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Blogger Richard Barrow Tweets Pic Of Corrupt Thai Official

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I reside in n.Thailand next door to a Thai cop. We all have multi-rai properties. He's taking 5 to 6 years to build an ostentatious mansion as big as a 20 room hotel. .....on a cop's salary?


Good on yer Barrow, but watch your back.

It's comments like this that make me throw up a little in my mouth. "Watch your back"

I hope this guy keeps exposing the people that are extorting and fight the good fight, protest and survive, its that simple!

If more people expose the extortion and corruption it would end.

Break the chain people, don't be a slave to corruption and greed!

As virtue would have it...

But then this guy should fight only for himself, unless the Thai people start changing their opinion on this issue.


Corruption is a serious and systemic problem in Thailand. A recent Abac Poll reported that most (63.4 per cent) Thai people believe that corruption in government is acceptable provided it is beneficial to them personally - a view that is also shared by many young people. This explains why corrupt politicians keep returning, sparking grave concerns about the country's political and economic sustainability.

Politicians keep returning...worrisome. They have power.

All considered, I think 'Watch your back' is a fair comment.


like the org chart idea. I was going to suggest a sattelite photo of the country, but would miss all those who happen to be abroad during the snap.


We would be very busy if we post pictures of every person in Thailand to be open for bribe...

Within Thais it is common that you want something from officials....is it about land transfers....regular documents....that you have to give him/her some bath.

Not sure about the rate Thais pay, but with farang in family the story starts with 1000bath.

Actually we have to be greatful that the regular police officer just asks for 100...

Forking out 100 baht to a traffic cop instead of paying 400 baht for a traffic fine contributes to poor inbound Treasury revenue. So, the Government can only pay its Police in peanuts. Poilce are then forced into graft and corruption to supplement their substandard wages. Can anyone see a vicious cyle here?

Next time you are out with your wife and kids, think about who you are sharing the highway with. I don't want to play Russian Roulette with a maniac driving a gravel truck who thinks the GET OUT OF JAIL FREE card he has in his wallet will get him out of trouble if it all turns to sh*t.

If I ever get pulled over for 'failing to indicate' I will refuse to pay the bent cop a single baht in tea money, and insist on a ticket instead.

My family is much too important.

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While i admire his bravery and stand against corruption, i also find it silly in a number of ways.

To start with corruption is a way of life here, like it or not.

The only way to get things done fast and easy is to pay someone to do it fast and easy.

The amount was rather small, so lets hope he has all his paperwork in 100% order, because rest assured he would be audited in the near future.

Yes some Thai have supported him, but just like with everything else in Thailand it passes by pretty fast.

The next year he will try to renew his visa or WP he may find a number of obstacles, not to mention being refused, as WP and Visa is not granted but up to the discretion of issuing officer.

All those claiming to have never paid any bribes, either too oblivious or talking out of their backside.

1000 baht is small ? It's seems he was just after some photocopies of his tax documents, in which case the cost should be no more than the cost for a few photocopies.

Well lemoncake, you know better right?. Just keep on paying that 1000 baht, and pretty soon when they see you coming, they'll be asking for 3,000 or 5,000 baht from you.


Beetlejuice, on 11 Mar 2013 - 22:49, said:

I loath and detest these corrupt officials. The guy should had been sacked immediately.

But I think Richard Barrow should have approached the problem differently. He could have demanded to see a Superior, shouted the place down if necessary, and then explained the situation demanding that he is charged the correct fee for the tax documents service and then stood his ground until he obtained a desired result. If his complaints fell onto deaf ears or no action was taken, then he should have given a warning of what actions he would take and then gone to the extremes as has what`s now happened, although due to Thailand`s strict defamation laws he`s still taking a big risk. For example what happens if the official denies the allegations against him?

I have had similar experiences here in the past and after displaying my disapproval and letting them know that I`m no push over, without too much aggression, but just by being deadly serious raising my voice a bit and firm, I have always won the argument and after that never again had problems with any particular Government departments.

Let them understand, this is Thailand and the ways to deal with situations here cannot be equated with those of the West, even though in my mind I would like to see that moron tin pot official burned at the stake.


You suggestions are good ones but what do you do in situations such as mine where the head person at the imm. off is as quick to ask for "extra fees" as her underlings?


Maybe my advice had been posted already by someone else.

I'm afraid that the one who will have problem -when it will be time to renew his visa- will be M Barrow and not M Corrupted.

By the way, in some situations you have to consider the "fees". Example: you need a document => if you do it by yourself, it's long and complicated => an officer facilitates the process => it deserves a reward, no?

Also, if you are disgusted by corruption, don't come to Thailand.

Now, M Barrow is probably the most reliable person on Twitter regarding Thailand.


I reside in n.Thailand next door to a Thai cop. We all have multi-rai properties. He's taking 5 to 6 years to build an ostentatious mansion as big as a 20 room hotel. .....on a cop's salary?

I can well believe it.But this mysterious ability of Thai officials to live the high life on a tiny salary is not limited to policemen.


So...with all the posts about lawsuits for slander I am proud of Richard and ThaiVisa for reporting this.

Hey JT...name the restaurant.

You can't be sued if they really threatened to ban you.

Its about time we all speak up like the man who LOST his passport at Jomtien.

This is the SOCIAL age of full disclosure.


Satcommlee, on 11 Mar 2013 - 20:17, said:

What his Excellency fails to understand is that there is a difference between Bribery and Extortion.

If you are caught at that traffic stop and the police demand 200 baht from you, that is Extortion..

If you offer the police 200 baht instead of getting a ticket then that is Bribery..

In this case, Barrow was being Extorted for 1000 Baht, if he had paid it then Barrow would face no consequence..

But if Barrow had tried to gain an advantage for himself by offering a bribe then he could potentially fall foul of the bribery act.

Mark Kent needs to join the real world!!

Five pages and only one is smart enough to see the difference.

The high and mighty tome being quoted from the UK Government is an official 'guideline to not being caught' for British companies who may be considering a major bung to some local bigwig fuzzy wuzzy's benefit fund so they can build a factory in Outer Wogaland or similar. It has absolutely NO relevance to the subject matter here, where the shoe is on the other foot and the corrupt official is ASKING a foreigner for some tea money just do his job.

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Next time I go to do 90 day reporting I am going to take a camera --Last week I saw a farange police volunteer take a passport with 500 bt in it from a farange at the door ,---jump the queue of about 40 people waiting for the 90 day reporting at Soi 5 Immigration Pattaya and get that passport checked and paper stamped straight away

You have personally witnessed how your regular Pattaya Immigration grind can be blissfully reduced to a few minutes and you want to bring a camera next time? Try 500 baht <deleted>!
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Never ever paid any bribe to any official here in Thailand since 24years....

perhaps you did it unwittingly

guess in 24 years you've requested (and obtained) several resident certificates (for driving licences, buy bikes or car): so, tell me, you always get them for free?


I agree totally with Barrow and his refusal to be conned. And brave man for publicising it. I imagine a fair few officials are baying for his blood right now!

Although agreeing, looking at some of the comments these last couple of days, I must say some of the posters seem resigned to the fact about being conned here for the rest of their natural lives. Isn't this attitude just feeding the animal? Surely we all need to stand against corruption?!?! Then there are many of you here that are excited maybe surprised by this officials actions. Do you get out much? coffee1.gif


Next time I go to do 90 day reporting I am going to take a camera --Last week I saw a farange police volunteer take a passport with 500 bt in it from a farange at the door ,---jump the queue of about 40 people waiting for the 90 day reporting at Soi 5 Immigration Pattaya and get that passport checked and paper stamped straight away

You have personally witnessed how your regular Pattaya Immigration grind can be blissfully reduced to a few minutes and you want to bring a camera next time? Try 500 baht <deleted>!


And you are p***ing and moaning about 500bht to save you a long wait?


You have to consider that as well as the British, US and Australian people who pay inducements are breaking the law of their own countries. Strange than many of the most strident on how we should obey laws are the ones who object most to RBs actions.


Thank you Richard, you are so smart, soon every document or process will cost officially more and the money will be officially dispatched among officers. Why not going back home if you are looking for expensive administration processes ?

Without Richard the world would be a slightly worse place to be..... now, let's work on your epitaph.

Without Richard we would have clean news threads and all the annoying advertisements where to buy junk at super sales or fairs or exibitions wouldn't be there but that is another story... And I do believe that taking a photo and putting it online will rather change his fate than anything in the setup of Thai customs.

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In this particular situation it is impossible to determine what exactly happened since it is one person's word against another's. Without witnesses Mr. Barrow faces the very real prospect of being accused of defamation, of a government official at that, with no defence other than his own uncorroborated account.

I have worked with the Thai Revenue Department for almost a decade now and can honestly say that, whilst corruption does exist, it is usually between employers and senior-level staff, not at the grass roots. This sounds more to me like the regular level of incompetence experienced with counter staff. Most have no clue about their jobs or the regulations they are supposed to enforce, and they are not paid well either. What they do have is a regular modest salary, plus medical and pension benefits. It is just as likely that the official had some vague idea there was a fee, ThB 1,000 seemed about right and, hey, nobody had complained before.


In this particular situation it is impossible to determine what exactly happened since it is one person's word against another's. Without witnesses Mr. Barrow faces the very real prospect of being accused of defamation, of a government official at that, with no defence other than his own uncorroborated account.

I have worked with the Thai Revenue Department for almost a decade now and can honestly say that, whilst corruption does exist, it is usually between employers and senior-level staff, not at the grass roots. This sounds more to me like the regular level of incompetence experienced with counter staff. Most have no clue about their jobs or the regulations they are supposed to enforce, and they are not paid well either. What they do have is a regular modest salary, plus medical and pension benefits. It is just as likely that the official had some vague idea there was a fee, ThB 1,000 seemed about right and, hey, nobody had complained before.

Could well be the situation my friend.

However, this will need to be analysed, dissected and pulled apart by all of our experts here on TV! wai.gif

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Yup, defamation lawsuit. His word against a Thai govt official (who will gladly pay out part of settlement to cronies).

They will find against RB, then the govt will not renew visa based on the defamation.

Really quite stupid.

Defamation laws were set up to protect thieves, murders and scoundrals - why does this person think he can buck these laws?


No one likes corruption...until it benefits them.

I'm not sure Mr. Barrow intended this to take on a life of its own, and would not be surprised if he regrets his decision to post that photo.

So, where will this go from here?

Either Mr. Barrow will be forced to apologize for the "misunderstanding", or the official has no option but to file defamation against him. Perhaps Mr. Barrow has an audio recording or a witness to support his claim, otherwise, the 740 baht will barely contribute to his legal fees.

Good luck Sir. I feel you may need it.


Yup, defemation lawsuit. Hisbword against a Thai govt official (who will gladly pay out part of settlement to cronies).

They will find against RB, then the govt will not renew visa based on the defemation.


By all means don't be happy at being ripped off but as in any country around the world, be careful who you upset.


I wonder if Richard has forgotten about the disappearance of prominent Muslim human rights lawyer Somchai Neelaphaijit.


I loath and detest these corrupt officials. The guy should had been sacked immediately.

But I think Richard Barrow should have approached the problem differently. He could have demanded to see a Superior, shouted the place down if necessary, and then explained the situation demanding that he is charged the correct fee for the tax documents service and then stood his ground until he obtained a desired result. If his complaints fell onto deaf ears or no action was taken, then he should have given a warning of what actions he would take and then gone to the extremes as has what`s now happened, although due to Thailand`s strict defamation laws he`s still taking a big risk. For example what happens if the official denies the allegations against him?

I have had similar experiences here in the past and after displaying my disapproval and letting them know that I`m no push over, without too much aggression, but just by being deadly serious raising my voice a bit and firm, I have always won the argument and after that never again had problems with any particular Government departments.

Let them understand, this is Thailand and the ways to deal with situations here cannot be equated with those of the West, even though in my mind I would like to see that moron tin pot official burned at the stake.

'Burned at the stake' for 1,000 Bt ? Bit harsh !
Never ever paid any bribe to any official here in Thailand since 24years....

perhaps you did it unwittingly

guess in 24 years you've requested (and obtained) several resident certificates (for driving licences, buy bikes or car): so, tell me, you always get them for free?

I got one free a couple of months ago from immigration.


Perhaps Mr. Barrow has an audio recording .....

If he does, and it was made without the officer's knowledge and permission then it is worthless. i believe it is even an offence here to make such a recording.


Richard Barrow being different to you doesn't equal Richard Barrow being stupid.

Richard Barrow lives by his own principals.

If Richard Barrow would rather be made to leave Thailand than bow to corruption then it makes sense for him to have taken this action. I personally find it easy to understand why a person might take that stance.

I'll bet some of you are just criticizing him because his actions here have proven himself to be the better man.

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