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Yingluck Stresses She's Real Prime Minister


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That's it? more votes, hey presto! we have a democratic form of government!

By this same logic Saddam Hussein was a shinning beacon of democracy when he won an election with 99% of votes in his favour.

Tell us Gator, since Putin won the last election in Russia, everything is just peachy with him? I mean, since winning an election is the only thing of consequence for Democracy to work there's nothing to object, at all. Right?

Please explain your form of democracy where the votes of the people don't count.

In the first place I never said that, but if you need an example, when there's rampant electoral fraud.

Now how about you answer any of my questions?

Ok, there is no democratically elected government where everything is just peachy. The key phrase that I used would be free election. The last election was monitored extensively by the international community and no widespread fraud was observed. I don't think that comparing Thailand to Iraq under Hussein is a valid analogy, and I doubt if you really do either.

Those from the International community who monitored the voting,didn't look too closely at the mass vote buying eh!

Even Utube did a better job of monitoring.

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If only she wouldn't so frequently and vehemently deny such accusations, we might actually be inclined to believe her claims that she - and only she! - holds all reins.

Perhaps all those countless pilgrimages to Dubai, Hong Kong, Laos and Cambodia, those Skype call-ins from abroad, those announcements by Big Brother about decisions made on this or that government policy - practically all of which also were reported in the Thai media - are apparently nothing else but vivid figments of our paranoid minds.

But then again, regardless how often a puppet may keep telling us that it is not a puppet, it nevertheless still remains a puppet manipulated by an operator.

Every time I hear the word Puppet,I always think of Pinoccio,and the massive nose!

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AleG #52

"when there's rampant electoral fraud or (after edit) when the person that actually

wields power is not the one that was elected."

You should not have added the after edit. In Belgium the person that actually wields

power, after a record braking period with no Government after the election,

was "not elected".

Electoral fraud is not possible in Belgium but manipulation of the votes is possible.

To add insult to this, the chosen/elected prime minister does not even speak Dutch

which is the language spoken by 60% of the people the country. A clear example of being

unfit for the job.

Monty Python: ... "there are no rules" ... in politics.

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ah well in that case because you said it !! lol

But the real point here is not whether we believe her or not. Its whether the Thais do. She will probably know the rest of the world will laugh at that but what is Joe Bloggs in the remote village going to think. That's anyone's guess I suppose but more than likely they will fall for it.

She will get away with it because she is not dealing with a sceptical and questioning population. Thai politics is about as deep as the puddle outside my door. Just need to get the price of rice, oil and eggs down and your a great prime minister ! In my opinion that's why Abhisit was always doomed. He was ahead of his time. He should of rocked up 50 years later !

I for one am not sure if she wants the villagers to believe her. A lot of them voted for her because they believed Thaksin would be running the show.

There is certainly no doubt about it she is the Prime Minister but she does not run the show. she has had ample opportunity to show it but never done so. If she is indeed running the show she has to be the stupidest PM ever with her obvious attempt to white wash her brother.

Show us she runs the country drop all pretext of white washing her brother apply for help in getting him back here to stand trial for his offenses and serve his time. No appeal allowed as he chose to run rather than appeal the decision.

Also when it comes time if it ever is really time to shuffle the cabinet drop any consideration of some one who went to visit her brother.

Ain't going to happen she likes the spotlight with no responsibility.

Photo Ops any one.

Two to one she would not be claiming to run the show if she could not get a Photo Op out of it.

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Her party was democratically elected in a free election. More Thai citizens chose her party over any other. And she doesn't have to shut down websites and media outlets or imprison people without due process to stay in power. If you believe in democracy, accept her and hope she does her best. If you don't believe in democracy, just keep posting your ridiculous crap. Thankfully most of the Thais don't care about your bigoted opinions.

Just because the side you choose is criticised by posters does not make us bigots. It means we are participating in a democratic debate and expressing our views on the current administration. I personally find yingluck ridiculous and a lot of what she says is clearly nonsense or made up on the spot. Whether she is to blame or not I can't say, could well be that the whole cabinet is to blame for some of the lunatic policies this govt pursues. Others may disagree and argue otherwise and I respect that and choose to disagree or agree on a debate by debate basis. I don't however heap abuse upon them.

Check the definition of bigotry, it fits all of us. Where was the abuse?

You might be a bigot Gator, but I'm not. wai2.gif

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Well guys, if you don't like her or the party she represents, vote her out in the next election. smile.png

As you well know we don't have a vote.

At least I hope you know.

I could be a bit presumptive I suppose and you really think we could vote.

If so my humble apologies.

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Well guys, if you don't like her or the party she represents, vote her out in the next election. smile.png

As you well know we don't have a vote.

At least I hope you know.

I could be a bit presumptive I suppose and you really think we could vote.

If so my humble apologies.

Can't a Thai citizen vote?

become a Thai National and have a REAL say in matters political

Edited by Mudcrab
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Well guys, if you don't like her or the party she represents, vote her out in the next election. smile.png

I agree it's good to encourage people to discuss these matters with their Thai family, friends, and associates.

There are votes involved with those discussions.



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Well guys, if you don't like her or the party she represents, vote her out in the next election. smile.png

I agree it's good to encourage people to discuss these matters with their Thai family, friends, and associates.

There are votes involved with those discussions.



well said...a positive move even if you cannot directly vote yourself. Get the discussion out there and happening.

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Her party was democratically elected in a free election. More Thai citizens chose her party over any other. And she doesn't have to shut down websites and media outlets or imprison people without due process to stay in power. If you believe in democracy, accept her and hope she does her best. If you don't believe in democracy, just keep posting your ridiculous crap. Thankfully most of the Thais don't care about your bigoted opinions.

What part of using a photogenic sock puppet to rule by proxy fits in anyone's definition of a Democratic system of government?

The part where more of the people vote for her party than any other. You must have a unique definition of democracy.

Given the massive vote buying that accompany every election here, clearly Thailand has its unique definition of democracy as well....

It's nothing less than modern day feudalism.

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I take you weren't in Thailand during the election and you don't speak Thai, else you wouldn't post something like that.

Even true supporters say that they will stay at home if the money does not come. Vote buying was always in Thailand but with Thaksin it got much worse.

Exactly - the "international observers" must have had their heads up their bum if they didn't see the rampant vote buying that always happens.

When the authorities made vote buying illegal, Mr T and his cronies simply made a promise to pay people AFTER the election by paying each village that voted for them a million baht... I remember that very clearly.... and it was very clearly vote buying because areas that did not support them got almost nothing or very reduced amounts in comparison... AND they were using the publics money (in the guise of "grants") to buy the votes too...!

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Buchholz' earlier presentation of evidence refuting Yingluck's statement was as flawless as ever. I couldn't agree more with Buchholz. Let's regurgigate that:

Thai Cabinet Reshuffle Sees Return Of Thaksin Loyalists

Chalerm: Those MPs Left Out Of The Cabinet To See Thaksin

Thaksin Calls In To 'Instruct' Thai Cabinet

Thai Cabinet Endorses Thaksin Amnesty Plan

Cabinet Line-Up To Show Thaksin's Resolve

And now let's juxtapose that with...


Why do we still have people in this room who obviously cannot see the forest for the trees and feel the need to defend her?

She is as much the "real prime minister" as she was the "real executive director" (or whatever it was called) at her family's company, a position that was created especially for her so she could live under the illusion she had a meaningful purpose, when in fact she had very, very little actual decision-making power. Needless to say that this position was reportedly slashed without substitute after she had left the company to go into politics.

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Exactly - the "international observers" must have had their heads up their bum if they didn't see the rampant vote buying that always happens.

When the authorities made vote buying illegal, Mr T and his cronies simply made a promise to pay people AFTER the election by paying each village that voted for them a million baht... I remember that very clearly.... and it was very clearly vote buying because areas that did not support them got almost nothing or very reduced amounts in comparison... AND they were using the publics money (in the guise of "grants") to buy the votes too...!

As an anecdote, my GFs father is a pooyai, after the election he had to go into hiding because he couldn't "deliver" the village to the correct party, word was out that a hitman was looking for him.

I don't know, or think that, an international election monitor that is parachuted into the country will see much of such shenanigans that go on well before and after the actual election. There is much, much more than polling station fraud to taint an election.

I don't even know which party was the correct one in that story, the point being that simply and naively claiming that votes were cast, counted and a winner declared is very far from establishing a functional democratic system of government.

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ah well in that case because you said it !! lol

But the real point here is not whether we believe her or not. Its whether the Thais do. She will probably know the rest of the world will laugh at that but what is Joe Bloggs in the remote village going to think. That's anyone's guess I suppose but more than likely they will fall for it.

She will get away with it because she is not dealing with a sceptical and questioning population. Thai politics is about as deep as the puddle outside my door. Just need to get the price of rice, oil and eggs down and your a great prime minister ! In my opinion that's why Abhisit was always doomed. He was ahead of his time. He should of rocked up 50 years later !

Thanks, I think I'm really starting to understand this. Most of the people in this country couldn't care less about this big concepts like international politics, national politics, or even right and wrong when things go outside their circle of friends and family. It's easy to believe anything a leader says when you don't really care about who they are. What they do for you is the only thing. If you live and work in a place where rice is important, you will probably vote fore this government again. If your kid gets a free computer, oh yeah you'll jump on the bandwagon.

I think This is the big difference between us tourists and expats and most of the Thais in the way we view our lives here.

I think we here on Thaivisa are able to look at Thailand under a microscope because it's new, very different from home, and we live somewhat outside of the normal system. We're far more interested in how Thailand works than any Thai. I never voted in my country , I just couldn't be bothered; too many other this to do . If someone would have told me my profession would make more money, I might have been motivated to vote. It's the same thing here, but once one casts their vote their role is politics is over. Unless you're one of the few Thais that will take up arms for a cause. Red or yellow shirt protesters do not truly represent the country. Few will challenge Yingluck about her brother like few challenged Bush about the WMD's. What's done is done, and what can they do about it anyway.

We seem to have enough time, and freedom from cultural obligation; AND we actually enjoy talking about these issues. Thais would rather discuss the latest soap opera.

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Buchholz' earlier presentation of evidence refuting Yingluck's statement was as flawless as ever. I couldn't agree more with Buchholz. Let's regurgigate that:

Thai Cabinet Reshuffle Sees Return Of Thaksin Loyalists

Chalerm: Those MPs Left Out Of The Cabinet To See Thaksin

Thaksin Calls In To 'Instruct' Thai Cabinet

Thai Cabinet Endorses Thaksin Amnesty Plan

Cabinet Line-Up To Show Thaksin's Resolve

And now let's juxtapose that with...


Why do we still have people in this room who obviously cannot see the forest for the trees and feel the need to defend her?

She is as much the "real prime minister" as she was the "real executive director" (or whatever it was called) at her family's company, a position that was created especially for her so she could live under the illusion she had a meaningful purpose, when in fact she had very, very little actual decision-making power. Needless to say that this position was reportedly slashed without substitute after she had left the company to go into politics.

Where she continues to spew out high priority decisions.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

O my God/Buddha/Allah I can't believe I said that. Must have been a particular charming Photo Optongue.png

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Her party was democratically elected in a free election. More Thai citizens chose her party over any other. And she doesn't have to shut down websites and media outlets or imprison people without due process to stay in power. If you believe in democracy, accept her and hope she does her best. If you don't believe in democracy, just keep posting your ridiculous crap. Thankfully most of the Thais don't care about your bigoted opinions.

Perhaps you should read the OP again only this time slowly as you seem to have not understood it's main points. Either that or you are too bigoted yourself.

The OP is about the suggestion that Thaksin makes a lot of the important decisions of government. It doesn't say anything about the election be it democratic or otherwise.

It's difficult to prove the extent of Thaksin's involvement but things like 'Thaksin thinks PTP does' and him referring to the government as 'we' tend to suggest there may be some truth in the reports. There's also the trips by MPs to see Thaksin when cabinet seats are up for grabs and I think someone else has mentioned that party members have pretty much confirmed his involvement. It's not helped by Yingluck's aversion to parliamentary visits and debates. Although I dislike her party I've said before that I's like to see her stand up to her brother and try to do a good job. The problem is if you want a good PM it's usual to look for one amongst your own politicians not chose someone who has no experience at all. I think this alone shows exactly what Thaksin and the PTP think of her and it's alot les complimentary than me.

As for her being successful I'm not so sure. She's cleverly avoided being involved in anything that might be seen in a negative light so people tend to like her. The trouble is a PM sometimes has to say and do things that are unpopular. She usually leaves that to someone else while she goes somewhere positive to have her picture taken. It remains to be seen how long her government can keep throwing money around before they have to balance the books.

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In the end does it matter which one runs the country, with the on going spending and storage of the majority of the rice crop Thailand will be going down in about 5 years. These two take your pick have completely destroyed the Thai rice industry

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