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3 Arrested For Gang Assault Of Swiss Tourist In Delhi

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3 arrested for gang rape of Swiss tourist

New Delhi - Three men have been arrested in connection with the gang rape of a 39-year-old Swiss tourist in Datia district of India's Madhya Pradesh state, police said Sunday.

The woman was gang raped Friday when she and her husband were camping near a village in the district during a cycling tour of the region.

Eight men attacked the couple with wooden sticks, beat up and overpowered the man and raped the woman, according to the couple’s complaint filed with the local police.

The men also looted the couple’s belongings including a laptop, mobile phones and 10,000 rupees (about 185 dollars).

The three suspects were produced before the couple who identified them, a local police official said over telephone.

The forests around the area where the couple camped had been cordoned off and a search was on for the other suspects, the official added.

The woman had been admitted to a hospital in the nearby town of Gwalior, where tests confirmed that she had been raped, police said.

The rising number of rape cases in India has been a cause of concern, especially after a 23-year-old woman was gang raped in a moving bus in the Indian capital in December 2012.

A total of 24,206 cases of rape were reported in 2011, with the highest number - about 14 per cent - occurring in Madhya Pradesh

-- The Nation 2013-03-17

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I forget how many, but the news tonight was the Police have arrested 5 or 7 men for the rape and all admitted the offence.

Further update, they arrested 20 persons for questioning and 5 have admitted the offence.

The other 15 are still being held.

Edited by OZEMADE
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" The rising number of rape cases in India has been a cause of concern, "

Is this statement correct ? Are there any figures to support the claim that rape cases are on the rise ? Or is it that there are more cases being reported.

I think it is more the later and it is a positive thing to see Indian society realising that rape is a crime that need not be tolerated by anyone, as has clearly been the case in the past.

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Happens everywhere. USA has one case in the media right now and Australia has had several. Usually alcohol fuelled teenagers.

Nah, especially not this gang rape pack mentality focused on children we have been hearing about. Two high schooler taking advatage of high school girl while drunk is truly bad and is a big deal here. Jeez, we have large groups of males raping children like 12 years old and etc. Raping that poor girl and sticking a pipe up in her and then throwing her off the bus. This is a societal break down were women are apparently viewed as garbage and certainly less than a man. Rape certainly happens every where, but I don't get this 5 or 10 guys gang raping a poor girl. Disgusting vile human beings.

Two high school boys getting drunk and taking advantage of a drunk girl is bad and they will get dealt with accordingly. This us a much different scenario to 10 guys gang raping and beating children and helpless women minding their own business.

Were these Insian guys even wasted during any if these imcidents? At least that provides an excuse they were not think straight.

Edited by F430murci
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Yes rape can and does happen in every country. I think the main issue however is that in India it was almost to the point where it is socially acceptable and THAT was the problem. For example horrific rapes make national news in most countries. The high profile rape cases in u.s or u.k. We've heard of. If you google the subject of rapes in India you'll see that until he bus victim who died, there were a lot of very horrific rapes (by standards of the western world) which largely went ignored in India. Almost to the point if where men in India think it is socially acceptable. It took the death of the young woman in the bus to bring it to he world's attention.

Furthermore, random rapes by strangers are relatively rare compared to acquaintance rapes. Bit in India it almost seems that a woman could be randomly raped for no reason other than being a woman. Rapes on busses in India were actually very common place and it must be a frightening situation that the most mundane simple act could lead to rape. Or here sleeping in a tent would result in rape. The problem is cultural and it is unique to India that this such behavior is tolerated.

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Posts that were meant for another topic have been removed as well as the replies to remove the confusion.

On the same occasion you might correct the title of this topic - this rape and robbery has happened in central India,very far away from N.Delhi

up country,in the bush in tribal area;perpetrators were not teenagers.

Thread title says - Delhi.

Edited by moonray
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Happens everywhere. USA has one case in the media right now and Australia has had several. Usually alcohol fuelled teenagers.

Couple of years ago they had trend there - raping catholic nuns in convents.it was going on for sometime.

There was also very ugly incident without rape - but simiar: travelling family- father with 2 young sons were burnt

to death inside their car,where they had been sleeping/camping - he was Westerner - missionary.

It had been done by local Hindu mob(50?).It was huge loss of face for Indian government and their country.

India is another planet,very different then LOS.Have you heard about Kumbh Mela?

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This is horrifying and it seems to be reported in the media more and more often. I'm hoping that it is just a case of these rape cases being reported and victims coming forward rather than the number of rape cases on the rise...

You would think, being with your own partner you would be much safer, but obviously not. :(

I hope the lady makes a full recovery from this horrible ordeal.

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Yes I have heard of the Kumbh Mela. What does this have to do with the topic? I am quite curious

What it has to with this topic?Kumbh Mela was closed few days ago,so it was in the news and in my mind.

Can you imagine KhumbMela happening in your own country?or in Thailand?never...

India is another planet;Swiss tourists camping in the bush in tribal area? - like couple of small green Martians?

we are aliens for them - catch!kill!rape and rob! - they just follow their instinct - hunters in the forrest.

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Yes I have heard of the Kumbh Mela. What does this have to do with the topic? I am quite curious

What it has to with this topic?Kumbh Mela was closed few days ago,so it was in the news and in my mind.

Can you imagine KhumbMela happening in your own country?or in Thailand?never...

India is another planet;Swiss tourists camping in the bush in tribal area? - like couple of small green Martians?

we are aliens for them - catch!kill!rape and rob! - they just follow their instinct - hunters in the forrest.

I am not so sure that I can entirely agree with you having lived there (in Bangalore) for more tha 20 years and yes I am a women and a foreigner to them that too!! It wasn't always easy to do business and get things done but I was never abused like this and I mean by robbery, rape or brutality.... In other ways , Yes very much!! Excessive corruption from the police and various other organizations ... YES!! And quite painful at times but you kinda learn to live with it the same way you do here.... However while living there I would get very frustrated with the horror stories reported in the newspapers about Dowry Killings , a Drunk Politician killing a few innocent people on the road and be back on the road 2 weeks later ...?? Different here ...?? We are comparing a 1 Billion people nation to what ... 60 Million here in Thailand ..??

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Posts that were meant for another topic have been removed as well as the replies to remove the confusion.

On the same occasion you might correct the title of this topic - this rape and robbery has happened in central India,very far away from N.Delhi

up country,in the bush in tribal area;perpetrators were not teenagers.

Thread title says - Delhi.

And they had camped on the side of the road, in a tribal area.

Perhaps rather naive. Not saying she invited rape, but surely anybody, if they have the means, would sleep where there is a good chance of security and safety.

Edited by scorecard
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