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I make a lot of money off Facebook so quit moaning about it. coffee1.gif

Please share - I'm married to a facebook-addict, I'd love to know how you make money from facebook. My wife's latest 'grand scheme' was bulk-buying clothes from Pratunam and selling them via a facebook page she made. If I tot up all the money she lost on the dresses she couldn't shift, then I think she made almost minus 700 each on the ones she sold.

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I make a lot of money off Facebook so quit moaning about it. coffee1.gif

Please share - I'm married to a facebook-addict, I'd love to know how you make money from facebook. My wife's latest 'grand scheme' was bulk-buying clothes from Pratunam and selling them via a facebook page she made. If I tot up all the money she lost on the dresses she couldn't shift, then I think she made almost minus 700 each on the ones she sold.

I can't help you with bad buying decisions however in my home area there are over 50 buy and sell pages, in the last 10 minutes I sold two deals worth over £400.00 combined via two of them. The trick is, making the photos sharp, and obviously the product desirable......give me a minute and I'll try to find a good local fashion seller.

There you go sir......and eh, enjoy :-)


ps......You have to be persistent too......and inventive, for example the wife should be putting up a photo of a beautiful dress and saying "share this page for a chance to win this dress".......her page gets far more coverage that way.

I bought this H&M Versace dress for my gf, then I dumped her before I gave it to her smile.png


I got it for 2,000 baht equivalent.......can you imagine the amount of traffic a dress like that being offered in a competition would drive to her page?

Now I'll need to find another size 8 gf that likes Versace. <deleted>.

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Agree with Yermanee, if I dont find it necessary to actually call you or email you about something then its probably not that important that you know it. ditto the other way around. I enjoy having a private life.

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Anuone who has a business page on FB ( I have four ) will get better coverage from ebay and linkage to their youtube channel too.

Can I access a wider range of porn with FB, eBay and YouTube linked accounts?
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I've literally just deactivated my FB account. Couldn't take seeing civilised mates of mine posting rubbish and pathetic status updates about drinking coffee and sitting on trains and then the big crime in my eyes..using acronyms. Especially 'LOL' that did it for me. I know it'd never be deleted but I'm free of all that social media bullsh*t now, and I feel fine. Have I lost out or missed anything? Some people act like I've now locked myself in a room away from the world, which is laughable.


Facebook is about a bunch of morons who like to display to the world their beautiful, most cleverest, most talented children in the universe, how they have succeeded in life way above everyone else, what a great time they’re having and how outgoing and contemptible they can be.

The reality is, that these are not persons of any true character, have lost all confidence in themselves and have lost the skills of interaction with real people in the real world. If not posing on facebook, I very much doubt if anyone would be interested in their exploits within their alleged perfect worlds.

It is all as fake as fake can be.

Welcome to the modern world.

But it makes me money so watch my concerned face. mellow.png

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. . I can be absolutely sure my girlfriend loves me, and only me,nobody else but me, because she does not have a facebook account.

(My only competitors could be the village Somchai's, however, but I think I stand out!)

Without facebook ruling over her life, I can be sure our topics include far more interesting things than "SweatyLovePinkyFaceyGirl"'s most recent photo showing her eating noodle soup . . or standing in front of her bathroom mirror.

Let's face it . . epidemics happen and will only stop when people quit spreading them. At the moment, the epidemic is "everybody a rock star" and "very important" to all of your "friends" . . . lemming mass behaviour . . FB has pros and cons, they are in perfect balance IMHO. It belongs here and is an integral part of the computer age we have the lucky advantage of living in. I have never had such a perfect combination of a social life AND the accessability of a powerful conversation/communication tool. Mind you, i am almost deaf, and these kind of things since the invention of the mobile short message, have improved my communication by great extend.

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I don’t think Facebook is that bad and useless, Just like saying…a gun, knife, stove, heck even a BBQ stick is BAD. If you have any problem with it, it’s because you”yourself” are irresponsible, careless, and immature to handle it.

Using Facebook is the quickest way to keep in touch instantly with friends and family. If you value your privacy, then keep your private life “private”. I have the account for just family members (with pen name), and another (some silly name) just for playing with my close friends…however I will not accept any “friends of a friend” who I don’t know personally face-to-face. There are many weirdoes out there nowadays, bad things can happen if you accept people randomly.

If you’re not a public figure, then having more than a dozen of friends, or everyday using… indicates you’re having problems with real life social skills or self insecurity of some sort. Then the problem is YOU, not the Facebook. But of course some people also are using it for random dating or to get free laid with strangers, in which I have no idea of what’s going on in that world.

Just my thought

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I deleted all my pictures on FB, people have been fired from their jobs posting inappropriate pictures.

Asian woman from the rich countries like Singapore and Japan seems to be living though an ever on-line tablet.

I seen them in BKK and Singapore dragging a 10" tablet around snapping pictures and when they go in a group to a café for a coffee they don't talk

to each other but are on-line with the damned tablet, busy posting pictures on FB or whatever.

It's really sad/strange, I prefer to talk to people (most of the time) face to face.

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Some of my old girlfriends I discovered dating way back had metamorphosed into grey haired old granny’s,

... odds-on they thought you had metamorphosed into grey haired old granddad?


Why do anyone need a facebook-account?? whistling.gif To share your pathetic lives with the rest of the world!

What purpose does it serve?

I have one & here are my reasons

I do not use it with my real name. The only friends I have on facebook

I do not actually know as they are businesses. Here in Thailand many businesses have

a facebook & it serves as their store basically. Many do not have websites & use FB for free


Also here there are many clubs & International suppliers that have FB pages

They use them the same way.So for my hobbies I love it as a place to see what is

new in my hobby.

So basically none know me by my real name & I surely do not share my life there.

But I use it as a great news reader of sorts for the things hobbies & products I am interested in.

When a company posts a picture of a new product it shows up there first.

I can then ask a question in the sidebar & find I get an answer immediately.

Even if it is an International company

I also use it for restaurants here because again they all have a FB page but again many no website.

Because....FB is free

On their FB page they always have a google map showing their location, cell number, menu & some

pics of their food along with comments from others.

Actually quite a few reasons now that I think about it. But the one you listed is not among them.

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There are lots of good reasons to have a Facebook account, but one of them is to prevent identity theft.

Of course, if you have no mates, you probably don't like it anyway.

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


I don't have one but I am considering it. The main reason for older people I think is to be "found" by people from your past, etc. although that isn't always welcome.

Facebook is front for a Government Agency this is known by all people in the know

oh dear...tin foil hat time again..rolleyes.gif

It's the same government agency resposible for the chem trails cheesy.gif

It's really sad/strange, I prefer to talk to people (most of the time) face to face.

But perhaps they don't want to talk to you?

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


I hate when people post stuff and then tag my name even when I have nothing to do with it. I also hate it when people post pictures with me in them and tag it to me.

I make it a point to never Like anything on FB, and never share anything someone else has posted, because once again it links me to things.

I would prefer to just put up what I want, and have no connections to anything anyone else did.

I open Facebook less than once a month.


From the OP:

I deleted my facebook profile, due to the obvious reasons (past flings, many friends of opposite sex etc.)

Maybe I'm missing something, but how are those obvious reasons for deleting a Facebook account?


Why do anyone need a facebook-account?? whistling.gif To share your pathetic lives with the rest of the world!

What purpose does it serve?

works well as a means of sharing progress of me, the wife and kids with my network of family and friends at home in scotland without actually having to be in touch with them and allows me the same of them. it's also provided a welcome way to re-connect (passively again) with lots of old school mates.

other than that it seems to have become a tedious wank-fest of sponsored posts, advertising and most nausiating, mindless "slacktevism". click like and share if you are a complete xxxx.

Agree on the sharing with a network of family and friends. One post and everyone I want to notify is notified. This is especially important if you want to keep people updated of an illness or other family event. Of course if you accept a bunch of xxxxxxx (not an American term, but very applicable) as your friends on facebook then I could see why you would be worried about what you post. Maybe for these people a couple of accounts would be best (one for people you give a $h#t about, and one for those you do not give a $h#t about).


It can be annoying, but it isn't rocket science to block out a lot of the xxxxx.

If you understand social networking, blogs and SEO, you can make a shedload of money.

But you need to have a good product or service to promote.

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Mostly nonsense. But I enjoy seeing pics of the children of my friends and cousins. For that it is really useful.

You see, how those children develop until you have the chance to see them again. :-)

Why do anyone need a facebook-account?? whistling.gif To share your pathetic lives with the rest of the world!

What purpose does it serve?


Why do anyone need a facebook-account?? :whistling: To share your pathetic lives with the rest of the world!

What purpose does it serve?

nothing wrong with FB, if you use it properly,

I have been taking to past friends I havent seen in 25 years, and wouldnt have known how to get hold of them...so from that perspective its good, but documenting every facet of your life every day...yes a bit pathatic, but the worst one is people posting photos of what they are eating at that specfic minute...I mean who gives a F what ya eating, but then again this is not just restricted to FB, have seen this on TV as well...children I can understand doing it, but middle/old aged men...:blink: ....very stange to me

Actually, I do give F about what they are eating as I often tuck away the dishes and restaurants for future reference. Not ll of them obviously, but have found plenty of good options from the postings.


I find FB & Skype handy for keeping in touch with friends (real) around the world.

We belong to some groups that only coordinate activities on FB so it is handy for that.

Fortunately we do not have a bunch of people taking pictures of their breakfast, shoes, etc. But it is good to see updates from friends that are traveling or family oriented pictures from the folks that we know their other family members.

We do have a separate FB set up for my wife's family which is used specifically for that purpose as the family is spread out all over the world.

It works well for both purposes. I did have one person I friended because someone I knew had - she kept messaging me and started asking some risque questions so I blocked her. I did some research under the same name and found 13 different identities under the same name with the same person pictured at different age groups and acting different ages with a huge amount of friends on each one - I stopped counting at 15,000 & well over 20,000 followers - let the buyer beware.....

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