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One What The Exactly The Bank Take The Yearly Payment For Acount Fees?

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I need some more information about scb and kasikorn when the banks exactly every year take the 590 bath acount fees , is it on the same day the acount was opened or every year at same time!

Bank told when less then the yearly fees are in the acount, and bank cannot take it will be suspended automaticly!

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when will you stop trolling Sandler? if you can't afford to leave a few hundred Baht for fees in your account the bank should indeed close it.

Naam ... O come on ... we all know that this bloke belongs to the Ministry of Silly Questions ... leave him alone. Though I do think that he should spend more time with his indicated GF and less time being ... well how should I put it!

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Neither SCB or BKB have ever charged me ........ after opening the account.

You just haven't been keeping close enough track to notice, they automatically deduct their charges every year.

Heavier penalties if low activity with less than 2000 in there, so it ends up closed pretty quickly.

As the scary-looking Mr Naam says, only solution is to leave a few thousand in an account if you're not using it regularly.

If you're going to be out of the country for more than a few years, I'd say 10K

If that seems a financial burden, do everyone a favor and close the account down, not as if they're hard or expensive to open a new one.

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Neither SCB or BKB have ever charged me ........ after opening the account.

You just haven't been keeping close enough track to notice, they automatically deduct their charges every year.

Heavier penalties if low activity with less than 2000 in there, so it ends up closed pretty quickly.

As the scary-looking Mr Naam says, only solution is to leave a few thousand in an account if you're not using it regularly.

If you're going to be out of the country for more than a few years, I'd say 10K

If that seems a financial burden, do everyone a favor and close the account down, not as if they're hard or expensive to open a new one.

No, they aren't charging me.

Less than 400bht in SCB for two years, it's still there.

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If that seems a financial burden, do everyone a favor and close the account down...

Why would that be doing everyone a favor?

I too have to agree, of course it will differ bank to bank (branch to branch), but I have had accounts with no ATM that are not charged and have low balances. I guess I could be wrong, but I tend to check that stuff pretty closely. Having various accounts here is nice because depending on where you are stationed, you can immediately put money in and not incur the withdrawal fees. They of course impose withdrawal fees if you take money out when you aren't in some certain proximity to your home branch.

Why pay banks is my argument here? Why? They are using your money to make money. I do have one ATM card, but as for the rest of my accounts, no thank you. I know it is a small amount, but I don't see any reason to give a bank anything (or very little). Maybe this is all because I have been spoiled by the competitive banking system in the US.

Edited by isawasnake
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Neither SCB or BKB have ever charged me ........ after opening the account.

You just haven't been keeping close enough track to notice, they automatically deduct their charges every year.

Heavier penalties if low activity with less than 2000 in there, so it ends up closed pretty quickly.

As the scary-looking Mr Naam says, only solution is to leave a few thousand in an account if you're not using it regularly.

If you're going to be out of the country for more than a few years, I'd say 10K

If that seems a financial burden, do everyone a favor and close the account down, not as if they're hard or expensive to open a new one.

Maybe he doesn't have an ATM/debit card and keeps his account at 2000 baht or more...that would explain no annual charges. But if he does have an ATM/debit card and/or keeps his account before 2000 baht, then he must have a special waiver from both banks to avoid the charges...something in the fine print that doesn't apply to everyone else...or he just hasn't noticed the charges.

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Heavier penalties if low activity with less than 2000 in there, so it ends up closed pretty quickly.

Less than 2000 baht should be called an accounting nuisance & not be called a bank account

You can carry $60 yourself in your shirt pocket & not expect a bank to be logging it every month on their books. smile.png

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Heavier penalties if low activity with less than 2000 in there, so it ends up closed pretty quickly.

Less than 2000 baht should be called an accounting nuisance & not be called a bank account

You can carry $60 yourself in your shirt pocket & not expect a bank to be logging it every month on their books. smile.png

Oh no, I expect Thai banks just love folks who carry less than 2000 baht in there account with no activity....they would like to have many more such customers. Why? Bank fees.

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Thx for information!

I only want know how the thai bank system work, on a low acount balance!

The 590 bath are the price with insurance but cover only around 5000 bhat and have a big exclusion list what insurance not pay!

Question still open on what day exactly is the pay fee day!

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Thx for information! I only want know how the thai bank system work, on a low acount balance! The 590 bath are the price with insurance but cover only around 5000 bhat and have a big exclusion list what insurance not pay! Question still open on what day exactly is the pay fee day!

Look ... just to sort you out with this currency ... its not bath and its not bhat .... its baht, as in Thai Baht. ... hope you find this little gem useful ... by the way good luck with the bank.

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Thx for information! I only want know how the thai bank system work, on a low acount balance! The 590 bath are the price with insurance but cover only around 5000 bhat and have a big exclusion list what insurance not pay! Question still open on what day exactly is the pay fee day!


I (and possibly others) have no idea what you're talking about. What 590? what insurance, to cover what 5000?

Everyone's answers so far indicate that no one knows and no one cares on what date banks deduct these automated charges, the common-sense answer is to just make sure you leave a sufficient balance in to cover them.

Some of these policies vary from one bank to the next anyway - why don't you just talk to the bank and get the information directly from them?

Or perhaps if you spelled out (coherently please) exactly what you're trying to accomplish from a big picture POV you might get some more helpful answers to help you accomplish your objectives.

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Thx for information! I only want know how the thai bank system work, on a low acount balance! The 590 bath are the price with insurance but cover only around 5000 bhat and have a big exclusion list what insurance not pay! Question still open on what day exactly is the pay fee day!


I (and possibly others) have no idea what you're talking about. What 590? what insurance, to cover what 5000?

Everyone's answers so far indicate that no one knows and no one cares on what date banks deduct these automated charges, the common-sense answer is to just make sure you leave a sufficient balance in to cover them.

Some of these policies vary from one bank to the next anyway - why don't you just talk to the bank and get the information directly from them?

Or perhaps if you spelled out (coherently please) exactly what you're trying to accomplish from a big picture POV you might get some more helpful answers to help you accomplish your objectives.

I think he is talking about SCB and their 5'000 Baht minimum amount to put in your account when opening it. I think he is talking about the 590 Baht first year fees which covers the ATM / Debit Card as well as the non-mandatory but "automatic" accident insurance that they sell you. The latter covers (afair) accidents as passenger on public transports including Baht busses, but not much else, so is not worth taking, but of course SCB does not tell you that you don't have to take it.

Non-the-less... if he is not able to keep few bucks in that account to cover the annual fees, yes, he better closes that account.

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Thx for information! I only want know how the thai bank system work, on a low acount balance! The 590 bath are the price with insurance but cover only around 5000 bhat and have a big exclusion list what insurance not pay! Question still open on what day exactly is the pay fee day!

Usually on Tosser Customer Day.

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