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93-Year-Old Australian Accused Of Sexually Assaulting Thai Children Goes On Trial


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In post #102 above, there's a link to a 2010 CNN story on pedophilia cases in Chiang Mai, and the police and other efforts there against them. One of the cited cases, then just allegations not yet adjudicated, involved an American university lecturer.

Another case working its way through the penal system is that of Robert Cutler, a U.S. Fulbright Scholar teaching biology at a Chiang Mai University. The police accuse him of sexually abusing young boys, something Cutler denies. Col. Apichart had him under surveillance for weeks. The photos show Cutler talking to groups of young boys on the street and taking other boys swimming at a local pool. A video of a police search of his apartment revealed semi-clothed youths in his bedroom. All this will form part of the case against him, which is due to start later this month.

I don't find any mention of this case or the resolution of it on ThaiVisa or elsewhere on the web... But I did find this blog post by the accused that gives his version of the resolution of the case, and makes a lot of allegations saying he had been falsely set up by an NGO. It's worth reading his account and claims about how witnesses allegedly were instructed how to testify and threatened.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Robert Cutler Completely Exonerated

Robert W. Cutler was completely cleared on

Thanksgiving Day November 26th 2010.

In 2009 a Thai child exploitation non-government organization (NGO) funded by an Australian NGO fabricated a story that I had abused children in Chiang Mai. On November 26th 2010 I was completely cleared of all charges due to the blatant falsehoods of those stories. Facts revealed during the trial showed that these NGO’s had used extortion, bribery and intimidation to force children to tell the stories the NGO people wanted told. This experience was a brutal lesson in the danger of letting the ends justify the means. These NGO’s say they are trying to protect children, but exploiting children to raise money for their goals by framing and extorting innocent people defeats any good they may try to do. Even if some of the people these NGO’s have worked to frame are guilty there is no excuse for the abuses and slander they use to publicize their organizations. I want to detail a few of the blatant wrongdoings perpetrated by the child exploitation NGO's below as well as reveal the false stories told by these NGO people and made-up internet identities these NGO's hide behind....


So who's guilty and who's innocent? Seems it's not always so easy to know.

Quite a few articles recounting his arrest in very vivid terms, and various forum posts calling him lots of bad names. But nothing on the eventual outcome of the case.

A reminder of the principle held in law, innocent until proven guilty.

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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I'd never heard of Mr. Cutler's case before seeing mention of it in the CNN article that another member posted above here in this thread...

I have no idea if all that he recounts in his blog post is accurate or not.

But after seeing a bunch of articles on his original arrest, I could find nothing online from the local news media reporting any resolution of the criminal case.

Had there been a conviction, I'm pretty certain there would have been some report. So the absence of any reports on the outcome leads me to believe that his version is accurate, at least in so far as to believe that he was not ultimately convicted of the charges.

Surely there are pedophiles out there in the world. But the mere allegation, or the filing of charges by police and prosecutors, doesn't automatically make something true. Something that all of us would do well to remember.

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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If this statement is fact, then I would have difficulty believing him

'A video of a police search of his apartment revealed semi-clothed youths in his bedroom'

I have not read the entire blog of his yet, but will be directly.

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If this statement is fact, then I would have difficulty believing him

'A video of a police search of his apartment revealed semi-clothed youths in his bedroom'

I have not read the entire blog of his yet, but will be directly.

Most Thai males, regardless of age walk around semi-clothed on my street, hardly any of them wear a shirt.

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If this statement is fact, then I would have difficulty believing him

'A video of a police search of his apartment revealed semi-clothed youths in his bedroom'

I have not read the entire blog of his yet, but will be directly.

Most Thai males, regardless of age walk around semi-clothed on my street, hardly any of them wear a shirt.

Are they in your bedroom as well?

Anyway, just read his blog.

He stated no such material was produced. How can police claim to have it, but not?

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He stated no such material was produced. How can police claim to have it, but not?

Perhaps it was produced after he was arrested and before they declared it. ;)

I for one would not believe anything the Thai police say, simply because they say it. Or trust that what evidence they have, is genuine and has not been produced by other means.

Just saying...

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If this statement is fact, then I would have difficulty believing him

'A video of a police search of his apartment revealed semi-clothed youths in his bedroom'

I have not read the entire blog of his yet, but will be directly.

Most Thai males, regardless of age walk around semi-clothed on my street, hardly any of them wear a shirt.

Are they in your bedroom as well?

Anyway, just read his blog.

He stated no such material was produced. How can police claim to have it, but not?

And here is the problem with this type of crime in the eyes of many even if you are the victim of entrapment. Some on here want to hang them before any trial and when like this guy you are COMPLETELY exonerated by a court of law you still want him hanged. I hope some day some of you have to fight for a huge injustice done against you. Karma should see to it. Clearly the judge did not see anything in the video as sordid as your imagination is furnishing you with.

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If this statement is fact, then I would have difficulty believing him

'A video of a police search of his apartment revealed semi-clothed youths in his bedroom'

I have not read the entire blog of his yet, but will be directly.

Most Thai males, regardless of age walk around semi-clothed on my street, hardly any of them wear a shirt.

Are they in your bedroom as well?

Anyway, just read his blog.

He stated no such material was produced. How can police claim to have it, but not?

And here is the problem with this type of crime in the eyes of many even if you are the victim of entrapment. Some on here want to hang them before any trial and when like this guy you are COMPLETELY exonerated by a court of law you still want him hanged. I hope some day some of you have to fight for a huge injustice done against you. Karma should see to it. Clearly the judge did not see anything in the video as sordid as your imagination is furnishing you with.

G.J you are putting a lot of posts pushing that this old fellow has been set up, why? for me following this topic the last 3-4 years I have not seen anything that suggests that. A see many postings that have forgotten about the kids and concentated on the mans age and the pics of him today. Couldn't in reality be,that it was the old man who entrapped those niave young children into what he wanted? I have read nothing about the parents demanding money or anything from the man! only that they reported him to the police and asked he be investigated, He was charged and then released on bail. It was then he fled to Burma. he was arrested at the border after being deported and has been in gaol since. So my question is to you who screwed (entrapped) you over that your so hellfire on protecting this old man?

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Most Thai males, regardless of age walk around semi-clothed on my street, hardly any of them wear a shirt.

Are they in your bedroom as well?

Anyway, just read his blog.

He stated no such material was produced. How can police claim to have it, but not?

And here is the problem with this type of crime in the eyes of many even if you are the victim of entrapment. Some on here want to hang them before any trial and when like this guy you are COMPLETELY exonerated by a court of law you still want him hanged. I hope some day some of you have to fight for a huge injustice done against you. Karma should see to it. Clearly the judge did not see anything in the video as sordid as your imagination is furnishing you with.

G.J you are putting a lot of posts pushing that this old fellow has been set up, why? for me following this topic the last 3-4 years I have not seen anything that suggests that. A see many postings that have forgotten about the kids and concentated on the mans age and the pics of him today. Couldn't in reality be,that it was the old man who entrapped those niave young children into what he wanted? I have read nothing about the parents demanding money or anything from the man! only that they reported him to the police and asked he be investigated, He was charged and then released on bail. It was then he fled to Burma. he was arrested at the border after being deported and has been in gaol since. So my question is to you who screwed (entrapped) you over that your so hellfire on protecting this old man?

How funny. If you would read the posts properly you would see we are discussing another different guy completely and we are not defending the 'old guy'. He still has not been judged by a court yet has he! We are talking about a different man. Another TV poster has added a link to the case concerned. So to correct you, you have not seen me putting a lot of posts defending the old guy. An apology will be perfectly acceptable.

Just incase it is too difficult, post 121 refers.

Edited by GentlemanJim
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sorry but I know it's all about innocent until proven guilty BUT why when people get old or ill, do we suddenly decide the complainants don't have the right to have the plaintiff accused anymore?!

IF he is guilty - the girls he accused have to deal the the consequences of his abuse for the rest of their lives - why should he be forgiven and allowed to go home and live his last months/years comfortably when they have to live the rest of their lives uncomfortably

IF he is guilty - he made the decision to abuse them and so he SHOULD live with the consequences no matter what his health - prisons and courts are perfectly equipped to deal with old/sick people

If it turns out he's not guilty then fine and it's a shame he had to go through this - but in all seriousness they wouldn't press charges unless there was some pretty compelling evidence anyway, so I'm guessing he's probably guilty

I guess I'm just saying the girls have the right to accuse the person they say abused them and have the right to have the case taken to trial!

<but in all seriousness they wouldn't press charges unless there was some pretty compelling evidence anyway>

OR, perhaps there is some pretty compelling money to be made by fitting him up. Wouldn't be the first time.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've heard from someone very close to this case that a resolution is expected tomorrow ( Monday ). It looks like the trial is going to be abandoned due to dementia. The individual told me that the case was sound, but this guy was a combination of his own worst enemy and rambling incoherently.

If I'm wrong feel free to flame the life out of me, but the contact I'm referring to is impeccable. Let's see.

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I've heard from someone very close to this case that a resolution is expected tomorrow ( Monday ). It looks like the trial is going to be abandoned due to dementia. The individual told me that the case was sound, but this guy was a combination of his own worst enemy and rambling incoherently.

If I'm wrong feel free to flame the life out of me, but the contact I'm referring to is impeccable. Let's see.

Now we have a clear case for a retrial. Nice one theblether! rolleyes.gif

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I've heard from someone very close to this case that a resolution is expected tomorrow ( Monday ). It looks like the trial is going to be abandoned due to dementia. The individual told me that the case was sound, but this guy was a combination of his own worst enemy and rambling incoherently.

If I'm wrong feel free to flame the life out of me, but the contact I'm referring to is impeccable. Let's see.

Now we have a clear case for a retrial. Nice one theblether! rolleyes.gif

If I ever get any inside information on anything, I know whom not to tell.

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It seems many on TV,have sympathy and indeed empathy purely because of the age and health of the alleged Pheodophile, (growing old and in poor health,happens to good people as well) So no case for leniency and misguided concern? which carries no weight in law,and there are also no laws that exempt evil wrongdoers from paying for their crimes however old and infirm they become,only benevolent, stupid old Judges let them off. And please let's not talk about human rights of the Alledged Sexual Criminal,I don't see any PC, Liberals pleading for the Victims,in this alledged case,which will probably mentally scar (and worse) innocent child victims for life.

I'm sure every Criminals dream is to go to their grave,never having paid for their crimes,so time to stop this PC, Liberal looney left fruitcake,nonsense,and think about our damaged children,and their human rights,and never mind pandering to the PC Brigade either, let's make sure the guilty pay for their crimes,until their final hour!

Edited by MAJIC
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It seems many on TV,have sympathy and indeed empathy purely because of the age and health of the alleged Pheodophile, (growing old and in poor health,happens to good people as well) So no case for leniency and misguided concern? which carries no weight in law,and there are also no laws that exempt evil wrongdoers from paying for their crimes however old and infirm they become,only benevolent, stupid old Judges let them off. And please let's not talk about human rights of the Alledged Sexual Criminal,I don't see any PC, Liberals pleading for the Victims,in this alledged case,which will probably mentally scar (and worse) innocent child victims for life.

I'm sure every Criminals dream is to go to their grave,never having paid for their crimes,so time to stop this PC, Liberal looney left fruitcake,nonsense,and think about our damaged children,and their human rights,and never mind pandering to the PC Brigade either, let's make sure the guilty pay for their crimes,until their final hour!

I agree with that bit.

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Just on the Australian news, the case has been suspended indefinitely due to him being in the advanced stage of prostate cancer and he has been granted bail.

Suspend the trial is okay if he is genuinely unfit, but if they have the evidence no bail!

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It seems many on TV,have sympathy and indeed empathy purely because of the age and health of the alleged Pheodophile, (growing old and in poor health,happens to good people as well) So no case for leniency and misguided concern? which carries no weight in law,and there are also no laws that exempt evil wrongdoers from paying for their crimes however old and infirm they become,only benevolent, stupid old Judges let them off. And please let's not talk about human rights of the Alledged Sexual Criminal,I don't see any PC, Liberals pleading for the Victims,in this alledged case,which will probably mentally scar (and worse) innocent child victims for life.

I'm sure every Criminals dream is to go to their grave,never having paid for their crimes,so time to stop this PC, Liberal looney left fruitcake,nonsense,and think about our damaged children,and their human rights,and never mind pandering to the PC Brigade either, let's make sure the guilty pay for their crimes,until their final hour!

I agree with that bit.

Yes, but Majic and his ilk have already decided he is guilty - - - with no evidence shown

Just on the Australian news, the case has been suspended indefinitely due to him being in the advanced stage of prostate cancer and he has been granted bail.

Suspend the trial is okay if he is genuinely unfit, but if they have the evidence no bail!

Wouldn't it be refreshing to either have an independent third party study this 'evidence'? It would certainly lay to rest any discussion of:

a) The officials have nothing and just fleeced the wrinklie, a 90+ year old who was easy to fleece

b ) The wrinklie is guilty as sin . . . based on said evidence

c) Any of the above being preferable to all this hang-em-high or 'wait-for the-evidence' crowd

(The quote function is behaving very, very strange)

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Just on the Australian news, the case has been suspended indefinitely due to him being in the advanced stage of prostate cancer and he has been granted bail.

Suspend the trial is okay if he is genuinely unfit, but if they have the evidence no bail!

Somehow I don't think he is a flight risk, from the pictures on television he looks as tho he has just been freed from changi prison after ww2. Just bones wrapped in skin and no meat on him. limp and lifeless looking being carried by the BIB who were smiling for the cameras.

Also if he is retained in custody then the dept of justice will have to pay all his medical costs and for a cancer patient that can be expensive. Maybe they have decided to dump him outside the gates with all his assets seized and no income and they won't have to pay his medical costs. fend for himself on the streets and he will probably turn up his toes in a back alley That may be why he got bail.

Edited by chooka
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Just on the Australian news, the case has been suspended indefinitely due to him being in the advanced stage of prostate cancer and he has been granted bail.

Suspend the trial is okay if he is genuinely unfit, but if they have the evidence no bail!

Somehow I don't think he is a flight risk, from the pictures on television he looks as tho he has just been freed from changi prison after ww2. Just bones wrapped in skin and no meat on him. limp and lifeless looking being carried by the BIB who were smiling for the cameras.

Also if he is retained in custody then the dept of justice will have to pay all his medical costs and for a cancer patient that can be expensive. Maybe they have decided to dump him outside the gates with all his assets seized and no income and they won't have to pay his medical costs. fend for himself on the streets and he will probably turn up his toes in a back alley That may be why he got bail.

That thought is crossing many people's minds . . .

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@ Sing_Sling Post 144

"Yes, but Majic and his ilk have already decided he is guilty - - - with no evidence shown"

Reply from MAJIC

You missed the whole point of my Post: which was Old Age and Poor Health should not be a get out of Jail Free Card,for anyone.

I haven't decided anything of the sort.Mind Reading is only for entertainment!

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@ Sing_Sling Post 144

"Yes, but Majic and his ilk have already decided he is guilty - - - with no evidence shown"

Reply from MAJIC

You missed the whole point of my Post: which was Old Age and Poor Health should not be a get out of Jail Free Card,for anyone.

I haven't decided anything of the sort.Mind Reading is only for entertainment!

I'd take your word for that, but the following sentence, among others, puts paid to your pledge of impartiality:

And please let's not talk about human rights of the Alledged Sexual Criminal

Why shouldn't we talk about the human rights of an accused, of an alleged criminal, sexual or otherwise, because taking away his human rights is already having found him guilty.

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@ Sing_Sling Post 144

"Yes, but Majic and his ilk have already decided he is guilty - - - with no evidence shown"

Reply from MAJIC

You missed the whole point of my Post: which was Old Age and Poor Health should not be a get out of Jail Free Card,for anyone.

I haven't decided anything of the sort.Mind Reading is only for entertainment!

I'd take your word for that, but the following sentence, among others, puts paid to your pledge of impartiality:

And please let's not talk about human rights of the Alledged Sexual Criminal

Why shouldn't we talk about the human rights of an accused, of an alleged criminal, sexual or otherwise, because taking away his human rights is already having found him guilty.

I am more interested in the human rights of the Victim than the alleged Abuser,unlike the Liberal and PC Brigade. At the last count in my Country there were 53 organisations to help the Criminals in various ways,and only 3 to help the Victim. Needless to to say there's something serously wrong with the system.

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