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Surrounded By "enemy" Nationals On A Baht Bus; Confused As To Proper Etiquette

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You are right they came here to ride the Baht bus like you did

Best 10 baht ride in the world! thumbsup.gif

10 baht!!!

shocking price rise

it was 5 baht last time i rode

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Hi JIngthing,
Have no doubt, you did totally the sensible thing.
I haven't read through the comments on here but I have no doubt the usual idiot crowd will have been saying all sorts of rubbish about it.
What were you supposed to do? There is barely any reason to respond to a drunken crowd on a Baht bus at any time, other than politeness and a wish not to upset anyone, which could cause problems, but in this case your action completely diffused any possible situation occurring.
If you had said "American", most likely they would have just made some comments or other and that would have been that.
On the other hand, I have been in a Baht bus with drunken Iranians before (I was alone when about 7 got on in the bus near Tesco, North Pattaya Road at about 11pm) and some of them are BIG, and really, quite physical intimidating due to being large men, and drunk, though seemed friendly enough (a thing that can change in the blink of an eye in Pattaya, as anywhere, with scary consequences)
They did ask where I came from and I did say England, which seemed OK but if I was American would I have said so? No, of course not. Why would I? I was getting off that bus in two minutes. Why spoil my evening by being insulted, or worse.

You do realise that the UK is 'Little Satan' to the Us's 'Big Satan' as far as Iranians are concerned?

:) Yes, fully aware, though I was not aware of their nationality when they asked me mine. However, I would still have said what I said. Despite being from the land of the "Little Satan", admitting to being British to ordinary Iranians I would still perceive as of an acceptably low risk. Their reaction proved me right on that one. They seemed very pleased they had actually spoken to a Brit.

The difference between Little Satan and Big Satan, in many circumstances, is huge.


OP, Interesting that you think of people from Iran as your enemies.


Interesting? More like predictable that you didn't actually read the thread if you actually think that's what I think.

I read your post with interest and fully, your post title refers to enemies. I don't know what you think, just what you post.

Fear and Loathing of anything not American seems to be the way forward, eh? Admit it or be a Canadian forever!



Fear and Loathing of anything not American seems to be the way forward, eh?


You failed to get the gist then. If you want to perceive it incorrectly, even though I am telling you that directly now, I'd say that is YOUR problem. I actually don't believe you fully read the thread much beyond the title, or know my posts, if you think I go around with fear and loathing of anything not American. I am terribly cosmopolitan, my dear, perhaps to a fault. I haven't had a hamburger in years, or a hot dog in ... decades.


I always tell people I'm from Canada. Works pretty well most of them time. Sometimes they'll get suspicious and start asking me questions about Canada I don't know. Or they'll tell my my accent is definitely not Canadian.

I've met Americans that thought Canada was beside Italy. True story and that was in Florida.


I always tell people I'm from Canada. Works pretty well most of them time. Sometimes they'll get suspicious and start asking me questions about Canada I don't know. Or they'll tell my my accent is definitely not Canadian.

I've met Americans that thought Canada was beside Italy. True story and that was in Florida.

Great. Let's do a thread on the stupidest thing an American I met ever said. Should be a laugh riot!cowboy.gif

My favorite was a girl in my school who couldn't accept that there were any people in the world that didn't speak English. The very concept made her brain explode. I was afraid we'd have to call in the white coats when we had to calmly explain to her, that yes, it is so.


I always tell people I'm from Canada. Works pretty well most of them time. Sometimes they'll get suspicious and start asking me questions about Canada I don't know. Or they'll tell my my accent is definitely not Canadian.

I've met Americans that thought Canada was beside Italy. True story and that was in Florida.

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One funny thing I didn't mention yet about the ride with the drunken Persians was that one of them repeatedly referred to the Russian lady as BABUSHKA! Talk about stupid things to say. (She was early middle aged.)


Hi JIngthing,

Have no doubt, you did totally the sensible thing.

I haven't read through the comments on here but I have no doubt the usual idiot crowd will have been saying all sorts of rubbish about it.

What were you supposed to do? There is barely any reason to respond to a drunken crowd on a Baht bus at any time, other than politeness and a wish not to upset anyone, which could cause problems, but in this case your action completely diffused any possible situation occurring.

If you had said "American", most likely they would have just made some comments or other and that would have been that.

On the other hand, I have been in a Baht bus with drunken Iranians before (I was alone when about 7 got on in the bus near Tesco, North Pattaya Road at about 11pm) and some of them are BIG, and really, quite physical intimidating due to being large men, and drunk, though seemed friendly enough (a thing that can change in the blink of an eye in Pattaya, as anywhere, with scary consequences)

They did ask where I came from and I did say England, which seemed OK but if I was American would I have said so? No, of course not. Why would I? I was getting off that bus in two minutes. Why spoil my evening by being insulted, or worse.

It would have taken just one man not in his right mind due to drink to cause you a big problem.

A problem that may have injured you and caused, what are normally perfectly decent people, to have their holiday spoiled by a trip to the police station, just because of drink fuddled brains.

Let's face it, you had second to decide what to do, surrounded by big, drunken and boisterous people. People that your government is screwing in to the ground and that you, quiet reasonably, assumed may have had a less than favourable view of your presence in that Baht bus.

Any other action you took could, though probably would not have, caused a problem. You decided, sensibly, in a second, to stop any possibility. Well done.

So, you did not talk to one drunken group of people in Pattaya, to stop any potential problem. If anyone thinks you should have done then just point out that there are plenty more drunken groups to talk to in Pattaya. No shortage at all, and most of them aren't being screwed by your government.

After all, it isn't easy to get out of a moving Baht bus surrounded by big foreigners, unless they decide to "help" you out, which was a very remote possibility. Let's face it, when drunken groups are involved, anythings possible.

I first visited Pattaya some 20 years ago and have lived here for a huge portion of time since, though around 50 other countries visited, over 30 years, and 72 Thai provinces.

Believe me, after seeing the problems big, butch and "why did you not tell them you were American" types seem to attract here, and elsewhere, anyone who thinks you did the wrong thing has not been around much, and seen what I have seen.


Brown nose


Would you have felt more comfortable on a bus full of drunken Canadians? (particularly after having read some of the comments in this thread?)

I wonder if you are not projecting some of your own attitudes concerning the culpability of citizens for the sins of their government, onto citizens of other countries. Nationals of other countries don't feel the need to do that. Danes would have a lot of reason to avoid proclaiming their Danishness in a crowd of Arabs- yet I have seen Danish people do that without batting an eye- and - no problem.

You also seem to think that Iranians are so stupid as to believe that the pressure on their government is only American- they KNOW that there are countries even MORE ready to send in air strikes than the US- I THINK France has made some pretty beligerent statements of late. And the sanctions are supported by many countries aside from the US_ Don't take it so damned personally.

Be wary of drunks on baht buses.

fine=- but leave the national origins out of it- especially when there is a pretty good chance that those people hate their government even more than yours does. (and if you don't know what's been happening in Iran at the universities-- on the streets- in the last ten years- the massacres- find out!)

There is a lot MORE opposition- and dedicated opposition - to the Iranian government in Iran than there is to the American within America (operative word being 'dedicated'). (This is what the sanctions are depending on- that the opposition will create a groundswell that will topple the gov't from within).

And Simon- you are again assuming that all Iranians believe it is the US (not the UN) that is screwing them. When in fact- the kind that go to Pattaya are very likely to be the kind that would prefer to drink and whore at home- were it not for the mullahs and 'encouraged' Islam. Again- we are talking Iran- NOT Saudi!


Would you have felt more comfortable on a bus full of drunken Canadians? ...


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For someone who talks so much, it's a wonder that he was so quiet on the bus. From reading the utter rubbish posted by the OP on this thread, I think it was best that the OP kept his mouth shut. He would irritate anyone with his blather.

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For someone who talks so much, it's a wonder that he was so quiet on the bus. From reading the utter rubbish posted by the OP on this thread, I think it was best that the OP kept his mouth shut. He would irritate anyone with his blather.

If only you'd set a better example.

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For someone who talks so much, it's a wonder that he was so quiet on the bus. From reading the utter rubbish posted by the OP on this thread, I think it was best that the OP kept his mouth shut. He would irritate anyone with his blather.

I think he likes me ... wub.png

At the very least since he claims to know me but too "shy" to approach, perhaps a secret reviler ... coffee1.gif

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For someone who talks so much, it's a wonder that he was so quiet on the bus. From reading the utter rubbish posted by the OP on this thread, I think it was best that the OP kept his mouth shut. He would irritate anyone with his blather.

If only you'd set a better example.

Of what? Not speaking up. Being afraid to mention my nationality. Beginning yet another self centred thread? Exhibiting signs of xenophobia whilst living in a foreign country? Being a rude killjoy? What exactly? If you are going to intervene on your girlfriend's behalf, at least make it sensible.

The fact is that he had no strength of conviction. Just blathering away on a forum. Men can admit they were wrong.


For someone who talks so much, it's a wonder that he was so quiet on the bus. From reading the utter rubbish posted by the OP on this thread, I think it was best that the OP kept his mouth shut. He would irritate anyone with his blather.

I think he likes me ... wub.png

At the very least since he claims to know me but too "shy" to approach, perhaps a secret reviler ... coffee1.gif

Did I write that I know you? I wrote that I have 'seen' you. For one who loves to engage in semantics and obfuscation, you seemed to have failed to read the comments to which you are replying. Though you are quick to attack others for their interpretations of what you have written. A contemptible character indeed.

I am never of a mind to engage personally with the likes of you. You would wriggle like a snake in any debate, as witnessed here.


For someone who talks so much, it's a wonder that he was so quiet on the bus. From reading the utter rubbish posted by the OP on this thread, I think it was best that the OP kept his mouth shut. He would irritate anyone with his blather.

If only you'd set a better example.

Of what? Not speaking up. Being afraid to mention my nationality. Beginning yet another self centred thread? Exhibiting signs of xenophobia whilst living in a foreign country? Being a rude killjoy? What exactly? If you are going to intervene on your girlfriend's behalf, at least make it sensible.

The fact is that he had no strength of conviction. Just blathering away on a forum. Men can admit they were wrong.

This seems like a splendid opportunity to divert the discussion to a more pleasant and less divisive topic, though it is hard to imagine something as innocuous as riding a baht bus.

Like many of us, I am sure that you will be wishing JT's fellow travellers the very best of luck when their rugby team comes up against Malaysia at the Petaling Jaya stadium on Tuesday. Not me, obviously, I'll be cheering for the home side. But nevertheless, I am hoping that once again, we will see how sport, and rugby in particular, can bring people from different nations, religions and viewpoints, together.

Remember: Malaysia v Iran 16:00 (THAI) on Tuesday - the world is watching (though not literally, as it's not on television)


EDIT: For want of a t the supper was lost...



A contemptible character indeed.


Your curious CONTEMPT for me personally is well noted as it has been repeatedly expressed.thumbsup.gif

Looking forward to seeing some threads started by YOU for some examples of politically correct topics so we all can learn from a person of obvious superior moral character. Clearly someone like you who resorts to snarky homophobic digs (girlfriend?bah.gif) is a person to be followed with total respect as an example of a REAL man. cowboy.gif


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But nevertheless, I am hoping that once again, we will see how sport, and rugby in particular, can bring people from different nations, religions and viewpoints, together.


A very nice thought, SC, but it doesn't always work out that way.



A contemptible character indeed.


Your curious CONTEMPT for me personally is well noted as it has been repeatedly expressed.thumbsup.gif

Looking forward to seeing some threads started by YOU for some examples of politically correct topics so we all can learn from a person of obvious superior moral character. Clearly someone like you who resorts to snarky homophobic digs (girlfriend?bah.gif) is a person to be followed with total respect as an example of a REAL man. cowboy.gif


Actually I didn't have a problem with you personally until you started this stupid thread and then wriggled like a snake when questioned. No conviction at all. Just blather.

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Actually I didn't have a problem with you personally until you started this stupid thread and then wriggled like a snake when questioned. No conviction at all. Just blather.

We get it, dude. You think I'm a snake. High level of discussion here.


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Lot of heated views on here. Im sure JT more than likely would have been fine revealing his nationality but felt uncomfortable & chose not.

No biggie really, we make judgement calls when we see groups of people, especially when drinking & act how we see fit.

I have found as stated many tourists are just genuinely interested in where other folk are from.

As for saying your from somewhere else well thats possible depending on accent. Irish is normally a safeish bet. If they or someone else disputes your accent you could then say Irish American lol.

Alternatively if you just want to keep quiet & not appear rude erm

Well perhaps learning sign language & making out you are deaf would have been a better solution biggrin.png


More than likely OK isn't good enough for me when I really wasn't interested in socializing with that gang of drunks in the first place! I agree I would more than likely have been OK (I never said differently) and I also think probably most Iranians WANT to meet Americans more than ANY other nationality. But I was in no mood to be the novelty American for that group of drunks and yes I felt I would have been expected to voice soothing political BS about the conflict between our nations, just like that Brit did, but I DEFINITELY was not up to doing that. It's no random miracle that Brit spouted that political BS whether he believed it or not; he picked up the vibe that's the kind of interaction this group was seeking. So for me to tell them what I REALLY THINK about the conflict between our nations I think would have greatly increased the chance of things being: Not OK.

BTW, yes I have known a number of Iranians in America. They aren't the same as Iranian tourists in Pattaya! They migrated to America. That's a SELF SELECTED kind of Iranians. Many of them were connected to the SHAH. Many of them are JEWS who felt the desire to leave after the revolution.


Lot of heated views on here. Im sure JT more than likely would have been fine revealing his nationality but felt uncomfortable & chose not.

No biggie really, we make judgement calls when we see groups of people, especially when drinking & act how we see fit.

I have found as stated many tourists are just genuinely interested in where other folk are from.

As for saying your from somewhere else well thats possible depending on accent. Irish is normally a safeish bet. If they or someone else disputes your accent you could then say Irish American lol.

Alternatively if you just want to keep quiet & not appear rude erm

Well perhaps learning sign language & making out you are deaf would have been a better solution biggrin.png


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So whats the problem????

you said;

I support my government's efforts against the Iranian government. I am NOT apolitical about this at all.

and then that you do nto wanna lie about being a canadian or so.

so if you have such strong convictions you should either admit you a american or get off. thats the way i see it.

you decided to stay on th ebus and play "dumb".

so technically you are a coward

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