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Israeli Warplanes ' Launch Air Strike In Syria'


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Israeli warplanes 'launch air strike in Syria'

US media reports suggest that Israeli warplanes have launched an air strike inside Syria.

The reports, quoting unnamed US officials, say the likely target was a weapons site. Some indicate the arms were to be sent to Lebanon's Hezbollah.

There has been no confirmation from the Israeli or Syrian government.

Meanwhile, President Barack Obama says he does not foresee sending US troops to Syria, amid concerns over the possible use of chemical weapons there.

Speaking on a visit to Costa Rica, Mr Obama reaffirmed that clear evidence that the Syrian government had used chemical weapons would be a "game changer", but that any response would not be rushed.

Full story: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-22409380

-- BBC 2013-05-04

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According to other news reports, Syrians have no knowledge of IAF flying into Syrian air space.

There are reports that IAF flew over Lebanon, so if there was a strike it was to prevent the arms to be smuggled to Hezbollah

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Don't get me wrong. I support Israel's right to take action. I just hope they don't make a big mistake. I know their intention is not to release chemical weapons but once you go in there, you might.

Israel doesn't give a stuff about chemical weapons releases in Syria. They are only interested in making sure they aren't released in Israel. They aren't taking any moral high ground here.

Edited by Chicog
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Earlier this week, Hezbollah (fellow Shiites) said they would assist, if needed, the Assad regime. Looking at some reporting in the past few hours it sounds as though Syria was trying to ship additional weapons to Hezbollah. You would have to question that the Assad regime would be stupid enough to include chemical weapons.

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Earlier this week, Hezbollah (fellow Shiites) said they would assist, if needed, the Assad regime. Looking at some reporting in the past few hours it sounds as though Syria was trying to ship additional weapons to Hezbollah. You would have to question that the Assad regime would be stupid enough to include chemical weapons.

Assad might not plan to include chemical weapons, but when there is an active conflict occurring, oversight becomes a problem.

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Earlier this week, Hezbollah (fellow Shiites) said they would assist, if needed, the Assad regime. Looking at some reporting in the past few hours it sounds as though Syria was trying to ship additional weapons to Hezbollah. You would have to question that the Assad regime would be stupid enough to include chemical weapons.

Hezbollah have been operating in Syria in support of the Assad regime for some time. Nasrallah confirmed this publicly this week:


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I can not recall the person interviewed on Fox, but i totally agree with what he said, which was it is no longer about Syrian revolution, it is now the fighting between sunni's and shia's.

Who ever ends up standing and has more arms would be the winner and will rule the country.

Scary part is Al Qaeda is now very present there, so it is only natural for Israel to be worried and take out any arms shipments, especially if known to be destined to its enemies

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I can not recall the person interviewed on Fox, but i totally agree with what he said, which was it is no longer about Syrian revolution, it is now the fighting between sunni's and shia's.

Who ever ends up standing and has more arms would be the winner and will rule the country.

Scary part is Al Qaeda is now very present there, so it is only natural for Israel to be worried and take out any arms shipments, especially if known to be destined to its enemies

While it may suit some of the players, reducing the Syrian conflict down to a sectarian Sunni v. Shia contest is a tad one-dimensional, and overlooks the power politics, the ethnicity angle etc. See the ongoing strife within Lebanon and in particular its civil war for how simplistic answers are rarely correct.

On a different note, can anyone think of a direct al Qaida attack on Israel or Israeli targets? The 2002 Mombasa hotel attack and SA-7 attempted shootdown are the ones that come to mind, though it seems they were carried out by members of the Somali-based ICU.

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Former Bush official says Syria chemical weapons allegations could be ‘Israeli false flag operation’

" In what was a quite astounding statement, Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of Staff for Secretary of State Colin Powell under George W. Bush, said that the chemical weapons allegedly used in Syria could in fact be “an Israeli false flag operation.”"


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Don't get me wrong. I support Israel's right to take action. I just hope they don't make a big mistake. I know their intention is not to release chemical weapons but once you go in there, you might.

Israel doesn't give a stuff about chemical weapons releases in Syria. They are only interested in making sure they aren't released in Israel. They aren't taking any moral high ground here.

I tend to agree with you here. Netanyahu, although talking about Iran at the UN, showed quite clearly that Israel has lines drawn and there will be serious consequences for anyone crossing that line. If Israel sees a chemical weapon plant as a serious threat to Israel they will take it out......the alternative could be disastrous for Israel if they don't. No, they are not taking the moral high ground, just doing what's necessary.

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Just what do you expect from a well known conspiracy theorist? rolleyes.gif

Former Bush official says Syria chemical weapons allegations could be ‘Israeli false flag operation’

“If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.”

- U.S. President James Madison

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I hope Israel knows what she is doing. Of course if you bomb chemical weapons and they are released killing people, you are responsible for launching those weapons even if your intent was to prevent their use.

That will presumably be an acceptable cost: between some "collateral damage" amongst the populace of a country with which you are virtually at war with for decades or CW in the hands of people that would gladly do as much killing of your people as they possibly could (Hezbollah et al) - the latter would be far less acceptable.

But I think it's agreed that the best way to truly eliminate to eliminate the risk is boots on the ground - special operations troops that are trained for that very thing. Next best is to destroy access and as much stockpiles with air strikes. Ideally you have both.

EDIT: Guess I should have read the whole thread first. Sorry for redundancy.

Edited by SteeleJoe
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Well I loved reading all the posts (so far) but begs the question, what proof does Israel have of chemical weapons and intent to transit? Mossad said so? US media 'suggest'??? Or is this another WMD BS raid by US using Israeli pawns... Facts please, because when you start a conflict of this nature the whole world is gonna get included one way or the other and US/Israel don't have my endorsement, let alone yours. Don't be fed by any manipulated biased media and then wave your patriotic flags. And why did the source stated be an 'unamed' US source, when it concerns (fingers) Israel?

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Well I loved reading all the posts (so far) but begs the question, what proof does Israel have of chemical weapons and intent to transit?

Read more carefully. Israel attacked advanced missles being transferred to terrorists. They said that they will not allow chemical weapons to be distributed either.

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Russia finally has its own reasons to intervene and as sooner as better it will be.

You're kidding, right? Russia is a paper tiger apart from its nukes. And these are the top military spenders in the world.

Israel gets a lot of its weapons from the US, and has the best and latest. I'd suggest Russia not mess with them. Russia's conventional weapons are junk.



Edited by NeverSure
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