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Paypal I Payed The Fees For Sending Money?

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4 day ago I send 5000 bath over PayPal

PayPal charged me 204 bath fees, and the person where I send the money pay 0 fees!

I called the PayPal hotline in the eu and ask how this can happen, aswer was we charge a fee for send foreign currency

Confirmed at hotline that the sender of money never have to pay!

In my case was first time via versa, but also Paypal cannot explain it!I never remover that I pay fees for sending and converting foreign currency!

I think some rules change now better I send euro now!

Transaction was send over visa card, read some report that visa very angry that company not earn something when card is used with PayPal!

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Paypal offers you two choices, pay for goods and item or pay for expenses, you chose the second choice and got charged according to their policies, next time choose the first choice and the receiver of the money will pay the fees.

always read everything when a choice is offered to you.

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I remain unconvinced that you are able to function in the real world. Please go home to your country where nothing ever happens to anyone. Eurodisney Paris may be your closest option. They have the Neverneverland ride there.

It sounds like everything you do in Asia involves your taking a bath.

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