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Need Advise For Marriage With Thai

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Hi everyone,im 30 years old male,singaporean,currently working in an automotive line as a sales manager for 3 years,have plans to marry my 3 years thai girlfriend and move over to thai with her.now im caught in situation whereby i do not have alot of savings,neither my gf.i have been actively looking for jobs in thailand but i couldnt find one.is there other alternatives like setting up a food stall by the road side?open up a small stall at night market or something like that?becuase i fully understand that we need income to pay for a roof over our head,be it a rental or a purchase.i need advise pls....and i hope people in this forum can help to contribute some ideas or solutions.

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You cannot work yourself without the correct visa/extension of stay and a work permit. If you think your wife to be can make enough money to support you both she can set any any type of business she wants.

Once you get married and apparently will not be able to meet the financial requirements for an extension of stay you should get a multiple entry non immigrant O visa. This visa would require doing border runs every 90 days and would be good for about 15 months by doing a border run just before the visa expires.

Edited by ubonjoe
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if i were to use her name to set up any sort of business that we want,will i be able to help her at the stall?i dont mind doing the border run every 90 days as long as i can be with her.im thinking hard and trying everthing that i possibly can as we love each other alot.another reason for the rush is because we plan to have a family of our own soon.we are very much worried about complications if she gets pregnant at a later age.

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Helping you wife on her own food stall would not be permitted and you would be doing in full public view. In ay case, the profits would probably be very small.

To be secure here, you need a fund behind you and an adequate income. Remember also that her family will probably expect a sinsot when you marry unless you forgo the traditional wedding.

Why not live with her in Singapore and work something out from there?

Good luck and I hope that you will bot be happy together.

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Thailand is unfurtunately not meant to be for younger guys/people. Thailand is blocking out as hard as they can any immigration to Thailand and make it as hard as they possibly can with everyting concerning settling here.....

Maybe you should try to find a third country i.e. The Philippines where it is considerably easier to settle down for the two of you.

Good luck


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If neither of you is working, and not much savings you're going to struggle on visa requirements in Thailand.

As a 30 year old guy, if you don't have a job and want a longer term Visa, your best bet is a Marriage Visa once you're married. For that you need you'll need either a certain amount of income (think around THB 40k a month) or THB 400k in a bank account - maybe someone might lend that to you.

Otherwise you're on limited stay visas. Being in ASEAN the requirements are easier. But it costs money to travel in and out.

Really would be best making some money in Singapore and getting some money behind you before coming back to Thailand to both be unemployed. Particularly if you have a job now. Don't give that up till you find one here.

Best Wishes anyway.

Oh and you could always teach Singlish lah


Fletch :)

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hmmm....these are all the factors im considering too.sinsot,employment/settling down in thai,visas etc.i have considered bringing her over to singapore too.but dont think that will work out very well for her as most of the time i will be out for work leaving her alone in the house as she doesnt have enough qualification to get a job here.at this point of time,troubles will start to come.

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I may be reading wrong but are you saying both GF and you would not have employment in Thailand but you have a steady job in your home country? Would expect your best choice would be to have her join you after the marriage - the ability to earn and social benefits would likely be much better than for you in Thailand with no special qualification for expat employment.

she is currently employed as a nurse....but her job requires her to travel to different places to thai.

im wondering if there's any job oppotunity for me in thai?

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if i were to use her name to set up any sort of business that we want,will i be able to help her at the stall?i dont mind doing the border run every 90 days as long as i can be with her.im thinking hard and trying everthing that i possibly can as we love each other alot.another reason for the rush is because we plan to have a family of our own soon.we are very much worried about complications if she gets pregnant at a later age.

You officially need a work permit to do any type of work. That usually stipulates minimum income levels.

Things may get easier for you after ASEAN 2015 if freedom of work regulations in ASEAN actually come in. Labour flows should be eaiser. I wouldn't be surprised to see it delayed though it does suggest again waiting a while and building up more money in Singapore

I don't want to preach, but Thailand really isn't a good place to be for most foreigners without money or a job. If finances are tight, you have visa issues, and get married and start a family soon, then you're going to put a lot of pressure and stress on your marriage, and you're actually increasing the chances of your dreams be shattered.

Fletch :)

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I would think that she could easily find work in Singapore with her medical background.

There is a large Thai community in Singapore which would mean in a short period of time she would have friends.

Perhaps before making a final decision it might good for her to visit you in Singapore for a few weeks (30 day visa free entry).

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From a logical point surely it must be better as Lopburi suggested that initially you take her to Singapore.

OK so maybe she has to sit on her ass all day, or do something online maybe, but at least one of you will have employment and money coming in as opposed to in Thailand where neither of you will.

Problems may come as a result of boredom, loneliness etc as you say, but they will come a lot quicker in Thailand if you have no money.

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if i were to use her name to set up any sort of business that we want,will i be able to help her at the stall?i dont mind doing the border run every 90 days as long as i can be with her.im thinking hard and trying everthing that i possibly can as we love each other alot.another reason for the rush is because we plan to have a family of our own soon.we are very much worried about complications if she gets pregnant at a later age.

You officially need a work permit to do any type of work. That usually stipulates minimum income levels.

Things may get easier for you after ASEAN 2015 if freedom of work regulations in ASEAN actually come in. Labour flows should be eaiser. I wouldn't be surprised to see it delayed though it does suggest again waiting a while and building up more money in Singapore

I don't want to preach, but Thailand really isn't a good place to be for most foreigners without money or a job. If finances are tight, you have visa issues, and get married and start a family soon, then you're going to put a lot of pressure and stress on your marriage, and you're actually increasing the chances of your dreams be shattered.

Fletch smile.png

i do agree with you totally.thats the reason why im still standing still.i really hope to find more alternatives through this forum as i really dont want anything that i could possibly rule out that might jeopardize my marriage

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Since the stall will be a very public space the chances of being caught for working without a work permit is very great. You cannot even get a work permit to provide service to the customers because that is a job reserved for Thais.

If the business was large enough you and your wife could set up a partnership company and you could then get a work permit as GM or managing partner if company has 1 million baht registered capital and 2 Thai employees.

Have you considered getting married and having your wife live with you in Singapore until your financial situation is better. I think being married would mean she would get residency and could also work there.

Does the 1 million baht requires 25% upfront cash if im not wrong?and regarding about the 2 thai employees,is my gf allowed to be counted as 1 as i will be setting up a partnership with her?

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It would be a partnership with your wife (51/49). The registered capital is done when the company is registered and can be raised later (no 25% needed). Your wife can be one of the employees.

Note that the above can be only done if married to a Thai.

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It would be a partnership with your wife (51/49). The registered capital is done when the company is registered and can be raised later (no 25% needed). Your wife can be one of the employees.

Note that the above can be only done if married to a Thai.

im sorry but what will be the upfront cash needed in this scenario?and is there any deadline or requirement on when the 1 million must be raised?

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It would be a partnership with your wife (51/49). The registered capital is done when the company is registered and can be raised later (no 25% needed). Your wife can be one of the employees.

Note that the above can be only done if married to a Thai.

im sorry but what will be the upfront cash needed in this scenario?and is there any deadline or requirement on when the 1 million must be raised?

Don't know about other places in Thailand but if you want to register your company in Phuket and in the 51/49 scenario (you actually need 3 persons), your wife would need to show 510,000 baht in her bank account upfront. You don't need to show any money at all smile.png The 1 million doesn't need to be raised later.

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Others have said it above - Thailand is not a place for someone without money. To enjoy life here you need money - maybe not a lot but more than you'll get working in Thailand (particularly if you're used to Singaporean standards).

Stay in Singapore; your Thai GF will love it (my Thai wife does).

Good luck.

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Do yourself a huge favor. Stay in Singapore. You have a good job there. Unless you are very creative and can think of ways to make money on your own, it will be very hard to make it here. You can fly from Singapore to BKK in a couple of hours. Make your home there and visit here when you can. You can live here when you have a lot more money saved. Good luck.

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hmmm....these are all the factors im considering too.sinsot,employment/settling down in thai,visas etc.i have considered bringing her over to singapore too.but dont think that will work out very well for her as most of the time i will be out for work leaving her alone in the house as she doesnt have enough qualification to get a job here.at this point of time,troubles will start to come.

You answered your own question about moving to Thailand. The Employment picture etc.. will be reversed YOU will not be allowed to work, Her family will want you to pay for everything under the sun and so on..

Without MONEY to back you up STAY HAPPY where you are.

Good Luck

Edited by StevenHeidbriderSr
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No Rush - Plan for the future... ASEAN is happening in 2015..

This forum usually caters to Westerners when it comes to giving such advice and therefore it contributors don't really comprehend what will happen in 2015.

As a citizen of ASEAN you probably find most of what is written above will be irrelevant in 2 years..

Edited by Satcommlee
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Do yourself a huge favor. Stay in Singapore. You have a good job there. Unless you are very creative and can think of ways to make money on your own, it will be very hard to make it here. You can fly from Singapore to BKK in a couple of hours. Make your home there and visit here when you can. You can live here when you have a lot more money saved. Good luck.

Long distance relationships with Thais are seldom successful. I vote for taking your wife to Singapore.

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No Rush - Plan for the future... ASEAN is happening in 2015..

This forum usually caters to Westerners when it comes to giving such advice and therefore it contributors don't really comprehend what will happen in 2015.

As a citizen of ASEAN you probably find most of what is written above will be irrelevant in 2 years..

I don't doubt what you are saying is true, so if you have some insight from your prospective it would be helpful to the OP.

Edited by Markaew
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No Rush - Plan for the future... ASEAN is happening in 2015..

This forum usually caters to Westerners when it comes to giving such advice and therefore it contributors don't really comprehend what will happen in 2015.

As a citizen of ASEAN you probably find most of what is written above will be irrelevant in 2 years..

I don't doubt what you are saying is true, so if you have some insight from your prospective it would be helpful to the OP.

Agree with you Markaew.

Calling it ASEAN happening in 2015 is incorrect. That occurred decades ago.

It is ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and will have little or no affect on visas and etc.

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I would love to live in Singa's trouble is my pension would not cover the cost of living there If your wife is a nurse I am sure that she could find work even if it were private work looking after a private individual My 1st wife used to do that when we lived in the USA and Holland and she made big big bucks out of it with no taxes to pay as it was private work . there are plenty of wealthy people with aging parents who need private nurses and are prepared to pay above average money Good Luck with whatever you chose to do but I think you would have a far better life staying at home once you move to Thailand toy will be supporting her family as well !!!!!!

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A lot of you need to understand that it is not easy to bring a wife, especially a Thai wife, to Singapore. I have an American friend, a professional who's worked in Singapore for over 10 years ... he married (and had a child with) a Vietnamese lady, and she is still only able to come here on short-term stays (that he is sometimes able to renew). Singapore is not crazy about immigration from other SE Asian countries and the government worries about sham marriages and women using men to get into the country, So there are a lot of hurdles. And it's getting tougher since there's now a lot of anti-foreigner sentiment in Singapore. Also, even though she's a nurse, she may not be able to work in Singapore. Singapore has policies that restricts occupations to certain nationalities. For example, Thais are not permitted to be maids. There are a lot of Filipina nurses here, but I've never come across a Thai nurse and would expect they're excluded from this profession.

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A lot of you need to understand that it is not easy to bring a wife, especially a Thai wife, to Singapore. I have an American friend, a professional who's worked in Singapore for over 10 years ... he married (and had a child with) a Vietnamese lady, and she is still only able to come here on short-term stays (that he is sometimes able to renew). Singapore is not crazy about immigration from other SE Asian countries and the government worries about sham marriages and women using men to get into the country, So there are a lot of hurdles. And it's getting tougher since there's now a lot of anti-foreigner sentiment in Singapore. Also, even though she's a nurse, she may not be able to work in Singapore. Singapore has policies that restricts occupations to certain nationalities. For example, Thais are not permitted to be maids. There are a lot of Filipina nurses here, but I've never come across a Thai nurse and would expect they're excluded from this profession.

Your are correct but because your friend is from the States and not a Singaporean. Singaporean can bring a foreign wife easily into Singapore. I don't think Thai's are excluded as nurses. The problem is the limited spoken of English for Thai's.

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