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Retirement is a local office decision - marriage requires higher level approvals.

OK, understand. Is it also true that all passports of people applying for Non-O based on marriage (and extensions) are sent to Bangkok or are they processed locally?


Retirement is a local office decision - marriage requires higher level approvals.

OK, understand. Is it also true that all passports of people applying for Non-O based on marriage (and extensions) are sent to Bangkok or are they processed locally?

No, you keep your passport, which has a provisional approval stamp added by your local Thai Immigration Dept.

Then local Thai Immigration will add the full approval stamp when you go back towards the end of the conditional period, this is once the papers have been approved by the regional immigration head office (normally around 30 days after the last expiry date).

  • x2 copies of your Rental Contract + x2 copies of the Form Attesting that the Owner/Agency is hosting you;

    If the agency fills the above form, you will also need a letter attesting that the agency has full power to represent the owner.

    (Doesn't apply if you're owning a property, in which case the documents attesting your ownership should be enough.)

    Note: In all cases the address must match the one written on the form TM.7 above.

I've never had to provide any form attesting anything other than the rental contract. Is this a new requirement?

What happens if you own a house (through a company). Do you need to setup a rental contract with yourself or do you take all the sales paper (quite a lot involved)?

  • Original + x1 copy of the Letter provided by your Embassy attesting a monthly income of no less than 40 000 bath;

    Most embassies provide this letter quit easily (no proof required).

    Alternative option: having 400 000 bath in your Thai Bank Account for the past two months.

I've only heard of the US embassy offering to make an affidavit for income. Certainly the Danish embassy refuse to make one.



I've only heard of the US embassy offering to make an affidavit for income. Certainly the Danish embassy refuse to make one.

Anyone can draft up the affidavit; you dont necessarily have to use their templates. The witnessing signature/notary seal is what we are really paying for, right?

Although it is also true you cannot force a notary to sign something against their will.

"...the 2nd best time to plant a tree is today." Sent from ThaiVisa app (Galaxy Note 2).


All embassies provide a letter of some type. It my be in form of proving income or tax documents or something else.

Sent from my i-mobile i-note WIFI3 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


I asked the Danish Consulate in Jometien for this a few years ago and they said clearly they would not endorse any financial information. I made it clear it would be an affidavit, i.e. they would just confirm my statement, but the answer was a clear "no". I'd be very very interested hearing any one from mainland western Europe who has been able to get this from their consulate/embassy, and the details about it - how the letter was worded, and whether it was accepted by Thai immigration.


Would suggest you contact your embassy.

10 Sathorn Soi 1

South Sathorn Road
Bangkok 10120

Phone: +66 (0) 2343 1100
Fax: +66 (0) 2213 1752
E-mail: [email protected]

No problem for me the British Embassy will provide a statement of income (proof of income must be provided)


No problem for me the British Embassy will provide a statement of income (proof of income must be provided)

I was explicitly replying to this statement "Most embassies provide this letter quit easily (no proof required)."

I also made it clear that I was looking for "mainland western Europe". I know UK mostly follows US and are more willing to provide this. In my experience the countries of mainland Europe are more strict when it comes to financial/tax issues.

Why would I waste a day going to Bangkok when we have a fully functional consulate in Pattaya? This is a consular issue.


A question regarding the time it takes to renew non-o based on marriage: Does it take about 30 days to process wherever in Thailand you apply?

Yes, every immigration office will have you wait for 30 days, often starting from the day your current permission to stay ends.

Quick question: Can you leave the country - eg, I would need to go to Malaysia for a few days - while the visa extension is being processed by immigration during those 30 days?




Phil Conners

As they say -------"Up to You"!

Who suggested you "Wast a day"?

Seems the Danish Embassy is connected to modern communication systems ! They have a telephone , a Fax number and an email address!

However I have done your research for you and surprise !

This is what the Danish (Honorary) Pattaya Consulate say they will undertake !

"Consular services include marriage applications for Danish nationals marrying Thai nationals, verification and legalization of documents, issuing of child and emergency passports, issuing of letter for Thai driving license, issuing of pension certificate to use when applying for a 1-year visa in Thailand, as well as assistance in connection with illness and death and assistance in prison cases etc. Please note that the consulate cannot issue any visas for Thai nationals wishing to go to Denmark, but only provide information about the visa application process. In cases of urgent need, the Consulate can assist you in the transfer of money (financial assistance) from references in Denmark through the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

The red highlight is mine otherwise the wording and content is exactly as it appears on the web site !

The British system of income verification which requires proof (just to inform you) is very different when compared to the USA and can be conducted via post!


That is correct, but not what we're discussing here. They will issue paperworks for pensions, but unlike the US, and presumably the UK, embassies, they will not sign a document where you simply claim to have income without official supporting documents.


A question regarding the time it takes to renew non-o based on marriage: Does it take about 30 days to process wherever in Thailand you apply?

Yes, every immigration office will have you wait for 30 days, often starting from the day your current permission to stay ends.

Quick question: Can you leave the country - eg, I would need to go to Malaysia for a few days - while the visa extension is being processed by immigration during those 30 days?



You should be able to obtain a re-entry permit for that period once stamp is in your passport.


Phil Conners

The British Embassy WILL NOT provide a statement of income without PROOF of the claimed income being provided !

Clear ?

Very clear. Sorry, I must have misunderstood your post. I thought it was a reply to my question since you suggested I should contact the Danish Embassy in Bangkok.


Phil Conners

Indeed I did suggest you contact your Embassy as Honorary Consuls are sometimes reluctant to or are prevented from providing certain consular services.

Contacting the Embassy is a means of ascertaining exactly what consular services are available!


I don't know for other embassies, but mine first told me that they wouldn't issue such document, and then I spoke to another person who said that they would, so make sure to try different departments!

For information I have a friend who just got such document (attesting of income) from the French embassy simply based on his word. He provided prints of his online banking statements but they didn't even need them.

I understand that it depends on the embassy, but I'm sure that you'll sort it out whether they can certify your signature (you write/print an attestation of income for yourself and then they put their stamp on it) or whether they provide the document themselves.

Good luck!

  • 3 weeks later...

Am I the only one thinking this list of requirements are ridiculous?

Last year I did not brought this much documents and we never brought updated paper from Amphur to prove we are still married. Now on top of everything else, they also ask paper from Amphur?


So my 30 days under consideration for my Non O visa is going to expire. I phoned the immigration office and they told me not to worry about that. As long as I don't leave the country it's ok. So even if my visa comes next week I don't have to worry.

Now is this true????


Yes, your application is registered in the computer and if there are any problems immigraiton can check to see that you are awaiting approval.

It is not unusual that the process takes a little bit longer and you don't get a new under consideration stamp in that case.


Yes true according to immigration.

The under consideration stamp is all that is needed.

Date is minimum time to wait for extension to be approved.


I went to Cheng wattana, Bangkok immigration yesterday with my wife. Everything same except they insist on having a photo in front of home showing house number clearly. Plus, tabien ban of our home (original) was not enough (she haven't move her name to new home yet, no name in book) so they asked a copy of chanote. However they processed my visa (1 month, after 30 days they'll give the rest). We just went to home, print another photo and take photocopy of chanote (too big for A4 printer) and gave them afternoon.

There was also a complication with the bank book. I transferred enough money 2.5 months ago but never updated bank book until a week ago when I got my paper stating I have this much funds in bank at this time. However they only put records of August, not July or June. So to make sure I printed a 3 page bank statement from kasikorn online banking beginning from the June. Kasikorn branch in Chengwattana building base floor stamped and signed it (without confirming numbers) and told us book can't be updated with previous transactions. After wife telling to the lady in table, they accepted our papers (statement signed & stamped by kasikorn, photocopy of bankbook updated the day you apply, which can be done in your branch in Chengwatta building and that paper from your branch stating you have XXX baht at that time and your account is in good standing etc.)


Photo with house number showing has been required for years.

If you don't update bank book monthly you will only get a summary after a couple months.


Am I the only one thinking this list of requirements are ridiculous?

Last year I did not brought this much documents and we never brought updated paper from Amphur to prove we are still married. Now on top of everything else, they also ask paper from Amphur?

No they don't need the updated paper from the Amphur, check my previous messages.


Am I the only one thinking this list of requirements are ridiculous?

Last year I did not brought this much documents and we never brought updated paper from Amphur to prove we are still married. Now on top of everything else, they also ask paper from Amphur?

No they don't need the updated paper from the Amphur, check my previous messages.
That depends upon office you have to use. Best to get one before going to immigration to save another trip to immigration in case things have changed since last extension.

That is one of my wife's duties in getting ready for the extension.



All documents submitted today at the ChonBuri Immigration in Jomtien:

- They did not want the affirmation to marry.

- They did not ask for an up-to-date KR2.

- They did not want the inside/outside/front-door/building pictures, they only wanted one picture showing both of us. No copy required.

- The did not need 3 copies of the TM.7 forms (like stated in this post), 2 were enough.

- My 3-pages rental contract provided by a registered estate agency showing 3 signatures (owner, agency and renter), the agency's stamp and a copy of the owner's passport was not enough. They provided me with a special form that had to be filled by the owner, which declares hosting a foreigner in his property. Because the owner wasn't in Thailand I had to have this form filled by the agency renting his apartment, plus a special letter stating that the agency has full power to represent the owner!

phhhuuu! finally done!

Here is a summary for newcomers that will use the ChonBuri Immigration office in Jomtien:

  • x2 copies of the form TM.7 (download, note: must print on one sheet)

    Make sure to complete all the information properly and attach two passport-sized pictures.

    Most of the information can be found in your passport, except for your address for which you'll have to use the one in your rental contract (in case you are renting).

  • Your Original Passport;
  • x2 copies of your Passport Main Page, Visa Page (Non-Immigrant O), Entry Stamp Page and Departure Card;
  • x2 copies of your KhorRor.2 and KhorRor.3 (or KhorRor.22 if you got married aboard);

    Those documents were provided to you when you got married (or registered your marriage) at the Amphoe.

  • x2 copies of the Thai ID Card of your wife;
  • x2 copies of the House Registration of your wife;
  • x2 copies of your Rental Contract + x2 copies of the Form Attesting that the Owner/Agency is hosting you;

    If the agency fills the above form, you will also need a letter attesting that the agency has full power to represent the owner.

    (Doesn't apply if you're owning a property, in which case the documents attesting your ownership should be enough.)

    Note: In all cases the address must match the one written on the form TM.7 above.

  • Original + x1 copy of the Letter provided by your Embassy attesting a monthly income of no less than 40 000 bath;

    Most embassies provide this letter quit easily (no proof required).

    Alternative option: having 400 000 bath in your Thai Bank Account for the past two months.

  • 1 or more Original Photos showing you and your wife Together in your residence;

    Printed pictures are OK.

  • x2 copies of a Map to your Residence;

    Hand Written or Printed Google Maps are OK.

  • 1900 baht
Additional note: You will have to sign the Copies of your Passport. Your wife will have to sign the Copies of her ID Card and House Registration.
It's not that hard after all. Perhaps the Chon-Buri Immigration office make it easier than it is for other offices.

paulsh thanks for your up to date list.

You where renewing your extension of stay ( correct ? ) did they ask for whitnesses this time round ? ( seem to remember being told they only want whitnesses the first time )

Also you didn't state if they wanted to see the originals of the copies of house book, KR 2, KR 3 etc etc

I take the originals in case they want to see them.

Alternative option: having 400 000 bath in your Thai Bank Account for the past two months.

If using this option they will want a letter ( preferably same day ) from your bank stating that 400,000 baht has been in the acount

copies of the bank book and want to see the original bank book ( preferably with an update printed on that day too )


Thanks Mario,

they caught me out with having to provide a witness on my first extension bit of a mad rush to find one who could come to immigration at the drop of a hat.

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