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It has long been a pain in my proverbial to see the blatant misuse of the above terms, on Television (programme times)

bars and restaurants (opening/closing/happy hour times)

So please let me inform everyone that 12 AM is 12 O'clock midday and 12 PM is 12 O'clock midnight.

If you insist on using the terms, which incidently don't actually mean anything, please use them correctly.

Thank you. thumbsup.gif

Or even better use the 24 hr clock and avoid any confusion whatsoever.

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Yep. So 12:01, 1 minute after midnight is 12;01am and 12:01 in the day is 12:01pm. Correct.

I dont think telly shows get it wrong. I cant say Ive ever seen that happen.


Yes they get that wrong here more than they get it right. But in their defense I can see how it would be confusing as one would think that the switching of AM to PM would occur at 1 when the 12 hour clock starts over.


Neither is technically correct no matter how applied, and really shouldn't be used at all after a 12, buuuuut, they do indeed have meaning.

am is ante meridiem (meridian), meaning before midday

pm is post meridian (meridian), meaning after midday

Have a nice day.

AM - After midnight & PM - Past midday is likely easier to remember..............wink.png

But the meanings above are 100% correct.

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Neither is technically correct no matter how applied, and really shouldn't be used at all after a 12, buuuuut, they do indeed have meaning.

am is ante meridiem (meridian), meaning before midday

pm is post meridian (meridian), meaning after midday

Have a nice day.

AM - After midnight & PM - Past midday is likely easier to remember..............wink.png

But the meanings above are 100% correct.

Oh, yeah, I forgot about those two.



Yep. So 12:01, 1 minute after midnight is 12;01am and 12:01 in the day is 12:01pm. Correct.

I dont think telly shows get it wrong. I cant say Ive ever seen that happen.

Krisb To be pedantic 1 second after 12 Am ie. 12.00.01 PM is PM and 1 second after 12 PM ie. 12.00.01 AM is AM.

Asian Food Channel (AFC) gets it wrong everytime without exception.


Don't ask them to start counting to 24 without some extra fingers and toes or a calulator. They do struggle with their own time frame already :P


Don't ask them to start counting to 24 without some extra fingers and toes or a calulator. They do struggle with their own time frame already tongue.png

You could be right I saw a sign outside a bar last night advertising " Happy Hour 1400 PM to 1800 PM "

I had to have laugh to myself giggle.gif

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And in theory an arrow in flight can be proved to never move because at any fixed point in time it's in one place.

Well well that arrow just flew right over my head, i'll have a pint of what your drinking mate. unsure.png


Here's one that always confuses me. Is midnight on a 24 hour clock 24:00 or 00:00? Seen quite a few 00:00's in Thailand but never seen it anywhere else.


Here's one that always confuses me. Is midnight on a 24 hour clock 24:00 or 00:00? Seen quite a few 00:00's in Thailand but never seen it anywhere else.

It is often shown as 24:00 but to my mind that's not possible because there is no such time as 24:01


Here's one that always confuses me. Is midnight on a 24 hour clock 24:00 or 00:00? Seen quite a few 00:00's in Thailand but never seen it anywhere else.

It is often shown as 24:00 but to my mind that's not possible because there is no such time as 24:01

I agree. So if 1 minute before midnight is 23:59 and 1 minute past midnight is 00:01 - can midnight be both 24:00 and 00:00?


Here's one that always confuses me. Is midnight on a 24 hour clock 24:00 or 00:00? Seen quite a few 00:00's in Thailand but never seen it anywhere else.

It is often shown as 24:00 but to my mind that's not possible because there is no such time as 24:01

I agree. So if 1 minute before midnight is 23:59 and 1 minute past midnight is 00:01 - can midnight be both 24:00 and 00:00?

Surely it has to be 00:00 . There are 24 hours in a day. The time which elapses from the millisecond after 23:00 until the millisecond it turns midnight is sixty minutes. That means the twenty fourth hour of the day has ended (not that it is beginning). 23:xx is a minute in the twenty fourth hour of the day ... not the twenty third.

Then again, is 07:00 called 07:00 because it is the end of the seventh hour or is it simply because anything in the following hour can only be called 07:something (because it's not yet 08:something)?




That's a fairly small annoyance.

Anything else on the grill?

Posted Today, 15:45

It has long been a pain in my proverbial to see the blatant misuse of the above terms, on Television (programme times)

bars and restaurants (opening/closing/happy hour times)

So please let me inform everyone that 12 AM is 12 O'clock midday and 12 PM is 12 O'clock midnight.

If you insist on using the terms, which incidently don't actually mean anything, please use them correctly.

Thank you. thumbsup.gif

Or even better use the 24 hr clock and avoid any confusion whatsoever.


To avoid confusion the British Army binned midnight altogether & instead used 2359hrs.

When syncronising watches (before the digital era) it was standard practice to do so by the Artillery reps watch ("Gunner time").



I concur with WTK, too. Midnight is 12am and noon is 12pm.

At the time of typing, it is 8.47pm (20:47), May 9th. In just over three hours it will be 11.59 pm (23:59), May 9th. One minute after that we will be at midnight (00:00), the calendar will show May 10th and so it will be 12 am as it is the start of a new day. How can 12 pm be midnight when it is not even the same day?

I'm guessing the OP is just trolling (which makes my post a complete waste of time!).


Sorry but the OP is incorrect. Unless some specific condition applies in Phuket.

Everywhere else though: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/12-hour_clock#Confusion_at_noon_and_midnight

Sorry to burst your wikipedia bubble but, this is from http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/info/noon.htm

I think they may have more knowledge than you or me or wikipedia when it comes to when AM and PM starts No???

Every day starts precisely at midnight and A.M. starts immediately after that point in time e.g. 00:00:01 A.M. (see also leap seconds)

To avoid confusion timetables, when scheduling around midnight, prefer to use either 23:59 or 00:01 to avoid confusion as to which day is being referred to.

It is after Noon that P.M. starts e.g. 00:00:01 PM (12:00:01)


Don't ask them to start counting to 24 without some extra fingers and toes or a calulator. They do struggle with their own time frame already tongue.png

I think it is we who struggle with their time frame. My wife and I use the 24 hour or AM PM time frame I haven't a clue when she starts in with the Thai system. I think it is dividing the day up into three different time slots.wacko.png

Actually 00:00 is neither AM or PM it is midnight. 00:001 is AM

12:00 is neither AM or PM it is noon. 12:001 is PMwai2.gif


This is Thailand, who gives a toss what time it is anyway. Time for a beer, time for golf, whatever. coffee1.gif

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So please let me inform everyone that 12 AM is 12 O'clock midday and 12 PM is 12 O'clock midnight.

OP post a link that says 12 am and 12 pm are meaningless and yet the OP says that 12 am is midday and 12 pm is midnight...tell that to your hotel when they tell you that checkout time is 12 PM....NOON TIME...

TECHINCALLY 12 am is exactly neither am or pm....it is 00:00 Techincally 12 PM is neither am or pm it is 12:00....but around the world exactly one minute past midnight is 00:01 or 12:01 AM...one minute before midnight is 23;59 which is PM.........one minute past noon is 12:01 PM....one minute before noon is 11;59 which is AM.

bottom line is 12 AM is considered MIDNIGHT and 12 PM is considered NOON....this is the system used by airline, hotels, broadcast programs and every other function worldwide...I believe that they may be pretty sure of it.....

but for the OP please feel free to show up at MIDDAY for a flight departing at 12 AM or at midnight for a flight scheduled for 12 PM and see how that works out for you.

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I think the OP has got this one wrong. Midnight is 12am and noon 12pm. Hence why half past midnite would be referred to as 12.30am etc etc.


12 am is MIDNIGHT

12 pm is NOON

PM means post meridiem... after the middle

AM means ante meridiem... before the middle

post meridiem = after midday

ante meridiem = before midday

Note the diem part of meridiem, which is a declined form of dies = day

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


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