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93-Year-Old Australian Accused Of Sexually Assaulting Thai Children Goes On Trial


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Australian, 93, on trial

A 93-year-old Australian man appeared in court in Thailand today accused of sexually assaulting four sisters while living in South-East Asia.

THAILAND – April 29,2013; Karl Joseph Kraus had to be carried from a prison bus into a wheelchair by other inmates in order to be wheeled into the dock in Chiang Mai province, in the north of the country.

He is alleged to have attacked the girls, aged between seven and 15, in 2010.

After being arrested and bailed on suspicion of rape, Kraus attempted to flee to Burma, from where he was deported for not having a valid visa.

His lawyers are now trying to get the rape case dropped, arguing that he is too ill to stand trial.

Last month he told the Sydney Morning Telegraph, ‘I’ll be dead’ before proceedings conclude, adding ‘I’ve done nothing wrong.’

Kraus, a German-born Australian citizen, is suffering from an array of serious illnesses such as dementia and cancer, according to his lawyers.

However, while free on bail he was apparently seen driving around Chiang Mai and did not seem to be in poor health.

The former railway worker had been living in Thailand for more than a decade when he first met the girls he was alleged to have abused in 2008.

Full story: http://www.pattayadailynews.com/en/2013/04/30/australian-93-on-asian-child-sex-charges/

-- Pattaya Daily News 2013-04-30

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93-Year Old Australian Accused Of Sexually Assaulting 4 Young Thai Children
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"However, while free on bail he was apparently seen driving around Chiang Mai and did not seem to be in poor health." ....

Exactly!! Let the court decide his guilt or innocence, before you start hang them high posts!

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One look at him and his prophesy that he will be dead before the court rules seems hardly prophetic.

The guy will spend the end of his days in hell and let's hope the court give the public it's conclusion

even if the guy does expire, so that it is known if he would have been convicted or not.

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If he is this old & sick what is he doing in Asia in the 1st place? Atleast the other inmates are helping him but he is probably going to die in Thai prison unless he is released quick back to his home country.

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Alli can say is, let him go home and die at home coffee1.gif

Thailand has more other problems to look at in the back garden rolleyes.gifwhistling.gif

Maybe you would like to think for just a second how YOU would feel if this nonce abused your children.....

Good point. I would ask my 15 year old daughter how this man abused her with her friends in the same room, and being a decent man, I would be able to tell if there were truth in it. Then I would visit the fellow myself and save the courts a lot of money.

On the one hand, you are assuming that a Thai parent thinks like you do. Not so as indicative of the headlines we read daily. It's a no-brainer.

On the other hand, were the father a foreigner, then one could refer back to paragraph one of this post. Problem solved. One will notice that half-halfs are not the victims of these sort of crimes in the Kingdom, if ever. The point being that foreign fathers and mothers might possibly be more involved with their child's welfare.

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Alli can say is, let him go home and die at home coffee1.gif

Thailand has more other problems to look at in the back garden rolleyes.gifwhistling.gif

Maybe you would like to think for just a second how YOU would feel if this nonce abused your children.....

Good point. I would ask my 15 year old daughter how this man abused her with her friends in the same room, and being a decent man, I would be able to tell if there were truth in it. Then I would visit the fellow myself and save the courts a lot of money.

On the one hand, you are assuming that a Thai parent thinks like you do. Not so as indicative of the headlines we read daily. It's a no-brainer.

On the other hand, were the father a foreigner, then one could refer back to paragraph one of this post. Problem solved. One will notice that half-halfs are not the victims of these sort of crimes in the Kingdom, if ever. The point being that foreign fathers and mothers might possibly be more involved with their child's welfare.

I was only giving my opinion on what I feel he deserves for destroying the lives of each and every child he molested.

Dont worry the Thai boys inside will make sure he is 'looked after' as Thai prisons dont have segregation.

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I see the liberals are out in force, not here! If he gets found guilty I hope he burns in hell for it, as I have said in previous posts on this topic I really can't see the lazy AR#*d BIB chasing someone all the way to Burma for nothing. Its difficult enough to get them do something on real crimes let alone non events. Although I'm sure there will be some lefties with interesting conspiracy theories to follow this post. No doubt it was all just a ploy by BIB to separate poor old whitey from his old age pension and blah, blah blah.

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I see the liberals are out in force, not here! If he gets found guilty I hope he burns in hell for it, as I have said in previous posts on this topic I really can't see the lazy AR#*d BIB chasing someone all the way to Burma for nothing. Its difficult enough to get them do something on real crimes let alone non events. Although I'm sure there will be some lefties with interesting conspiracy theories to follow this post. No doubt it was all just a ploy by BIB to separate poor old whitey from his old age pension and blah, blah blah.

Your balcony wisdom doesn't tell us that he can also be found guilty even if he's innocent...

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I see the liberals are out in force, not here! If he gets found guilty I hope he burns in hell for it, as I have said in previous posts on this topic I really can't see the lazy AR#*d BIB chasing someone all the way to Burma for nothing. Its difficult enough to get them do something on real crimes let alone non events. Although I'm sure there will be some lefties with interesting conspiracy theories to follow this post. No doubt it was all just a ploy by BIB to separate poor old whitey from his old age pension and blah, blah blah.

Your balcony wisdom doesn't tell us that he can also be found guilty even if he's innocent...

and that doesn't happen anywhere else in the world does it? Prisons are full of the innocent, just ask any lag. If you don't have faith in a judicial system how would you like to conduct a trail? maybe a ouija board........

Edited by JeremyBowskill
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Alli can say is, let him go home and die at home coffee1.gif

Thailand has more other problems to look at in the back garden rolleyes.gifwhistling.gif

You wouldn't say that if it were your daughters. Make an example of him to all the other sick paedos over here and take the his life.

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