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Give Way To Oncoming Traffic....?


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Just goes to show you too don't know the Thai traffic rules. There is no such rule which states that large gives way to small. Nor can you go through a red light. You also don't give way to traffic entering a round about etc, etc, etc I could go on but I have to much to do this week. Don't just read your highway code understand it. You might avoid killing someone or yourself.

Better study the Thai traffic rules again, a99az. EDIT - Apologies a99az, I misread part of your post re. roundabouts.

My English language copy of the Land Traffic Act 2522 says:-

Title 3; Use of Roadways; Section39 - "When 2 vehicles pass each other in the opposite direction, in order to avoid danger ...... the road is too narrow ...... the driver of the bigger vehicle shall stop his vehicle close to the curbside & let the smaller vehicle pass. When there's an obstruction ...... the driver on the lane with the obstruction shall reduce speed or stop to let the other vehicle pass".

Title 6; Driving Through Junctions or Circles; Section 73 - "If there is no traffic signal or sign installed at a circle (rotary)[roundabout - my addition], a driver must give way to vehicles coming from his right".

Those are just two of a vast number of traffic rules contained in this Act that I see contravened every day. It seems the Rules of the Road are in place but nobody knows them, nobody enforces them and nobody encourages drivers on Thai roads to learn them correctly. In fact, it seems that, if a rule exists, common practice is to do exactly the opposite. The only apparent rule is "Might is Right".

Edited by MartinL
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if they are truck, you slow, they go

driving not difficult here ... just different from where you from

Yes, pretty common sense stuff. And you're absolutely right, driving here is not that difficult. It shouldn't take foreigners that long to adapt.

Of course, any sort of driving thread on this forum will bring out the Thai-bashing nutjobs in droves. Just wait and see.

Common sense?


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You can turn left at a red light. I didn't know this till a policeman waived me through.

That is NOT a universal rule. Usually, there's a blue sign with a with arrow and Thai text that indicates that 'left on red' is permitted. As a rule, any other signage with red arrows, black text and white background are telling you that 'left on red' is NOT permitted. However, any time a cop waives your through contrary to signage, it is legal.

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if they are truck, you slow, they go

driving not difficult here ... just different from where you from

While that maybe sensible due to the appalling standard of the vast majority of Thais driving , it is not correct. The truck will be liable in a crash. You can not just pull out because you think you can. Get first class insurance and let the insurance guy deal with it. Not the Police or the Thai.

If driving is not difficult here then why does the country have one of the highest rates of crashes in the world ?

The driving test here is a joke and it shows time and time again. Unfortunately the majority of Thais seem to turn into complete selfish ********* when they get behind the wheel of a car. Whether it is selfishness or the complete lack of driver education, who knows.

Nothing will change them until they crash and learn from it and have to pay or the police do their job.

Simply here you have to really put up with it and drive very defensively. Assume they are either drunk ( so many here especially men don't think drunk driving is wrong), stupid, have minimal driver education (they all do), new to driving as so many are with the first car scheme since which the driving standard has got even worse or just plain selfish. Unfortunately at least 50% of Thais drivers/riders I encounter on the roads fit at least one or more of those catorgories.

Nope ....they dont learn even after they crash!!..............it will never be their fault!!

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Going purely by the topic, this a debate about the wisdom of 'playing chicken' on Thai highways.

Thai drivers have no concept of defensive driving.

Foreigner drivers, unless they have attended some form of advance driving education are exactly the same as their Thai counterparts with regard to defensive driving.

Don't play chicken as you really don't know who is behind of the wheel of that car coming at you. It could be rattler.

PS. MissFarmGirl is very wise.

Edited by NanLaew
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Simply here you have to really put up with it and drive very defensively. Assume they are either drunk ( so many here especially men don't think drunk driving is wrong), stupid, have minimal driver education (they all do), new to driving as so many are with the first car scheme since which the driving standard has got even worse or just plain selfish. Unfortunately at least 50% of Thais drivers/riders I encounter on the roads fit at least one or more of those catorgories.

Defensive driving is NOT the assumption that somehow you are far more superior to other drivers in all aspects.

Having foreign driver education, a Thai driving license and a Fortuner does not make you better, right or anything like a defensive driver.

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A good idea for all foreigners wishing to drive in Thailand is to forget the highway code it took you so long to learn in your country and then make yourself believe that what everyone else is doing is correct.

Saves a lot of road rage.

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if they are truck, you slow, they go

driving not difficult here ... just different from where you from

Just goes to show you too don't know the Thai traffic rules. There is no such rule which states that large gives way to small. Nor can you go through a red light. You also don't give way to traffic entering a round about etc, etc, etc I could go on but I have to much to do this week. Don't just read your highway code understand it. You might avoid killing someone or yourself.

I think his point was that you let the vehicle go by, as opposed to running into them. If you prefer the latter, by all means, go for it.

Going by his avatar, he probably thinks he'll be reborn.

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^ That's interesting you mention that as I think it is a key factor in the lack of safety here. Moving on to a next life is OK and who cares who you take out with you.

Knowing the traffic rules has little consequence to the majority of road users here. One's main objective is to avoid an accident by any means appropriate.

... which is extremely difficult when inconsiderate, speeding and otherwise unaware -of- others types are the norm. The OP ones who pull out to the left without a thought to whomever they may make swerve to avoid them, thus putting others into danger.

I love to drive but driving here isn't easy, ( unless, I guess you're one of the, er... inconsiderate ones.)

Edited by MacChine
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Absurd !! Sorry I don't care to fit in if it means tailgating at 1 meter at 110 KPH nor am I speeding to beat red lights or acting as if I have precedence over pedestrians.

It isn't road rage I feel, but more like disgust at the real lack of simple consideration and common sense.

A good idea for all foreigners wishing to drive in Thailand is to forget the highway code it took you so long to learn in your country and then make yourself believe that what everyone else is doing is correct.

Saves a lot of road rage.

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Absurd !! Sorry I don't care to fit in if it means tailgating at 1 meter at 110 KPH nor am I speeding to beat red lights or acting as if I have precedence over pedestrians.

It isn't road rage I feel, but more like disgust at the real lack of simple consideration and common sense.

A good idea for all foreigners wishing to drive in Thailand is to forget the highway code it took you so long to learn in your country and then make yourself believe that what everyone else is doing is correct.

Saves a lot of road rage.

'MacChine' My comment above was in jest, tongue in cheek, whatever you would like to call it. It wa not meant to be serious.

Like so many here I shake my head in wonderment how poorly the locals drive without a care for anyone or anything. One day I fear my head will spin around and come off.

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Going purely by the topic, this a debate about the wisdom of 'playing chicken' on Thai highways.

Thai drivers have no concept of defensive driving.

Foreigner drivers, unless they have attended some form of advance driving education are exactly the same as their Thai counterparts with regard to defensive driving.

Don't play chicken as you really don't know who is behind of the wheel of that car coming at you. It could be rattler.

PS. MissFarmGirl is very wise.

Hmm sarcasm and humour not your strong point then?

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To all those who are relatively new to 'surviving the drive in Thailand' ... there is a gulf between reading the rule book and the reality of driving on the roads.


Visual myth ... but makes a pretty photo in the book ...


Yaeh Ive never seen kids holding a parents hand!!

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Going purely by the topic, this a debate about the wisdom of 'playing chicken' on Thai highways.

Thai drivers have no concept of defensive driving.

Foreigner drivers, unless they have attended some form of advance driving education are exactly the same as their Thai counterparts with regard to defensive driving.

Don't play chicken as you really don't know who is behind of the wheel of that car coming at you. It could be rattler.

PS. MissFarmGirl is very wise.

Hmm sarcasm and humour not your strong point then?

LOL. Think about what you just posted.

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An example to use is that of the old Space Race anecdote.

In the space race, once you are in orbit, gravity is greatly reduced. Ink pens (then) relied solely on gravity to work. NASA spent a year and many million dollars and invented a pen that would write upsidedown.

The Russians used a pencil.


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You also don't give way to traffic entering a round about etc, etc, etc

Not sure if you are being sarcastic, misinformed or just how things are where you are located. Traffic on the right at a roundabout has right of way. From the Thai traffic highway code.


And from experience, I have to enter a roundabout twice a day for work and that is how nearly every driver does it.

Thanks I was always curious about this. The way most Thais use roundabouts tells the opposite story....and I think I've seen one driver correctly use their indicators (and being in the correct lane) when entering / exiting a round about. I really hate negotiating roundabouts here, especially in heavy traffic conditions when everyone just barges into the roundabout regardless of who is already on it.

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OK it's like this, might is right. If the on coming is bigger than you, give way. Dead is dead, and if you lose you won't give a shit at the outcome if you don't give way. The other driver will run away any road.

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OK it's like this, might is right. If the on coming is bigger than you, give way. Dead is dead, and if you lose you won't give a shit at the outcome if you don't give way. The other driver will run away any road.

Unless you are ex special forces and have a bazooka strapped to your Nissan Micra :)

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OK it's like this, might is right. If the on coming is bigger than you, give way. Dead is dead, and if you lose you won't give a shit at the outcome if you don't give way. The other driver will run away any road.

Unless you are ex special forces and have a bazooka strapped to your Nissan Micra smile.png

I've heard the recoil is wicked on these little Jap roller skates.

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