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Relative Safety Of Riding Baht Buses Vs. Driving Motorcycles ...


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I've had quitea few near misses on the m/c and one accident - where a car drove from a T junction side road onto the main road and he did not evven see me.

I've had two incidents on Baht buses. One where the bus set off too quickly and I was half on / half off. One where the driver got out of the cab and started screaming at my g/f and I for no apparent reason. Very threatening behaviour.

On the whole, I'd say Baht buses are a lot safer in traffic itself.

I have to admit I've yet to see a baht bus in an accident but have seem plenty of m/c accidents.

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to the OP

seems like a troll - there's no real answer to this as it's subjective to many factors

if I ate a boiled egg without removing the shell - what would happen

That's one of the purposes of a discussion forum. For people to freely discuss some things that might ultimately be unknowable. To express opinions and impressions about such things. We have SOME information, our own experiences and what's reported in the press, etc. but this being Thailand finding STATISTICS that would be meaningful would be another matter.

BTW: I hadn't realized we had the master judge of which thread is a "troll" and which is not though gracing our presence!w00t.gif Mod material perhaps?

Edited by Jingthing
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Every place I have lived in Thailand baht bus drivers ask cute people to sit in the front. Normally it is young women. I have been asked a couple of times but it was outside of a tourist area and the drivers might have been a bit tipsy. There are few women baht bus drivers but most of the time I was asked to sit up front it was by a woman driver.

I think, this is great for a topic/ poll in its own right!

Where do you normally sit/ prefer to sit on the aforementioned motorised vehicle?

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I saw this through the ThaiVisa email and was going to admonish the writer on his incorrect use of 'driving motorcycles' - you actually ride motorcycles.

But then I read the question and thought - then thought better of replying.

Oh, if those Baht Buses the writer talks about are in Pattaya, has the price gone up from 20 Baht, Thai inflation and all that?

Carry on

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I saw this through the ThaiVisa email and was going to admonish the writer on his incorrect use of 'driving motorcycles' - you actually ride motorcycles.

But then I read the question and thought - then thought better of replying.

Oh, if those Baht Buses the writer talks about are in Pattaya, has the price gone up from 20 Baht, Thai inflation and all that?

Carry on

It's never a bad day to be pedantic.

BTW, I DELIBERATELY used driving instead of riding. I'm naughty that way sometimes.

As this is the Pattaya forum and we use the term baht buses here, yes of course this is about Pattaya area conditions.

The fare remains at 10 baht which applies to all: Thai and foreigner.

There is such thing as 20 baht for a "long haul" ride but what actually constitutes a "long haul" isn't defined by the baht bus officials.

For the most part, 10 baht will suffice.

In local terms if you go from far out Jomtien to Naklua market, that would be a long haul for sure. But anything short of that, who knows?

Many people pay more and don't need to which I'm sure pleases the drivers.

Edited by Jingthing
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Shouldn't tempt fate by saying this but in 41 years of driving cars and riding motorbikes the only accidents I have been involved in have been where I was a passenger and someone else has been driving. On the basis of this experience I will back my own judgement and abilities rather than rely on of an unknown (to me) other driver every time. You can keep your baht buses.

Was all 41 years in Thailand?

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One of the things I love to do is ride the very back of the bus.

Does it add to the real or perceived danger?

Rather you than me.

Next time you are in traffic count the number of vehicles with dents at the rear. Then wonder what your legs would look like if subjected to the same treatment.

For me the whole point of being in a bahtbus is being in a bahtbus, not hanging precariously off the back of it. If I want the thrill of the wind in my hair I can go in my truck and wind the window down.

+1. Dangerous being on the back if someone rear-ends you. Life is dangerous too.

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Shouldn't tempt fate by saying this but in 41 years of driving cars and riding motorbikes the only accidents I have been involved in have been where I was a passenger and someone else has been driving. On the basis of this experience I will back my own judgement and abilities rather than rely on of an unknown (to me) other driver every time. You can keep your baht buses.

Was all 41 years in Thailand?

No, but 12 years on motorbikes with minimal car driving thrown in were and, surprisingly to some, I'm still alive to tell the tale!

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I saw this through the ThaiVisa email and was going to admonish the writer on his incorrect use of 'driving motorcycles' - you actually ride motorcycles.

But then I read the question and thought - then thought better of replying.

Oh, if those Baht Buses the writer talks about are in Pattaya, has the price gone up from 20 Baht, Thai inflation and all that?

Carry on

It's never a bad day to be pedantic.

BTW, I DELIBERATELY used driving instead of riding. I'm naughty that way sometimes.

As this is the Pattaya forum and we use the term baht buses here, yes of course this is about Pattaya area conditions.

The fare remains at 10 baht which applies to all: Thai and foreigner.

There is such thing as 20 baht for a "long haul" ride but what actually constitutes a "long haul" isn't defined by the baht bus officials.

For the most part, 10 baht will suffice.

In local terms if you go from far out Jomtien to Naklua market, that would be a long haul for sure. But anything short of that, who knows?

Many people pay more and don't need to which I'm sure pleases the drivers.

Is it actually possible to please a baht bus driver? I thought paying them more just made them a little less grumpy.

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Is it actually possible to please a baht bus driver? I thought paying them more just made them a little less grumpy.

Good point. Actually, there is the backfire effect. Every time a Russian tourist pays 100 baht for a 10 baht fare (yes this happens more than people realize) then the next time a "bad f-rang" like me who "knows too much" pays the correct 10 baht fare, they may get even GRUMPIER!

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Lot of bike accidents have a lot in common;

  1. Alcohol
  2. Inadequate driver experience and qualification
  3. Driving at speed
  4. Driving recklessly
  5. Total disregard for rules of the road
  6. Showing off, (being a total a___ h____)

Many fatal bike accident are the result of 3 or more items listed above by the rider or the vehicle that hits them.

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Is it actually possible to please a baht bus driver? I thought paying them more just made them a little less grumpy.

Good point. Actually, there is the backfire effect. Every time a Russian tourist pays 100 baht for a 10 baht fare (yes this happens more than people realize) then the next time a "bad f-rang" like me who "knows too much" pays the correct 10 baht fare, they may get even GRUMPIER!

There you go ... something we agree on 100% ... thumbsup.gif

It's almost as the less informed tourists create a rod for our back by paying over the top prices.

Then, as JT correctly points out, we get that look from the service provider.


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I live in Rayong and drivers pick up people with special needs and dont't charge some who have mental problems.

You mean they're giving free rides to all local ThaiVisa members??? tongue.png

Mostly TV members are confined to the Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Pattaya area. Once the Thai government finds out that they post on TV you need a special permit to visit Rayong. Rayong is a happy city. Farang like the Thais and Thais like the Farang.

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The biggest problem I have is that sooner or later everyone seems to get into minor

accidents with their cars. Fender benders and stuff. On a bike well ... that may translate into a 1000 dollar hospital bill.

My former students at companies have many stories about this.

Almost none of them drive a bike anymore.

So that is one qualitative answer. I once asked my doctor how many accidents involved just motorbikes vs. just cars.

He smiled and said the government does not keep accurate information about this.

I drive my bike only in Jomtien area and even that is getting unpleasant now.

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I prefer riding in the FRONT in the cab with the drivers.crazy.gif I do love me some baht bus drivers.

Then you are taking all the fun out of riding a baht bus. Sure, picking a fight with the driver can be fun, but standing at the back of the baht bus is whats riding a baht bus is all about. I always stand at the back, except buses with nasty small rails at the back, and no place to satnd properly, you can sort of hang on the upper rail on those buses, but it's no fun.

Only girls and old ladies use the seat next to drver btw!



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I think an important consideration is that if one is aware of all the hazards, he/she can take steps to avoid being a victim on the baht buses. Things like don't ride the bumper, hold on with at least one hand, grab something quickly while getting on as the bus may drive off before you are seated. But on a motorbike, other than wearing a helmet and protective clothing, there is little or nothing one can do to increase their safety.

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I prefer riding in the FRONT in the cab with the drivers.crazy.gif I do love me some baht bus drivers.

One of the things I love to do is ride the very back of the bus.


Is this the gay forum. Ooooooh, no it's not. Needs moving. coffee1.gif

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I prefer riding in the FRONT in the cab with the drivers.crazy.gif I do love me some baht bus drivers.

Then you are taking all the fun out of riding a baht bus. Sure, picking a fight with the driver can be fun, but standing at the back of the baht bus is whats riding a baht bus is all about. I always stand at the back, except buses with nasty small rails at the back, and no place to satnd properly, you can sort of hang on the upper rail on those buses, but it's no fun.

Only girls and old ladies use the seat next to drver btw!



I was joking mate.

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I prefer riding in the FRONT in the cab with the drivers.crazy.gif I do love me some baht bus drivers.

One of the things I love to do is ride the very back of the bus.


Is this the gay forum. Ooooooh, no it's not. Needs moving. coffee1.gif

Ohh... Well, I am a gay female-to-male transgendered person, who likes men. I am also a political black-lesbian feminist. neus.gif

I hope it's still possible to freely discuss transportation and mobility issues, without being banished and confined to some kind of special forum!

Edited by Morakot
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I prefer riding in the FRONT in the cab with the drivers.crazy.gif I do love me some baht bus drivers.

One of the things I love to do is ride the very back of the bus.


Is this the gay forum. Ooooooh, no it's not. Needs moving. coffee1.gif

Ohh... Well, I am a gay female-to-male transgendered person, who likes men. I am also a political black-lesbian feminist. neus.gif

I hope it's still possible to freely discuss transportation and mobility issues, without being banished and confined to some kind of special forum!

Well it becomes confusing when the OP asks a question but his eye is on the driver WHICH might cause an accident percentage increase in a bht bus as the OP is a guy and usually the bus driver is a guy. Yes/No.

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lets face it- even attempting to cross a Pattaya street is dangerous...

In comparison to what? Some of us don't need crossing guards anymore.

in comparison to regulated traffic.

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Has anyone ever heard about an accident involving a baht bus ?

Every time I drive it from Jomtien to S-Pattaya I am thinking that a bad acccident could happen , especially when the driver is going fast.

Yes I feel much safer as a passenger in a baht bus.

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