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Where To Meet Normal Ladies?


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If you have some extra funds then why not enroll in some International University classes..even for just one semester (maybe you can earn credit for your current uni too perhaps? ..not sure how that works)

If you do then you can meet girls there that can also communicate with you in English while you enhance your Thai, you can also make a lot of connections and find out where these people hang out.

OR you could just look for the international university and go eat or hang out some places around there because surely there will be university students around there. That is just an idea..

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Normal girls are in malls, shopping centers, coffee shops ect... U need to develop a "daytime game" rather than the usual "bar game". Talk to chicks during the day, and talk to a lot of them. Then spend your nights on dates rather than at a bar with whores(although whores are awesome) and most important dont be shy. Just be yourself.

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Come on songhua Im not agree with you... So the question is, where to meet nice ladies?

The last one was a waiter of a restaurant... But... Pffff no comments! Hahahaha

I agree with LawrenceChee. Simply be yourself, act in a respectable & responsible manner and (you say you're 25) go to the places where 25yo Thais go. Some will tell you that you will not be welcomed at Thai-only haunts but I disagree. I've been in many, many places as the only foreigner without experiencing any animosity whatsoever. Indeed, in my younger day some of my best nights out were at very Thai venues.

Speak your little bit of Thai ..... believe it or not, 'normal' Thai girls are sometimes as easily impressed as a girl in a bar.

The 'normal' places are not really accessible to non-Thai speakers.

Also you can't really go on your own as that's considered a bit weird.

Mr. Chee I seriously doubt you have ever been in a Thai place judging from your posting history.

@the OP

You need a pal to take with you, then try some of the places like Oxide, Buddies, Hero over at Santhitham, a few foreigners there.

If a bit more adventurous, the bars around the lake behind "Asia Garden" near Chang Puak police station, no foreigners at all.

Walk in to "Say Hi" and the band will stop playing to stare at you, along with every customer on every table.

Then you might try the Jazz bar, just before big C car park on the Hang Dong road, a bit upmarket, mainly Thai.

Or just round the corner "Mae Sai" a totally Thai bar, with a fantastic rock band starting at 10pm, nobody in there speaks a word of English.

All these places have Thai only menus .... good luck ordering.

Hahahahah the OP wants to meet more people and you quote him more bars :-)

Maybe his posting is clear he does not want to meet any more girls in a bar and hope they are nice.

Met the last one while opening an account ...she's great and friendly and through her met a security broker who has an interesting take in life and we go out for meals

Currently dating a house agent who used to dance for TAT (not a bar) and she great to talk to ...

Also have an admin who has taught me more about Thai accounting than I need to know but I learn something

Tommo - you can start writing all the reviews on the Thai only places you go :-)

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it takes time to gain enough trust from a Thai girl to go out with you unless she already has a history of foreigners and men in general. There is a lot of grey area in between a pro and a "good girl".

It's best to have an introduction from someone they trust but with time you can befriend a stranger.

Go to their business and take it really slow. Meet them in a classroom situation etc. You might need to wait many weeks or months before she is ready to go out with you on a date.

In a group of her friends it's a lot easier. Thai women and Thai people in general exhibit a lot of caution because they really don't trust someone who is not family or very familiar. Just sit and watch how hyper aware Thai people are of other people around them. There is a reason for that vigilance.

I think a lot of girls are concerned about non consensual sex. Perhaps a lot more concerned than the girls you are used to in your home country.

By the way OP. What is your home country or race/appearance? That will have a significant bearing on your opportunities.

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I am sorry Tommo ...hanging out at bars (foreign or local) are not the only place real Thais hang out and there are many places with 0% prostitutes and those are the places I enjoy hanging out with real Thais ...

But to each his own. You won't find me there...so less competition for you mate hahahahhaah

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What the hell is the matter with people in thailand. What to know where to find girls in thailand? the same place you would find them back home? It's not that hard of a concept.

There's differences in the girls, but at the end of the day girls are all the same. If you can't get chicks back home, (although you'll still have a better chance here) you aren't going to get chicks here either.

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Sorry about my English! Im not a native English speaker but I was living in Australia for a while and this is the best I can do.

I dont want house, car, baby... I have 25 years old mate!

Of course I have money but Im not the father of any lady, of course I can pay some things but people have to work and/or study and be independent.

I just want to meet a good lady have a few drinks, hang out... And share good times, basic needs as well happy.png ... I dont want a wife.

Well you just narrowed the field of potentially interested "normal" ladies quite a bit, I'm afraid.

Most Thai women in the market for someone they would "share basic needs with" who are not seeking to make money from it, are looking for that in the context of a relationship that would lead to marriage if things go well.

Possibly; but most are very happy dating for quite a while. Which really is all that the OP wants too. So I wouldn't worry about this one too much.

Anyway most things have already been said, but I'm also of the opinion that nightlife is primarily for having fun, and not for finding a girlfriend. It might happen, but I wouldn't look to that as a primary way. Really much better to meet people during the day through work, study or a shared hobby or interest. Or online of course, Facebook primarily.

BTW just the other day a female collegue of mine asked if I knew any guys that could be a potential boyfriend. So then I asked what the main requirements were and to my astonishment the first thing she said was: "good moral character"... (that rules out 99% of people I know right there. :) Hello, this is Thailand. If someone had a good moral character he wouldn't be here in the first place. :/ ). Anyway she's not Thai of course. (Asian, just not Thai.)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Fall off a motor scooter and take a trip to the hospital. That is how my friend met his lovely lady. Unfortunately, nurses work funny hours and are not always available all the time.

Thailand is no different than anywhere else for meeting regular type women who work in hotels, cafes, restaurants, hospitals, schools or any place of business. It takes confidence and a nice smile... oh, and not so miserly with the wallet. Men who are not confident do not attract me at all and I suspect it is the same with other women. And, this being Thailand, learning the language so you can converse fluently is an absolute necessity... unless you just want to meet a gal in a bar and hope for the best.

I wouldn't say its a necessity. I know a lot of thais guys and girls that don't work in bars that speak english (100x better than any bar girl). The one place it would help is when your with a group of people other than just your friends, you can meet alot more of their friends that might not speak english.

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Fall off a motor scooter and take a trip to the hospital. That is how my friend met his lovely lady. Unfortunately, nurses work funny hours and are not always available all the time.

Thailand is no different than anywhere else for meeting regular type women who work in hotels, cafes, restaurants, hospitals, schools or any place of business. It takes confidence and a nice smile... oh, and not so miserly with the wallet. Men who are not confident do not attract me at all and I suspect it is the same with other women. And, this being Thailand, learning the language so you can converse fluently is an absolute necessity... unless you just want to meet a gal in a bar and hope for the best.

I wouldn't say its a necessity. I know a lot of thais guys and girls that don't work in bars that speak english (100x better than any bar girl). The one place it would help is when your with a group of people other than just your friends, you can meet alot more of their friends that might not speak english.

I don't disagree with you, but being able to speak Thai fluently goes a long way in just the chitter-chatter that young couples use when just getting to know one another. Even though many Thais speak very good English, they still use Thai for small talk and it is the small talk that breaks down barriers when "normal" people are getting to know one another.

Of course, I STILL haven't figured out what "normal" is. I don't think I am normal because all my friends back home in Canada are wondering why I'm still here in Thailand.

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Fall off a motor scooter and take a trip to the hospital. That is how my friend met his lovely lady. Unfortunately, nurses work funny hours and are not always available all the time.

Thailand is no different than anywhere else for meeting regular type women who work in hotels, cafes, restaurants, hospitals, schools or any place of business. It takes confidence and a nice smile... oh, and not so miserly with the wallet. Men who are not confident do not attract me at all and I suspect it is the same with other women. And, this being Thailand, learning the language so you can converse fluently is an absolute necessity... unless you just want to meet a gal in a bar and hope for the best.

I wouldn't say its a necessity. I know a lot of thais guys and girls that don't work in bars that speak english (100x better than any bar girl). The one place it would help is when your with a group of people other than just your friends, you can meet alot more of their friends that might not speak english.

I don't disagree with you, but being able to speak Thai fluently goes a long way in just the chitter-chatter that young couples use when just getting to know one another. Even though many Thais speak very good English, they still use Thai for small talk and it is the small talk that breaks down barriers when "normal" people are getting to know one another.

Of course, I STILL haven't figured out what "normal" is. I don't think I am normal because all my friends back home in Canada are wondering why I'm still here in Thailand.

Said hi to a Canadian lass last night. smile.png

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Trying to find love in a bar. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Depends on the bar. I met my current girlfriend at second floor. Had mutual friends that brought us all out to go salsa dancing. I thought she was cute, I asked for a dance and she obliged. We quickly realized we both sucked, grabbed a beer sat down and chatted the rest of the night and exchanged numbers.

Places I have met girls:

Work, through friends, university (I was an exchange student years ago), classic car / Bike gatherings, bike club rides, Bars like: warm up, Monkey, Riverside, Goodview, etc.

I think the easiest by far in terms of finding something lasting is to make some Thai friends and network.

The easiest, is as you mentioned... Zoes and Infinity.

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Normal girls are in malls, shopping centers, coffee shops ect... U need to develop a "daytime game" rather than the usual "bar game". Talk to chicks during the day, and talk to a lot of them. Then spend your nights on dates rather than at a bar with whores(although whores are awesome) and most important dont be shy. Just be yourself.

A very good reply. Plenty of regular ladies working in shops, or hotels, or travel agents, who would welcome a long term relationship with a serious life partner.
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I just removed one of your posts that 'good' ladies would not approve of the language. wink.png

Why am I not surprised.

He seems to be still hanging around the places where he can meet a for hire girl. Get out into the general stream of things talk to the sales ladies talk to the waitresses in restaurants. The girls in the massage salons are not all for hire girls. Just change your hang out locations change your life and you will meet a different class of people.

Show them all respect as if they were a princess.

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There are some good ladies who work bar,and some bad..

Same any country..

Some good ladies work shopping malls, some bad too..

Bottom line , they all want,need the same thing..house,car,money,baby,

and you to take care of her and help family.. bit of land wouldnt go amiss lol...

Happiness n love are things in ones mind..neither can be achieved without money...(your rewards

are you get to live in a beautifull country,great climate,fantastic food,and a lady n family that will "love" you.if it goes well )..

smile.png good luck..

In all the years I've been coming to Thailand I've always met professional, career people or business owners who had their own land, house, car and money. In the past when I met someone who started talking about "help for her family", I never went out with that person again. Would you "help someone's family" in Europe, Australia, or North America??? Why would anyone do that here?

You can meet nice ladies in all the same places you would in any other country. Thailand is no different. The one place I've never met anyone at in Thailand is in a bar.

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Normal girls are in malls, shopping centers, coffee shops ect... U need to develop a "daytime game" rather than the usual "bar game". Talk to chicks during the day, and talk to a lot of them. Then spend your nights on dates rather than at a bar with whores(although whores are awesome) and most important dont be shy. Just be yourself.

A very good reply. Plenty of regular ladies working in shops, or hotels, or travel agents, who would welcome a long term relationship with a serious life partner.

I agree totally.

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Not true In all my time here, I have dated Thai local ladies. You have to try one of the following - Neat dressing - Banks / Restaurants - bring small gifts and surprises - Go to your fav stores and restaurants - Speak to an insurance : property agent - stop going to bars ... I just met another and I agree a wallet helps :-)

What you're talking about are simply undercover hookers.


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Not true In all my time here, I have dated Thai local ladies. You have to try one of the following - Neat dressing - Banks / Restaurants - bring small gifts and surprises - Go to your fav stores and restaurants - Speak to an insurance : property agent - stop going to bars ... I just met another and I agree a wallet helps :-)

What you're talking about are simply undercover hookers.


A marriage made in heaven. Under cover hookers and desperate sex starved farongs.clap2.gif

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