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Need Advice - Removing People From Houses.


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Not sure which forum to post this in so I will try here, if the mods think it should be somewhere else please move it :)

Basically a friend of a friend here in the UK has contacted me as he knows I live in Thailand. His friend is currently in jail here in the UK and he owns a gated community in Thailand. He asked at the time his friend to look after the houses. Well from what I have been told this man has been renting out the houses, pocketing all the money for himself and is also trying to sell the houses behind this mans back. So he wants me to go over there and remove this man from the house and anyone who is renting there and basically stay there and look after the place while he sells them.

So what I want to know is:

1. How do I find out if this man actually does own the houses?

2. If he does own the houses what sort of papers would I need to show this?

3. If he did own the house would he need to do something in order for me to say to whoever, OK look I have this paper to show that I am looking after these properties on behalf of Mr soandso.

4. Who would I go to to start the process? Police or some other arm of the law?

Obviously if its not 100% legit I wont be doing anything or getting involved. Does anyone have any advice for this?


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who has the chanut, I think you spell it that way. ask your friend where the document is and whos name is on it, if its his and he has the chanut, just move in, tell the occupiers that you now rent the place and to get in touch with the owner.

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If it's not a very good friend of yours then my advice would be to stay out of it.

Sounds like you would be getting into something, both time consuming and potentially unhealthy !!

Unless you are looking for a rent free place to stay for a while :)

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If it's not a very good friend of yours then my advice would be to stay out of it.

Sounds like you would be getting into something, both time consuming and potentially unhealthy !!

Unless you are looking for a rent free place to stay for a while smile.png

Well that was the idea, stay rent free, rent out and share the money of course and also try to sell the houses myself for a percentage. But unless this is not 100% legal I dont want anything to do with it. I mean it would be nice living rent free and making a nice income in Thailand but if it comes with hassle I just dont want it.

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If you insist on getting involved (and I wouldn't) then come over and go and see a lawyer.

You haven't got a clue what you are doing, are out of your depth and working in the dark. You need a lot more information (and knowledge) before you even think about having someone removed from these properties.

Somebody (lawyer/agent) must have acted for your friend's friend in the past - find them.

Not a good place for you.

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Yes, thanks for the info, I am nearly put off it all already. I mean if he thinks I am going to go over there, man handle these people throw them out and gain control of properties its just not going to happen. If I have to go down the route of lawyers and all of that taking a long time I am not doing it for free. I mean if the guy is truly the owner, has all of the papers and this can get done without fear of danger then I would do it, but if this is going to involve mafia and all the other BS that comes with it then I will just tell them I can't do it and to find someone else.

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Yes, thanks for the info, I am nearly put off it all already. I mean if he thinks I am going to go over there, man handle these people throw them out and gain control of properties its just not going to happen. If I have to go down the route of lawyers and all of that taking a long time I am not doing it for free. I mean if the guy is truly the owner, has all of the papers and this can get done without fear of danger then I would do it, but if this is going to involve mafia and all the other BS that comes with it then I will just tell them I can't do it and to find someone else.

There you go...

You knew the answer already :)

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Is this guy Thai ? If he is why does he have no one in Thailand that could help ? If he isn't then can he own this, as in foreigners can't own land ?

Can he have a work permit to do this legally ? Can you ?

If it's no to the above then it is far from 100% legal, whether it is or not walk away.

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If the man is not a Thai national the houses will not be in his name,maybe a company .He can only own 49 % of the company shares so he is legally not in a position to do anything at all.

Be nice to yourself and forget about this deal,let the man contact a lawyer over here if he wants to do something .

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If he owns the properties legitimately, then I would do as follows.

Find a friend who knows a policeman as high rank as possible and a lawyer.

Call a locksmith for all locks to be changed and hand you the keys.

Next hand the properties to an estate agent to rent and sell them.

Alternatively do nothing.

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I am meeting him on Friday I think, I will ask every question and get everything out of him and see what happens. I thought a Thai limited company you can own the land under that?

I'm assuming your "friend" is from Liverpool also then?Who is "looking after" the properties,Westerner or Thai?It sounds like a business partnership gone wrong,where is it?

If it's Phuket or Koh Samui then the chances of there being mafia involvement goes up by a factor of 5!

If it's Thai there'll probably be a Police pay off for protection also.In all honesty it sounds like you are walking into a minefield,what if they decide to make an example of you to stop other people coming to take the properties off them?

You really need to run a mile from this deal,if it was that easy someone would have done the job already that you are being asked to do,someone is playing you for a fool!

Think of what would happen if you walked into a nice housing estate in Liverpool and tried to take it over,then multiply that by 10,add guns and possibly sub-machine guns and there's your answer!

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Not being 100% legit has to be the understatement of the century. This whole deal stinks, criminals in prison, plus upfront Thai names, illegal ownership and an illegal properties renting business, I can assume is the case.

You must have some part in this, justiceFT96, otherwise you would not have been approached and asked to assist with this matter. No one would take on such a task of caretaking for properties and becoming involved with the eviction of tenants for a friend of a friend of a friend purely out of goodwill.

So in order to be able to advise you, please can you explain in detail who are these people, what parts they play in this and what exactly is the real deal here.

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Not being 100% legit has to be the understatement of the century. This whole deal stinks, criminals in prison, plus upfront Thai names, illegal ownership and an illegal properties renting business, I can assume is the case.

You must have some part in this, justiceFT96, otherwise you would not have been approached and asked to assist with this matter. No one would take on such a task of caretaking for properties and becoming involved with the eviction of tenants for a friend of a friend of a friend purely out of goodwill.

So in order to be able to advise you, please can you explain in detail who are these people, what parts they play in this and what exactly is the real deal here.

I cant explain in detail who these people are, if I knew I wouldn't be posting the questions would I? Whilst at a funeral a few weeks ago I was speaking to a friend who I dont keep in touch with that well but I know him well enough. He said he had been offered a job to work in Thailand looking after houses but he didn't want to go there and leave his family behind. I said I would be interested, bare in mind before I met with this other guy I assumed they had built a small village and wanted to rent it out for income and they wanted a manager to manage the houses, keep them cleaned and maintained etc.

I only found out once I met with this other guy that the actual owner of the property was in jail, I assumed the guy who I was meeting was the actual owner of the properties. The full story came out and I said I would ask about it and what would need to be done which I did here. After thinking about it all I have decided that if they want to evict people etc they will have to find someone else to do that, I am not getting involved in something like that. If after they have removed the people and everything is OK I would be more than willing to help with the properties, rent them out, keep them maintained, deal with any problems tenants may have as long as I can get a cut of the money. If I need to get a work permit I will.

So just to clarify, Friend A I have known for about 9 years, Man B I have met for about 10 minutes the other day, Man C I have never met nor will I ever meet.

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i THINK YOUR BEST ADVICE IS TO WALK AWAY. That being said I would get as much paperwork as you can gathered up and when you get here find a legal company that deal in real estate. Then take all your papers to them and see what they tellyou. They will give you the financial costs and the chances of winning.

AGAIN REMEMBER A THAI PERSON NEEDS TO OWN THE MAJORITY OF THE PROPERTY so if this friend of a friend of a friend is not THAi then there is no recourse for you to do anything.

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If you know nothing of living in Thailand then you know nothing of the way business matters are settled in cases like this....by the gun. If you show up and start making waves there is a 95% chance you will depart this planet in a messy way within weeks, or maybe even days or hours.

Tell your incarcerated mate to take care of his own affairs; don't be fooled into thinking you will make any money out of this for you will earn only grief.

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Sounds like a fine plan - but only if you say it really quickly and don't think too much about the detail.

This could make a new chapter for Stephen Leather's book Private Dancer.

It's free and a great intro into the steamy side of Thailand.


Have a read, I won't spoil it for you.

Oh and good luck with your possible project (or not).

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If it's not a very good friend of yours then my advice would be to stay out of it.

Sounds like you would be getting into something, both time consuming and potentially unhealthy !!

Unless you are looking for a rent free place to stay for a while smile.png

Well that was the idea, stay rent free, rent out and share the money of course and also try to sell the houses myself for a percentage. But unless this is not 100% legal I dont want anything to do with it. I mean it would be nice living rent free and making a nice income in Thailand but if it comes with hassle I just dont want it.


Walk if not run right now!


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Quite honestly, this sounds like the preamble to a newspaper story whereby some foreigner is discovered in five separate bin bags in a rice paddy or rubber plantation, or buried under the concrete foundations of their business associate's new house.

Amen to that...seriously Justice, give it a rest.

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Not being 100% legit has to be the understatement of the century. This whole deal stinks, criminals in prison, plus upfront Thai names, illegal ownership and an illegal properties renting business, I can assume is the case.

You must have some part in this, justiceFT96, otherwise you would not have been approached and asked to assist with this matter. No one would take on such a task of caretaking for properties and becoming involved with the eviction of tenants for a friend of a friend of a friend purely out of goodwill.

So in order to be able to advise you, please can you explain in detail who are these people, what parts they play in this and what exactly is the real deal here.

I cant explain in detail who these people are, if I knew I wouldn't be posting the questions would I? Whilst at a funeral a few weeks ago I was speaking to a friend who I dont keep in touch with that well but I know him well enough. He said he had been offered a job to work in Thailand looking after houses but he didn't want to go there and leave his family behind. I said I would be interested, bare in mind before I met with this other guy I assumed they had built a small village and wanted to rent it out for income and they wanted a manager to manage the houses, keep them cleaned and maintained etc.

I only found out once I met with this other guy that the actual owner of the property was in jail, I assumed the guy who I was meeting was the actual owner of the properties. The full story came out and I said I would ask about it and what would need to be done which I did here. After thinking about it all I have decided that if they want to evict people etc they will have to find someone else to do that, I am not getting involved in something like that. If after they have removed the people and everything is OK I would be more than willing to help with the properties, rent them out, keep them maintained, deal with any problems tenants may have as long as I can get a cut of the money. If I need to get a work permit I will.

So just to clarify, Friend A I have known for about 9 years, Man B I have met for about 10 minutes the other day, Man C I have never met nor will I ever meet.

Well, if you're staying out of it, good, although it woulda made a good "I told you so" thread indeed (which is gross, cmon people, seriously?)

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