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How Many Times Have You Almost Been Killed During High Season?

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Any locals that walk about Pattaya are surely aware, but I would like to warn tourists that Soi Bukhao is an absolute death trap - Soi Diana is now as bad or worse. I have been hit three times by passing vehicles on SD (slapped by the mirrors) - of course they did not stop.

2nd road is also VERY VERY dangerous -not only crossing it but YOU MUST LOOK BOTH WAYS AND YOUR FAILURE NOT TO DO THIS EVEN ONCE MAY COST YOUR LIFE. This is not just a rant - it is gospel truth. I always look both ways but just last week did not and was missed by a motorcyle by less than 1 second.

Finally, it appears that the offenders (high speeders on 2nd rd, bad driving on Diana/Bukhao and wrong way on 1 way street [soi 10]) - are you guessed it FARANG.

I would wholehearted approve of no farang on tourist visa driving ban.

Today on Soi 10 I saw a farang pull out of sawasdee on a moto and told him point blank- ONE WAY. He told me .... everyone else does it and off he and his buddy went. The odd balls this place used to attrct could be called weird or eccentric - now it is really clear as a news paper an English friend pointed out - Pattaya, the Costa Del Sol for the petty criminal and football hooligan.

Why is everyone on hoilday in such a hurry?

If you hit me, you better kill me.

I would wholehearted approve of no farang on tourist visa driving ban.

Not sure what this would do. Thais are the main driving problem in Pattaya.

A friend of mine (lives in Pattaya) says there is a higher concentration of idiots in Pattaya than anywhere in the world. BKK is #2.

Thais are the main driving problem in Pattaya.

A friend of mine (lives in Pattaya) says there is a higher concentration of idiots in Pattaya than anywhere in the world. BKK is #2.

Hmm, he certainly sounds like an extremely well travelled source of global information.

Thanks for the heads up 'Jim 50'! :o


"Any locals that walk about Pattaya are surely aware, but I would like to warn tourists that Soi Bukhao is an absolute death trap - Soi Diana is now as bad or worse. I have been hit three times by passing vehicles on SD (slapped by the mirrors) - of course they did not stop. "

If you're getting slapped by passing mirrors that's a definite sign that you had best MOVE A BIT FARTHER OFF THE ROAD! Pedestrians are not the king in Thailand. The biggest vehicle with the most daring driver has the right-of-way.

I think the vast majority of drivers on the road are thai and they are no more or less safe than the one week millionaires with their rented motos.

Don't assume the Thais will adopt the road rules of the west, because they won't. They do it their own way and while it might be unsafe or seem chaotic at times, it's their right.

When in Thailand you are responsible for your own safety and well-being.

From my travels there is nothing unique about that.



I believe I witnessed the ultimate in bad driving... a very large and overweight farang man ON CRUTCHES, go on a motorcycle, with a small child hanging on in back of him. The farang used the crutches to support and balance the motorcycle, used one hand to get the power going forward, and quickly handed both crutches to the child behind him. I guess whenever the farang had to stop at a light or in traffic, the kid hands back the crutches.

Most dangerous street in Pattaya: SOI KHAO TALO gets my vote. Very busy, not wide, crazy people everywhere. And lots of kids playing, lots of dogs. What drives me crazy is when they park their motorcycle in a lane of traffic for no reason, when if they just went another meter or two forward, they could park it out of traffic. Also, lots of LARGE potholes that never seem to get fixed.

Lastly, perhaps a better subject title could have been "How many times THIS HOUR have you almost been killed"



you are getting hit by wing mirrors when you are walking around Sois....this shows that you are not aware of what is happening around you...Move further off the road...or at least keep an eye out on what is going on around you....I walk in and around Sois all over Pattaya and never have I been hit by a wing mirror or any other part of a vehicle. What are you doing wrong ???

The first lesson in road safety is to "Look both ways before you cross a street" Why do you think that this doesnt pertain to Thailand?? Generally I will wait for a break in the oncoming traffic and then just a quick look the other way to make sure...oh yeah that is what I do on one way streets here in Oz....sorry. The fact you said I usually do this but this time I didnt shows that you were not paying attention.

And yes, many farangs think that western rules and practices apply in Thailand....they dont !! In Thailand ....expect the unexpected...and take nothing for granted....same as you do at home really..



A good tip for getting accross 2nd road is to make out you want a baht bus to stop,then walk in front of him then try for another. Keep repeating this untill safely on the other side. :o

Then run like hel_l!

We should start a top tips thread


Great idea, banchang... i'm going to do that starting tomorrow.

Also, what about hiring a baht bus to take you across the street? I would gladly pay 5 baht for that.

Lots of idiots walking in the middle of both Soi Diana, Soi Buakao and all the other small Soi's in Pattaya thinking they're all walking streets.

How do you not walk in the middle of the road when the restaurants have taken up the pavements and then their customers park their motorcycles at right angles in the kerbs?


me - never

but I guess it IS damngerous. better to be safe than sorry.

actualy I remember one incident - once I have been hit by motosike. 3 teen gals, without helmets, and I bet no driving lisence. I was carring something like some purchased small table (with legs which can be folded) and was trying to cross small Soi. gals came on their motosike, turning from main road, so their speed was not much, and I think thier driver pressed break hard. the impact didn't do me any harm - but they collapsed in heap along with motosike. but no harm either - just few scratches and bruises, and their few bottles of "Bacardi-breezer" were broken. I offered them money to buy new drink - but they sped away afraind that police may come.

so, I guess that doesn't count as "NDE"


I've come close to being hit numerous times. Almost every time I cross a street or walk down a soi. Crossing Pattaya Tai by Soi Bukhao on a market day is quite exciting at times, especially with the landlady, her sister and their aunt all in tow.

No big deal. I keep my wits about me and watch the traffic. Make eye contact (if possible) with the oncoming traffic, let them know you are aware they are approaching. Look for a break in the traffic and go for it.

I keep close to the edge when walking down the sois. Kind of a pain when my Thai friends are with me, as they continuously try to walk beside me, putting them right in the path of the traffic. I'm always having to stop and drag them out of the way (they grew up here and don't seem concerned at all, trusting the drivers will slow down or move to avoid them !)

Many times I've crossed so close to a moving vehicle that I've had to suck my gut in to avoid being hit. Many times I've stood motionless in the middle of a busy road, having made it halfway across and waiting for a break in traffic in the other lane.

2 step dash, screeching halt to avoid a moto, 2 more steps, let baht bus pass, start, no stop, another moto, OK, 3 more steps and then try to wedge yourself between the parked motos to get onto the sidewalk.

Never been hit. The "close calls" are the result of my willingness to cut it close to get where I'm going (and having watched how the locals manage it).

Not just during High Season either, all year around. And it's not the "farangs" that are the major problem, it's the traffic in general.

Lack of rules and even worse enforcement gives the traffic an orderly form of chaos ("orderly form of chaos" ? I know it doesn't sound possible, "order" and "chaos" together). The locals don't seem to have a problem with it, just the farangs.

You just got to go with the flow !

A good tip for getting accross 2nd road is to make out you want a baht bus to stop,then walk in front of him then try for another. Keep repeating this untill safely on the other side. :o

Then run like hel_l!

We should start a top tips thread

Great post! :D


Walking along narrow sois is never easy. No footpaths and a long line of parked motor cycles...... next thing a giant tourist bus demands right-of-way and there just ain't no where to move to.

I can appreciate what the OP says about having his elbows struck by passing vehicles. The drivers see you but make no attempt to slow down or avoid hitting you. An elbow coming into contact with a wing mirror is not going to damage the mirror, so why worry about slowing down. :o

...as for Second Road, the safest way of getting to the other side, is to be born there.


Unfortunately farang tourists become suicidal after a few drinks. They think all vehicles will look out for them. Fortunately for the drunks most drivers do. The absolutely most STUPID thing I see is the farangs driving powerful rented crotch rockets and weaving in and out of traffic like they will live forever. It's amazing that more of them are not killed. That doesn't mean Thai drivers don't do stupid things but they are used to the traffic and pretty much know what to expect. The last time I went to Jomtien I saw a Thai lady on a motorcycle talking on her cell phone in the VERY heavy Sukhumvit Road traffic. She had three children on the bike with her.


I would wholehearted approve of no farang on tourist visa driving ban.

Not sure what this would do. Thais are the main driving problem in Pattaya.

A friend of mine (lives in Pattaya) says there is a higher concentration of idiots in Pattaya than anywhere in the world. BKK is #2.

And you're source for this information would be who Jim ?

Anyway I've told you a million times not to exagerate :o


Not sure what this would do. Thais are the main driving problem in Pattaya.

A friend of mine (lives in Pattaya) says there is a higher concentration of idiots in Pattaya than anywhere in the world. BKK is #2.

Where else has your friend driven ?

Almost every country has cities where the people claim to have the worst drivers possible.

Most of them don't have a clue.

Cairo is bad, driving outside the city is even worse.

Delhi sucks, period. Everyone seems to drive with their foot firmly squashing the accelerator to the floor, and honking their horns non-stop :D (and they seem to have an aversion to using their head-lights as well).

Kabul ? Forget it. There may be worse places in the world, but it's hard to imagine where they could be.

No rules, regulations, standards or enforcement, period. Trucks, cars, carts, motorcycles, bicycles, military vehicles, donkeys and hand-carts all competing for space on crappy roadways that have few if any markings, no traffic signs or lights and ineffectual police all add up to pure chaos.

By comparison, traffic (and drivers) in Pattaya and Bangkok is quite nice. There is a method to the madness believe it or not. There are a lot of accidents sure, but you are going to get that in any major urban center that has far too many vehicles than the infrastructure is capable of handling.

Even places that have stringent rules/standards, excellent roadways and pretty good enforcement (like most N American/Euro cities) still have nutty drivers and lots of accidents.

Look at the recent story about that english girl, driving with no hands on the wheel while applying her make-up !

Car crashes on the Autobahn are pretty common, some involving 40-80 vehicles ! What about the road-rage incidents in California, where people get shot at for cutting other people off !

Personally, I don't think things in Pattaya are all that bad. :o


Finally, it appears that the offenders (high speeders on 2nd rd, bad driving on Diana/Bukhao and wrong way on 1 way street [soi 10]) - are you guessed it FARANG.

Bugger got it wrong i guessd Thai femail

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