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What To Do Against Noisy Neighbours?


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Hi friends,

Does anyone know if we can do anything legally in this country against noisy neighbours? According to my wife we can't...

But these neighbours actually started a business next door, repairing cars and motor cycles. So apart from the noise and disturbance it also looks like a garage in front of our house. angry.png

I'm not living on a main road. Just in a tiny Soi in a residential area.

Thanks for advice.

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Buy a large signal horn, Like on a big ship and make also noisy early in the morning before the chicken wake up !

Or better yet, go over to their house every day and ask them why Thai's always make so much noise, if unsure how to do, Sandman can help out of his extensive experience.thumbsup.gif

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I am on my third property in LoS and everyone of them has a noise problem, one way or another.

My latest in Bkk. is street noise at God knows what am. Awful racket.

When I stay in my UK house I am disturbed by the silence. Awful racket.

My advise to the OP is get one of these white noise machines. I did for the current morning noise and now I hear the sound of waves gently breaking rather than Bangkok ungently breaking.

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I am on my third property in LoS and everyone of them has a noise problem, one way or another.

My latest in Bkk. is street noise at God knows what am. Awful racket.

When I stay in my UK house I am disturbed by the silence. Awful racket.

My advise to the OP is get one of these white noise machines. I did for the current morning noise and now I hear the sound of waves gently breaking rather than Bangkok ungently breaking.

Of course if you can put up with the noise for a couple of years, you could save money on the white noise machine and listen to the natural sound of waves gently breaking in Bkk.....................tongue.png

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if you complain , then there might be strange things that will happen to your house during the night , you are best to build a high fence blocking some noise or just moving .

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Sometimes complaining gets taken a bit serious.

I workout a lot usually around 19.00 and for about an hour. I have some music on (must have been too loud) and the neighbours called the police on me. Police came but did not want to do anything about it. Wife was not happy that the neighbours did not say a thing before so i could do something about it.

But it was nothing extreme and well within the time you can make sound but she liked to sleep at 20.00. Anyway i made sure music was a bit less loud and bought some extra rubber mats. Not that the police could do something but did not want to stir up trouble. Anyway if i really would have wanted to make trouble i would have told her about the 2 years she operated a shop next to our house and disturbed our rest early morning. But I did not and so far no complaints anymore. Police did say that the lady was crazy and should have talked with us first and that the time i worked out was not bad. Even though she wanted me to change it.

So yes at some places sound is taken serious by police and they will come.

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if you complain , then there might be strange things that will happen to your house during the night , you are best to build a high fence blocking some noise or just moving .

Live your life in misery or move.

Reporting them (which is the noble thing to do after checking out your rights), will make your life more miserable.

IF you can cut your losses and go.......then go.

Yes, I was actually thinking of converting my yard into a rifle range. I would keep practicing daily from 9 pm until 1 am. cowboy.gif

That will make up for the noise and keep the neighbours off my back!

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You can do many things, however doing something may have consequnces.

The safest choice is to call City Hall of where you live and report the problem and the times of it. Also advise them of the time when it usually takes place.

They will send someone one to check it out, if you lucky enough and that person arrives at the time of all the noise, it will be deal with, though no guarantee of the outcome.

It is easier if the noise is made on public street rather than inside a home

The wife is usually right about stuff like that - at least for what you could do about it. If you live in a "shop house" type of structure, that's what you might expect. If you are in residential area, try and get the wife to go to the ampur and inquire about the situation. If you haven't tried talking to the neighbor about what's bothering you, then that should be the first thing to do.

Thanks. Lemoncake has a good idea. Talking to my neighbour is such a thing... They don't really look approachable. If I go to the ampur afterwards, they will know who it was...

Being "one of these arrogant farangs" make matters even worse as some of us know...

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Buy a large signal horn, Like on a big ship and make also noisy early in the morning before the chicken wake up !

Or better yet, go over to their house every day and ask them why Thai's always make so much noise, if unsure how to do, Sandman can help out of his extensive experience.thumbsup.gif

Erm, thanks no. Risking my life in the daily traffic is already enough... sick.gif

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North Korea seems to be the perfect example for you.

They don't like the noise the South Korean's and US make every year with their war games - so they threaten and bluster to startWWIII.

What happens?

Nothing - they know they have no case so eventually shut up until next year.

At least you can move - difficult to move a 2 million man army.

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Let's not forget that whatever we do, the best farang is only as good and the worst Thai.

Trying to 'get your own' back just won't work, because they are always right and we are always wrong. Yay!

"the best farang is only as good and the worst Thai."

I think some of you must live in a different, incoherent Thailand located in a slightly askew universe.

Edited by Suradit69
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Look for a better place, without noise.

Why should I leave my home? This is a residential area. There was no garage before I moved there...

Whether or not you will not win if you try to cause any problem with a Thai, soundest advise given as i see it is to move to another area, will save Grey Hair and maybe your life.

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North Korea seems to be the perfect example for you.

They don't like the noise the South Korean's and US make every year with their war games - so they threaten and bluster to startWWIII.

What happens?

Nothing - they know they have no case so eventually shut up until next year.

At least you can move - difficult to move a 2 million man army.

Right, perfect example. blink.png

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Move or live with it because the last thing you want to do is start a problem.

especially with a business.

Thais make noise everywhere and seem not to be bothered by it.

I was told that it comes from being in large family's and always being around noise in the house.

Ive seen Thais sleeping in the craziest places with large amounts of noise.

CobraSnakeNecktie's method is the best and Is Awesome!

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I am on my third property in LoS and everyone of them has a noise problem, one way or another.

My latest in Bkk. is street noise at God knows what am. Awful racket.

When I stay in my UK house I am disturbed by the silence. Awful racket.

My advise to the OP is get one of these white noise machines. I did for the current morning noise and now I hear the sound of waves gently breaking rather than Bangkok ungently breaking.

The opposite for me - I lived in an older flat in central London and the noise from just neigbours walking around above me was very disturbing. At least in Thailand they walk around in bare feet or slippers. Have lived now for 10 years in 4 different condos in central BKK - never even heard any neigbours. Wonderful.

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Look for a better place, without noise.

Why should I leave my home? This is a residential area. There was no garage before I moved there...

Whether or not you will not win if you try to cause any problem with a Thai, soundest advise given as i see it is to move to another area, will save Grey Hair and maybe your life.

Some people really live in a strange Thailand. There are rules here, you can get the police to help you can go to the major of the village. But just let your wife handle it first stay out of it.

It does depend on how loud everything is and what hours because a lot is permitted. But even here in this village the shops make sure they don't bother the neighbors too much. Thais do think about others and there are ways to go. Don't give up right away you can always move.

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