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Policewomen, A Rarity In Thailand.


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biology has hardly changed since the stone age. There is not a single
woman in Thailand, or elsewhere, who would be able to tackle me to the
ground and contain me for arrest. The idea that 40 years of feminism has
changed simple biological facts is laughable.//

And here we found another reason to why some people don´t like TV members... coffee1.gif

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Was not that long that they were even accepted to the academy (2009).

Thailand to recruit first women police officers

Thailand's Royal Police Academy is admitting female cadets for the first time in its 107 year history, but it will be four years before they graduate and start work.

The 250,000 strong Thai police force has only a small number of women members, all of them in office support and computer roles.

The first class of female cadets will include just 70 students and has attracted hundreds of applicants. After four years of training including military style courses in parachuting and jungle survival the successful among them will graduate as sub-lieutenants.

They will then be assigned to cases involving women and children. "Female victims of crime will feel more comfortable with a female officer," said Police Lieutenant General Amarin Akarawong, the academy's director, explaining the radical break with tradition.


Perhaps this explains why so few. biggrin.png

Kanokporn Niyom, also 18 years old, who travelled hours by bus to submit her application, said she wanted to join the police to combat political corruption.


"Was not that long that they were even accepted to the academy (2009)"

This refers to the Cadets. But the lower ranks existed long before that. I personally know a couple of them who joined the Police in 1991.

They too underwent training in water-borne operations, parachuting, jungle training etc.

For example, many of them could be seen at the Naresuan camp.

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Was not that long that they were even accepted to the academy (2009).

Thailand to recruit first women police officers

Thailand's Royal Police Academy is admitting female cadets for the first time in its 107 year history, but it will be four years before they graduate and start work.

The 250,000 strong Thai police force has only a small number of women members, all of them in office support and computer roles.

The first class of female cadets will include just 70 students and has attracted hundreds of applicants. After four years of training including military style courses in parachuting and jungle survival the successful among them will graduate as sub-lieutenants.

They will then be assigned to cases involving women and children. "Female victims of crime will feel more comfortable with a female officer," said Police Lieutenant General Amarin Akarawong, the academy's director, explaining the radical break with tradition.


Perhaps this explains why so few. biggrin.png

Kanokporn Niyom, also 18 years old, who travelled hours by bus to submit her application, said she wanted to join the police to combat political corruption.


I know some women who have been in the police for many years. Two work in the Crime Suppression Division.
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I think you are wrong there MrHammer, Even if you are 6ft 5ins tall, a karate black belt 8th Dan,which I very much doubt, there are woman who would easily bring you to the ground, when I did Karate when I was younger, there were woman, not even black belts who would deal with most men in a violent situation, but in saying that, in most cases I would back an experienced street fighter to beat a Karate black belt, as there are rules in Karate fighting, and no rules in street fighting. Even today in my own country, if anyone as much as even threatened me with violence, I would look for any sort of thing I could use for a weapon and let him have it, but in Thailand in the same situation, I would run as I don't fancy taking on six Thais.

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Pattayadingo said:

That makes me wonder that if there were more policewomen on duty outside on the streets if it would be a better thing?

Do you think they would be as corrupt at taking tea money for so many offences or would they be more honest and straightforward?

Oh, I am sure that they would not accept tea money. The beer bar girls don't seem to except money when offered, and they have never asked me for any? Huh? LOL

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Pattayadingo said:

That makes me wonder that if there were more policewomen on duty outside on the streets if it would be a better thing?

Do you think they would be as corrupt at taking tea money for so many offences or would they be more honest and straightforward?

Oh, I am sure that they would not accept tea money. The beer bar girls don't seem to except money when offered, and they have never asked me for any? Huh? LOL

I've never understood folks who hang around a cesspool by choice and then complain about the smell... sick.gif

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There are women police officers out in the mean streets of the USA every day, and they do great work. With proper training they can handle any physical situation a male can. They tend to stay cooler under stress than their male counterparts. Some of you need to get up to date in your attitudes, but it's probably too late for you.

And what percent of the police force in the USA are women? I seem to recall a figure of 13-14%, and even then, most are in clerical and support jobs, e.g., dispatcher, clerks, counselor, etc. Thailand is not exactly behind the west that much in this regard.

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I am just trolling you a bit with the woman police bit, because I do think female police officers are a good thing to have, particularly in trying to get drunk men to calm down or breaking up what could be a fight, but at the same time it can be life threathening to ignore that women are not physically as strong as men, such as when physical test barriers are lowered in firefighting. PC notions go out the window if you're lying unconcious in a burning building and a 50 kg woman can't get you out. Or when an officer is put in a dangerous situation because his partner can't contain a violent criminal. It just should never be political correctness determening who gets to be a police officer or firefighter, because these jobs are too important.

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I am just trolling you a bit with the woman police bit, because I do think female police officers are a good thing to have, particularly in trying to get drunk men to calm down or breaking up what could be a fight, but at the same time it can be life threathening to ignore that women are not physically as strong as men, such as when physical test barriers are lowered in firefighting. PC notions go out the window if you're lying unconcious in a burning building and a 50 kg woman can't get you out. Or when an officer is put in a dangerous situation because his partner can't contain a violent criminal. It just should never be political correctness determening who gets to be a police officer or firefighter, because these jobs are too important.

So how does a 10 stone guy deal with a 20 stone guy in the situations you quote. A girl with a gun is the same as a guy with a gun if they are taught right. smile.png

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I am just trolling you a bit with the woman police bit, because I do think female police officers are a good thing to have, particularly in trying to get drunk men to calm down or breaking up what could be a fight, but at the same time it can be life threathening to ignore that women are not physically as strong as men, such as when physical test barriers are lowered in firefighting. PC notions go out the window if you're lying unconcious in a burning building and a 50 kg woman can't get you out. Or when an officer is put in a dangerous situation because his partner can't contain a violent criminal. It just should never be political correctness determening who gets to be a police officer or firefighter, because these jobs are too important.

So how does a 10 stone guy deal with a 20 stone guy in the situations you quote. A girl with a gun is the same as a guy with a gun if they are taught right. smile.png

A policeman shouldn't wave his gun around like it is nothing. That is why they have physical tests to become a policeman. The problem is they lower the requirements for women.

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I am just trolling you a bit with the woman police bit, because I do think female police officers are a good thing to have, particularly in trying to get drunk men to calm down or breaking up what could be a fight, but at the same time it can be life threathening to ignore that women are not physically as strong as men, such as when physical test barriers are lowered in firefighting. PC notions go out the window if you're lying unconcious in a burning building and a 50 kg woman can't get you out. Or when an officer is put in a dangerous situation because his partner can't contain a violent criminal. It just should never be political correctness determening who gets to be a police officer or firefighter, because these jobs are too important.

So how does a 10 stone guy deal with a 20 stone guy in the situations you quote. A girl with a gun is the same as a guy with a gun if they are taught right. smile.png

A policeman shouldn't wave his gun around like it is nothing. That is why they have physical tests to become a policeman. The problem is they lower the requirements for women.

Physical stuff has nothing to do with trained gun use. coffee1.gif

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I am just trolling you a bit with the woman police bit, because I do think female police officers are a good thing to have, particularly in trying to get drunk men to calm down or breaking up what could be a fight, but at the same time it can be life threathening to ignore that women are not physically as strong as men, such as when physical test barriers are lowered in firefighting. PC notions go out the window if you're lying unconcious in a burning building and a 50 kg woman can't get you out. Or when an officer is put in a dangerous situation because his partner can't contain a violent criminal. It just should never be political correctness determening who gets to be a police officer or firefighter, because these jobs are too important.

So how does a 10 stone guy deal with a 20 stone guy in the situations you quote. A girl with a gun is the same as a guy with a gun if they are taught right. smile.png

A policeman shouldn't wave his gun around like it is nothing. That is why they have physical tests to become a policeman. The problem is they lower the requirements for women.

Are there no physical requirements AFTER one become a Police Officer?

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I am just trolling you a bit with the woman police bit, because I do think female police officers are a good thing to have, particularly in trying to get drunk men to calm down or breaking up what could be a fight, but at the same time it can be life threathening to ignore that women are not physically as strong as men, such as when physical test barriers are lowered in firefighting. PC notions go out the window if you're lying unconcious in a burning building and a 50 kg woman can't get you out. Or when an officer is put in a dangerous situation because his partner can't contain a violent criminal. It just should never be political correctness determening who gets to be a police officer or firefighter, because these jobs are too important.

So how does a 10 stone guy deal with a 20 stone guy in the situations you quote. A girl with a gun is the same as a guy with a gun if they are taught right. smile.png

And they have Tasers, Mace / Pepper spray and back-up too if needed. Doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman. Add to that to make it a serious offence to assault any police officer and to make the sentence a serious one, people will soon learn.

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