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Cooking With Poo

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You have to eat it when it's fresh. Never freeze it.

A bit like one the local restaurant near the house that sells on the menu Horse shoe crap with curry and Beef with Thai herpes.

I will steal borrow a copy, scan and post when I can.smile.png


'What's your signature dish here khrap?'

'Herpes kha'

'mmm sounds good but I think I'll just have the poo on rice'

Edited by Songhua
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I was thinking that the Poo was the energy for the cooking? I know people who use poo in Kenya for that, why waste anything?

In Nairobi, the Umande Trust community organization, is thus far dealing with decidedly mixed results.

Since 2007, the nongovernmental organization has built 52 biogas centers and in June received a $1.46-million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to develop a sustainable biogas toilet that can be developed on a large scale for use throughout Africa.

Biogas systems have already proved successful in rural India, but the nearly 350 plants there are fueled mainly by cow dung rather than human excrement, and the gas is used to generate electrical power instead of cooking fuel.

The problem here is that many residents of the impoverished neighborhoods view the source of the cheap fuel as, well, gross.

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I tried cow poo soup (Isaan of course) quite good really but I left it at that. In the supermarkets here you see plastic sacks of green, brown and red colour: that's bile, poo and blood. I don't go to eat at my SIL's house often, they jumped at the opportunity of eating the placentas of our two cows.... eat sh... m... f....! Aroi.

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Off topic, but whore dust goes well with shrimps in our local restaurant, apparently. ....

Cannot upload the picture from phone, will try later

*face slap*

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