are powerless at keyboard, the rudeness is a manifestation of their frustration.

Some will try and impose their views on others rather than rely on articulate an intelligent debate.

I suspect this comes down to a lack of patience, weaker education and for the most part the fact that a keyboard is impersonal. Its often difficult to get emphasis or a point across without using bold or CAPITAL, perhaps these people lack diction.

That said, some posters simply can't read and dealing with them in an interesting debate is often frustrating. I see numerous posts where people simply don't get the bigger picture and use minor points to win rather than offer something useful to the discussion.

The main issue I see is that when an ego outshines a persons intelligence, it's destructive in any web forum.

An additional point: On some of the forums its highly entertaining to see some of the posters make idiots of themselves in keyboard battles rather than simply reply once and walk away... A few posters a famous for their inflexibility to see the views of others, a few others have such extreme or myopic view points they draw ridicule on themselves.

Edited by richard_smith237
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Try not to take anything personally. What people write is not because of you. It's a projection of their own reality. And there are some 'unreal' realities out there! blink.png

Edited by rijb
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I'm a member of a couple of boards - one for Indo expats and two aimed predominately at Farang in Thailnd. I also skim boards like Ajarn from time to time. In general, the Thai boards are much nastier and any disagreements quickly become personal. I also see far more open criticism of the locals on the Thai-based boards than I do on my Indo forum - just my experience.

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think you answered your self key board warriors who can do it hiding behind their computers, or sat back in home country bored with life and bad weather living on there own, hacked off because they are not here living their perceived dream

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Yes that really amazes me the amount of people that seem to hate the Thai way of life and the people,,,Why are they here?,,,,,i love to get home to Thailand after my rotation in work is done, ive only been here 6 years, but i dont expect this place to have the same rules as my native country, THATS WHY I HAVE SETTLED HERE ha ha ,,,,,

You have just answered your own question ...... you don't live here.

As a part-timer you can escape the madness.


You mentioned the 'Thai way of life', squat toilets, bucket showers and houses without doors or glass in the windows. Are you sure that's the way you want to live? or are we thinking 'westernized life in Thailand'.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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It depends how you define "rudeness".

I've been accused of being rude merely for having a difference of opinion with someone.

Is it 'rude' to have a pop at someone trying to come across as a know it all but is so far off the mark it's unreal?

I actualy think there are few rude people on here. Plenty of ignorant ones, but few rude ones.

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It depends how you define "rudeness".

I've been accused of being rude merely for having a difference of opinion with someone.

Is it 'rude' to have a pop at someone trying to come across as a know it all but is so far off the mark it's unreal?

I actualy think there are few rude people on here. Plenty of ignorant ones, but few rude ones.

Depends on what you mean by rude. For example: Some people are obviously googling for answers to questions that have been asked, this annoys me immensely, I feel insulted. They then get annoyed when you try to suggest that their answer maybe doesn't apply itself specifically to Thailand. All sorts of nuances of rudeness out here, I was upset by some replies I got at the beginning, after getting a respectable number of postings under your Avatar things cool down a bit. Try to ignore it.

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The really bad ones get banned even if it takes years and thousands of posts. I noticed one dude given the heave ho after more than 20,000 posts, others last only a few. Some even make it back I imagine with major apologies and promises to never do it again. I think the weeding is successful and ongoing but weeds will forever sprout. But yes the OP is 100% correct that major rudeness does exist and I think always will. There's always the other side of the coin with fantastic helpful posters in all sections of the forum. David48 was right on also when talking about a different world in the subforums. try your local forum for example. travel and internet sections are great. business anyone?

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IMO: People become impolite on the internet because they are powerless at keyboard, the rudeness is a manifestation of their frustration.

Some will try and impose their views on others rather than rely on articulate an intelligent debate.

I suspect this comes down to a lack of patience, weaker education and for the most part the fact that a keyboard is impersonal. Its often difficult to get emphasis or a point across without using bold or CAPITAL, perhaps these people lack diction.

That said, some posters simply can't read and dealing with them in an interesting debate is often frustrating. I see numerous posts where people simply don't get the bigger picture and use minor points to win rather than offer something useful to the discussion.

The main issue I see is that when an ego outshines a persons intelligence, it's destructive in any web forum.

An additional point: On some of the forums its highly entertaining to see some of the posters make idiots of themselves in keyboard battles rather than simply reply once and walk away... A few posters a famous for their inflexibility to see the views of others, a few others have such extreme or myopic view points they draw ridicule on themselves.

I find it better they take on their frustrations here than get into a bar fight over something trivial. I´ve seen plenty of bar fights because the persons involved had a disagreement on politics and how one would define a prostitute. I mean if people can´t really converse then why do they think it´s gonna be better after a couple of beers?

We can always agree to disagree and that doesn´t make us rude... name calling and personal insults does.

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It's simple - we are (mostly) grumpy old men who pretty much know it all, and God help anyone who questions that. ;)

FWIW, the audio boards I frequent are much the same - the mods have a full-time job deleting posts and warning people. Still not a patch on an old exchange (circa 2005) from a notorious Thai monger board where two would-be pugilists spent weeks calling one another cowards, each claiming that the other guy had failed to show for their midnight "let's settle this" appointment in Washington Square. Extensive descriptions of the physical damage they were going to do to one another had preceded the big day, er, night : they both talked a very mean fight, but anyone who spends hours boasting about bargirl 'conquests' is bound to be a paper tiger ;)

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think you answered your self key board warriors who can do it hiding behind their computers, or sat back in home country bored with life and bad weather living on there own, hacked off because they are not here living their perceived dream

There is a lot of truth in this statement, Mr. Cool.

IMO: People become impolite on the internet because they are powerless at keyboard, the rudeness is a manifestation of their frustration.

Some will try and impose their views on others rather than rely on articulate an intelligent debate.

I suspect this comes down to a lack of patience, weaker education and for the most part the fact that a keyboard is impersonal. Its often difficult to get emphasis or a point across without using bold or CAPITAL, perhaps these people lack diction.

That said, some posters simply can't read and dealing with them in an interesting debate is often frustrating. I see numerous posts where people simply don't get the bigger picture and use minor points to win rather than offer something useful to the discussion.

The main issue I see is that when an ego outshines a persons intelligence, it's destructive in any web forum.

An additional point: On some of the forums its highly entertaining to see some of the posters make idiots of themselves in keyboard battles rather than simply reply once and walk away... A few posters a famous for their inflexibility to see the views of others, a few others have such extreme or myopic view points they draw ridicule on themselves.

I find it better they take on their frustrations here than get into a bar fight over something trivial. I´ve seen plenty of bar fights because the persons involved had a disagreement on politics and how one would define a prostitute. I mean if people can´t really converse then why do they think it´s gonna be better after a couple of beers?

We can always agree to disagree and that doesn´t make us rude... name calling and personal insults does.

Agreed Mr. Maxme but being a gentleman is important as wel

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Seems as well each one of the posters (myself included) all have our own perceptions of Thailand. My little area is not the same as others. So when it comes to asking opinions mine may well be different than others. But that is not to say it is not what I encounter or see. Or is real to me.

Some people are just as miserable or as happy here as they were back home. Some people on this forum do not live in Thailand but visit once a year. But that does not mean their perception is any more or any less important than mine, just different.

Enjoy your time when in Thailand and if you want the right answer ask me as I know everything (I live here and I know it all). **attempted humor note**

Oh, and it helps if you are a mind reader as well to know what everyone is thinking when they write this stuff......

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Well what's it to be, we can all sit around moaning and generalising about the behaviour of other posters, kind of general insults,I do it on occasion, or we can have the occasional spat with an individual, no real difference...................carry on you keyboard warriors......be brave throw out a few more incisive observations safe in the knowledge they are not aimed at an individual so no retort envisaged. What really causes these spats? usually some person with limited life experience who has arrived in Thailand, and as he now lives here, feels he is suddenly all knowledgable about life,all Things Thai, and the circumstances that lead his fellow posters to post in the fashion they do.....I mean where do we find aggravating people like this..smile.png

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Maybe it is a Thailand issue - give people the anonimity of sitting behind a keyboard/steering wheel and they turn into morons.

If only it was restricted to the Thai-based boards ....

I'm convinced that it is an 'alpha male' thing - we have a massive forum here in Oz called 'Whirlpool Forums' and the keyboard warriors in a couple of the sub-forums are legion. Almost entirely male, middle-aged and absolutely convinced that they have the answers to the questions which baffle the nation's economists and lawmakers. Most are so far to the right of the political spectrum, and their ideas so firmly rooted in a non-existent 'Australian Utopia', that they can only be males of a certain age.

Most threads go something like this : one of the usual suspects finds a news item detailing some travesty of justice or other, this is followed by outraged howls from the masses, calls for tougher sentencing and, inevitably, a difference of opinion that morphs into a personal attack (or 15..). The mods - who seemingly *never* leave their keyboards - respond by deleting vast swathes of the thread and issuing warnings. Inevitably, the thread is locked and the horde moves on to another, It's like some sort of bizarre zombie apocalypse ....

I only visit that forum once every 3 months or so, but its usually exactly the same people (with the odd addition) engaged in the same 'point scoring' exercises. I'm convinced that there are guys who go to bed at night thinking 'Man, I really showed those clowns tonight !'. Difficult to imagine women engaging in the same madness, week in and week out. I guess we males are a 'special' breed ;)

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I'm convinced that it is an 'alpha male' thing - we have a massive forum here in Oz called 'Whirlpool Forums' and the keyboard warriors in a couple of the sub-forums are legion. Almost entirely male, middle-aged and absolutely convinced that they have the answers to the questions which baffle the nation's economists and lawmakers. Most are so far to the right of the political spectrum, and their ideas so firmly rooted in a non-existent 'Australian Utopia', that they can only be males of a certain age.

Almost everyone on the internet is male and middle-aged.

Including those claiming to be women.

Apart from those claiming to be 13, who are invariably 20 something FBI agents.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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