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Loud Music In Restaurants?in Thai And Other Place In Asia!

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When I was young I like loud music, later my life I Changed, now with 35 Iam very sensitive of loud music,must go away and looking for a quite place!

I also not like tv during eating !

in Thailand loud music is always up to the owner and not up to single person!

In other Asian country's I travel

Looks like this!

In malaysia Penang very load music and large tv in the food courts!

Now I travel in Bali Indonesia at the moment, in 30 restaurants I visit in 2 weeks only in 3 was music!

Most are quite, good to enjoy the silence!

Talking with a local stuff , about loud music!

And explain the situation in Thailand,

That no one intrested you can sleep or not!

the aswer was our boss from Europe after opened the resort 10 year ago he also like loud music!

But he do it only one time over 30 angry people from the village come to him

And told, when you not stop the play loud music, and respect our community, we will burn up your resort!

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Its one of my pet hates the loud music in the cheaper Thai restaurants. I like to hold a bit of conversation during diner so usually we go a bit more upscale. Its hard enough to follow a Thai conversation and if the music is loud and loads of background noises i have no chance what so ever. (not that i get 100%)

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"Try living in the villages in Thailand...

Music from 530am - 10pm, sometimes 12 on a regular basis!"

Try living in China, there it is the government which is doing the blasting of the music, and much more, whether anyone likes it or not.

And it is piped in almost everywhere in some places.

It is as if the music becomes part of the very landscape in which you live.

Very pervasive and objectionable.

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As far as music hear in Thailand is concerned, any who find loud music in restaurants and in the public commons, and on some public transport, objectionable will very unfortunately need to wait until more of a middle class develops.

With improving levels of education, tastes will gradually change.

And then so may the availability of some of the more pleasurable carnal desires that some people enjoy.

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Xen, are you a fellow sub-woofer sufferer? The bass is taking over.

MM, are you a sub-wifer sufferer? The wives are taking over.

It is the blasted Blasting News programs on restaurant TVs that are most formidable and life threatening, in any language.

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I was at the highest-so shopping mall, paragon. They regularly have several "promotional" events running in different areas of the mall. Except for the art exhibition, they all blare loudspeaker propaganda at uncomfortable levels. I run away. Do these promoters realize they are driving people away? Well at least 1 person! I'm amazed that somehow some shoppers can sit at an adjacent cafe and carry on as if they were sitting by a babbling brook. Good for them.

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I have come to these conclusions about Thais, and noise.

1. Most Thai people do not hear noise. Very few are bothered by it.

2. Most Thai people are pathologically afraid of silence. Most will do ANYTHING to avoid that dreaded silence. Perhaps they do not like what they hear inside when all is silent. Perhaps they are unaccustomed to that weird thing called silence. But most prefer to have a song on their cell, or a radio, or the TV, or anything that makes noise.

I find if I ask a restaurant owner if they can turn the TV down while I eat, most will. Sometimes I do that myself. Have offered many, many taxi drivers a tip, if they turn off their radio. Most comply. Does not hurt to ask. You are the customer.

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It is not so much the music but the bass and it makes me physically ill. It is the sound of what a migraine is and i feel like wanting to vomit . If i am subjected to it long enough it will trigger off a migraine. I have walked out of places like Big C mid purchase when they shove the bass up on a system to demonstrate how bad the sound really is. And ,yes, Thailand is one of the worse places to be if you don't like bass.

Try living in the villages in Thailand...

Music from 530am - 10pm, sometimes 12 on a regular basis!

I suffer from a noise problem near my home. I purchased a set of Bose QC 15 noise cancelling headphones which help to minimise the intrusion.

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It is true I would like to have a rest. But if I do not keep up the good work, I may never reach 20,713 posts in time for Christmas.

They even nicked my t-shirt. Its not worth the hassle.

Some of the returning members have plenty more than I do anyway.....if you added them up there must be a few with over 100000.

In short...don't sweat it.....as our cousins say.

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It is not so much the music but the bass and it makes me physically ill. It is the sound of what a migraine is and i feel like wanting to vomit . If i am subjected to it long enough it will trigger off a migraine. I have walked out of places like Big C mid purchase when they shove the bass up on a system to demonstrate how bad the sound really is. And ,yes, Thailand is one of the worse places to be if you don't like bass.

>Try living in the villages in Thailand...

Music from 530am - 10pm, sometimes 12 on a regular basis!

I suffer from a noise problem near my home. I purchased a set of Bose QC 15 noise cancelling headphones which help to minimise the intrusion.

When it gets really bad here, which it does frequently, I slip on the headphones and open the following website.


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I was at the highest-so shopping mall, paragon. They regularly have several "promotional" events running in different areas of the mall. Except for the art exhibition, they all blare loudspeaker propaganda at uncomfortable levels. I run away. Do these promoters realize they are driving people away? Well at least 1 person! I'm amazed that somehow some shoppers can sit at an adjacent cafe and carry on as if they were sitting by a babbling brook. Good for them.

We had just sat down and ordered our lunch at Black Canyon last week next to the Supermarket and this promo girl grabbed her microphone and started off . One hour she went without a single stop for a breath. It sounded like one long sentence. Huge JBL speakers at least 1.2 metre high . Nobody took any notice so the volume went up a bit more. Another notch in volume after that and blood would have been dripping from my ears.

Worst part was Black Canyon forgot my order so we had to sit there and suffer until the food came . TIT

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Stayed at a hotel in Issan recently. Went down to breakfast early and the restaurant was empty and blessedly silent.

Sat there in peace for a bit, then the manager raced in all panicky and switched on both the TV and the stereo.

The girlfriend asked him to switch them off, said I preferred silence.

He stared at me as if I were mad.

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was at songkran celebration at the thai temple in christchurch NZ recently. Not a huge crowd with a couple of small stages set up and the speakers at both were on 11. I play loud music thru headphones all the time but had to move away from the line of the PA speakers while a young thai lady was MC'ing a beauty comp as the volume was painful. Was just like being back in Thailand biggrin.png

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It is not so much the music but the bass and it makes me physically ill. It is the sound of what a migraine is and i feel like wanting to vomit . If i am subjected to it long enough it will trigger off a migraine. I have walked out of places like Big C mid purchase when they shove the bass up on a system to demonstrate how bad the sound really is. And ,yes, Thailand is one of the worse places to be if you don't like bass.

I totally sympathise with you regarding the bass. My bed vibrates when there is a do on near my house.

In restaurants with loud music, I sit down browse the menu then leave with my hands clapped over my ears.

I walk past bars playing loud music also with my fingers in my ears.

BUT what I really hate is mobile music - I mean that associated with cars. There's the private car which you can hear coming two kilometres away which stops at the red light next to me inflicting his choice of deafness on those about him.

The other is the commercial/political sort - vans with speakers touring slowly, holding up the traffic. I know Thais don't read but which marketing director thinks hiring a van/driver to burn fuel all day is going to increase sales. Unfortunately I don't understand any of the snatches as I pass so I cannot boycott the product/premises.

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Its a generational thing. I bet everyone who's answered on this forum is over 50.

I used to love my loud rock music when I was 20-35. Loved going to the Fillmore and

Winterland in San Francisco to hear some loud, psychedelic music.

Now, I want quiet. Once in a while, I'll turn it up like the old days, but, by and large, I prefer quiet.

But, we never heard loud music in public places back then. Only in concert halls.

The world was run by old people. At least older people. We hated it.

The world has changed. The young are in charge now (and god help us all).

And this is the result of that change. Loud music everywhere. Or just plain music everywhere.

Or Karaoke or some self important chick with a microphone. One thing they all have in common

is they are under 35. We weren't in charge back then and we aren't in charge now. Talk about

your cruel ironies.

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One time in a bus on the way to Chiang Mai over the mauntains a old man got a collaps from the curve, bus driver don't car the loud thai horror movie never stops

In another bus a cd hangs over a half our no one take action to stop the player!

Most restaurants pull down the music when you ask minutes later it's same loudness again

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