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I have no sympathy. He spends all his time going down at the lightest touch (if only my girlfriend would do that - fnar fnar) and then rolling around as if he's been poleaxed. He's a filthy cheat and other teams and refs are fed up with it.

But it wasn't just him that Stoke were battering yesterday, they were doing the Ferguson special and rattling the cages until the ref steps in, and this ref left it far too long.

I was surprised Liverpool didn't start looking for some payback, to be honest.

It's referees like Mason that lose control of games.

well congratulations on buying the party line. suarez got the sh*t kicked out of him yet again but it's his fault he gets the sh*t kicked out of him? good stuff.

by the way you start off by saying it's all suarez's own fault for being a filthy cheat then say that stoke were kicking the shit out of everyone then say that the referee lost control of the game. which is an amazingly fast turnaround in just three sentences or so.

For it to be a turnaround, I would have to have at least two contrasting positions. You seem to be unable to comprehend that all three statements are true and not mutually exclusive.

- Suarez is a diving cheat who gets nothing from refs now because they all know what he's about.

- Stoke are the worst team in the league and rely on poor refeering to allow them to try and kick the opposition out of the game.

- Lee Mason is a shit ref.

So where's the "turnaround". You think in order for Stoke to be cast as the bad boys, Suarez deserves some sympathy?

You're mental if you do.

What should have happened is:

- Mason should have started getting the cards out when Stoke started the dirty stuff (i.e. basically about the 2nd minute).

- Mason should have booked Suarez for that embarrassing attempt at a dive.

Then Liverpool would probably have won and Stoke would have finished the game with nine men.

It is pointless to keep defending Suarez, he's an absolute joke of a player. If the wind changes direction he goes down as if he's been clobbered.

At no point did I say that justifies Stoke's revolting attempts at claiming to be a football team.

They are worse than Dirty Leeds.


The thing is Brendan was left short on deadline day as he thought he was getting in at least 2 more players 1 of which is a striker. He only really has 1 recognised striker in Suarez and if he comes out and berates him what's that going to do for his own relationship with the player? Despite his antics and dark side which sometimes comes out he is a hell of a player on his day so Brendan is well within his remit of his manager to keep the player on his side.

Of course it is up to BR how he manages the team and the players, and if he thinks keeping Suarez "on side" is so important that he is prepared to make a tit of himself defending blatant cheating, up to him, but personally i prefer the sort of relationship dynamic between manager and player whereby it isn't the manager worried about keeping the player on side, but rather the player worried about keeping the manager on side. Much healthier for both player and team as a whole in the long run. I think we saw with King Kenny and the ridiculous t-shirt saga, the negative consequences both for the team and for the manager, of being so publicly overly supportive to one player.

The game needs sweeping changes if you ask me and Luis Suarez is the least of the FAs problems. People love a scapegoat, and it's usually a player everyone fears.

Firstly, i don't agree that the game needs sweeping changes. Yes, goal line technology should be tried and tested and then introduced forthwith. Video technology needs consideration, but cautious consideration in my opinion. Nothing drastic. Personally i like the idea of managers being able to contest two or three contentious issues per half, a bit like the way tennis players can contest 3 line calls per set. It would need some parameters set about the type of incident that you could contest though, and i haven't thought it through hard enough to say what they would be.

With regards, retroactive punishment, there are of course exceptions, but generally, i'm not a great fan. I like the idea that all the officiating being done during the game. When the whistle goes, the game is over, and the result is final. If mistakes have been made by the ref, so be it. Try and find ways in which less mistakes are made during the game, but don't start fiddling with things after the game is over.

Secondly, Suarez is not a scapegoat. He has been diving for a long time now, and you guys have been in serious denial. The current backlash is just what has been building up in the minds of all those outside of Liverpool FC, who are tired of all these excuses and justifications we have had to listen to for so long. It gets people's backs up almost as much as the diving. If people at Liverpool had put their hands up last season and said, yes, he has a problem with this, and we expect him to address it because that's not the way we play football here, i think everyone would have a much better understanding - after all, we all know what it is like to have a diver in the team, we all have them - and perhaps we wouldn't be here today still talking about Suarez.

Rubbish. It's not about what you prefer for your own viewing pleasure. The managers are working a job here so I think it's probably in their interests to maintain manager player harmony.

Every team has a diver. Did you ever see any manger come out and public pull them up over it? Did you ever see Mourinho or Ancelotti say anything about Drogba? Do you ever see AVB say anything about Bale? Did you ever see Ferguson say anything about Ronaldo or Nani? Think about it

What this comes down to is that Suarez is not convincing enough and is crap at diving. If he was more convincing he might have won the penalty. Case in point Michael Owen today comes out in the papers and says he dived and even dived for the penalty against Argentina in Japan. Like I said if Suarez was as convincing with his diving as Owen was people probably wouldn't be talking about this.

So don't give me that holier than though crap about him deserving all the stick he gets. Every team has a diver. The managers know it, the players know it, the fans know it, yet we still see naive people like yourself coming on forums drumming out the same spiel on diving.

Either stamp it out completely with retrospective action or don't whine. You can't have it both ways.


The thing is Brendan was left short on deadline day as he thought he was getting in at least 2 more players 1 of which is a striker. He only really has 1 recognised striker in Suarez and if he comes out and berates him what's that going to do for his own relationship with the player? Despite his antics and dark side which sometimes comes out he is a hell of a player on his day so Brendan is well within his remit of his manager to keep the player on his side.

Of course it is up to BR how he manages the team and the players, and if he thinks keeping Suarez "on side" is so important that he is prepared to make a tit of himself defending blatant cheating, up to him, but personally i prefer the sort of relationship dynamic between manager and player whereby it isn't the manager worried about keeping the player on side, but rather the player worried about keeping the manager on side. Much healthier for both player and team as a whole in the long run. I think we saw with King Kenny and the ridiculous t-shirt saga, the negative consequences both for the team and for the manager, of being so publicly overly supportive to one player.

The game needs sweeping changes if you ask me and Luis Suarez is the least of the FAs problems. People love a scapegoat, and it's usually a player everyone fears.

Firstly, i don't agree that the game needs sweeping changes. Yes, goal line technology should be tried and tested and then introduced forthwith. Video technology needs consideration, but cautious consideration in my opinion. Nothing drastic. Personally i like the idea of managers being able to contest two or three contentious issues per half, a bit like the way tennis players can contest 3 line calls per set. It would need some parameters set about the type of incident that you could contest though, and i haven't thought it through hard enough to say what they would be.

With regards, retroactive punishment, there are of course exceptions, but generally, i'm not a great fan. I like the idea that all the officiating being done during the game. When the whistle goes, the game is over, and the result is final. If mistakes have been made by the ref, so be it. Try and find ways in which less mistakes are made during the game, but don't start fiddling with things after the game is over.

Secondly, Suarez is not a scapegoat. He has been diving for a long time now, and you guys have been in serious denial. The current backlash is just what has been building up in the minds of all those outside of Liverpool FC, who are tired of all these excuses and justifications we have had to listen to for so long. It gets people's backs up almost as much as the diving. If people at Liverpool had put their hands up last season and said, yes, he has a problem with this, and we expect him to address it because that's not the way we play football here, i think everyone would have a much better understanding - after all, we all know what it is like to have a diver in the team, we all have them - and perhaps we wouldn't be here today still talking about Suarez.

Rubbish. It's not about what you prefer for your own viewing pleasure. The managers are working a job here so I think it's probably in their interests to maintain manager player harmony.

Every team has a diver. Did you ever see any manger come out and public pull them up over it? Did you ever see Mourinho or Ancelotti say anything about Drogba? Do you ever see AVB say anything about Bale? Did you ever see Ferguson say anything about Ronaldo or Nani? Think about it

What this comes down to is that Suarez is not convincing enough and is crap at diving. If he was more convincing he might have won the penalty. Case in point Michael Owen today comes out in the papers and says he dived and even dived for the penalty against Argentina in Japan. Like I said if Suarez was as convincing with his diving as Owen was people probably wouldn't be talking about this.

So don't give me that holier than though crap about him deserving all the stick he gets. Every team has a diver. The managers know it, the players know it, the fans know it, yet we still see naive people like yourself coming on forums drumming out the same spiel on diving.

Either stamp it out completely with retrospective action or don't whine. You can't have it both ways.

better tell that to your manager then! If you believe your own post you must think Rodgers is a right idiot.


Rubbish. It's not about what you prefer for your own viewing pleasure.

Don't understand what you are saying.

The managers are working a job here so I think it's probably in their interests to maintain manager player harmony.

Player harmony to me is not achieved by constantly backing all the players vociferously even when they blatantly do wrong.

Every team has a diver. Did you ever see any manger come out and public pull them up over it? Did you ever see Mourinho or Ancelotti say anything about Drogba? Do you ever see AVB say anything about Bale? Did you ever see Ferguson say anything about Ronaldo or Nani? Think about it

It's not necessary to say anything in public. That's the thing.

Ferguson did trot out the same sort of crap as your manager with Ronaldo and Nani, about them having no protection from refs and implying that that justified the diving, but more recently, with Young, SAF did not rush out to defend him last season after those dives. He might not have publicly attacked him, but he did drop him, and that and the fact that he didn't defend the player, spoke volumes about what he thought.


So don't give me that holier than though crap about him deserving all the stick he gets. Every team has a diver. The managers know it, the players know it, the fans know it, yet we still see naive people like yourself coming on forums drumming out the same spiel on diving.

Where have i ever stated he is the only diver? I have been at pains to state that that is not the case. He is though currently one of the worst culprits, and has been diving more than most. That's why the spot-light is on him. Not because he is the only one. It's also because you guys have been in denial about him. It wasn't more than a few weeks ago that you were all on here arguing that no, he didn't dive, he just exaggerated his falls, and he never went down unless he was touched. What is it about Liverpool fans that makes you so dam_n myopic?

Either stamp it out completely with retrospective action or don't whine. You can't have it both ways.

Whine? Me? That's a laugh, with all the "he's innocent, he's being picked on" nonsense coming from your direction.

As for wanting it both ways? Who said anything about that? I want diving clamped down on, i am just not sure that retroactive punishment is the right weapon for it. It may be one solution.


So the question is .....................suraez is a diver or not......................scousers deliver........

When i first saw that Liverpool had bought Suraez,i knew he would be controversial,based on watcjhing his antics for Ajax.

The first half saw stoke city play decent football but liverpool dominated second half and pushed us to our penalty box,mainly due to the bad tackle that had whelan taken off.Liverpool were not good enough to penetrate stoke,s defence,but i did say that stoke were a bit over physical,no liverpool player injured,but Suaraez could have hurt himself with that belly flop.Its criminal to suggest he dived because stoke were kicking him,he was never injured,and Huth put his foot on him to get balance and the fa have upheld the decision to say it was a stamp else it would have been a three match ban.Liverpool fans,u aint no where near as good as u once where and the blame is on rogers for poor buys and loaning out Carrol,nowt to do with naughty stoke. Some of your teams would have kicked the shit out of us mere mortals,sour grapes methinks,and we played crap compared to ther games,so you did play well but as usual cannot score


To change the subject (slightly) I had lunch today with two real (as in, from Liverpool) Liverpool fans. Usually they're pretty downtrodden but today they were eye-poppingly raving, about everything.

Usually I let them whine, but today I couldn't when they told me there were two conspiracies currently ranged against The Reds:

1. Referees

2. The FA.

I genuinley don't know what's wrong with Liverpool, but fans ranting and raving isn't going to help them, nor is blaming the woodwork, luck, referees, the FA, MAN UNITED?

A bizarre lunch, but amusing.


I agree it shouldn't, but if we want to talk about all the things that shouldn't happen on a football pitch, i think that discussion needs to begin with the things the players shouldn't be doing.

shall we start with fouling and handball? or would people consider those 'part of the game'?

Great point. Remember Suarez's outrageous handball against Ghana in the World Cup?

happy to. a professional foul for which he was rightly sent off.


Bad news, you are down to one striker now.


Even more of a good idea now to go for Demba Ba. Cheap aswell. I wish Spurs had.

And in no way of a troll statement but i think AVB is probably quite relieved to have Brendon Rodgers to get the majority of the tabloids off his back. Funny but you never heard a sound from him when he was at swansea. I've said already i'd like certain press elements banned from our press conferences and i think LFC should do the same.


As the discussion on "diving" in football continues again Suarez is singled out by Jim Boyce, a British rep of FIFA, he mentions the weekend incident in the same sentence mentions; "cheating" "Suarez" "cancer" in that order.

I'm a Liverpool fan, a football fan and am not a one-eyed supporter, I know when my team are rubbish, or when a player has done the wrong thing and my support still stands but would not blatantly defend the indefensible but surely if this using a single player as a scapegoat for a problem that is not confined to one player!!!?


As the discussion on "diving" in football continues again Suarez is singled out by Jim Boyce, a British rep of FIFA, he mentions the weekend incident in the same sentence mentions; "cheating" "Suarez" "cancer" in that order.

I'm a Liverpool fan, a football fan and am not a one-eyed supporter, I know when my team are rubbish, or when a player has done the wrong thing and my support still stands but would not blatantly defend the indefensible but surely if this using a single player as a scapegoat for a problem that is not confined to one player!!!?

I agree Suarez is bearing the brunt, i'm just not sure how much sympathy i have.

He knew before that last game you played, that the spotlight was on him regarding the matter of diving, and yet still he went ahead and did it. All this extra heat in the media has been the outcome. Predictable and avoidable i would say.


As the discussion on "diving" in football continues again Suarez is singled out by Jim Boyce, a British rep of FIFA, he mentions the weekend incident in the same sentence mentions; "cheating" "Suarez" "cancer" in that order.

I'm a Liverpool fan, a football fan and am not a one-eyed supporter, I know when my team are rubbish, or when a player has done the wrong thing and my support still stands but would not blatantly defend the indefensible but surely if this using a single player as a scapegoat for a problem that is not confined to one player!!!?

I agree Suarez is bearing the brunt, i'm just not sure how much sympathy i have.

He knew before that last game you played, that the spotlight was on him regarding the matter of diving, and yet still he went ahead and did it. All this extra heat in the media has been the outcome. Predictable and avoidable i would say.

Tend to agree with you here but i keep going back to the same question i'm asking myself; What is his manager saying to him?


but i keep going back to the same question i'm asking myself; What is his manager saying to him?

Nothing. He's too busy learning his script for the next installment of their new reallity show.


Tend to agree with you here but i keep going back to the same question i'm asking myself; What is his manager saying to him?

Well, if some of the comments on here from Liverpool fans are anything to go on, this manager, and the one before, daren't do much else other than offer him praise and support, in fear he takes umbrage.


Tend to agree with you here but i keep going back to the same question i'm asking myself; What is his manager saying to him?

Well, if some of the comments on here from Liverpool fans are anything to go on, this manager, and the one before, daren't do much else other than offer him praise and support, in fear he takes umbrage.

They bow....and offer gifts etc.

Lest he leave in January....mind you the young strikers kep hiding his boots and nicking his gameboy.


Tend to agree with you here but i keep going back to the same question i'm asking myself; What is his manager saying to him?

Well, if some of the comments on here from Liverpool fans are anything to go on, this manager, and the one before, daren't do much else other than offer him praise and support, in fear he takes umbrage.

I don't know really player/agent power these days seems to carry too much weight. Does he risk pissing off his one shining striker who is on fire, has he actually said something to him and Suarez takes it onboard but carries on regardless.

When Wayne Rooney apparently said he was off to Citeh, I was sure that SAF would see to it he exited the club "no player is bigger than the club". Instead he was made the highest paid player on the books. In days gone by SAF would never stand for such threatening, mutineering, betrayal.

Suarez is a passionate player, and you can see it is hard for him to be anything other than what he is on the park, he gives his all. I could imagine as a centre-back you could have some fun "asking how his mum is". I'd just love him to turn this whole thing around, dust them off, keep his head down and carry on terrorizing defenses and banging them in....maybe then.


Tend to agree with you here but i keep going back to the same question i'm asking myself; What is his manager saying to him?

Well, if some of the comments on here from Liverpool fans are anything to go on, this manager, and the one before, daren't do much else other than offer him praise and support, in fear he takes umbrage.

He should be told to stay on his feet because the team is going to ride this one out! i don't see why that should upset him.

We have a similar problem with Bale. both these guys have to do a "Klinsman" and stay on their feet to lose their reputation because as sure as anything in this life they are both going to be singled out even more now. i don't see that there is any other option for either of them. Bales even got to put up with the reality that he bares a striking resemblance to Michael jackson's pet chimp Bubbles and the associated crowd abuse he gets from that.

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