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U.s. Woman Is Latest Gang-Rape Victim In India


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MANALI, INDIA (BNO NEWS) -- An American woman was the latest gang-rape victim in northern India, local media reported Tuesday.

The incident occurred at around 1 a.m. local time when the woman decided to hitchhike her way back to Manali, the popular tourist site in the state of Himachal Pradesh, after visiting the Vashisht village on Monday afternoon and failing to find transportation.

According to the Hindustian Times, the 31-year-old woman was able to flag down a truck, but soon after, the driver pulled over at a secluded area where he and two of his friends allegedly raped the woman for around an hour.

The men then robbed her camera, cellular phone, tablet, and cash, before dropping her off at Beas bridge at around 3 a.m. The woman walked toward the nearest police station, and authorities later confirmed the sexual assault after conducting medical tests at a civil hospital in Manali.

The U.S. Embassay was informed and in contact with the victim, as the media outlet said authorities later detained three youths, although the victim was unable to identify them. The woman's identity was not immediately disclosed.

The number of sexual assaults in India has dramatically increased in recent months, as the number of female tourists has also dropped. One of the most alarming incidents occurred in New Delhi earlier in the year when six men gang-raped a 23-year-old Indian student who would eventually lose her life.

(Copyright 2013 by BNO News B.V. All rights reserved. Info: [email protected].)

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A badly planned trip certainly. Its no excuse for her ordeal though. There was a 15 year old murdered in Goa a few years ago which sticks in my mind.

No, India is not a safe place for a young single female to travel around indeed. Far too many sexually repressed young men kicking their heels....

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Definitely a shame, but how stupid could this woman be??????? Hitchhiking in India at 1 am?????????

And gets into a truck with (at least) 3 young men.

Seems to me that in many parts of the USA (and in many other western / supposedly first world countries) this

would be an unwise action, let alone in India.

This all reminds me of a young lady from New York (quite some years back) who visited Thailand. I met her by accident, she walked into a restaurant, walked up to my table, and asked directions, she was a very arrogant and very over confident young lady, and made no attempt to listen to my friends who tried to answer her questions. She had no other conversation other than herself, and talked continuously about how many black belts etc., she had, and how she could take 4 men down at the same time. (And of course you can find folks like this anywhere in the world.)

She got molested and beaten up on the hidden end of Jomtien beach late at night.

Edited by scorecard
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Unless I am mistaken, it sounds like she had been unable to find transport back and that is why she was hitchhiking. It might have been a case of no place to stay there and no way to get back. Either way, she was in a very vulnerable situation.

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It is a sad case, but can people really be so naive to hitchhike in the middle of the night and get in a truck with three guys. It seems some people leave their common sense behind when going on holiday.

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Very sad but yes a big risk in India. A fellow teacher liked India bbshd said often men would stick hands up her til and molest her and try to kick her hotel dkkr in. She had been a cocktail waitress before so was used to groping men but even so in India women out of family protection are considered "public property".

Hopefully they will hang/improsen for life the guys that did it but even then it won't stop it.

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Definitely a shame, but how stupid could this woman be??????? Hitchhiking in India at 1 am?????????

And gets into a truck with (at least) 3 young men.

Seems to me that in many parts of the USA (and in many other western / supposedly first world countries) this

would be an unwise action, let alone in India.

This all reminds me of a young lady from New York (quite some years back) who visited Thailand. I met her by accident, she walked into a restaurant, walked up to my table, and asked directions, she was a very arrogant and very over confident young lady, and made no attempt to listen to my friends who tried to answer her questions. She had no other conversation other than herself, and talked continuously about how many black belts etc., she had, and how she could take 4 men down at the same time. (And of course you can find folks like this anywhere in the world.)

She got molested and beaten up on the hidden end of Jomtien beach late at night.

There was a young Chinese girl who hitchhiked to BKK from CM. I urged her to not go alone and well this is a bit of a boring story as nothing happened, but my point is that these young people in a foreign country feel free from hometown rules and laws and like they can do anything. Most of them spend time around carefree hostels and touristy areas where they are relatively safe. Sadly, it's not the case when you're out alone at night.

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Troll posts and replies have been deleted. It might be wise to read the OP before commenting. It clearly states:

The incident occurred at around 1 a.m. local time when the woman decided to hitchhike her way back to Manali, the popular tourist site in the state of Himachal Pradesh, after visiting the Vashisht village on Monday afternoon and failing to find transportation.

Please stay on topic and exercise care in your posts.

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Incredible India! How many gruesome incidents
of this sort were reported just within the past 6 months. The young Indian girl
who was gang raped and eventually died in Singapore. A 5 year old child who died
after being raped by her uncle, a Swiss woman who was gang raped who was with
her husband and now this one. These are only the ones that are exposed but from
what I hear there are many incidents of this terrible nature happening on a
daily basis. It is a ugly and shameful behaviour which brings a terrible image
to India.

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decided to hitchhike her way back to Manali at 01:00, say mo more.

Are you saying not suprising based on the savages and perverts in India or that she deserved it at 1:00 a.m. trying to get a lift?

What is with the gang rape thing. Sloppy seconds, thirds, fourths and on and on is just gross not to mention what kind of person is turned in by forcing a women to have sex that has no desire to be with them.

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Unless I am mistaken, it sounds like she had been unable to find transport back and that is why she was hitchhiking. It might have been a case of no place to stay there and no way to get back. Either way, she was in a very vulnerable situation.

Sickening that people prey on the vulnerable rather than help them.

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In a country of 1.24 billion people there are bound to be sexual deviants. As awfulk as some aspects of India are, I don't think these cases are an indication of the overall nation. The positive aspect of the case is that the Indian press is reporting on the case and the Indian population is upset by these incidents.

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Definitely a shame, but how stupid could this woman be??????? Hitchhiking in India at 1 am?????????

Don't worry - I'm sure the judge will take your point into account.

Yeah, he probably will concur she deserved it.

When we we start locking up the males? Males commit 98 % of violent crime, in all nations and it's time to get them off the streets- let a few out when population needs replenishing [ sarcastic, but no not really smiley]

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She was stupid?

Part of the contingent that wants women to never travel alone and - god forbid- be out at night alone.

The Taleban is alive and well in the western male's attitude

Definitely a shame, but how stupid could this woman be??????? Hitchhiking in India at 1 am?????????

Hmmm, so you would advise, say, your daughter or wife to travel alone and accept rides from strangers in India late at night?

This has nothing to do with women's rights, but rather common sense. Or rather, self-preservation. It's almost like driving drunk. Chances are, nothing will happen. But you increase the risk. I would advise people to not drive drunk, and young women to not travel alone in India. Personally, I advise everyone to avoid India altogether.

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It doesn't sound like a very safe destination for female travelers.

Actually India doesn't sound like a very safe place for females full stop. How many gang rape stories have come out this year alone concerning women on buses and young children being gang raped?

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Come on, people be reasonable. !,24 Bn population! 5-6 cases of rape blown wide open by sensationist media. Maybe another 100 cases not reported. This makes probability of something like this happen such a small figure about

1 in 124,000,000 that you are safer to go to India than to sit at home (wherever you are).

N.B. I'm not an Indian.biggrin.png

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In a country of 1.24 billion people there are bound to be sexual deviants. As awfulk as some aspects of India are, I don't think these cases are an indication of the overall nation. The positive aspect of the case is that the Indian press is reporting on the case and the Indian population is upset by these incidents.

Disagree. India as a culture has not vigorously prosecuted rape cases. Rapes are prevalent in police stations, military personnel and by those viewed as having authority in India. Wasn't 2004 when protesters disrobed to protest at military offices regarding their daughters being raped by military personal. That got media huge attention, but a week later another incident by military personnel.

India authorities place blame on women. The Swiss girl that was gang raped in March was blamed as was her husband. The lawyer of dudes who gang raped and killed girl on bus blamed the victim publicly. Why, because deeply engrained in the culture is a tolerance toward the abuse of women and such bs resonates there.

Sadly, a few bad press releases will do little or nothing to change such a deeply engrained belief system regarding women anytime soon.

Edited by F430murci
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