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93-Year-Old Australian Accused Of Sexually Assaulting Thai Children Goes On Trial


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I see the liberals are out in force, not here! If he gets found guilty I hope he burns in hell for it, as I have said in previous posts on this topic I really can't see the lazy AR#*d BIB chasing someone all the way to Burma for nothing. Its difficult enough to get them do something on real crimes let alone non events. Although I'm sure there will be some lefties with interesting conspiracy theories to follow this post. No doubt it was all just a ploy by BIB to separate poor old whitey from his old age pension and blah, blah blah.

The liberals? Lefties? Good grief, you're a pathetic git

>They should hurry up and lock him up. He's not got long so need to get him in a Thai jail quick so he can start his ass k


And imagine you were accused of something you didn't do - it's not like this is unheard of in Thailand . . . or would you enjoy it?

The whole Burma thing . . . the BiB didn't 'chase' him to Burma, he was handed over to Thai authorities after he was chucked out for overstaying his visa as far as I know . . . and here's a question . . . if anyone of us would be falsely accused of raping little kids, who wouldn't do a runner to the next border. (I'm not saying he did or didn't do it, that immaterial in this question)

Why are you so convinced he didn't do it?

I'm not convinced of it, though imagining a 90 year old having sex is difficult. Actually, I don't want pictures like this on my mind.

Look at the guy. The question of guilt has become irrelevant. He's dying, and should be allowed to die in dignity. What's going on looks like a slow, public exexution.

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I see the liberals are out in force, not here! If he gets found guilty I hope he burns in hell for it, as I have said in previous posts on this topic I really can't see the lazy AR#*d BIB chasing someone all the way to Burma for nothing. Its difficult enough to get them do something on real crimes let alone non events. Although I'm sure there will be some lefties with interesting conspiracy theories to follow this post. No doubt it was all just a ploy by BIB to separate poor old whitey from his old age pension and blah, blah blah.

The liberals? Lefties? Good grief, you're a pathetic git

>>They should hurry up and lock him up. He's not got long so need to get him in a Thai jail quick so he can start his ass k


And imagine you were accused of something you didn't do - it's not like this is unheard of in Thailand . . . or would you enjoy it?

The whole Burma thing . . . the BiB didn't 'chase' him to Burma, he was handed over to Thai authorities after he was chucked out for overstaying his visa as far as I know . . . and here's a question . . . if anyone of us would be falsely accused of raping little kids, who wouldn't do a runner to the next border. (I'm not saying he did or didn't do it, that immaterial in this question)

Why are you so convinced he didn't do it?

The answer lies in my post, but seeing as you missed it I have highlighted it in bold. I could play your game and ask why you are so convinced that he did it and alreday wieh pain upon the man but that would be silly.

I can't judge the man before it has been proven that he did it . . . unlike many here in the 'hang-em-high' brigade

Edited by Sing_Sling
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Sophistry sing_sling, I can read.........

The guy is as guilty as sin.

He's scum, by his own words he bought himself out of a rape charge. By his own words.

Naturally he protests " it was a set up!! ".

If I had been set up on a rape charge in Thailand, you can guarantee one thing, at the first opportunity I would be out of the country and I would never be coming back.

Not this guy, he buys himself out and he...........stays.

Why would he want to stay in a country where he was so rudely victimized and persecuted?

I wonder??

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Sophistry sing_sling, I can read.........

The guy is as guilty as sin.

He's scum, by his own words he bought himself out of a rape charge. By his own words.

Naturally he protests " it was a set up!! ".

If I had been set up on a rape charge in Thailand, you can guarantee one thing, at the first opportunity I would be out of the country and I would never be coming back.

Not this guy, he buys himself out and he...........stays.

Why would he want to stay in a country where he was so rudely victimized and persecuted?

I wonder??

Not sophistry on my part at all - how is it false?

Neither you nor I know why he stayed in Thailand after having been stitched up previously (see, many can play the 'all-or-nothing' game), nor is it appropriate to speculate . . . though you may wonder.

I know I'd hightail it out an never go back, but I am not he - perhaps we should ask all the foreigners living there who have been wronged one way or another the same question.

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I see the liberals are out in force, not here! If he gets found guilty I hope he burns in hell for it, as I have said in previous posts on this topic I really can't see the lazy AR#*d BIB chasing someone all the way to Burma for nothing. Its difficult enough to get them do something on real crimes let alone non events. Although I'm sure there will be some lefties with interesting conspiracy theories to follow this post. No doubt it was all just a ploy by BIB to separate poor old whitey from his old age pension and blah, blah blah.

The liberals? Lefties? Good grief, you're a pathetic git

>They should hurry up and lock him up. He's not got long so need to get him in a Thai jail quick so he can start his ass k


And imagine you were accused of something you didn't do - it's not like this is unheard of in Thailand . . . or would you enjoy it?

The whole Burma thing . . . the BiB didn't 'chase' him to Burma, he was handed over to Thai authorities after he was chucked out for overstaying his visa as far as I know . . . and here's a question . . . if anyone of us would be falsely accused of raping little kids, who wouldn't do a runner to the next border. (I'm not saying he did or didn't do it, that immaterial in this question)

Why are you so convinced he didn't do it?

I would like to know why you consistantly say it's something he didn't do and then in quote #63 you accuse the hang em high crowd sounds to me that you are the extreem oposite to the hang em high crowd. where is your evidence he is so innocent ?

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If he is this old & sick what is he doing in Asia in the 1st place? Atleast the other inmates are helping him but he is probably going to die in Thai prison unless he is released quick back to his home country.

He has deteriorated visibly since he went into the jail after the return from Burma.

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You're determined to argue out with anyone that reckons the guy is guilty, up to you.

Just apply common sense, a man in his 80's buying his way out of a rape charge, then staying in the country is a strange story in many ways.

That's before we even get to the paedophilia part of the story where there are five eyewitnesses.

His protests of innocence of the paedophilia may have been believable, until it was uncovered that he admitted buying his way out of a rape charge.

He's either as guilty as sin, or goddammmed unlucky to be falsely accused twice.

I choose the guilty option.

Edited by theblether
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I have no opinion on the man's guilt or innocence as I don't have anywhere near enough information to even reasonably speculate on such. However... People who are certain that he could not be guilty because of his age are defying logic and fact. People who think that if he is guilty, he shouldn't be punished because of his age are doing the same - and worse.

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I see the liberals are out in force, not here! If he gets found guilty I hope he burns in hell for it, as I have said in previous posts on this topic I really can't see the lazy AR#*d BIB chasing someone all the way to Burma for nothing. Its difficult enough to get them do something on real crimes let alone non events. Although I'm sure there will be some lefties with interesting conspiracy theories to follow this post. No doubt it was all just a ploy by BIB to separate poor old whitey from his old age pension and blah, blah blah.

The liberals? Lefties? Good grief, you're a pathetic git

And imagine you were accused of something you didn't do - it's not like this is unheard of in Thailand . . . or would you enjoy it?

The whole Burma thing . . . the BiB didn't 'chase' him to Burma, he was handed over to Thai authorities after he was chucked out for overstaying his visa as far as I know . . . and here's a question . . . if anyone of us would be falsely accused of raping little kids, who wouldn't do a runner to the next border. (I'm not saying he did or didn't do it, that immaterial in this question)

Why are you so convinced he didn't do it?

I would like to know why you consistantly say it's something he didn't do and then in quote #63 you accuse the hang em high crowd sounds to me that you are the extreem oposite to the hang em high crowd. where is your evidence he is so innocent ?

Damn . . . I guess the 'bold' function and 'quote' function don't work on your pc . . . but I'll try again . . . this time I'll increase the font slightly to make it easier for you to spot.

Did it work?

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You're determined to argue out with anyone that reckons the guy is guilty, up to you.

Just apply common sense, a man in his 80's buying his way out of a rape charge, then staying in the country is a strange story in many ways.

That's before we even get to the paedophilia part of the story where there are five eyewitnesses.

His protests of innocence of the paedophilia may have been believable, until it was uncovered that he admitted buying his way out of a rape charge.

He's either as guilty as sin, or goddammmed unlucky to be falsely accused twice.

I choose the guilty option.

It's a public forum and opinions differ and are to be aired - if you find that translates to me being determined to argue with anyone who thinks the guy is guilty then you're wrong . . . for proof of that you need only follow my posts and place them vis-a-vis any 'hang-em-high' posts. You'll see there are many, many more of the latter than mine.

You choose the guilty option and I choose the 'see what evidence there is' option . . . or for ozziebloke:

I choose the 'see what evidence there is' option

(edited for spelling 'later' instead of 'latter')

Edited by Sing_Sling
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"So you've decided he is a nonce then? Just hope you are never in the position to be accused of something you didn't do in Thailand"


"And imagine you were accused of something you didn't do - it's not like this is unheard of in Thailand . . . or would you enjoy it?"

Try not talking down to others it would help you immensly

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"So you've decided he is a nonce then? Just hope you are never in the position to be accused of something you didn't do in Thailand"


"And imagine you were accused of something you didn't do - it's not like this is unheard of in Thailand . . . or would you enjoy it?"

Try not talking down to others it would help you immensly

I'm flattered that you read my posts so well . . . though how can you then make statements like in the previous posts which are in complete contradiction to what you quoted me as saying/writing? Steady on there, ozziebloke . . .

As for #57 how is that talking down to anyone? Quite the opposite, but then if you have an ax to grind you tend to be blind

#59 . . . condescension? A simple question if the poster would enjoy the same treatment he wishes to be meted out to the old guy.

Umm, not a word from you about the larger font? Was it legible? (now THAT is condescension, or 'talking down to others')

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I showed my 92 year old Dad the report and photo of the guy. He said he looks like death warmed up and said he had a good Aussie name, Karl Joseph Kraus probably fought against him in the second world war.

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You're determined to argue out with anyone that reckons the guy is guilty, up to you.

Just apply common sense, a man in his 80's buying his way out of a rape charge, then staying in the country is a strange story in many ways.

That's before we even get to the paedophilia part of the story where there are five eyewitnesses.

His protests of innocence of the paedophilia may have been believable, until it was uncovered that he admitted buying his way out of a rape charge.

He's either as guilty as sin, or goddammmed unlucky to be falsely accused twice.

I choose the guilty option.

It's a public forum and opinions differ and are to be aired - if you find that translates to me being determined to argue with anyone who thinks the guy is guilty then you're wrong . . . for proof of that you need only follow my posts and place them vis-a-vis any 'hang-em-high' posts. You'll see there are many, many more of the latter than mine.

You choose the guilty option and I choose the 'see what evidence there is' option . . . or for ozziebloke:

I choose the 'see what evidence there is' option

(edited for spelling 'later' instead of 'latter')

Okay then.......I'll go with the rapist being accused by 4 young victims, and an adult eyewitness to him sending child pornography on a PC which is now in the hands of the police being.......


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The liberals? Lefties? Good grief, you're a pathetic git

And imagine you were accused of something you didn't do - it's not like this is unheard of in Thailand . . . or would you enjoy it?

The whole Burma thing . . . the BiB didn't 'chase' him to Burma, he was handed over to Thai authorities after he was chucked out for overstaying his visa as far as I know . . . and here's a question . . . if anyone of us would be falsely accused of raping little kids, who wouldn't do a runner to the next border. (I'm not saying he did or didn't do it, that immaterial in this question)

Why are you so convinced he didn't do it?

I'm not convinced of it, though imagining a 90 year old having sex is difficult. Actually, I don't want pictures like this on my mind.

Look at the guy. The question of guilt has become irrelevant. He's dying, and should be allowed to die in dignity. What's going on looks like a slow, public exexution.



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There are several illegal posts in this thread, all with bold font and enlarged font.

Having had the wrath, you lot need to stop the illegal stuff.

Seeing as I enlarged and used bold on my own quote to ensure that ozziebloke actually sees what I wrote . . . mea culpa

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There are several illegal posts in this thread, all with bold font and enlarged font.

Having had the wrath, you lot need to stop the illegal stuff.

Seeing as I enlarged and used bold on my own quote to ensure that ozziebloke actually sees what I wrote . . . mea culpa

You are not allowed to do that, it is a sin.

You will be going where the sun does not shine for that mortal sin.

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There are several illegal posts in this thread, all with bold font and enlarged font.

Having had the wrath, you lot need to stop the illegal stuff.

Seeing as I enlarged and used bold on my own quote to ensure that ozziebloke actually sees what I wrote . . . mea culpa

You are not allowed to do that, it is a sin.

You will be going where the sun does not shine for that mortal sin.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gif They are both options on the TV what is not an option is using all Capital letters.coffee1.gif

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There are several illegal posts in this thread, all with bold font and enlarged font.

Having had the wrath, you lot need to stop the illegal stuff.

Seeing as I enlarged and used bold on my own quote to ensure that ozziebloke actually sees what I wrote . . . mea culpa

You are not allowed to do that, it is a sin.

You will be going where the sun does not shine for that mortal sin.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gif They are both options on the TV what is not an option is using all Capital letters.coffee1.gif

Oh I see, seems I had my mortal sins mixed up, see this sin

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Alli can say is, let him go home and die at home coffee1.gif

Thailand has more other problems to look at in the back garden rolleyes.gifwhistling.gif

Maybe you would like to think for just a second how YOU would feel if this nonce abused your children.....

And you know he is guilty because....................?

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Alli can say is, let him go home and die at home coffee1.gif

Thailand has more other problems to look at in the back garden rolleyes.gifwhistling.gif

You wouldn't say that if it were your daughters. Make an example of him to all the other sick paedos over here and take the his life.

And you wouldn't say that if he were your Grandfather!

I showed my 92 year old Dad the report and photo of the guy. He said he looks like death warmed up and said he had a good Aussie name, Karl Joseph Kraus probably fought against him in the second world war.

Ozemade, as the Great Great Grandfathers of most Australians were murderers, rapists and thieves who were given a one way ticket on a boat to Australia as punishment that's a pretty stupid thing to say. The guy is Austrian, but if he was a young man living in Germany at the time of the war and was told he was drafted to fight then that's what he would have done. And I imagine, he, like your Grandfather and most young men at the time were just shit scared young men being sent to their senseless deaths on the whim of Generals and Politicians sat far away from reality. His surname is irrelevant.

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If innocent I hope he walks free (or is carried), if guilty I hope they string him up by his old wrinkly nuts. I won't be the judge either way. 100% paid up member of the hang em high brigade when it comes to sex cases.

Think that clears up my stance on it all for everyone, and I don't give 2 tosses who agrees or disagrees, my mind will never be changed.

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I showed my 92 year old Dad the report and photo of the guy. He said he looks like death warmed up and said he had a good Aussie name, Karl Joseph Kraus probably fought against him in the second world war.

Ozemade, as the Great Great Grandfathers of most Australians were murderers, rapists and thieves who were given a one way ticket on a boat to Australia as punishment that's a pretty stupid thing to say. The guy is Austrian, but if he was a young man living in Germany at the time of the war and was told he was drafted to fight then that's what he would have done. And I imagine, he, like your Grandfather and most young men at the time were just shit scared young men being sent to their senseless deaths on the whim of Generals and Politicians sat far away from reality. His surname is irrelevant.

Well, Gentleman Jim -you're quite incorrect there about 'most' Australians but you make a good point.

Having said that I'm sure Ozemade is as black as the night and carries a name like Namatjira, Pemulwuy or Windradyne because anything else would be sheer hypocrisy on his father's part . . .

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Gosh dzjeez whatever he have done or not done, he is 93 just let him free !!!! Trial a 93 year old is totally SICK ! I feel sorry for him.

This is very, very sad and a BLOODY SHAME and complete loss of face for Thailand !

Age has nothing to do with it. Do the crime do the time. Don't send him back to Australia, we dont want him, let him rot in a Thai jail.

People seem to feel sorry for him. What's up with that? Do these supporters also think like him?

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I showed my 92 year old Dad the report and photo of the guy. He said he looks like death warmed up and said he had a good Aussie name, Karl Joseph Kraus probably fought against him in the second world war.

>Ozemade, as the Great Great Grandfathers of most Australians were murderers, rapists and thieves who were given a one way ticket on a boat to Australia as punishment that's a pretty stupid thing to say. The guy is Austrian, but if he was a young man living in Germany at the time of the war and was told he was drafted to fight then that's what he would have done. And I imagine, he, like your Grandfather and most young men at the time were just shit scared young men being sent to their senseless deaths on the whim of Generals and Politicians sat far away from reality. His surname is irrelevant.

Well, Gentleman Jim -you're quite incorrect there about 'most' Australians but you make a good point.

Having said that I'm sure Ozemade is as black as the night and carries a name like Namatjira, Pemulwuy or Windradyne because anything else would be sheer hypocrisy on his father's part . . .

You are right, but you got the idea ;)thumbsup.gif

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Gosh dzjeez whatever he have done or not done, he is 93 just let him free !!!! Trial a 93 year old is totally SICK ! I feel sorry for him.

This is very, very sad and a BLOODY SHAME and complete loss of face for Thailand !

Age has nothing to do with it. Do the crime do the time. Don't send him back to Australia, we dont want him, let him rot in a Thai jail.

People seem to feel sorry for him. What's up with that? Do these supporters also think like him?

No, I don't think so, I think many civilized people would like a court to be presented with the evidence and to hear the judge say 'Guilty', before he faces summary execution or life in prison. Now...What's up with that?

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He has been charged in a previous similar case but released for insufficient evidences.

And yes he had to pay a sum who was inferior to the original claim of the charges. This is usual in Thai Law.

By paying this amount he avoids that the victim can charge him again, even if he was found completely not guilty.

A sort of win/win procedure.

I would like to know if the parents and housemaid were aware of the first previous case/accusations.

This detail is for me the turning point of this case.

Did the police/social workers informed the neighborhood/parents/housemaid after the first trial ?

If yes, how is it still possible that your kids can play with such a neighbor ?
If no, what are the shared responsibilities of justice now ?

Hard to believe that there was no usual, typical local and effective gossip before and after the first trial.

Just a random collective blackout perhaps...

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